To end the routine.

Chasing Pavements?

Soonyi stares idly at her laptop screen as pictures she had took the day before play in a slideshow. From a cloud shaped like a turtle to a dog rolling on the grass, she captured it all. But what completely amazes her is the stolen shot she took of a couple sitting by a tree.

The woman lies against his partner while he leans on the trunk of a willow tree. They both have bright smiles; adoration and happiness written all over their faces.

Soonyi then starts drifting off to her usual daydreams. She begins to marvel how perfect love is. She smiles absentmindedly as she thinks of laying with that special someone under the sky dotted with twinkling stars, walking hand in hand on the beach or cuddling on the couch, wrapped in his arms and thick blankets.

When will love come my way?

She frowns, coming back to reality. She closes her laptop and puts her stuff on her bedside table.

She has been waiting, ever since she heard of love from fairytales and movies, she has been just dreaming about it. She keeps on lingering around; hoping cupid will finally struck her with his arrow and let her fall in love for the first time.

The silence in her room is suddenly interrupted when the door bell rings.

Her little Yorkie, Yong Yong, beats her out of her room and to the front door. She is lucky there are no stairs or else she would have tripped for rushing when the person outside keeps ringing the bell. She reaches the door and quickly opens it.

“What the—“ Those two words both come out of Soonyi and the visitor’s mouths. They start laughing for a while before they glare at each other.

Soonyi speaks first, eyes squinting into tiny slits. “Yah, did you have to our door bell?”

Eunmi, her best friend, stomps her way into the house and frowns at her friend who is still wearing her sleeping attire. “Why aren’t you dressed yet?”

“For what?”

Eunmi gasps, wanting to hit the girl in front of her. “B2ST’s fanmeet!”

Soonyi’s mouth forms an ‘O’ and slowly bobs her head. This time, she receives a light blow on her forehead.

“Change! Aigoo…”

Soonyi runs upstairs to clean up and get ready. After about an hour, she gets down all dressed up with make-up on and such but her hair is still slightly dripping. She hangs her camera around her neck and her purse over her shoulder.

Eunmi puts down Yong that she has been tickling and talking to while waiting and dashes out of the house. “Hurry, Yi-ah!”

Soonyi bents down and kisses Yong on the head, saying her goodbye and orders to the dog. “Be a good boy, arasso? Food is in the kitchen. Mommy loves you. Bye.”

She also leaves a note on the dining table for her parents to read when they come home for lunch.

“Bye, Yong-ah.”

The dog barks loudly as Soonyi closes and locks the door. She runs to Eunmi’s car and they zoom off to where they will meet their idols.

In the car, Eunmi plugs in her iPod to the stereo and shuffles her songs. She grins when the very first song that plays is Oasis by B2ST.

Soonyi looks out the window, head resting against the seat. Her mind ponders about love once again. The lyrics of the song are sweet and thoughtful; one can completely tell how deep the person has fallen and how there is hope in finding the right one even in the most unexpected time and ways.

Like what many say, love is everywhere.

He’s just out there, somewhere. She tells herself.


a/n ; quick update! ah, boring? i know. i just wanted to get this chapter out of the way. i want b2st to be here, now. night :)

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AbriMathos #1
Haha! I agree with dashLah. You don't see much purse-hitting at all XD That was funny! Great job!
SimpleAffection #2
I've just come across this fic just now and I like how it's going so far, but you might want to watch out for those spelling and grammatical errors.<br />
<br />
Otherwise, it's a nice read~
Purse-hitting, I haven't seen that in a while! I like how this is going! Update soon!
AbriMathos #4
I really loved the description! The 1st chapter seems like a good start! Subscribed ^-^
heylove #5
@GdNee43v32 teehee! thanks :) chapter one is up, enjoy!
GdNee43v32 #6
it's seem interesting.. update soon, cant wait d 1st chappie.. hwaiting ^^o