
When The Clock Strikes 3

Kyungsoo’s job is menial at best. He writes for the city’s most popular newspaper but no one cares for what he has to say. The pages that he writes are usually all side stories that are brushed over for the juicy details about the latest political debate. It doesn’t bother him that people don’t tend to give two s about what he says. His job pays the bills and funds his daily needs. It also allows for him to work from home 90% of the time, making time for other things that he cares more about.

Kyungsoo isn’t a picky person. As long as funds are provided for life sustenance and his peculiar side hobby he doesn’t care much for anything else. He has enough clothes to last him until the next time he does laundry and he owns an extra pair for when he does do laundry. He doesn’t go grocery shopping every day but he doesn’t eat ramen for dinner every night. It’s a fine balance.

He’s sitting on his couch, the dusty lamps place in opposite corners of the room providing minimal light. He squints lightly at his screen as he reads over his column once more. The lighting is probably more detrimental to his eyesight but he cannot be bothered to replace the bulbs and dust off the lampshades. Satisfied with what he’s written he composes a new email and attaches the file, sending it off to the editor for approval. He puts his laptop down on the empty couch seat beside him and stretches before removing his glasses and rubbing at his eyes. He picks his laptop up again and looks at the time. The digital numbers show that it’s 5:59 AM. He has about two hours until the grocery store opens and he’s in desperate need of more food. He stands up, bringing his laptop with him to the kitchen. He sets it down safely on his dinner table before grabbing his thermos of hot water. He pours himself a steaming cup, grabbing it with his left hand before turning and grabbing his laptop with his right hand.

He has two hours to indulge a little after a long night of work. He walks into his room and sets his laptop onto his trusty laptop fan. He plugs in the USB for his wireless mouse and places his mug on his Thor coaster. He sits down on his swivel chair, making himself comfortable for his browsing session. When he’s satisfied with his setup he takes a hold of his mouse, clicking open his favourite website. Familiar advertisement pop up and he absentmindedly closes the tabs, eyes scanning for any new content that he can lose himself in. There’s a new link that he spies and he clicks it, bright flashy font appearing before his eyes. He reads the title, delighted to see that it’s something he hasn’t seen before.


Rarity of Superpowers

Written by: byunbean and parkcheeseyelk

Disclaimer: super powers don’t actually exist


Superpowers, theoretically, are already gifts that have been bestowed on a lucky few to use for good purposes. In many movies you see the superhero sweeping the person that they are saving off their feet and into the sunlight. Ironman (even if it’s powered by a suit), Thor (to a certain degree), Jessica Jones, Doctor Strange, Superman, and many more use the power of flight to their advantage when saving the day. One would assume that flying would be the most common superpower. However, theoretically, it’s probably closer to the middle of the list (if there WAS a list that depicts the rarity of superpowers).

Surprisingly (or not) elemental superpowers would theoretically be the four most common superpowers. It would go fire, air, water, and then earth (if anyone was wondering). Unlike the utra-rare airbenders in Avatar the Last Airbender, there would be tons of people who “bend air” if superpowers actually exits. The world would not exists if there were no elements on the earth. The same goes for people who have elemental superpowers. They are equally as needed (again, if there are theoretically people who have such powers).

Believe it or not, teleportation would be the rarest superpower if there were to be a scale (everyone who can teleport probably has type AB blood or something). Teleportation wouldn’t be as fun anyways. Who actually wants to disperse their body into tiny little particles and then have then regroup again? That sounds like a pain and a half, not to mention many things can probably go wrong with that.



Kyungsoo absorbs in every bit of information he can find. “Beanz and Cheeze” is the most popular superhero conspiracy blog on the web. The authors on the blog come up with such amazing theories that no other theorist, Kyungsoo included, could compare. The details included in their blog posts are scarily precise and highly irrefutable. They always put disclaimers that superpowers don’t actually exist but then they lay out facts like they actually know a superhero in real life.

Unlike the authors of the blog, Kyungsoo vehemently believes that superheroes exists. A lot of things don’t match up in the city regarding crime rates and the rate that it is stopped at. Kyungsoo writes occasional articles about local crimes for the newspaper. The official statements the police give are always vague and don’t add up but no one seems to care except for Kyungsoo. He’s mentioned his hypothesis to his co-worker one rare day he happened to be in the office and his co-worker merely ruffled his hair, called him cute, and then walked away.

First of all, he’s not cute goddamn it. Secondly there is no way that the police can churn out one fishy story after another unless they’re working with someone or reporting to someone of a higher status (hello, the municipal government?). Kyungsoo refuses to settle until he gets solid proof that superpowers indeed exists.

When he finishes the new article, he takes some notes in his notebook with the Batman logo on it and spends the rest of his time scrolling through old articles that he’s read at least 5 times each. By the time he finishes his cup of water and he’s made it through 11 pages on the blog, his laptop clock shows him that it’s 7:24 AM. He turns off his laptop and gets up. He shuffles to the kitchen to put his mug in the sink before heading to the bathroom to relieve himself. After a quick piss he brushes his teeth meticulously even though he already brushed it after his last meal.

He heads to his room and throws on his last clean pair of clothes. He makes a mental note that he needs to do laundry when he wakes up. He hold onto his doorknob as he puts on his shoes, shoving his heels violently into his worn sneakers. He double checks to see if the stove is off and then feels for his keys in his pocket. Satisfied he opens the door and walks into the crisp morning air, locking the door behind him. As h walks towards his car he sees his neighbour pass by on the sidewalk. The other man looks exhausted, face drained of any positive emotions. There are streaks of dirt on his clothing, face, and even in his hair.

They make awkward eye contact for two seconds. Not knowing how to react Kyungsoo offers a hesitant wave. His neighbour manages a small smile and waves back. They both break eye contact at the same time as Kyungsoo gets into his car and his neighbour continues on his way to the house next door. As Kyungsoo pulls out of the driveway he sees his neighbour unlocking his own front door and slipping into the dark house

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Zizzlebug #1
Chapter 3: This AU is so fun! Loving the story so far