
You're My Star

Taecyeon curious and wondering who is Minho and what is his status in Yuri’s heart. Taecyeon drive his car as fast as he can, he always use that ways to forget what he just heard and think. Taecyeon is really closed to Yuri. He love Yuri since their first met just like Minho. But his love to Yuri is deeper. He will do anything dangerous just because of Yuri. He never make Yuri sad, otherwise he always make Yuri laugh and happy. He expresses his feelings to Yuri twice, but he got rejected. He never gives up. Anything just about Yuri, he will try to knew and try to care.

Taecyeon’s POV

what is that man status in Yul’s heart? Did he is more important than me? Why Yul will yell his name whenever she drunk? Did he is Yul’s first love, that why Yul rejected me twice when I expresses my feelings? If I get that man, I won’t let him go!

End of the POV

the next day~
“Unnie” Krystal is yelling beside Yoona’s ear
“Bwoh?” Yoona finally wake up
“I called you hundred times you know? You promise that you will bring me to go shopping today. Come on. Get up” Krystal spoiled Yoona’s dream with shaking her body
“Fine” Yoona give up, she stood up lazily and went to the bathroom
“Unnie, how about Yul unnie? Did she following?” Krystal asked again
“I don’t know. Go and ask her” Yoona said with her lazy tone. She is really tired since yesterday she and Yuri play like a crazy girl

“Yuri unnie” Krystal whisper at Yuri’s ear. Yuri’s body jumped.
“Bwoh Krystal? Yah, don’t whisper on my ear. That’s so scary” Yuri said while massage her head
“Sorry. I and unnie suggest to go shopping. Want to follow?” Krystal asked
“Shopping? Ah no.I’m removing my habit of shopping” Yuri said with her eyes closed
“Removing you habit? Why? Come on unnie” Krystal said then shakes Yuri’s body
“Ah, Krystal. You can look at my cupboard. Full of dress and shirt. And if you notice, my cupboard is slanting” Yuri said
“Slanting? I don’t think so. Ah, it’s just an excuse. Don’t want to follow? Fine” Krystal pouted and then walked out. Yuri opened her eyes and look at a bull walked out with it angry faced

“Unnie, Yul unnie is not going with us” Krystal said and then pouted
“Just ignore her. She is tired since she joins the live to dance show. Just let her rest. Let’s go” Yoona said and then pats Krystal’s back
Yuri’s POV

Ah, it’s been 16years I play with Krystal, her attitude were never changed. Like to forced and grab what people like. Honestly, I can’t last her attitude. Only her unnie, Yoong. Seen Yoong just left her youngest sister, that’s why Yoong always listen to her and never scold her even she done any mistakes. How lucky if I had a sister like Yoong. Ah, after a couple hours, I’m going to have my shooting at studio. And I hope that I’ll meet Minho. I’m really hoping. He is injured and where can he go with his mind nothing. I’m really worried about him. Just curious where he live and where is his brother, Siwon. I guess Siwon missed Yoong very much. Seen Yoong is Siwon’s first love.

End of the POV

Yuri went downstairs and saw her omma was in her study room.
“Ah, Yuri-ah” Mrs. Kwon said and then smile
“omma, what are you doing in my study room? Finding something?” Yuri asked
“Nope. I missed our old memory so much. Do you remember your appa teaching you and he is sitting on this chair? I just hope today he can sit back at this chair again” Mrs. Kwon said and then looked at the chair
“Omma, past is past. We can’t turn back the times. Just let it be blown by wind and let the wind bring the moments further” Yuri said and then hugged her omma as a comforting her. Mrs. Kwon hugged Yuri with her eyes watery and then smiles

“Unnie, I forgot that omma told me to buy some carrots. She is going to cook my favorite dishes. Can you help me to buy it? I want to try this dress” Krystal pouted
“Fine” Yoona listen to her.

“Ah, where is the mini market? This is so irritated” Yoona grumble

Siwon’s POV

Omo, I’m starving. So does Minho. I can’t let Minho keep starving like that. I forced to do something heartless to buy some foods. 3days, we never eat. Can imagine how starving are we now? I really forced to graze. I couldn’t look at Minho dead of starving. I can’t.

End of the POV

Yoona finally found her carrots after she walked a thousand years.
“Omo, carrots just at here? Aigoo. I go around and couldn’t saw it” Yoona said and then let out a sigh. Siwon go near her and pull her hand to the emergency door to graze her. Yoona doesn’t scream at all.
“Give me your money” Siwon asked Yoona, Yoona couldn’t saw his face clearly because Siwon is wearing a mask.
“How much you want?” Yoona asked. Siwon stop his action and open his mask.
“Siwon oppa? Why…” Yoona doesn’t what she wants to said, she just don’t expected the man who graze her is Siwon. Siwon quickly went downstairs. He felt embarrassed of grazing his first love, Yoona. Yoona chase after him. But when ‘till the lowest floor, Yoona doesn’t have a strength to run anymore because she is wearing a high heels. Siwon is hiding at the back of the tree

“Siwon Oppa, where are you? Come out!” Yoona scream at the middle of the road that causes everyone to look at her. Yoona gave up and then walked back to the mini market. She just curious why did Siwon need to do that entire heartless thing.

“Unnie, why you quiet since we get in the car? Anything’s wrong?” Krystal asked
“No. I just tired” Yoona gave her dongsaeng a short answer. Krystal just nodded and continues to play her IPod.

“We’re back omma” Krystal shouted
“Ah, you’re back? Bought anything’s for me aren’t you?” Mrs. Kwon said while smile
“Huh? Omma, I just brought carrots for you” Krystal said then pouted. Mrs. Kwon smile and then pats her head
“Omma, where is Yul?” Suddenly Yoona spoke
“Yuri? Ah, she had shooting at the old studio. If you want to meet her, go ahead. The driver is always ready for us. Come Krystal, I teach you have to make dishes” Mrs. Kwon said and then pull Krystal to the kitchen. Yoona quickly went inside the car and heading to the studio where Yuri had her shooting.

“Unnie, what is the theme for the photos?” Yuri asked her manager
“its Cabi couple”
“Cabi? So that means I had to wear y?” Yuri stood up
“yep” Yuri’s manager said
“Wait, couple? Who will be with me in the photos?” Yuri asked nervously
“ah, talk about this, you’re fortunate! Our handsome, y Taecyeon is going to have a photo shoot with you today! Honestly I’m jealous” Yuri’s manager shout
“Taec oppa? Ah no” Yuri said while massage her head
“is that a bad things having a photo shoot with me?” suddenly Taecyeon appear
“Yes! That is not a bad thing, that is worse thing!” Yuri said and then went to the toilet to change her shirt

Yuri’s POV

Omo. I’m going to wear this shirt? Omo! I can’t believe I’m having a photo shoot with Taec oppa! In the Earth are millions of boys, why is him? Ah! I’m going crazy!

End of the POV

“Wow, my baby Yul is so y” Taecyeon praise
“Ah, shut up” Yuri said and then leave Taecyeon there laugh alone

Here are the photos of Cabi Couple

After finish this photo shoot, Yuri saw Yoona was there looking at them
“Wow, y Yul. You and Taec oppa is compatible. If both of you be a couple, I think this world is going to shake” Yoona said and then chuckle
“Stop it Yoong. Why did you come here? Want to have a photo shoot with me?” Yuri asked, smile
“I have something to tell you” Yoona suddenly be serious that make Yuri laugh
Yoona pull Yuri to a peace place.
“Wow, sound like scary” Yuri said while chuckle
“This is not a joke Yul. I saw Siwon oppa at the mini market just now” Yoona said with her eyes bigger
“Wait, Siwon oppa? What did he do at the mini market? Did he greet you?”
“No, he doesn’t spoke instead he grazes me” Yoona said looking down
“Graze you? Omo! What is he doing? Did he know that is a bad thing?” Yuri gave a big response.
“I think he knows. But he forced to do it. Did you remember when we were younger; he always told us that we can’t be like the snatcher. I think he forced to”
“Did you know where did he live? I want to know how was Minho’s health now” Yuri asked Yoona straight. She forget that Yoona loved Minho too
“Hmm. Minho?” Yoona asked weird
“Ah, no. That day he seems weak. Just want to know how is he” Yuri denies it.
“Ah, I’m really curious how they are now. Should we tell omma about this?” Yoona asked worried
“omma? No, we can’t. Did you still remember what did Minho’s appa done to my appa? That thing is can’t be forgotten” Yuri said then bits her lower lips.

“Omma where is appa?” Yuri asked worried, Yuri was younger at that times
“Your appa is coming back baby girl. Just wait” Omma comfort her cute baby girl
~~Broom~~ (Car accident)
“Ah, omma what is that?” Yuri asked shocked
“Yuri-ah, stay here. Siwon, look over your sisters and Minho” Mrs. Kwon said and then walked toward the door to looked what happen. The entire sudden Mrs. Kwon faint and that make her baby girl worried like a hell

Mr. Kwon, Mrs. Kwon and Mrs. Choi were sending into the hospital. Yuri, Yoona and Krystal are sitting on Mrs. Kwon’s room looking over their omma. While, Siwon and Minho were waiting their appa to have a body check. After Mr. Choi had come out, Mr. Choi forced both of his boys to pack his thing and get hell from Mr. Kwon house. Siwon and Minho can’t defy their father; they just can follow their father directions. Mrs. Kwon wake up, she quickly ran to the room which her husband lying. There is a white blanket covering her husband faced.
“Omma, what did they cover appa faced?” Krystal asked and then opens the blanket
Mrs. Kwon stood at there with her thousand tears. Yuri drop a tears too while hugging her omma. Yoona also drop her tears. Although Yoona and Yuri doesn’t know what happening, but they doesn’t like to see their omma to cried alone. When Yoona, Yuri and Krystal is getting older, they curious where is their appa and where did he will come back. Until, one night, their omma be honest to them.
“Yuri-ah, Yoon-ah, Krystal, come on. Omma have something need to tell you. Omma should tell you early. But that time your all is still young. Your appa doesn’t go to New York” Mrs. Kwon said, Krystal continue, “Then where is appa?”
“Your appa... is dead” Mrs. Kwon said and then her tears began to drop again. Yuri stood up and then hugged her omma. So does Krystal and Yoona.

~End of the flashback

“I felt so sad for omma” Yoona said and then pouted.
“Girls, want to go out tonight? Everything’s, I pay!” Taecyeon suddenly appear and offer
“ah, Chincha? That great! Let’s go Yoong!”

-At the mini bar
Yuri and Yoona drink Soju just like they usually did. Every time they come to this bar, the person who doesn’t get drink is Taecyeon. Because he needs to look over Yuri and Yoona who always drink and drink whenever arrived to this mini bar.
“Ah, girls. We should go back. It’s late” Taecyeon said, but unfortunately the girl kept drinking. Taecyeon grab away their glass and pull them out to the car. YoonYul was sleeping at Taecyeon’s car.
“Min...Minho” Someone call Minho’s name again. Taecyeon stopped the car and turn to the back. He could saw Yuri lips were moving.
“Yeah, she calls that man’s name again. Who is him?” Taecyeon said and then he hit the steering.
“He is my first love” Yoona suddenly awake and reply Taecyeon
“Yoon-ah? Your first love? Come on Yoon-ah. You’re drunk. Stop making senses” Taecyeon doesn’t believe it
“I don’t expected that Yuri like him too” Yoona suddenly cried. Taecyeon stopped the car.
“Yoon-ah, are you okay?”
“Yep. Oppa, why did everyone that closes to me like Minho? Tell me please” Yoona shake Taecyeon body while cried
“calm down Yoon-ah. Come on, come on. Have a dream” Taecyeon use his lower tone and comfort Yoona. Yoona finally sleep back.

Taecyeon’s POV

is that true? Ah, why should I believe to what drunker said? She is making senses. Ah, stop it Taecyeon. Do you love Yuri? Yes. Believe her, ok? Good.

End of the POV

the next day
Yuri was yawning on her bed.
“Ah, damn sleepy” She grumbles
“Good morning” Someone opened the door before knocking. And it’s Taecyeon
 “Ah!!” Yuri yelled
“What are you yelling at? I’m Taecyeon oppa” He said with his surprise faced
“Get out!” Yuri yelled and then throws her pillow to Taecyeon. Taec automatically closed the door.
“What happen to her?” Taec asked he-self

Yuri POV

what he doing here? Why did he come to my house? And why did he come into my room although he knew that I don’t like anyone to come into my room? Ah, damn! Luckily I haven’t bath yet. If I come out without wearing anything only my towel, I’m dead I think

end of the POV

Yuri went out from her room, and she went to kitchen to look for her mum, and her twins. But unfortunate, there is no one.
“Omma!!!” Yuri yelled
“No need to yell my baby girl” Taecyeon said and then wink
“why you’re here? And where is omma, Krystal and Yoona?” Yuri asked
“They all had gone out. Leave you alone here. And Mrs. Kwon ask me to look after you” Taecyeon said
“Ah, I need to go studio. If you really want look after me, then wait ‘till I come back home. Just stay here” Yuri presses the words of ‘just stay here’
“Studio? Anything’s there?”
“Yeah, there had a lot of thing. And it is better than staying here with...a jerk” Yuri slow down her tone. Then Yuri stood up and went to her room to get changed. After she gets changed, she went down and she couldn’t saw Taecyeon. She thought Taecyeon had gone out.
“Yeah, that jerk had gone” She smiles like she never smiles before.
~Beep Beep (Someone hone)
Yuri look out from the window and saw Taecyeon is inside his car.
“Omo, he hasn’t gone yet? Yah, go home” Yuri whisper and then look down (Disappointed) Taecyeon went back to Yuri’s house then pull Yuri went out and went into his car.
“What you want?” Yuri asked
“You said you want to go studio isn’t you? I will bring you there safely” Taecyeon said
“Ah, but wait. I’ve a driver” Yuri disagrees
“Driver? Yuri-yah, he brought your omma go out. So, I’m going to brought you to studio safely. Get it? Just don’t talk too much. This is your omma order, get it? Good” Taecyeon said and then closed the door.
“Wait, if my driver had brought my omma go out, I still had my legs. I can walk. And I can take a bus” Yuri said and then she went out from Taecyeon’s car. Taecyeon chase after her and pull her.
“Yah, can you just give me to bring you to studio? Please don’t be so stubborn” Taecyeon said
“Ok. Fine. Only today” Yuri said and then went back into Taecyeon’s car

after 45 minutes brought a car, Yuri fall asleep. She is tired enough to joined the every shows and even her shooting. Only 15 minutes times taken to go to studio.

“Where are us?” Yuri finally awake
“Ah, Yuri-yah, you’re awake. Hungry?” Taecyeon try to changed topic
“Wait. Wait. Wait. Yah! Taec oppa!” Yuri yelled
“Bwoh?” Taecyeon shocked
“Where are us? Where are you going to bring me to?” Yuri asked, her eyes went bigger
“Come on, Yul. Just now you fall asleep, I went to the studio. And it’s empty inside, no one inside. I knew what your motive is, Yul. If you want to date with me, just honest” Taecyeon said while chuckle
“Bwoh? Date with a jerk? Sorry. I’m not going to do this thing. And if I can say, this is the worst thing in my life!” Yuri said
“worst thing? Oh yeah? Did you really feel this way? Ah, Kwon Yuri. Stop being childish” Taecyeon said. They were never stopping fighting
“Childish? Ah, now who is more childish? I said I want to take a bus, but he said that he will bring me to the studio safely. And then now he brought me to a strange place. Honestly, what is this place?” Yuri fights back. Taecyeon stopped the car.
“Kwon Yuri” Taecyeon said with his highest tone. Yuri looked at Taecyeon with her shining eyes, and said, “Bwoh?”
“You want to continue? Fine, so if Minho want to brought you to studio, you’ll let him isn’t you?” Taecyeon asked
“Where you knew his name?” Yuri asked then she looked at the other way
“Why I can’t know his name? Who is him?” Taecyeon asked, his faced look serious
“You don’t have to know this all. Just move your car” Yuri tries to changed topic. Taecyeon still stopped his car at the corner of the road.
“Yah. Taec oppa, where you want to go? Just assume that today is our date ok? Keke” Yuri said with her annoying voice. Taecyeon looked at her. Then Yuri pastes a sweet smile. Taecyeon smile back.

They went to a hometown place to get their dinner.
“Why must we have our dinner at a hometown?” Yuri asked weird
“because, hometown’s foods are fresh. It’s natural. Good for health”  Taecyeon gave Yuri a short answer
“Oh, Chincha? Wow! How did you know? Taec oppa such like a superman!” Yuri praise. Taecyeon smile and then pats her head. When Taecyeon pats her head, Yuri was frozen. The way Taecyeon pats her head remind her to Minho who always pats her head 13 year ago.
“Taec oppa, you order foods first. I want to go toilet. Btw, where is the toilet?” Yuri asked
“Ah, just turn left, should I follow too?” Taecyeon asked. Yuri just shakes her head and then she walked toward to the place which needs to turn left. When she turns left, she saw...

To Be Continue....

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i hope you would update..
VinaKimberly #2
I like it
i want to know his reaction.
Maiiez #4
wow i really like the pairing >< especially Minyul and Taecyul ^^
Looking forward to all of your updates ^^
love the pairings! yoonwon minyul taecyul! update soon :D