Addicted To You

Let Him Go

Ok!!! I've finally got this out of me!! Cause I was so bothered and guilty that I have never finished this so yeah !!! Hope you all like ut :)


My inspiration for this chapter is this song

Steavie Hoang- Addicted to you:http:// . I do hope you listen to this awesong song :)



Addicted To You



Autumn wind hitting her face, hands clasp together, looking up at the man who picked her up when she was shattered into pieces. A smile that reached up to her eyes, saying out loud that she's contented. Minho lifted their intertwined hands, kissing her knuckles.


One year and two months passed when he left her. One year and two months there was sadness , pain, misery, hope and at last love.



The couple stopped in front of a cafe, glancing at the window she saw the man that left her, heart beating fast, color draining from her face making her porcelain face paler. With this feelings erupting she felt the comforting squeeze, reminding her that there is someone who loves and cares for her, calming her senses, her nerves reminding her the love they share. Heaving out a sigh determined to overcome and forget the past and just live.


Pushing the entrance door of the cafe. The bell producing a tinkling sound signaling that there's a customer entering. A real smile painted in her face, telling the world she's happy with a new love and life.



Him, eye widened, sporting a facial expression that look like he had seen a ghost. Feeling like something was caught up on his throat. He watched mindlessly as she strode over the counter, ordering and smiling at the waitress. It was starting to sink in to him. She's happy now Kim Jonghyun.


Standing up not caring about his so called 'date' leaving her yelping with a high pitched tone. He walked out of the cafe looking at every direction trying to spot where the couple went. Seeing her drag Minho with a happy smile while the other hand holding a cup of coffee. His feet halt, mind going blank.


Why would I feel like I've been pierced right through my heart?

That thought struck him.





Hands shaking to press the buttons of the elevator , courage growing thin in every seconds passing, contemplating about his plan but he already pushed the button to her floor. Thoughts were clouding up his mind going over the possibilities of what would happen with their encounter. He was even doubting if she still live in this building.


Is she living with Minho now?


Did he ever cross her mind?


Did she even miss him? Was she that happy to be with Minho?


Did he even appear on her dreams? Because for him every night haunts him with memories of them. Good or bad it still plays like a vivid show to him every night he drift off to slumber.


Running a hand through his hair; frustration evident in him, slumping back at the cool metal handle. Clearly his mind was overflowing with question and thoughts though lacking in answers.


The question that was haunting him the most was; Time should have made a change but why does he still feel the same?


He knows he had been an for the past year but he was just scared that visiting her, asking her, apologizing to her would make her hate him to the core. That would haunt him for sure. They didn't even have a proper break for he was being a coward. A coward that’s scared of seeing the results of his stupidity and lack of control. Though he went to dates he felt that it was useless because no one could just compare to ~~~~~~~~ .The moment ~~~~~~~ rushed out with tears streaming down her face. He ended his ties with Sekyung.


Finally what felt like eternity he was in front of her apartment hand knocking on her door. The door opened revealing a woman.




Jonghyun and ~~~~~~~~ have been friends it seems like ~~~~~~~ didn’t hold a grudge on him. Jonghyun’s feeling for the said woman was again awakened. He knows that ~~~~~~~~ and Minho were still in a relationship but he can't just bottle up his feeling and it just got stronger. There is a nostalgic feeling engulfing him when he spend time with ~~~~~~~ and he liked it a lot.


Today was the supposed to be meeting of them as friends as ~~~~~~ was taken out of town of Minho for the past month thus treating this meeting as a way to catch up with the happenings in their life.


Jonghyun also decided that it maybe was time for him to get her back. He was gonna confess to her...again.


Jonghyun was in deep thoughts when he felt presence around him. Looking up he saw ~~~~~~ smiling at him.


"Hey sorry I'm late. Traffic."


He just nodded. The two were chatting about work, family and friends when Jonghyun decided it was time.


"Hey, I've got something to tell you.” He said looking at her in the eyes.


"Me too. Wait I got something for you." She said looking through her purse.


He just nodded.


The girl handed him an envelope.


He opened it and read what seems to be an invitation.



You are invited to Park ~~~~~~~ and Choi Minho's dream wedding. 





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Someone told me that my story was fast paced so sorry !!!!


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I feel sorry for Jonghyun, all hopes gone down. :(
But at least she gets to be happy with Minho now and she could be friends with Jonghyun.
Wow~ fantastic baby! XDDD You should make more of this sad stories! :DDDDD
Even thought Jonghyun was at wrong first... I still felt sad for him... But she's happier with Minho!! I really like this story :)
Oh my gosh, my heart broke. Literally. It's so sad. WAEEEE! I like stories like these, I hope you make more in the future and you'd see my username in the subscribers list. TROLOLOLO.
choheex33 #5
Dayyumm, poor jonghyun;(
But that's what you get for being a !
*i don't really mean it*
But good job!!
did minho just confessed??? she should really give him a chance!!!!
minho had always been there for her! nice start, dongsaeng! update more~
angelcity #7
Omg I love these types of stories<333
they leave me in so much suspense. 8D
I hope you update soon, I like these kinds of fanfics/one-shots =))
awww, a minho drama?!? and a love triangle with jjong??
kyaaaa~ this is daebak! plus the forewords is so interesting!
i'll support this one as well! ;D