like a rabbit caught in the headlights.
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They’re supposed to meet tonight. 


He has called the surgeon numerous times. Yifan can’t reach him. All sorts of scenarios run through his head until he grows agitated. Has Junmyeon forgotten about tonight? Is he safe and sound? Have his enemies found out about Junmyeon?


No, no, no, Yifan calms himself down, but the countless taps of his foot on the ground never cease. Peering down to his phone, there are no replies yet. He calls Junmyeon again. The same voice of a lady in a computerized voice answers. Yifan cusses out loud.








A splitting grin breaks out of Yifan’s face. The surgeon’s voice still sounds soft even through a phone’s speaker. “Hi, Doc.” There are rustles on the other line. Junmyeon must have sat on the bed. 


He imagines the surgeon in his pajamas. White pajamas. With white fluffy slippers. Yifan sighs deeply with his eyes closed, Must be so ing cute… “Oh, hi, um, why did you call?” Yifan mocks hurt in his voice, “I can’t call my boyfriend?”


He listens to the panic Junmyeon, most probably by the term of endearment, as he goes, “Oh, um, I-I’m sorry for asking, I didn’t—” Yifan chuckles fondly as he flips open the cigarettes pack, “It’s okay, Doc. What did your dad say? Was he suspicious?”


It’s a wonder how Yifan didn’t smoke for one whole day. Maybe he was too excited for their first date, or maybe too nervous. Chanyeol would’ve been proud of him if he knew this matter. He glances at the door whether that brat is peeking or not.


“Well… He was at first. I told him I went out with Kevin. He didn’t ask anything after that, reminding me to sleep early.” 


He puffs out white smoke again before inhaling the cigarette, resisting the urge to scoff, “That’s great. Did you enjoy tonight?” He can already picture the surgeon blushing cutely. God, how he wishes to see Junmyeon right now. 


“I enjoyed it…” 


Yifan grins stupidly, “Same—” “I-I’m looking forward to going more dates with you.” Yifan beams, appreciating how Junmyeon must have been encouraging himself multiple times to say that. His face must be red by now.


“Me too, Doc. Can I bring you to somewhere I want to this time?”




“Doc,” Yifan closes his eyes as he leans against the chair, missing the doctor already. “Yes?” He smiles fondly by the curiosity in his tone. He presses the pads of his fingers onto his beating organ where it hurts so wonderfully, “I miss you.”


Junmyeon blushes to the maximum. He holds his phone tightly, having it close to his ear. They just met hours ago. Is the drug lord telling the truth? Yifan sounds so sincere though.


When he hears a chuckle on the other line, Junmyeon realizes he must have gone too quiet. The drug lord probably knows his condition right now. He pouts, imagining Yifan giving him a teasing look.


“I want to get lost into this feeling with you, Doc. I want to feel more of it. I want to feel more of you too.” 


Junmyeon feels the heat burning his cheeks terribly at that. True, he wants to feel the same, wanting to get lost in the new feeling. He rubs his legs together out of habit, clutching the sheets with one hand and his other one holding his phone, humming shortly.


“Can I see you tomorrow, Doc? It hurts missing you.” 


Junmyeon holds in a stupid smile and he nods twice before he realizes Yifan can’t see him. He just hums, “But where?” He listens to Yifan exhaling. The drug lord must be smoking. “Can you sneak out for a while tomorrow? Just for a while.” Junmyeon contemplates.


Where will Yifan take him? 


What if his father finds out he has snuck out in the middle of the night? 


“We won't be going anywhere. Just in my car.” 


That doesn’t seem so bad. “Okay. I… I’ll see you tomorrow night.” He doesn’t know why but he can feel Yifan smiling as he replies, “I can’t wait to see you, Doc.” Junmyeon shyly looks down as if Yifan is in front of him, “Me too…” 


A chortle is heard on the other line, “I’ll call you tomorrow, ‘kay?” Junmyeon smiles shyly, “Un. Bye, Yifan. Good night.” He doesn’t need to know that Yifan works at night. “Good night, Doc. Sleep tight.” Junmyeon hangs up first, embarrassed at how cheesy they sound.


He flops on the mattress with his back, his mouth hurting from smiling too much and his cheeks hurting from the flush. Yifan smiles fondly down to his mobile device. He means what he says. He wants to venture into this new feeling together with Junmyeon.







“Park, are you near the hospital where Doc works at?”


“Nope. What’s wrong—”


Yifan ends the call without even listening until the end.  it, I’ll go see him myself. He heads out from his penthouse with a different car and literally breaks the traffic rules to get to the hospital. 


Sehun will help to clear the fines later just like he always does. Yifan can’t escape Chanyeol’s nagging though. He reaches his destination around eleven. Once he spots the counter, he straightaway describes Junmyeon to the nurse as the one with the glasses and baggy lab coat.


She politely informs him that he’s in the wrong building. She doesn’t forget to tell the correct way to where the said surgeon’s building at. Grumbling out another curse under his breath, Yifan jogs to the east building. 


“Where can I find Doctor Kim?” 


The nurse, looking younger than the earlier one, is startled by his sudden appearance. He’s out of breath but his eyes are sharply trained on the lady in front of him for an answer. “Which Kim, sir?” Yifan takes a deep breath, “Kim Junmyeon.” 


His chest does its thing again once the surgeon’s name rolls out of his tongue. It’s also his first time saying Junmyeon’s name. He would’ve paid attention to the pain but the nurse is getting on his nerves as she flips the pages of a thick book painstakingly slow.


“Have you fixed an appointment—”


“Can you just tell me where the he is?!”


The other nurses stop to ogle at him by his outburst. Yifan glowers at the one in front of him, his patience has run thin. Poor lady, stuttering as she hugs the clipboard close, splutters, “D-Dr Kim is in the surgery th-theatre at the moment, s-sir.”


Instant relief washes over his being at the information. So the doctor wasn’t in danger. He was ing worried for nothing, then. His legs nearly give out and all he wants to do is sit but he can’t be out in the open for too long. He needs to leave. 


Yifan tells a half-assed apology and walks away, the ladies watching him with looks of spite. He doesn’t notice that he has just passed by Junmyeon’s office. When he’s near his car, his phone rings in his coat pocket. He doesn’t answer it until he’s inside. 


“Kris, where the are you?! Why didn’t you tell me or Kyungsoo that you’re heading out?! You’re not supposed to go out on your own without backup—” 


“I went to see Doc,” He clarifies calmly despite his racing heart, “We were supposed to meet tonight but he’s still working.” Chanyeol groans out loud, “That doesn’t mean you should go out on your ing own! Who knows you could’ve gotten followed—”


Yifan hangs up, frowning angrily. He doesn’t need to hear nags from Chanyeol right now. Yifan wants to see Junmyeon so badly. He wants to hold him so badly. He misses him so much. He thought of waiting for him but he can’t. Besides, he doesn’t want to make Junmyeon feel bad. 


Yifan doesn’t have a choice. He heads back to the headquarters in a very foul mood knowing Chanyeol and others are waiting there. He purposely drives slow to the destination with a very heavy heart, sending a last glance at the hospital.


Meanwhile, the petrified nurse from earlier is being comforted by the senior nurses. She rubs the tears on her cheeks before assuring her peers she’s doing fine before excusing herself to the restroom. 


Once she’s alone, immediate change is notable in her countenance. Her brows pinch together as she takes out the burner phone from her pocket and speedily texts her associates about the suspicious male from earlier.




Returning from the operation theatre, Junmyeon snatches his device from his desk. There was an emergency surgery after a patient had been involved in a severe car crash. Junmyeon didn’t have the opportunity to ca

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Myeonni2020 #1
Chapter 8: Urghhh dying to know the ending...why why whyyyyyyyyy u stop writing...
dhee1705 #2
Chapter 8: Please please keep your account active please 🙏🙏
2440 streak #3
Chapter 8: you have nothing to apologize for... thank you for everything as well :)
panda-bear #4
Chapter 8: It’s so sad to see you go. Honestly I absolutely loved reading your work and you’re so talented! Ofc super supportive of your decision and you don’t have to apologize at all! I hope maybe someday you can find joy in it again. But otherwise thank you for your stories and creativity.
MarieJane #5
Chapter 5: OMG I was waiting for this chapter so badly and it's finally here. Yay.
2440 streak #6
Chapter 7: ahhhh... so she was on a personal quest to discover her identity... and Sehun being Yifan's half brother who was also sold off to a foreign family... hmmmm... so that's why Yifan is after Jun's father huh...

it was Jun's persuasion that had Yifan spare Mina HAHA anyway, at least Yifan gained another valuable asset...

Yifan took so long so get back to Jun tho! Jun was worried sick... but damn, how brave of Jun to invite Yifan in their own home coz daddy is away!!! someone won't approve of that! i don't think Jun's father is oblivious to all that's happening with his son, I'm just curious why he hasn't done anything yet... truly, he can't be that clueless right???
panda-bear #7
Chapter 7: Ookkkk so I think this cleared up some stuff about nurse myoui??? I think initially I thought she was working for June’s dad but that clearly isn’t it. BUT I’m guessing the whole baby trafficking fiasco is actually Jun’s dad's business! (Like yea he’s the police/commander whatever but this is his other thing). And that’s also why his dad is so against Yifan; bc Yifan is a double threat against security by being a crime lord but also against his trafficking business bc yifan keeps looking into it.
Also omg!!!!! They’re finally together again!! Aaaahhhhh!!
2440 streak #8

anyway, their 2nd date was so sweet!!! OMFG!!! I LOVED EVERYTHING ABT IT!!! AAAAAHHHHHHH
Chapter 6: Can I scream at how cute and sweet Yifan is towards Junmyeon?!!! Can I???!!! Or should I thank Chanyeol for it? The sweetness is too much (T_T)

Hmmm... Seems like Sehun isn't just Yifan's babie? He's also Luhan's everyone else's babie (T_T) Also, he has more roles than just being a babie to the group right?

Oh no... Junmyeon...? Who is that nurse...

Thank you for this update! The story is getting more and more complex! The cuteness of Yifan and Junmyeon intensifies too hahahaha...
panda-bear #10
Chapter 5: Ok I’m really wondering who the nurse is working for... my obvious guess would be Myeons dad but idk what if it’s some completely other twist e__e
Also omg I was going to be so sad that they didn’t get to meet up but then they did afterwards!! Lol I’m so whipped for these two they’re way too precious!!!!