like a rabbit caught in the headlights.
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“Hey, Doc!”


Junmyeon almost spurts the caramel macchiato out of his mouth once a sudden force lands on his back (which is actually a pat). “Oh, sorry! Didn’t know you were drinking. You okay?” Chanyeol checks him out with a worried glance, guilt splattering all over his features.


Junmyeon only nods twice, wiping the excess of his drink on the corner of his lips with the sleeves of his white lab coat. They continue walking to the same café for lunch. Chanyeol is always on the dot, so Junmyeon questions his lateness.


“I had something to work on. That’s the reason I was late,” Chanyeol perks up as he glances to his side, hoping to get any verbal responses from the doctor. Junmyeon sips his drink quietly, Did he had to kill anyone… ? 


He can’t imagine sweet Chanyeol killing anyone. The male is always smiling and always happy. The image of a serious Chanyeol is scaring the hell out of him. Chanyeol tries to talk some more, but it all ends up in silence.


He then smirks when he exactly knows what to bring up to make Junmyeon talk. He clears his throat somewhat dramatically, “So… Kris has been talking a lot about you.” Junmyeon looks up at him, “Kris… ?”


Chanyeol smiles briefly at the immediate attention, “The man who gotten you laid— Wait, what name did he introduce himself to you?” Junmyeon looks ahead of him somewhat dreamily, probably thinking of the said guy. Well, who wouldn’t? 


“Wu Yifan. He told me to address him as Kevin with other people…”


Chanyeol stops walking. His boss nearly slit his throat the last time he mistakenly called him using his Chinese name. He made the name illegal within the group. Why did his boss introduce his real name to Junmyeon?


“Is anything wrong?”


Junmyeon peers up to him questioningly like a rabbit. “Ah,” Chanyeol breaks into a wide smile as he cages his arm around the short surgeon’s neck before continuing their journey, “Where did I leave off earlier? Oh, right. We call him Kris. He talked a lot about you, you know.”


Junmyeon stares at the pavement in amusement, He talked about me… ? “Oh, don’t worry. He didn’t spill a single detail about how you were in bed with him.” Junmyeon’s cheeks burn at that. 


He ducks his head lower as the memories flash right before his eyes. “Aww, look who’s shy~” Junmyeon elbows the cotton candy-haired male in the ribs, satisfied after listening to a small yelp from the taller as Chanyeol frees his neck.


“As I was saying,” Chanyeol attempts to conceal the ache as he walks beside Junmyeon again, “Kris wants to see you again.” Junmyeon stops walking this time. He looks up at Chanyeol, eyes filled with surprise, “He wants to see me?”


For real? 


Chanyeol nods, also stopping next to him. “When?” Chanyeol shrugs, “Well, whenever you’re free. He wants one night.” Junmyeon looks away from Chanyeol, resuming his footsteps. He shouldn’t be surprised. Yifan probably wants to sleep with him again.


He can decline right away because Yifan and Chanyeol seem to be dangerous people but… “Is Saturday night okay for him?” Chanyeol shoulder-hugs the doctor again, “Sure. I’ll tell him that.”


Junmyeon feels his heart racing whenever he thinks of Yifan. He doesn’t even know what Yifan will want to do with him in one night. “He didn’t even give me his number,” Junmyeon’s voice is almost inaudible if he isn’t close. Chanyeol chortles at how cute the surgeon sounds.


“It’s safer to let him call you. If you call him, the police can trace us easily. Unless if you want us to get caught,” Chanyeol’s voice turns a pitch lower than usual after bringing Junmyeon close to his side, causing the surgeon to freeze on the spot.


“Chanyeol, I never intend to do any of that,” Junmyeon exclaims, staring up at him with wide eyes. The taller seems to sense the truth. He’s back to smiling again, “Okay, then! I would’ve killed you right here if your answer was different.” 


Junmyeon doesn’t know whether he should feel relief or not because Chanyeol just told him he could have killed him right here.


“Oh, don’t be scared. I’ll do anything to keep you safe only if you keep your promise,” Chanyeol pats on the surgeon’s shoulder. He senses the hidden fear judging by Junmyeon’s silent behavior.


“I won’t even try to break it,” Junmyeon says without even thinking, but it’s the truth, “Please don’t scare me like that.” Chanyeol chuckles. He then very briefly tells him about Yifan, that the man is his boss. He proudly informs the doctor that he’s Yifan’s right-hand man.


“So he’s… He’s one of the mafias… ?”


Chanyeol shushes him gently with a forefinger on his own mouth, keeping him close in case any passers-by hear them. “That’s all for today. You can ask any questions to Kris himself.” Junmyeon shakes his head, “I don’t think I have to…” Chanyeol lets out a small smile.


It’s kind of surprising how the surgeon isn’t scared of them. If other people heard of this, they would have run away the second he told them who they are. He doesn’t know what his boss is going to do with the surgeon for one night. He will just go along with the flow.


Both of them walk with little space between them until they reach the café. Chanyeol occasionally throws glances at the silent doctor after their ordered meals arrive. He’s always thankful for Junmyeon.


That night when the doctor saved him, he managed to call his boss very briefly through the payphone after he was conscious. He never imagined Yifan going berserk to the gang for leaving him all alone in the streets, listening to him shouting and cursing in all languages on the other line.


Ever since then, he is more loyal to his boss. He hasn’t expected his presence to be crucial for Yifan. Now that he is, he’s returning the favor by serving his boss loyally.


“Thank you,” Chanyeol says as he rips the tofu with his utensils. He also provided free security for the surgeon for saving his life, way before he introduced Junmyeon to Yifan. 


Junmyeon, mouth filled with rice and a few side dishes, his cheeks bulging, blinks at the male in wonder. Chanyeol reminds himself to secretly take pictures of the doctor. He needs to show those to his boss later.


Junmyeon chews slowly and swallows everything before he questions, “What for?” Chanyeol smiles as he remembers the night where the surgeon saved him, “For saving me that night.”


Chanyeol groans, the wound on his shoulder doesn’t seem to stop bleeding. He crawls to the end of the alleyway, hoping the team will find him. The shooter had crushed every piece of communication he has before the bastard left. He can’t reach Sehun either. 


He rests his temple on the dirty ground, sighing in defeat as he can’t continue anymore. He lost a lot of blood already. Lightheaded. Cold. It’s so cold, and he wants to sleep just like this. But then, a gasp startles him not-so-greatly. 


“A-Are you alright?!” 


Chanyeol lifts his gaze upwards, head still on the ground, and spots someone. A stranger. , Chanyeol hides his face by turning to the wall only for him to let out a loud hiss at the pain. 


“P-Please don’t move! You’re bleeding so much!” 


Go away, Chanyeol wants to shout, but he doesn’t have the strength to do so. The guy seems to understand once he listens to the footsteps running away. Chanyeol huffs out a sigh as he gazes at the night sky. 


It looks like this is how he dies. He hasn’t proved himself worthy to his boss yet. He would pass away right here out of regret. Just then, he hears the same footsteps coming back. Chanyeol frowns deeply despite the haziness. 


Dragging his gaze to the source of noise, he spots the same guy kneeling next to his side with a white bag beside him. The stranger asks, “Um, will you let me treat you?” Chanyeol wants to swat the hand away, but he can’t. 


He needs immediate medical attention, or else he won’t make it if the bleeding continues. “Who… Are you… ?” He asks, voice breathless as he stares at this short guy who’s tearing his shirt open. 


“I’m a doctor at the nearby hospital. Why are you—” 


The surgeon halts the rest of his sentence as soon as he spots something shiny underneath the dim lights near the injured male. His eyes enlarge in utter terror. It’s a ing gun.


“I won’t… Hurt you,” Chanyeol mumbles weakly, his eyes closing slowly. The doctor must have seen his weapon. He hears the other male swallowing. For once in his life, Chanyeol begs, “Please…” Junmyeon isn’t sure what to do. 


His hands are shaking as he keeps staring at the gun beside the wounded male, his face paling as the second ticks. He then returns his sight to the male. His eyes scream of hurt until Junmyeon’s chest lurches at the pitiful sight. 


“I-I’ll help you,” Junmyeon fishes the necessities out of the bag before locking his eyes with the injured man, “Just, p-please don’t kill me.” Chanyeol lets out a soundless chortle, his eyes closing once again, “I won’t do a thing…” 


With that, the surgeon nurses the male to lean his back against the dirty wall where he notes he’s quite tall even though both of them are sitting. “Th-This might hurt a bit,” Junmyeon gives him a warning before he hears the other hissing. 


Chanyeol tries to stop whatever the surgeon is doing because , it hurts. “I-I’m sorry! I should’ve given you anesthesia—” “Please do… … Hurts…” Junmyeon gulps, glancing around them to see if anyone is walking by.


It’s near midnight so there’s no way people will be straying around. He gives the male an injection and waits for him to doze. Once he does, Junmyeon stitches up the wound with speed. Now that he’s done, he doesn’t know where to send this guy. 


Sending him to the hotel won’t be a good idea. The receptionist wouldn’t want a criminal staying in their hotel. Junmyeon can’t bring him home either. His father will definitely send him to the station at once without thinking about the injury. 


Junmyeon doubts his senior will let this male be admitted to the hospital he works because there’s no ID on the male after he has checked. Junmyeon apologizes as he packs up, and when he’s done, he drapes his white coat against the injured male’s chest before he runs off.


“Oh, it’s nothing… I shouldn’t have left you there.”


“It’s alright,” Chanyeol grins, small pieces of seaweed sticking on his pearly white teeth. Junmyeon giggles, covering his mouth politely as he does so. Chanyeol seems to know why so he quickly gobbles down water.


“But, um, you look kind of normal… ?”


Junmyeon questions with hesitance, peering at the male timidly. “Oh, that’s because you haven’t met the rest of us,” Chanyeol tells proudly. Junmyeon only gulps, eyes blinking, “There are more of you?”


The taller male presses his lips together as he nods, “They might not seem normal (Chanyeol air-quotes) to you after you’ve seen them.” Junmyeon somehow feels scared. Chanyeol is the friendliest person he has ever met. He’s sure the others aren’t friendly like the man.


“How many are you exactly?”


He questions, his voice wavering. Chanyeol wants to tell him more but, as promised, he won’t. “You can ask Kris about that,” He winks suggestively. Junmyeon flushes promptly at the mention of the other male. He avoids looking at Chanyeol as he stuffs everything into his mouth in one go.


Chanyeol takes this chance to take photos of the surgeon. Satisfied after getting more than a dozen, he keeps his phone back into his pocket, “So?” Junmyeon mumbles a snappy, “What?” Chanyeol raises a brow, “Are you really free on Saturday night?”


Junmyeon almost chokes at the question of confirmation, “Yes…” Chanyeol tells him to look at him in the eye and asks, “Are you sure?” Junmyeon nods confidently, “Yes, Chanyeol.” Said male smiles widely, “Is there anything you want me to tell Kris?”


Junmyeon thinks for a while, but he doesn’t have to. The drug lord probably wants his body. How can he say no? What if he’s tracked down and be killed if he says no? His father will definitely not let Yifan live.


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Myeonni2020 #1
Chapter 8: Urghhh dying to know the ending...why why whyyyyyyyyy u stop writing...
dhee1705 #2
Chapter 8: Please please keep your account active please 🙏🙏
2441 streak #3
Chapter 8: you have nothing to apologize for... thank you for everything as well :)
panda-bear #4
Chapter 8: It’s so sad to see you go. Honestly I absolutely loved reading your work and you’re so talented! Ofc super supportive of your decision and you don’t have to apologize at all! I hope maybe someday you can find joy in it again. But otherwise thank you for your stories and creativity.
MarieJane #5
Chapter 5: OMG I was waiting for this chapter so badly and it's finally here. Yay.
2441 streak #6
Chapter 7: ahhhh... so she was on a personal quest to discover her identity... and Sehun being Yifan's half brother who was also sold off to a foreign family... hmmmm... so that's why Yifan is after Jun's father huh...

it was Jun's persuasion that had Yifan spare Mina HAHA anyway, at least Yifan gained another valuable asset...

Yifan took so long so get back to Jun tho! Jun was worried sick... but damn, how brave of Jun to invite Yifan in their own home coz daddy is away!!! someone won't approve of that! i don't think Jun's father is oblivious to all that's happening with his son, I'm just curious why he hasn't done anything yet... truly, he can't be that clueless right???
panda-bear #7
Chapter 7: Ookkkk so I think this cleared up some stuff about nurse myoui??? I think initially I thought she was working for June’s dad but that clearly isn’t it. BUT I’m guessing the whole baby trafficking fiasco is actually Jun’s dad's business! (Like yea he’s the police/commander whatever but this is his other thing). And that’s also why his dad is so against Yifan; bc Yifan is a double threat against security by being a crime lord but also against his trafficking business bc yifan keeps looking into it.
Also omg!!!!! They’re finally together again!! Aaaahhhhh!!
2441 streak #8

anyway, their 2nd date was so sweet!!! OMFG!!! I LOVED EVERYTHING ABT IT!!! AAAAAHHHHHHH
Chapter 6: Can I scream at how cute and sweet Yifan is towards Junmyeon?!!! Can I???!!! Or should I thank Chanyeol for it? The sweetness is too much (T_T)

Hmmm... Seems like Sehun isn't just Yifan's babie? He's also Luhan's everyone else's babie (T_T) Also, he has more roles than just being a babie to the group right?

Oh no... Junmyeon...? Who is that nurse...

Thank you for this update! The story is getting more and more complex! The cuteness of Yifan and Junmyeon intensifies too hahahaha...
panda-bear #10
Chapter 5: Ok I’m really wondering who the nurse is working for... my obvious guess would be Myeons dad but idk what if it’s some completely other twist e__e
Also omg I was going to be so sad that they didn’t get to meet up but then they did afterwards!! Lol I’m so whipped for these two they’re way too precious!!!!