Lost and now, found.

Chasing Pavements?

Like a little child, Soonyi bawls her eyes out as she sits on the stage B2ST performed at two hours earlier. Eunmi watches her, saying words to comfort her friend every once in a while.

“This .” Soonyi wipes her cascading tears with an arm. Then, she begins hitting her head and calling herself a pabo. Her watery eyes look up at Eunmi and she frowns, “I’m sorry. If I weren’t so careless and stupid, we would’ve gone home by now.”

The sun is almost setting, the park is cleared and there is no one else but them left. Or so they think. 

“It’s okay, really. But Yi, can we go now?” Eunmi begs, becoming uncomfortable when she sees someone approaching, slowly walking towards them. She pulls Soonyi up and subtly points out the mysterious man. Soonyi alerts herself; the man is wearing a grey jacket, half of his face is hidden under a black cap.

The girls pretend not to notice the guy that is just a few meters away from them. They quicken their pace but the unknown person gently grabs Soonyi’s arm and opens his mouth to speak but he gets cut off when she flings her purse at him, hitting his face. He falls off to the ground, his cap flies behind him.

Eunmi starts running off, yelling out Soonyi’s name. “Hurry!”

But Soonyi stands frozen, staring at the object that drops next to the guy. The same object she and Eunmi had been looking for, her camera.

She picks it up quickly and glares down at the guy, “Why do you have this, huh?” She searches for any serious damage but finds only a few scratches on the sides. She turns to the guy who is now looking at her, his face scrunched and red.

hangs open, shock rushing all over body. She wonders how she can hurt someone like him. His hair, wavy and slightly messy, falls off just above his brown eyes. But it isn’t his stunning features that startle her; it is the fact that he’s familiar, well-known. He’s an idol, B2ST’s Junhyung.

After being frozen for a while, she hears Eunmi’s calls but she ignored her friend and helps him up. “Omo, I am really sorry. Really, really sorry.”

He mumbles and grumbles words she can barely understand. Brushing off dirt from his clothes, he speaks to her. “I was just going to give the camera back to the owner, which I guessed was you. But you used self-defense on me.” He eyes her and sarcastically says, “By the way, you’re welcome.”

Soonyi bites her lower lip, berating herself for being so thoughtless. “Soonyi, you pabo!”

The guy begins walking off, putting his cap on once again.

“Wait,” Soonyi catches up to him; she grabs his arm and he pauses, “I’m very sorry.”

He doesn’t bother to look at her. “It’s okay.”

“It’s not.” Soonyi lets go of his arm; her own dropping to her side. She sighs, her eyes full of apology. “Let me make it up to you. Um, what— do you ah—” she hesitates, losing words and thoughts.

“It’s okay.” He resumes walking but she isn’t fine with that. She pulls his arm and drags him with her. “Yah!” he shouts, completely taken aback. “What are you doing?!”


Night approaches fast and Junhyung sighs in the back of Eunmi’s car, fascinated by all of the city’s lights. He tries to become friendly to Eunmi when she asks random questions about his group and to Soonyi who keeps apologizing. He once told her that he’s fine but she insisted. She feels obligated that she has to express her guilt for what she did to him and thank him as well, for taking care of her beloved camera.

The three drive to a Japanese restaurant that is closing soon.

Soonyi thinks it’s a good idea to treat Junhyung in secluded place where no one will dare to doubt them as acquaintances.

When they arrive, Junhyung and Soonyi are the only ones who step out of the car. Eunmi excuses herself for she thinks she’s very tired. Feeling bad, Soonyi sends her off and hopes she feels better.

The left ones stand awkwardly next to each other, both contemplating if they should say something. Seconds tick by, and the two finally realize they are hungry.

Soonyi walks in while Junhyung hold the door for her.

They take the farthest table from any the door and the waitress sets down their menus. She stares at Junhyung for a while and gives a quick glance to Soonyi before walking back to the counter.

After choosing their desired dishes, they place down the menus and share another awkward moment.

“Look, I just want to say sorry—“ she begins but he cuts him off.

He shakes his head, a playful smirk showing off his face. “It’s okay, I’m fine.”

Although he says that, she can still see the red mark left on his face when she hit him with her purse.

“…and I must say, you hit hard.” He lets out a chuckle which surprises her. He smiles for the first time since the afternoon’s event, the small smile now plastered on his face makes her think he’s cuter than Dongwoon or Yoseob. His eyes turn into slit, hiding his hazel brown pupils.


For the first time in a while, he has never felt so comfortable with anyone he just met. It is either the person is a fan, calling him oppa, even hyung and asking him to do anything (from rapping to doing aegyo) all fan service. Soonyi is different.

 Different for they have been spending time together for hours now yet all her questions are mostly random; rarely about his idol life, or his friends’ lives. Some of the things he can be confident and just happy to answer.

And he likes that.


:)) i'm back, despising school so much though~ too much homework and sh!t. oh, and readers, i just want to say the comment section looks really lonely, makng me a bit sad... y'know what i mean?

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AbriMathos #1
Haha! I agree with dashLah. You don't see much purse-hitting at all XD That was funny! Great job!
SimpleAffection #2
I've just come across this fic just now and I like how it's going so far, but you might want to watch out for those spelling and grammatical errors.<br />
<br />
Otherwise, it's a nice read~
Purse-hitting, I haven't seen that in a while! I like how this is going! Update soon!
AbriMathos #4
I really loved the description! The 1st chapter seems like a good start! Subscribed ^-^
heylove #5
@GdNee43v32 teehee! thanks :) chapter one is up, enjoy!
GdNee43v32 #6
it's seem interesting.. update soon, cant wait d 1st chappie.. hwaiting ^^o