Operation: Get hubby and son out of the house

I want you in my plans babe~~~


I woke up with the sound of the alarm. I reached out for it with a sleepy moan and wanted to throw it away but then this is going to be my 7th alarm clock as I chucked the previous six. Jaejoong stirred beside me and groaned. His grip on my waist tightened and I bit my lip. I looked at the calendar and it’s the big day for my husband. I had everything planned already though. I asked his parents to take care of Jaeson for the today and tomorrow. They happily agreed, especially my father in law. He just adores Jaeson completely that I am not even going to be surprised if he spoils him rotten. Aigoo. That kid.

I inched closer to Jaejoong and whispered softly in his ear. “Happy birthday baby…” he opened his eyes a little bit and smiled. He pulled me into a hug and cuddled with me. “Thanks babe. “ he said with his husky voice. “Are you going to be busy today? Your parents are going to pick up Jaeson in three hours. “ I actually needed to get up and get ready with my plan but I can’t really make it too obvious for him. “No. I don’t have any schedules today. We are just getting ready for the upcoming concert in Chile and Peru. So far, no schedules today.” I nodded and looked up at him. “we need to get up. have to cook breakfast. “ Jaejoong moaned in protest but I just giggled. I pushed him off but he won’t budge. “How about I eat you for breakfast?” he smirked mischievously. “Yah… yah… not right now… our son might walk in on us any minute. Aigoo.” I was chuckling at how erted he is. I don’t even know where I got this strong will power from. Because do I need to mention that my husband is HOT? Like extremely HOT and keeps seducing me every chance he gets and I give in ALMOST every time. good thing Jaeson is still the only child.

I mean I still want another kid but not right now when he’s so busy. I don’t want to be in labor alone. T.T Jaeson burst into the room, “Umma! Appa! I’m going to sleep over at haraboji’s house?? Jinjia??! “ he jumped into the bed and looked at me with wide excited eyes. I smiled at our son and nodded. He smiled back. “Yay! “ I think the reason why he loves spending time there is because his grandparents dote on him TOO much. Aigoo.

Jaejoong finally woke up and looked at Jaeson with mischief. “who is this kid that makes so much noise early in the morning huh? I must punish!” Jaejoong got out of the bed and tickled Jaeson playfully. “ahh.. Appa… stop! Stop! Hahahaha!” the kid was laughing out loud as his dad was tickling him. “You’re so noisy! You that excited to go to grandpa’s?” he tickled Jaeson some more and then laughter echoed in the room as I quietly step out to the kitchen to cook for my boys. I also had to prepare some side dishes for my in laws and some food for Jaeson to bring. I am really playing the role of a doting daughter in law. LOL who knew this will ever happen?

=after some hours=

My in laws came and picked up Jaeson. I greeted them and gave them my prepared dishes and told Jaeson to behave and not cause trouble for Grandpa and Grandma. The kid just grinned at me and nodded. Aigoo. My son is really starting to look like his Appa. Getting cuter by the day. T.T girls are going to be swarming soon. Ugh.

As they left, I felt a hand snaking around my waist. “Ok, now you got me alone… I don’t think you can escape me now.” Jaejoong whispered in my ear, using his seductive voice which I fall for ALMOST every time. “Why don’t we give Jaeson a brother…. Or a sister?” I giggled and pushed him away slightly. “Babe.. not right now ok? I have errands to do. Oh that’s right. Yoochun wanted to talk to you about something. He said to go meet him at Junsu’s place. Why don’t you get ready?” He pouted so cutely and stomped his way to the bedroom. I just giggled and called Yoochun. “Yes, noona. We will keep him here for as long as we can. Just let us know.” I beamed at him. “Gomawo Yoochun-ah~ I’ll call you later.”

“Was that Yoochun? why were you talking to him? What is going on??” He looked at me slightly irritated. Uh-oh he’s getting irritated. I’m going to get caught! Think of a lie. Quick! “Uh yea. It was Yoochun because he was calling to see what’s keeping you. he said to go over there and hurry.” I nodded and looked at him, willing him to buy my acting. “Then why didn’t he just call me?” Oh. Right. Oh my god. “That’s because he said he can’t get through your phone. Must be broken or something he said.” ASSA! Nice save ____! He looked at me for a while longer and nodded finally convinced. He walked closer to me and hugged me tight. “You better not be cheating on me with Yoochun.” I laughed because it was just way too funny. “Aigoo…. Why would I do that? my husband is the hottest guy I have ever laid eyes on. Now don’t be jealous and get going. “ I tiptoed and kissed him but he won’t let go so easily. Aigoo.. I had to be the one to break off the kiss. “Now go. I love you. take care~~” he nodded and said I love you back and was out the door.

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Eek! *fans self* I don't thin I could live with the iest man on earth.. LOL..

HEHE.. I'm liking this twoshot :D

I like it! The hottest birthday gift = birthday .. LOL..
Jae's such a bad boy :p
Hai there new reader here (: oooooooh liking it so far [:
Lmao , first chapter : 6th alarm clock oh dang!! Ahaha xd