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The semester ends better than how Seungwan started it and how she expected it to be. She worked hard to maintain her grades even when she can’t maintain a healthy lifestyle because of it. But its all better now that she can celebrate the end of school year with girl of her dreams. Seungwan still can’t believe it. How fate let her strings get tangled with Joohyun, she smiles just at the thought. She must be the luckiest person on earth and with the way Joohyun stares back at her maybe she is.


“Stop staring and dance with me.” Joohyun said a small smirk gracing her glorious face and Seungwan can’t help but kiss her and god she loves kissing her.


“I love you, have I ever told you that?” Seungwan says before she takes Joohyun hand and leads her to the cramp dance floor. Seungwan thinks she did, maybe she showed it many times but she never did say the words but she’s no longer looking at Joohyun and maybe she’s the stupidest person on earth as she missed out on that one smile that Joohyun has only for her and she didn’t hear how Joohyun whispers, “I do and I love you too.”


Moving In


People says that you will truly know a person when you live with them and Seungwan thinks they are right. Not that living with Joohyun made the girl less perfect on her eyes (it was actually the opposite, Seungwan finds new things to fall for the other everyday now that they live in within four walls of their dorm) but she finds it hard to concentrate when Joohyun would always stick to her like they haven’t spent each waking hour together, not that’s she’s complaining or anything.


Because seriously how can someone focus if Bae Joohyun, changes her clothes in front of you? Okay, Seungwan knows the other girl is just teasing her every time she shamelessly does it but the heat the travels along her neck and the dirty dirty thoughts run through her mind is so hard to ignore.


She gulps audibly when it happened again albeit not intentionally. Joohyun was running late for class and she was just fumbling around the room collecting her books that she needs whilst changing clothes and Seungwan didn’t mean to stare for too long but she just can’t when the other girl smell so nice and heavenly and there are still water dripping from her hair and traveling down her neck. And Seungwan haven’t had any decent sleep and that means she no longer thinks before she speaks.


“ me” She think she whispers but it was so loud that Joohyun looked at her wide eyed.


“! Did I say that out loud?”


Joohyun nods and maybe she shouldn’t have move to where Seungwan was sitting.


“Yes and I would really love to but I’m late for class. I promised Yongsun that I’ll be there and take notes.” How many times have Joohyun skipped this class because of she overslept with Seungwan is beyond her.


“Oh. Okay.” Seungwan didn’t meant to sound disappointed but she does but she’ll settle for a kiss but Joohyun dodge on her attempt. So she looks at her confuse written on her face.


“I can’t kiss you now because if I do then I won’t go to class.” Joohyun said smirking as she walks away.


“Withholding kisses now ha?” Okay, she might not have any sleep on her right now but she won’t take another no. So she grabs the other’s girl wrist and kissed her as if she’s her life line.


“That’s a preview of what’s going to happen tonight. So come hurry back to me.” Seungwan says as she pushes Joohyun away from her.


“GOD! Why do I have morning classes again?!” Joohyun said grabs her backpack and leaves their dorm room.






They’ve been so busy lately that they didn’t get to spend so much time together that they used too. Done with honeymoon phase, some would say when the other seen without the other. Seungwan has been juggling school, lab and her part time that she’s rarely in their dorm and when she does, she’s snoring her exhaustion away. And Joohyun, bless her heart, sighs at the sight of her girlfriend. She could demand for the other girl to give her time as Seungwan says time and time again that Joohyun is priority no matter what. But that doesn’t seem like it. When was the last time they had dinner together? When was the last time they just lay on their bed and talks about everything and nothing. Joohyun misses her so much that it starts to hurt.


So when attention aren’t given, when sleep is not met, and you no longer seems to see eye to eye, even the smallest things can start a fire, fire that doesn’t warm your heart but rather burn everything you both build.


“Do you even care?!” Joohyun asked almost pleading. Seungwan missed another dinner she promised to go.


“I’m sorry.” That’s all she can say and she is indeed sorry. Joohyun’s disappointed and Seungwan is too. She didn’t want to be the reason of the sadness that color Joohyun’s face but lately it seems like it’s the only thing she gives.


“I’m sorry.” Seungwan wants to hold her but when she moves closer Joohyun’s steps back.


“I promise I’ll make it up to you.” She said she’s pleading this time too.


“I don’t think I can believe in you anymore.” Joohyun says and Seungwan wants to ask for another chance. But when she sees the tears finally flows on the other girl’s face she said nothing and did nothing she just stood there as Joohyun walks out of their dorm and her life.




Joohyun moved out of the dorm a day after that incident, Seungwan wasn’t at the dorm when she took all of her things and Seungwan was left with just a fragment of her heart as Joohyun took it too when she left. So Seungwan drowned her of the work that caused her to lost everything because that’s the only thing she knows how to do so she doesn’t think of her. But she still does, every second, every day as her beats for Joohyun.


“Eat.” Seulgi said urging Seungwa to take a bite of the sandwich she brought.


“I’m full.” Seungwan said she feels full but when was the last time she had a decent meal. She doesn’t know and really, she doesn’t care.


“I don’t like seeing you this way. I know you still love her and she still loves you too. But you’re insufferable.” Seulgi sighs because she’s tired of watching Seungwan lives her life like this.


“So eat, take a shower because really when was the last time you took one?” Seulgi says annoyed and Seungwan is smiling at her because she knows Seulgi means well.


“Seriously, get your together and stop making Joohyun wait.” Seulgi says again. How many times did Seulgi has to remind Seungwan that Joohyun still loves her as much as Seungwan loves her. How many times does Seulgi have to stop herself in smashing Seungwan’s head to finally do something about it.


“I know I’m not suppose to ask for anything but if you could tell to wait for another week, I swear to heavens I’ll make everything right again.” Seungwan says and there’s certain spark in her eyes that make Seulgi believe her.


“I know I don’t have any right and that I should be the one saying this to her, but…I don’t think I can yet. So tell her I love her and I’ll do everything right.” She asked Seulgi and left with her sandwich and not waiting for Seulgi to react.


“ saying she’s full but taking the sandwich with her anyway.” Seulgi shakes at her friend’s stupidity but is happy to see how alive Seungwan’s eyes are now, finally.



Seungwan was still busy as ever but she’s managing now. Somehow, along the lines of being exhausted and missing Joohyun so much, she learns how to efficiently manager her time though not as much but it’s a start and that’s just want she needs.


That day after Seulgi took her to lunch, Seungwan finds herself having the courage to finally text Joohyun.


I miss you.


I still love you and I want to make things right


Hi. How are you?


Seungwan wants to roll her eyes but you have to start somewhere and really awkward texts are her expertise anyways. She almost jumped out of joy when she received a reply from Joohyun hours later. She doesn’t mind how long before Joohyun replied, the fact that she did means so much to Seungwan.


There’s determination in her eyes, and her love for Joohyun still beats everything so she’ll start where she should even with how small it would be. She’ll do everything right this time. Even if it means, she’ll have to ask for Joy and Seulgi’s help.




You and Me


When Seungwan asked Seulgi to set her up again with Joohyun, she didn’t expect Joohyun to be pushed instead their previous shared room when Seungwan is midway putting her hoodie on.


, I’m sorry.” Joohyun said as she turns her back as if she haven’t Seungwan without clothes before. Seungwan wanted to smirk at how red Joohyun’s are but why in the world does she feel embarrass as well?


“Hi. I’m fully clothed now.” Seungwan said as she urges Joohyun to look at her without actually saying it.


“Hey.” Joohyun greets her too and Seungwan heart almost stops when she looks the other girl. It hits her how much she misses Joohyun and how much she longs for her. She’s rendered speechless where did all the words she wanted to say to Joohyun, what was the practice was for if she’s not going to remember anything now that Joohyun is here. Another minute passed and Seungwan is going to lose her mind because she can’t seem to say anything.


.” She finally says after what feels like eternity.


“I don’t know what to say. All that my head have right now is that I’m really sorry and that I missed you.” Seungwan feels ashamed because she really wanted to say how hot Joohyun is with her tucked white shirt, ripped back jeans and messy bun hair.


! I’m messing it up again huh?” Seungwan honestly wants to look for a shovel and dig her own grave now.


“Let’s try this again, can we?” Seungwan says as she inhales heavily.


“Joohyun” She stands up and walks to where Joohyun was seated.


“I’m sorry I made you wait for all the times I promised to be there. If I could go back in time I would change that but I can’t so I wanted to apologize because you didn’t deserve that. Give me another chance and I won’t fail you time if I do you can kill. I’ll even help you dig the hole where you can dump me.” Seungwan almost pleading to Joohyun with her awkward lopsided grin.


“And before you answer, I just want to say that you’re really really hot.” Seungwan says follows by an awkward laugh but a grin almost split her face when she hears Joohyun’s laugh at her.


“I was already swooning, but you just have to say that I’m hot. It was that important huh?” Joohyun said smiling for the first time since she entered the room.


“I love stating facts.” Seungwan says and smiles back at Joohyun. God, she really wanted to walk a little closer to Joohyun and hug her.


“So what you said before you mean it?” Joohyun asked.


“All of it.”


“So if you ed up again, I can dump you?”






“Okay? What do you mean?”


“I’m giving you one last chance if you ed it up I’m going to kill you with you my bare hands and before I do so you’ll have to look for the place where I can dump you. You got that?” Joohyun asked as stands for where she was seated and just wen through and run straight to where Seungwan was standing and engulfs her with a hug.


“And next time, don’t just watch me walk away. Chase after me.” Joohyun says after she buries herself deeper on Seungwan’s neck.


“I’ll keep you by my side forever and if I need to I’ll chase you until the end of the earth.” Seungwan says as she kissed Joohyun temple.


“I love you so much.” Seungwan says as hugs the girl closer.


“Say it again.” Joohyun says and Seungwan pulls away so she can look at Joohyun’s eyes when she says it again.


“I love you.” She said firmly and she kisses her because she wants to and because now she can.

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I honestly don't know what this is about. I just want wenrene fluff


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Mikakoo 0 points #1
Chapter 2: Really like this story😍
Chapter 2: I loved this a lot
Chapter 2: These silly beautiful women 😍
Riscark #4
Chapter 2: I just found this, and i love every bit of it
Favebolous 14 streak #5
Chapter 2: Cute
Chapter 2: I really like this story! Awesome!
Keep it up author! ^^
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 1: OMG OMG
aglaonema #8
Chapter 1: Yas
-WenRene15- #9
Chapter 2: Love it
arsnhya #10
Chapter 2: This is so floooffyyyy :DDDD