Chapter 2


The filming went well and now they are heading back to Korea. After boarding their van, all members instantly sigh in exhaustion.

“Before you guys sleep, I have announcement to make. Pay attention” the manager turned back from his sitting position to look at them

That gained the members’ attention. “What is it?” Jisung is first to ask

“Daniel-“ the manager paused

Jihoon’s head snapped up at the mention of his boyfriend’s name

“Daniel collapsed during filming yesterday and has severe flu. He is currently at the dorm after being treated in hospital as he refused to stay at the hospital” the manager paused, “His condition is better now but he still had a hard time talking and walking. So you guys watch out and try not to be infected, you still have fansign to attend” the manager ends and start the van

Jihoon’s mind went blank, body grows cold at the revelation. Now it makes sense why Daniel didn’t want to make a phone call yesterday and didn’t text him until late at night, probably he is sleeping and recovering Jihoon thought. Jihoon felt guilty for imagining Daniel cheating on him.

(In the dorm)

Jihoon is first to arrive, he immediately goes to check on Daniel. He opened the door to Daniel’s shared room softly so that he won’t wake the older up if he’s asleep.

There, he saw Daniel lying on the bed looking so weak but he didn’t sleep. Worst, he has his phone in his hands and starred hard at it, so focused that he didn’t realized Jihoon’s presence in the room. Jihoon stands beside Daniel and snatched the phone out of Daniel’s hands.

Daniel looked at the intruder wide-eyes, and then softened again when he realized it was Jihoon. He immediately smile and mouthed “you’re back” since he couldn’t even let his voice out.

“What are you doing playing with your phone?” Jihoon snapped, tears pooling in his eyes “You are supposed to rest. Why aren’t you sleeping?” Jihoon swarmed with extreme worry and guilt. When he is out there thinking of revenge and bad things about Daniel, Daniel is here fighting with sickness while keep attending schedules after schedules. Before Jihoon left for Japan, he had thought that Daniel looked a little pale but because of his jealousy, he threw the thoughts far away and failed to see that the older is suffering already.

Seeing Jihoon about to cry, Daniel sat up a little, pat Jihoon’s head before taking his phone from Jihoon’s trembling hands and type in


From: Niel Hyung <3

Don’t cry Jihoon-ah. I’m fine really.


Reading Daniel’s message made Jihoon cried harder. “Sorry” he sobs, “I should have realized that you are sick sooner. I’m sorry” Jihoon then fall on his knees, crying hard beside Daniel.

Daniel looked sadly at Jihoon, hands still on Jihoon’s lock, his head softly. Daniel desperately wanted to say something but his voice failed him and his head is spinning.

After a good 5 minutes, Jihoon calmed down a little and look up meeting Daniel’s soft but tired eyes. Daniel smiles in response, still couldn’t say anything.

“Alright, I’ll take care of you until you are well again” Jihoon decide

Daniel was about to type something again but stopped by Jihoon, “No buts, I don’t receive any rejection Kang Daniel. You don’t have the right to refuse.” Jihoon glared at Daniel with tear strained still evident in his eyes.

Daniel just smile in defeat, slightly nodded his head.

“Now back to sleep. I’ll ask Seongwoo hyung about your medication and food” Jihoon said while pushing Daniel to lie back on the bed before went out to find Seongwoo.

Jihoon did really well in taking care of Daniel that in matter of days Daniel is back as healthy as he possibly can be.




After that incident, Daniel had been clinging to Jihoon like a plague. He keeps following Jihoon like lost puppy and dots on him like a baby. Of course Jihoon is not complaining one bit. This is what he always wished for ever since they started dating. Jihoon really enjoyed Daniel’s company and always in a great mood. Not even Daniel going around being friendly with staffs and other idols can make Jihoon jealous as Daniel will go home to him and shower him with more than enough love to last for another day.

Jihoon is in the dorm, doing just nothing.

“Hey, what are you going to do with this week’s Wanna One Go?” Woojin asked

Jihoon hum in response, “What do you mean?”

Woojin sat up and face Jihoon, “Are you serious? You are not forgetting something important?”

Jihoon looked up, think for a while, “Nope. What is it?”

Woojin face-palmed himself. He walked towards Jihoon’s bed and pecks him on his cheek, caught Jihoon off guard, “Did that ring something in your love sick head?”

Jihoon went blank for a moment before realization dawned on him. “Oh my God!!! What am I going to do Woojin-ah?” Jihoon had totally forgotten his attempt to make Daniel jealous by clinging onto the members. He didn’t know what had gotten to him that day but now he really didn’t want Daniel to see him being lovey dovey with members especially Woojin. Jihoon panics. What should I do? He thought. Whenever the older is free, he will spend his time monitoring his previous shows and performance and Jihoon fully aware that on this Friday, the whole group are going to have free time.

Woojin just shrug, “I don’t know. You started it, deal with it yourself. You should thank me that I remind you so you can take precaution.” And went back to his own bed.

Jihoon snorts at Woojin, “Yeah, what a great friend you are. Thank you for reminding me and giving no solution.

“You’re welcome” was only Woojin’s reply.

Now, Jihoon is left panicking alone. There’s no doubt Daniel is going to see him being overly close with the members. Should he start to find some excuses? Or should he call for the PD and ask them to cut all the part where he clings to other members. Impossible, the PD won’t fulfil that crazy request and he won’t be appearing on the show for 1 full episode because he did nothing other than clinging to other members in the whole trip to Japan.

Jihoon walked to Daniel’s room. He saw the older is sitting on his bed, playing with his phone again. He sits beside Daniel and Daniel acknowledged his presence by putting his phone aside.

“What’s up babe” Daniel said. Recently, Daniel developed a habit by calling Jihoon affectionate name, making Jihoon fly to cloud nine but this is not the time to be whipped.

“Hyung,” Jihoon starts, earning a soft hum from Daniel, “Do you have any plan this Friday?”

Daniel thinks for a while, “This Friday?” then he remembers, “ah, the day we are asked to rest? Yes, I’m going to busan to visit my friends” then turned back to Jihoon, “Why?”

Jihoon didn’t know he hold up his breath and released a sigh. “So, you won’t be home until late night?”

Still confused, Daniel nods, “Yeah, I guess so?”

“Then, that’s it. Have a safe trip hyung. And good night” Jihoon then leans in a little and kiss Daniel’s cheek before skipping happily out of the room, leaving a still confused Daniel.




Friday has come. Besides knowing that there’s higher chance that Daniel won’t be watching the broadcast, Jihoon couldn’t help but feel uneasy. Throughout the week, Jihoon had been praying to all God so that Daniel won’t be seeing that.

Its night time in busan and Daniel is on his way home. He bids good bye with his friends in the academy and heading to the train station, trying to catch the last train back to Seoul. Daniel decided to walk instead of using bus as he wanted to enjoy the night breeze. He walks in silent, completely absorb in his own thoughts. Then, a group of what looks like high school girls were flocking not far from him. Daniel pulled up the scarf covering his neck and the hat of his hoodie before walking as casual as possible passing the girls. However, what they girls are talking about caught Daniel’s attention.

“Yah, I told you 2Park is real” one of the girl said, “They are the closest afterall”

The other girl replied, “I hate to admit this, but recently they were always seen all over each other although I really like Jihoon and Daniel”

“What more evident we need than this?” the first girl say again, “Have you watched Wanna One Go? He practically kissed Jihoon like it was the most normal thing they did”

That last sentence is what stopped Daniel completely. “Kissed?” Daniel muttered to himself. He walked away from the girls and take out his phone to check on the broadcast. At first, nothing special but his heart beat quickened and his blood boil to the fullest seeing Jihoon and Woojin’s scene in the plane. It wasn’t a simple kiss on the cheek. Daniel swore that he saw Woojin’s lips slightly touch the corner of Jihoon’s lips.

That wasn’t the end, how Jihoon and Jaehwan being so close to each other get on Daniel’s nerves either. This was what being aired, Daniel didn’t want to imagine how much footage of Jihoon being inappropriately close with the members. Since when did Jihoon even a clingy one? Even with Daniel, Jihoon had never showed this side. If Daniel didn’t initiate skinship, Jihoon would never start any. So, seeing Jihoon voluntarily flirt with the members angered Daniel to no end.

Daniel is not ready to be back to the dorm yet. Not when he couldn’t even control his own emotion. He didn’t want to let his emotion take control of his mind and said something he didn’t mean if he forced himself to go home and meet the members, especially Jihoon.

Daniel didn’t want to go to his home in Busan either as he didn’t want to worry his mother. His mother is quick to catch and won’t take no as an answer. So, Daniel opted to dial one of his friends in Busan and beg him to let Daniel stay at his place for the night.




It’s almost 2 in the morning and there’s still no sign that Daniel is back. Jihoon is starting to get worry. All his messages are not replied by Daniel and his phone calls are directed to voice mail. Did something happen to Daniel? Jihoon couldn’t help but think of the worst possible scenario. Jihoon called Daniel’s mom earlier and his mother replied him with confused expression, not knowing where Daniel is. Did he run out of battery? But Daniel said that he’d be home latest by midnight. Jihoon kept guessing.

Did he watch the broadcast? Jihoon widened his eyes. Right, Daniel must have seen that. Now what to do? Jihoon never thought this far when he decided to do that. He really regretted his action. No matter how jealous he is, he shouldn’t think of any revenge. Daniel had never done anything to make him jealous. It is him being overly sensitive and possessive.

But what can he do? He wants to apologize but he didn’t know where Daniel is. Also, he didn’t know whether Daniel not back yet is because of this. He actually even doubts that Daniel will get jealous. So, Jihoon stays at living room waiting for Daniel.

Jihoon didn’t know how and when but he knows he is asleep when he felt someone shook him slightly, waking him up. Jihoon opened his eyes to be greeted by Daniel.

“Why are you sleeping here? You’ll hurt your back or even catch a cold” Daniel said

Jihoon sat up and look at Daniel. Daniel looked, normal? “Hyung?”

“What is it babe?” Daniel replied, smiling

Yup, nothing changes. Jihoon thought. “I was waiting for you. When are you back?”

Daniel was about to enter his room, “Ah, change of plan, I stayed at my friend’s house and I was so tired that I forgot to inform you. Sorry, you shouldn’t have waited for me” stopping a while to answer Jihoon.

Jihoon only nods in response and unconsciously release a sigh of relieve. Everything will be back to normal, Jihoon thought.

In the room, Daniel also heaved a sigh. He tried hard to appear cool and unaffected in front of Jihoon but jealousy still bubbling in his stomach. A night spent at his friend’s house doesn’t help at all. He repeatedly told himself that it was nothing, Jihoon and Woojin are closed enough to do those kind of skinship, Jihoon only loves him alone. Daniel thought he was being petty if he gets jealous over Jihoon’s bestfriend and since he can’t get rid of it, he decided to bury them deep inside his heart.








The next chapter will be the last chapter (hopefully)

I hope you enjoy this short story

I'm so busy with final paper and work that I couldn't find the time to write my other fic (read: Look at me)

Please be patient 0:)


Also, have you seen Daniel's black hair ?!?!?!??! and it's currently trending on Naver because of that >,<

And Jihoon is the ambassador of his University for the 100th ?!?!??!! 

Proud of NielWink <3

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Chapter 3: Yeahhhh.. at last they talk their heart out.. ^^
pratimatae #2
Chapter 2: I know, i am annoying.. But please don't abandon "look at me " story, i really like that one along with all of you lr other stories
pratimatae #3
Chapter 1: I am eagerly waiting for an update