
When The Clock Strikes 3

Jongin’s leg is trapped under a large piece of debris; it’s probably broken if the immense pain says anything about his current state. He surveys the chaos around him as beams of energy shoot wildly at various buildings, causing more debris to shower the streets below. Jongin winces as he attempts to move the large piece of concrete pinning his leg to the ground. The slab of concrete doesn’t budge and Jongin only succeeds in increasing his level of discomfort and pain. The cells in his body refuse to disperse properly, even when he tries to teleport himself out of this sticky situation. He wishes that Luhan would magically appear in front of him and move the offending object but his co-worker is probably aiding in the full out war the superheroes are having with their evil counterparts. Innocent civilians are running away screaming as more dangerous matter comes crashing down, smashing cars and creating craters in the ground. Jongin groans as he attempts to free himself once more. Someone’s shadow looms over him and he looks up to see the grim face of Sehun, his other co-work and wind master extraordinaire.

“Thank god you’re here Sehun, help me lift this thing off my leg,” Jongin manages to get out, hands already pushing at heavy weight.

Sehun, however, does not move as a maniacal expression makes its way across his face.

Jongin looks up to see a mini tornado forming around his friend and he gulps nervously, confused about the lack of response he’s receiving from his teammate.


“I’ve finally got you exactly where I want you to be,” Sehun sneers. “Kim Jongin, the pride and joy of SM Cooperation, finally at the mercy of my hands.”

Jongin’s eyes widen as he feels panic bubbling inside his chest.

“Sehun, what are you talking about!?”

Be BEEP prepared BEEP for BEEP your BEEP doom!” Sehun cackles evilly, raising his arms as the winds picking up in their vicinity.






Jongin rolls out of bed with a startled grunt. His digital on his bedside table read “2:00 AM” and his sleep-hazed mind takes a few seconds to process that the sound is coming from his alarm. He, with much difficulty, drags himself upright before hitting the snooze button. He tentatively looks down at his leg and sighs with relief, as it is very much not broken. At this point, on any other day, Jongin would have gotten into bed and napped again before his alarm would start ringing again ten minutes later but his strange dream leaves him feeling bitter and petulant. He stands up and does a big stretch; arms wide above his head and his crew neck sweatshirt riding up to reveal a sliver of toned stomach.

He bends over to properly turn off his alarm before he slips his feet one by one into his Winnie The Pooh slippers. He shuffles into the bathroom, rubbing at his eyes as he lets out a loud yawn.

He had recently moved into a small bungalow by himself in favour of leaving his best friend Baekhyun and Baekhyun’s currently boyfriend, Chanyeol, some more space. Jongin offered to find a new place so Chanyeol could move in with the Baekhyun and both of them thanked had him gratefully. Realistically Jongin is probably happier than the pair combined. with superpowers gets messy and burnt bed sheets are the most popular items that frequent his trashcan.  

Now, as Jongin washes his face, he thinks his life quite good. There are no more loud capades, he can eat peanut butter again now that both Baekhyun and his allergy are gone, and his bungalow is rather quaint, ignoring the fact that he has yet to see his next-door neighbour. It’s been five months and Jongin can neither confirm nor deny if his neighbour isn’t secretly a chimpanzee.

Jongin isn’t one to brag too much, or so he claims, but he’s proud of his what he does. He works for SM Cooperation, a highly secretive organization of superheroes that band together to stop crime in the city of Seoul. He gets to hang out with people just like him and he gets to do what he loves best by saving unknowing civilians from harm.  

The only downside to his job is that he’s always assigned the night shifts and on certain nights, they can be very dreadful. Villainous lurking tends to increase at night and the extra exertion of energy has him falling dead to the world in his bed for the rest of the day, unable to enjoy other things aside from sleep. Most of his friends, save Sehun (whom he probably won’t be able to look in the eye for the next few days) have the day shift where their hours are similar to that of an office job. They get to wrap up the heroism just in time for dinner and they get to sleep at a normal time. While he mourns his lack of a social life he would not give up sleep for anything.

After Jongin finishes up in the bathroom, he makes his way to his room again. He raids his closet for a shirt that is still clean and a pair of worn jeans. One knee has a rip that was not there when he bought it but he is still able to wear it. Superheroes are given suits when the join SM for the sake of formalization but it will never be worn in fear of prying eyes that could blow their cover.

When he's done changing into his clothes, he makes sure his shirt isn’t on inside out before heading to the kitchen. He grabs his keys in one hand and a piece of bread in another, sticking in his mouth before using the same hand to grab his beanie. After double-checking the house, making sure he didn’t leave the tap running like he did a few nights prior in his sleep deprived state, Jongin lets himself out the front door and locks it before jiggling the handle a few times for good measure.

He makes his way down the dark and empty street while munching on his bland-tasting piece of bread. The lights from the street lamps are the only things that illuminate his form as he makes his way to the end of his street. Jongin’s handy super power comes in the form of teleportation and he has a designated spot that he can walk to, away from public spaces, where he can teleport to work. He’s got to hand it to whoever coordinates superhero travel. It mustn’t be easy to create secret pathways for the heroes to inconspicuously gather in one designated area. 

As he walks, almost finishing up his slice, he fails to notice light streaming past the curtains drawn across the windows of his neighbour’s house.


a/n there are two more chapters that haven't been cross posted here yet. I'll do it sometime soon

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Zizzlebug #1
Chapter 3: This AU is so fun! Loving the story so far