Chapter 4

I’m Glad I Loved You

Nice to meet you


During the ride from the airport to the dorm, Taemin was silent and thought of the girl he met just a moment ago. When SHINee arrived at their dorm, the first thing Taemin did was lock himself in his room. He let himself fall on his bed and frustrated messed his hair.

“What did I do wrong?”

Pictures of the girl flashed on his mind and Taemin quickly shook his head.

“I think I’m just tired…” he nodded before sitting back up.


“Yah! Taemin, let me in! It's my room too, you know.” Minho’s deep voice resounded in the dorm as he knocked the door loudly.

The door suddenly spurned open and Taemin walked out with a hoodie and a mask. Minho looked at him with big eyes as it was rare to see their cute maknae being angry. Furthermore, none of them did anything to him.

“Hyung, I’m going out to buy milk” Taemin let Minho know before heading out.


Soomin tiredly dragged her feet to the hotel. After the long flight, she felt lazy and exhausted. All she wanted right now was the cozy and warm bed. Gildong led her to her room, while two other bell boys helped to carry her luggage. Once everything was transferred to her room, Soomin suddenly heard her tummy grumbling. She headed toward the fridge, hoping there would already be storage. However, to her dismiss, it was completely empty. She looked around and found a letter placed on the counter. Curiously, she opened it, only to find a short and simple message from her father about her living expense and such.

“Time to explore my new environment” she said to herself in delight.

Soomin headed out to the closest convenience store, hoping to get her favorite snacks.


Taemin stared at the different milks, wondering which he should take. Of course, he would usually pick banana milk, but he didn’t felt like it today. So he was struggling between coffee and chocolate, as both had a bitter, yet sweet ending taste, just like his mood right now. Taemin finally decided to pick one randomly, but as he turned around, his hand his someone by accident.

Soomin passed by the drink section, looking for her favorite soda beverage, Milkis. Finding her drink, she took a step forward, but suddenly a careless hand made contact with her cheeks, making her flinch because of the sudden pain. *Such a bad luck today!*, she thought.

Both two turned around to see who the victim, or guilty, was. Soomin looked up and quickly recognized the boy from the airport despite his camouflage.

“You!” she pointed him, “Why do you have to be everywhere I go?” she complained as she shook her head in displease.

Taemin looked at her for a while, without knowing what she was talking about. Until he realized the girl standing in front of him was from earlier. The milk issue made him temporally forget about her.

“Yaah, shouldn’t I say the same?”

Soomin rolled her eyes and turned around after grabbing her drink.

Taemin looked at her, as she walked away. He felt a strange feeling in him. He was somehow irritated, but at the same time, he couldn’t figure out why his heart started to beat incredibly fast after this short meeting. He walked to the cash, while putting a hand in his jacket, to take his wallet out. About 3 meters away from the line, he paused. *Aish, I forgot my wallet!* Taemin stared at the tempting milk.

“Are you going to move forward?” an impatient voice asked.

Taemin turned around, and at the sight of Soomin, his eyes lit up.

“Can I…” he hesitated, wondering if he really should.

“What?” Soomin asked annoyed. She was really hungry at the moment.

“Can I ask you a favor?” Taemin asked, with aegyo. Soomin lifted an eyebrow, surprised by his sudden change of behavior. “Can you pay for my milk? I promise, I’ll pay back”

“Wow.. Are celebrities that badly treated? You can’t even afford a small box of milk” she joked.

“It isn’t like that!” the young dancer defended himself. “I just forgot my money, that all…”

Soomin laughed and made a quick nod that pointed to the counter. Seeing her response, Taemin couldn’t help but pump his fist in the air.

The pair walked out of the store and Taemin offered to walk her back home, as it was getting dark.

 “I’m sorry about earlier” the boy apologized for his careless actions earlier “I’m SHINee’s maknae, Lee Taemin” he held his hand out, but all Soomin did was stared at it before letting a small laugh out.

“Shiny?” she couldn’t help but laughed at the name. “Nice to meet you, I’m Park Soomin” she shook his hand.


Author speaking

Waaah, I so sorry I haven't update this for a while... ><"

I'll try to write more~~  // because of school my brain is starting to break down, aha.. Last year of high school is so hard, well not really, but having to make a choice for college is, especially when you don't know what you want to do in the future ;~;

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banana_bubbles #1
Liked the way they met~ ;)

Seems pretty realistic! How will they cross again? o-o
goofygal14 #2
it's sad that taemin and soomin broke up. ;(
we'll always support you <3<3
i think u should make a sequal cuz i want them to be together again <3
Xiaosop #5
Nice story!!(; but can u pls do a sequel? Pls!!(;
CuTAEpie #6
I think there's a sequel??????? Hmm....if there was, I would definitely love it! SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!! XD
bella_ #8
Eunina #9
WHAT? Is that really the ending?! NOOO! LOL, but why? I'm really disappointed for the ending, but this story was so good, it's just that the problem is the ending^^ Can you PLEASE make a sequel :)
HappyAngel #10
aww......hey pls update soon^^