We're The Same Person?!

Mixed Up As One

“Hahaha!” I cackled an evil laugh at my wet and drenched sister. She just knitted her eyebrows in frustration, “YAH! _____ WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?! I’m wet and I wore my favourite pair of clothes today for TOP!!!” She flapped her hands everywhere angrily. I just laughed even more at the sight. Yup. If you’re thinking I did that to her you’re totally right! “I’ll be going the Unnie~! Good luck with your clothes~” I said in a torturing way and left with a smirk.


I left running to the park where TOP was waiting for Park Bom...”Apparently!” I thought evilly. Right...Park Bom is my twin but was born first...not sure how it works but all I know that she was older...not by a huge age but I called her Unnie anyways. I took a small peak at the park seeing TOP leaning against a tree glancing at his watch from time to time I smirked tidying myself neatly and walked to him with a big smile on my face. “Hey TOP!” I said cheerfully looking at the tall man he smiled back saying, “Hey Park Bom” I made a sour face in my mind but on the outside I just had a nervous smile.


“Uh...TOP I’m not Park Bom I’m her twin Park _____ we look alike don’t we?” I said nervously he just nodded I continued, “I-is it okay if I ha-hang out with you today?” I said purposely stuttering, “He’ll obviously have no choice but to say yes to my ‘innocence’ Hehe...” I thought with a smirk in mind. “Sure! No problem I just want to have fun today!” He said kindly and excited, “He’s so cute!” I thought feeling glad. We walked around the park for a while talking and chatting but then...


“HEY TOP!!!” An unknown voice said behind us. I turned around slowly knowing who it was. She came running to TOP holding both of his hands happily when I saw the sight I bit my lip irritated. “Hey Park Bom...what are you doing here? I thought you weren’t feeling WELL?!” I said loudly enough for TOP to hear. “Oh if you weren’t feeling well Park Bom you should have just stayed home!” He said worriedly I just smirked and said also in a ‘worried’ voice, “Yeah Unnie! You should go home!” “No I’m fin-“She was cut off by TOP, “I’ll walk you home then...are you okay with that?” She just opened in agape and nodded her head slowly, “Perfect let’s go!” He took her hand and dragged her back towards the exit of the park I just frowned, “So he just leaves me here by MYSELF!” “Tch...I’m not letting her win!” I said mad and followed them yelling, “Hey! Can I come too?” “Sure!” TOP said happy. I looked at my sister smiling ‘nicely’ but it turned into an evil smirk.


“My heart...is beating...like CRAZY!” Park Bom thought to herself feeling her face going red glancing at the hands holding onto each other. She shook her head, “You okay Park Bom?” TOP said kindly she just nodded still with a red face and looked down. “I might as well cherish this moment before _____ does something to get us separated!” She smiled as she looked up we were already in front of the house.  We got in she was lying down on the couch with a wet warm cloth over her forehead. “I’ll go soak it again.” TOP said leaving with the dried cloth leaving me and my sister.


“Tsk...You’re mean Unnie!” I said to her pouting she just smiled. “Calmed down _____ I mean I saw him first!” She said in a know-it-all voice I just exploded, “WHAT?! You saw him first...hah! Stop joking it was me who saw him first STUUUPID!” She exploded as well and we argued for about a good 10 minutes but then...collapse.


 Park Bom was knocked out on the couch while I fell on the floor knocked out as well. I felt something weird in myself...as if I was being, “Connected...WAIT...HOW THE HELL AM I ‘CONNECTING’ AND HOW I’M A TALKING TO MYSELF RIGHT NOW IF I’M KNOCKED OUT COLD!!!” I opened my eyes to find myself on the couch I just rubbed my eyes sleepily looking down at myself. I widen my eyes...”Why am I in Park Bom’s body?! Wait where is my body?!” I thought scared looked around panicking where my body was...it was nowhere to be found.


 “...” I said in the different body change, “Hey stop swearing with my mouth!” Park Bom thought, “Wait are you telling me I’m IN YOUR BODY?!” I thought she just replied with another thought, “No really?! But ho-how is this possible...oh snap! TOP’s coming back!” I panicked in Park Bom’s body as she just controlled my/her body to lie back down. “You feeling alright Park Bom...where’s Park _____?” “Uh...ahaha...look TOP I have to tell you something...” Park Bom said, “What are you doing idiot?!” I thought, “I’m going to tell him what happened...duh!” She replied back, “I-D-I-O-T! He’s going to think we’re crazy!!!" "Whatever _____ He’ll understand! Now shut your mouth!” She said hurriedly I just shut my mouth wanting to see what happens.


He still looked confused at ‘us’ “Um...TOP actually I’m Park Bom and Park _____ we actually um...connected...?” He just stared at us, “Uh...so wait...how do I know that Park _____ is ‘in’ you?” I just started adjusting myself changing from my personality to Park Bom’s. He just stared at us in disbelief, “Bu-but how?!” We just shook our heads, “I’m not really sure myself...” Park Bom said but I added for her, “Neh...TOP...would you still be our friend or anything like that...do you think it’s weird that this happened?” I asked seriously he still stood thinking, “Hm...I DO think it’s weird...” He said a little bitter I felt my heart falling as well as Park Bom’s but he continued, “But at the same time I’d think that’s pretty sick! And of course we could still all be friends!” He said with a determined face we just smiled in happiness. “We shouldn’t really ask him to like ‘us’ that’d be too weird!” I said with a frown Park Bom just laughed, “I know...”


“Truce...?” Park Bom said to me, I just smiled...not smirked evilly or anything, “...Truce” TOP just looked at us smiling, “A happy ending...I think?” TOP joked and laughed. We both laughed but then I smirked, “Haha...truce for now!” She just frowned saying, “HEY! That’s not fair! Then I’ll have to go through all the punishments...NO!!!” She yelled in despair I laughed evilly and thought, “Yup...back to my same old life...just in a different body!”

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Lyca_Myx #1
Chapter 2: Whoooaaa... I so Love this..Me wanna sis like that too..
Haha thank you! XD
That was great^^