like a rabbit caught in the headlights.
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A date to the famous outdoor amusement park. It’s indeed on Junmyeon’s bucket list. How did Yifan find out? “Are you hungry?” Junmyeon turns warm under Yifan’s concerned gaze.


Everyone, especially women near them, take more than a glance to get a glimpse at the towering male. Junmyeon can’t blame them. Yifan is indeed a good-looking man. Not only that, his business attire makes him look like he came straight out of a webtoon.


Junmyeon can’t deny that he read many of them before. That’s how he wanted a perfect man to bed him on his birthday. Junmyeon gives a shake of his head once he remembers to answer the latter’s question. “Thirsty?” Another shake.


“Do tell me if you want anything.”


Junmyeon nods mutely. He gulps when Yifan lifts his chin right in front of the people. The girls watching them nearby squeal out loud before they whisper to themselves.


Junmyeon’s eyes are wide because Yifan is too close. Because of the proximity, he gets to see the taller’s expression. Yifan looks hurt somehow. “Look at me when you’re answering, hm?” Junmyeon nods twice, gulping again.


When Yifan releases him and walks ahead, Junmyeon heaves out the breath he has been holding. Yifan’s gaze was so intense. Junmyeon shakes the feeling off as he follows the male. He mustn’t remember their intimate night but his brain isn’t cooperating with him.


“Hey, Doc. Why don’t we play this?”


Junmyeon looks up from the ground to see the handsome male pointing to a token-operated basketball arcade. “The loser gets to treat food.” Junmyeon nods. He’s surprised Yifan hasn’t requested an extreme request. The feeling of being nervous with the taller is long gone.


He despised sports when he was in high school before, but now, he regrets not joining the basketball club, or else he can be a few inches taller like Yifan. Junmyeon glances at the male next to his side. Yifan looks so determined to win. He almost chuckles at the focused face. 


The drug lord doesn’t look like an underground criminal at all. 


Yifan takes glimpses of the surgeon once they start throwing the balls to the hoop. He seems to be very reserved and shy. Ten seconds left, Yifan secretly looks at him again. The surgeon hops on his feet to throw each of the balls, which come rolling down to him again.


Yifan smiles at the adorable sight. It’s so obvious Yifan wins the game. Junmyeon doesn’t mind paying for food. Yifan brought him here, so it’s the least he can do. “Let’s try that one.” Junmyeon gets tugged behind just when he wants to take his wallet out, “Where?”


He listens to Yifan humming shortly before his face pales a little when the latter says, “I want to shoot something.” Of course, he meant the balloons. Not living people. Junmyeon wants to knock his head for actually thinking Yifan will reveal his firearm in the open.


The drug lord won’t be doing that recklessly. Just like he has expected, Yifan wins every shooting game. The thing is, every time Yifan wins a game, a soft toy will be given to him as a gift. Now, Junmyeon is desperately hogging onto ten of them from all sorts of sizes in his arms.


He ends up giving to the kids (after having their parents’ permission) who were watching and cheering for Yifan playing from the start. Yifan is neither angry nor upset. He’s busy staring at the beaming surgeon.


Junmyeon never smiled at him like that before.


Yifan’s heart skips a beat at the endearing sight, and he caresses his hurting chest absentmindedly. After it has subdued, he stares back at the smiling doctor. He is determined to make Junmyeon smile like that to him before their date ends.




After the kids are gone around the surgeon, he invites Junmyeon to another shooting game where one must wear a bulletproof vest and have their plastic guns filled with plastic bullets.


They enter separately to the fully-covered wide net loaded with small colorful balls and several sizes of blocks wherever they take a step forward, the floor being a full set of net everywhere their foot lands on.


There are other kids too. They aren’t shooting. Kids being kids, some of them are just playing with colorful toys and blocks. Yifan gets to see Junmyeon finally cracking from his reserved shell.


The surgeon giggles and laughs as they run and run and shoot each other, sometimes hiding behind the soft pillars and attempting to scare Yifan. Neither know how one will win because they’re too caught up with fun. 


Junmyeon ends up playing with some six-year-olds after losing sight of the drug lord, his plastic gun abandoned next to him. His bright smile is on display as the kids ask him numerous questions, probably curious why an adult is in here.


Junmyeon even plays little games with them, one by one sitting close to him, one even perched on his lap. Yifan stares from afar, gaze very fond at the surgeon. He leaves from his spot to take a walk around. He asks Chanyeol about any questionable actions at the park after touching his micro earpiece.


“I almost ing threw up when you tried to impress Doc by getting him stuffed animals.”


“Shut the up,” Yifan hisses before quickly looking around to see any kids but there are none, “Got anything?” A burst of laughter is heard, not minding that Yifan has just cursed at him.


“Nope, you guys are safe. Just relax, Kris. I’ll notify you if we found something.” 


Yifan hums shortly, “Thanks.” He returns to the spot. There’s no Junmyeon. Yifan is about to send an emergency message for a search of the surgeon but then, a light force lands on his arm from the back startles the living daylights out of Yifan.


Out of reflex, he seizes the forearm and pins the person down after swinging him to the front.


Yifan falls on the attacker, the net underneath them making their bodies bouncing a little from the impact of the fall. It’s Junmyeon. The surgeon is staring at him with surprised orbs. “Are you hurt?” Yifan questions as he stares at Junmyeon with worry.


Junmyeon doesn’t answer, simply looking at the drug lord. His heart is beating a mile a minute as he remembers the night they spent together. He unintentionally stares down at the taller’s mouth.


Yifan sees this. Junmyeon’s cheeks change color after he gets caught. A smile is sent to him and Junmyeon shuts his eyes close. Yifan takes this cue to lean down. Sounds of little children nearing fast catches Yifan’s attention, probably the kids with Junmyeon earlier.


Yifan instantly crawls away from the small figure and helps the surgeon to stand up, gently taking the surgeon’s hand. Junmyeon doesn’t dare to look at the male. He’s still embarrassed. Very embarrassed.


Did he just want Yifan to kiss him? 


His heart beats faster than earlier as he thinks about what happened. The drug lord leaves and waits for the surgeon outside since Junmyeon is occupied telling his goodbyes to the kids he met earlier.


When he spots Yifan outside, he brings his gaze down, still not daring to have his eyes meet. There’s a hand on his back, not touching him, just staying there, as Yifan brings him to the queue for the Ferris wheel.


Junmyeon wants to hit himself from blushing. It’s just a simple gesture. Why is he so worked up about it? “How are you feeling?” Yifan asks the silent Junmyeon once they’re inside, sitting face to face.


Junmyeon doesn’t answer, simply fiddling with his fingers, obviously nervous just by being alone with him. Yifan sighs quietly. How he wishes he can be a normal person right now.


This is hard. It must be harder for the surgeon. Junmyeon is so careful with him as if he will hurt him. Yifan wants to hug the surgeon very badly just by looking at how small he is; shoulders slumped, eyes trained on his shoes, soft bangs covering his eyes.


Yifan resists the urge to do so as he tears his gaze away to look outside the dark sky. “I’m… Happy.” Yifan perks up at the soft voice and looks ahead of him. Junmyeon has finally lifted his head, eyes staring into his.


Has Yifan heard it right?


His face seems to be impassive until Junmyeon blushes. The doctor keeps their gaze locked, pink still evident on the cheeks. His lips slowly stretch into a very wide smile before he states, “I’m happy.”


Yifan can’t hold the pain in his chest anymore so he slouches as he fists his shirt where his heart is aching, groaning quietly in his throat. His heart thumps rapidly as if he just did a sprint. 


“Are you okay?” 


Warmth is pressed next to his side, and Yifan glances at the source of it. The surgeon is looking at him with pure worry. Yifan’s heart beats faster by the attention. Junmyeon is so close. The smaller came next to him willingly.


A small hand covers his own which is on h

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Myeonni2020 #1
Chapter 8: Urghhh dying to know the ending...why why whyyyyyyyyy u stop writing...
dhee1705 #2
Chapter 8: Please please keep your account active please 🙏🙏
2440 streak #3
Chapter 8: you have nothing to apologize for... thank you for everything as well :)
panda-bear #4
Chapter 8: It’s so sad to see you go. Honestly I absolutely loved reading your work and you’re so talented! Ofc super supportive of your decision and you don’t have to apologize at all! I hope maybe someday you can find joy in it again. But otherwise thank you for your stories and creativity.
MarieJane #5
Chapter 5: OMG I was waiting for this chapter so badly and it's finally here. Yay.
2440 streak #6
Chapter 7: ahhhh... so she was on a personal quest to discover her identity... and Sehun being Yifan's half brother who was also sold off to a foreign family... hmmmm... so that's why Yifan is after Jun's father huh...

it was Jun's persuasion that had Yifan spare Mina HAHA anyway, at least Yifan gained another valuable asset...

Yifan took so long so get back to Jun tho! Jun was worried sick... but damn, how brave of Jun to invite Yifan in their own home coz daddy is away!!! someone won't approve of that! i don't think Jun's father is oblivious to all that's happening with his son, I'm just curious why he hasn't done anything yet... truly, he can't be that clueless right???
panda-bear #7
Chapter 7: Ookkkk so I think this cleared up some stuff about nurse myoui??? I think initially I thought she was working for June’s dad but that clearly isn’t it. BUT I’m guessing the whole baby trafficking fiasco is actually Jun’s dad's business! (Like yea he’s the police/commander whatever but this is his other thing). And that’s also why his dad is so against Yifan; bc Yifan is a double threat against security by being a crime lord but also against his trafficking business bc yifan keeps looking into it.
Also omg!!!!! They’re finally together again!! Aaaahhhhh!!
2440 streak #8

anyway, their 2nd date was so sweet!!! OMFG!!! I LOVED EVERYTHING ABT IT!!! AAAAAHHHHHHH
Chapter 6: Can I scream at how cute and sweet Yifan is towards Junmyeon?!!! Can I???!!! Or should I thank Chanyeol for it? The sweetness is too much (T_T)

Hmmm... Seems like Sehun isn't just Yifan's babie? He's also Luhan's everyone else's babie (T_T) Also, he has more roles than just being a babie to the group right?

Oh no... Junmyeon...? Who is that nurse...

Thank you for this update! The story is getting more and more complex! The cuteness of Yifan and Junmyeon intensifies too hahahaha...
panda-bear #10
Chapter 5: Ok I’m really wondering who the nurse is working for... my obvious guess would be Myeons dad but idk what if it’s some completely other twist e__e
Also omg I was going to be so sad that they didn’t get to meet up but then they did afterwards!! Lol I’m so whipped for these two they’re way too precious!!!!