I Got You, You Got Me

seulrene fanfiction list
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Seul_rene14 #1
Can anyone help me with this?
Synopsis- Seulgi loved Joohyun but Joohyun did not(that's what Seulgi thought). So heartbroken, Seulgi moves abroad & only Joy knows where she is. There she falls in love with Wendy, they get married. After some years Wendy is terminally ill and wants to talk to Joohyun. So, she contacts Joy without Seulgi's knowing & talks with Joohyun and tell her to take care of Seulgi after she dies. So, Joohyun moves to the place where Seulgi lives now. Seulgi isn't welcoming as she's still hurting from Wendy's death. Joohyun had always loved seulgi and now she's determined to get back with seulgi. Seulgi badly hurts her but in the end she realises that Joohyun was always the one for her. It's a multi chapter ff
Thanks in advance.
Jensoo4everlove #2
Chapter 102: The fact that many of the amazing seulrene fics are deleted now 😔 hurts me as hell
Seul_rene14 #3
Hi. So I had read this story, probably, a year back. The story- •Irene is forced to go on a vacation with her family(rich parents, and Jisoo-her sister)on a 🛳 •There while 🍽 she meets Seulgi. •Seulgi works on that 🛳 and Irene is attracted towards her the very first time she 👀 Seulgi. •There are others too who work with her. I can only remember Jennie though. Uhh...•they eventually fall in love more like Irene sort of goes full on 'bossy/' mode and make Seulgi do things to her(as Seulgi had spilled wine(?) On her during their first meeting). Anyways, •Seulgi is paranoid and suffers from nightmare every other day. Turns out her boss abuses her(if I remember clearly he is Bogum(?)) •So a lot if things happen and eventually Seulgi is saved(literally) when her boss tries to harm her and well, Irene’s parents intervene and all. But yeah, it's an happy ending. Not a oneshot story.
I guess other RV & BP girls are also there.
If anyone has read this or come across, please, let me know the name, for the life of me I can't remember!!
Thank you for reading.
Chapter 23: guys, does anyone knows the fic where seulgi is just doing her homework and irene, who's a vampire, is staring at her while sitting on the bed. then seulgi stops doing her homework and goes to irene and they act all lovey dovey. I can't remember the title anymore
Insomniaclydone #5
Chapter 103: Hello, does anyone know what happened to author seulgod? The author of harmony and tape
yzrayz #6
do you guys know the title of the story where Joohyun is an accountant and seulgi is a doctor then the hospital where seulgi works kind of failing then joohyun is like the accountant they hire to correct the expenses and budget of the hospital. But its like one night stand at first then there meeting occurs like every tuesday or thursday. Joohyun's niece is irene and Joy and wendy is seulgi dormmates and workmates
iceageoftheheart #7
I would like to suggest uncivil disobedience!! The pacing is good and each characters are well written! It also tackles women empowerment and (tw) ual abuses to women and children. It's really good i hope the one who reads this will give it a try and hopefully it'll be added on this list.
2288 streak #8
Does someone have a copy of wicked games?
no_no_hae94 #9
Chapter 115: wow this is like the ultimate seulrene fanfic masterlist!!! thank you for putting this together,, im very well guided 😆