
Maybe This Time

“Sunggyu-shii, can you take this up to layout for me?”

“Sunggyu-shii, did you get my e-mail about those edits?”

“Mr. Kim, we have a question.”

Sunggyu inwardly groaned as he answered, yet, another barrage of questions from wide-eyed interns and did favors for his colleagues who couldn’t take 10 minutes to walk up a flight of stairs to drop off content for the layout department.

He was so stressed out. And what was more was that he was passed over for a promotion… again. Not that his two colleagues didn’t deserve to be promoted. But… he did wish that they would acknowledge him too.

“Sunggyu-shii, can you double check my article before I submit it?” an intern asked, shyly, interrupting his musings.

Offering the bright young girl a smile, he took the printed out sheet of paper and told her to give him 20 minutes as he had others to check.

“My deadline is in an hour!” she said before heading off to her desk.

He added the article to another list of things he had to do.

By the time Sunggyu was done with all the tasks of the day, he was ready to pass out. But, it was a Friday and he promised to spend this night with Woohyun. However, the lawyer was working late that night, so he would be alone at the latter’s apartment for a couple of hours.

Arriving at Woohyun’s apartment, he used the key he was given and made himself at home. Groggily, he made a quick and simple dinner of ramyun (Woohyun had taught him how to make it somewhat healthy), showered, and buried himself under the covers of Woohyun’s bed.

He took in the scent of his boyfriend on the pillows, allowing the light scent of vanilla to soothe his weary mind. Before he knew it, he had fallen asleep, the exhaustion finally winning.

When he was as tired as he was that day, he didn’t really dream. So, the strange feeling of lips on his neck jolted him out of unconsciousness to only meet darkness.

“W-Whaa?” he managed, delirious.

“Shhh, it’s just me,” answered a familiar voice behind him.

“O-Oh… Woohyun…” Sunggyu yawned before closing his eyes again, still too tired. “When did you get back?”

“An hour ago.” Woohyun kept pecking at his neck. “I’m sorry I woke you. You just looked so cute in my bed.”

The pecks turned to little nibbles and his hands began to wander.

Normally a welcomed action, at that moment, it was just distracting to a sleepy Sunggyu. He just wanted to go back to dreamland and think of nothing for a few more hours. He gently elbowed his boyfriend away when the latter’s hands got a little too close to the hem of his borrowed sweatpants.

“Stop, please,” he murmured. “I’m not in the mood.”

But, Woohyun must have been feeling playful. His hands kept teasing and his lips never ceased. His actions made the vein in Sunggyu’s head pop and there was an uncomfortable churn in his stomach. With an irritated huff, he broke out of Woohyun’s hold.

“I said stop!”

As soon as he said it, he felt regret seep in. Woohyun was just being his affectionate self. It wasn’t his fault Sunggyu was tired and irritated.

He rolled over to meet the eyes of a pouting Woohyun.

“I’m sorry,” he said, fighting the sleep. “I’m just really not in the mood. I had a long day and I’m tired.”

Woohyun sighed and nodded. “I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have pushed.” He smiled, cutely. “I’ll behave.”

Returning the smile, Sunggyu placed a hand on Woohyun’s cheek and , gently. “Thank you.”

Tenderly, Woohyun took the hand and placed a kiss against the knuckles. “Can I hold you?” he asked.

It warmed Sunggyu’s heart at how sweet Woohyun was being despite his earlier behavior, which made the guilt multiply even more. So, he allowed the other to pull him into his arms. His touch and scent enveloped Sunggyu into a cocoon of warmth, making him burrow deeper into the hold.

The words were at the tip of his tongue: “I love you.”

But, just like any other time when the thought crossed him, fear took over and he didn’t say them.

Because even though he knew Woohyun cared about him and liked him, he didn’t know if he loved him.

Love… that was a whole other realm. Just because you dated, didn’t always mean you were in love. Sometimes, you just liked each other enough to tolerate each other until someone better comes along. Or, sometimes, you stay together simply for the convenience of it all.

Sunggyu had said “I love you” far too quickly to Heechul to even fully grasp the true heaviness and responsibility that came with those words. And he didn’t want to make that mistake again. Not with this man beside him who made him so happy. He didn’t want to ruin what they already had.

Pressed against him, Woohyun said nothing either, simply pressed a kiss to his hair and held him until his breaths evened out to indicate sleep.

This time, sleep evaded Sunggyu for a long time.



“Why don’t you move in with me?”

Sunggyu dropped the plate he was holding and it fell to the floor with a loud ‘crack’. Woohyun was instantly out of his chair and on the floor, carefully gathering the large pieces. But, Sunggyu could only stand there in thunderstruck silence, staring at him.

The other threw away the large pieces and grabbed a small broom and dustpan to take care of the smaller pieces.

“Are you okay?” Woohyun asked when the pieces were all swept up and thrown away.

“Y-Yeah. Sorry.”

“What’s wrong?”

Sunggyu cleared his throat. “Moving in together? Isn’t that a little soon? We’ve only been dating for six months.”

Woohyun shrugged. “Well, you and I practically spend more nights at each other’s place anyway. We could save money.”

Sunggyu swallowed the lump that formed in his throat. His mind swirled with a myriad of thoughts and emotions of the sudden proposal.

“M-Moving in… that’s a huge commitment, Woohyun. I… I don’t think I’m ready for that.”

Woohyun took his hand, rubbing the top of it with his thumb in a soothing manner. “It was just a suggestion, jagiya. And you’re right, it’s a huge commitment. So, I won’t rush you.” He grinned in typical Woohyun fashion. “But, I hope that someday, we reach that point too. But, for now.” He kissed Sunggyu’s nose. “Let’s not worry about it. Okay?”


Woohyun flashed him another smile before finishing up with setting the table so they could have breakfast.

But, Sunggyu’s thoughts were still a giant storm in his head. Woohyun’s words had stirred a longing in his heart.

And he was afraid of it.



Some weeks passed and Woohyun never brought up moving in again. Sunggyu was glad. He wasn’t really sure how to respond. He knew that was a normal thing for couples to do nowadays, but a part of him was a little old-fashioned.

And they have been dating for less than a year. Anything could happen. He couldn’t just uproot his life and begin anew, only for it to end. He couldn’t give his entire self to someone whose feelings he wasn’t even sure about.

Besides, he had his work to worry about. Making a name for himself at the magazine was what he aimed for and he couldn’t deter from it.

As he powered through another article before deadline, his phone ping-ed with a new message.

Hey. Do you want me to pick you up tonight?

It was from Woohyun. He had managed to charm his way into convincing Sunggyu to meet him at a bar that night. Sunggyu didn’t really want to go to a bar but his boyfriend said he was introducing him to a friend who was visiting Seoul from abroad.

I might be a little late so I’ll just meet you there.

Sunggyu sent the text before dropping his head into his hands. He was getting a migraine and he couldn’t help but sigh as he caught sight of the sticky note he had stuck on top of his computer monitor. He still had quite a lot to do on his to-do list.

For the next few hours, Sunggyu didn’t take his eyes off the computer. By the time he was finally done, it was dark outside and most of his co-workers had gone home for the night. He wished he could too but he had made a promise to Woohyun.

So, with a heavy and exhausted body, he dragged himself to the subway. He managed to catch a few minutes of sleep on the train. And his stomach was also rumbling as he hadn’t eaten anything since lunch.

So, when he arrived at the bar, he wasn’t in the best of moods. He scanned the dimly-lit establishment, trying to spot the familiar handsome face of his boyfriend.

“Sunggyu! Here!”

He found the brunette waving at him from a table. As always, Woohyun was wearing a large smile. How he could smile at any time, even when he was having a bad day, Sunggyu would never know. But, he supposed that was just the type of person Woohyun was – positive and outgoing.

He headed for the table but then Woohyun moved and Sunggyu caught a glimpse of a third person. Woohyun’s friend, the one he wanted to introduce to Sunggyu, was a woman. And she was pretty.

Sunggyu didn’t know how long he stood there, just looking, until Woohyun called his name again.

Shaking himself free of whatever it was that came over him, Sunggyu approached. Woohyun stood up and placed an arm around his waist. His friend stood up to and bowed. Sunggyu politely bowed back.

“Sunggyu, this is Jung Eunji. Eunji-ah, this is Sunggyu, my boyfriend.”

Woohyun’s tone was affectionate – it made Sunggyu’s eye twitch but he ignored it as they all sat.

Eunji was pretty with long, wavy, and obviously dyed light brown hair, tiny almond-shaped eyes, and thin lips coated in red lipstick. She was smiling an equally wide smile that could rival Woohyun’s. “It’s nice to meet you, Sunggyu-shii! Woohyun just can’t stop talking about you!”

Sunggyu blushed, lightly. “All good things, I hope?”

Eunji giggled. “Very!”

Woohyun turned to Sunggyu. “You hungry? We ordered food but if you want something else, I can tell the waiter.”

Sunggyu nodded with a smile at his boyfriend’s sweetness. “Thanks.” He turned to Eunji. “So, Eunji-shii, how long have you and Woohyun known each other?”

Eunji took a sip of her drink before answering. “Since college.” She smiled. “Turns out we all went to the same university. I was in the pre-law program with Woohyun.”

“Oh. Wow. Small world,” Sunggyu replied.

“Eunji and I shared some classes and studied for tests together,” added Woohyun.

“And other things,” Eunji mumbled with a saucy smirk as she stared at her drink before taking a sip.

Sunggyu’s body went cold.

Woohyun glared at his friend. “Eunji.”

“Oops.” Eunji suddenly looked sheepish. “Sunggyu-shii, please ignore me.”

Just then, a waiter came by with plates of food – boneless fried chicken, fried cheese sticks, and French fries covered in cheese and bacon. Sunggyu’s mouth watered at the sight and his hunger made itself known through a rumbling of his stomach.

Beside him, Woohyun chuckled as he took a piece of chicken and raised it up to Sunggyu’s lips.

“Thank you for the food,” he said before taking a bite.

“Awww, so cute,” Eunji gushed at him. “Anyway, you two eat. I have to go to the ladies’ room. Excuse me.”

The woman stood up and took her purse with her in search of the restroom.

Sunggyu turned to Woohyun who had finished the piece he fed Sunggyu earlier and was helping himself to the French fries.

“Woohyun, what did Eunji mean earlier?” he couldn’t help but ask.

To his curiosity, Woohyun choked on the fry. Sunggyu handed him the glass of coke his boyfriend had been sipping on earlier.

“D-Does that really matter?” he asked as soon as he had finished coughing.

Sunggyu tilted his head to the side. “I’d like to know.”



Seeing his determined face, Woohyun sighed and took his hand. “Jagiya, it really doesn’t matter.”

“If it doesn’t, why won’t you tell me?”

Woohyun sighed again. “Fine.” He met Sunggyu’s eyes. “She and I were in a lot of classes together and so we spent a lot of time together. And… a few times… we… well…”

He didn’t need to go on. Sunggyu figured it out. “You slept together.”

Woohyun took a deep breath, his grip on Sunggyu’s hand tighter. “Yes. We did. But, we never got into a relationship. She didn’t want to and neither did I. It was all physical and we stopped after five months. We’re just friends.”

Sunggyu knew he was telling the truth. But, he still couldn’t help this strange feeling stirring in his chest.

He must have worn a worrying expression as Woohyun placed a hand on his cheek, . “Hey, that was all in the past now. That’s not me anymore. Now, all I see and want to be with is you.” He pinched Sunggyu’s cheek. “So, don’t be jealous, okay?”

“I… I’m not jealous!” Sunggyu insisted, feeling his face turn red. “So… you two kept in touch.”

Woohyun nodded.

“Why did you want me to meet her?”

Woohyun shrugged. “Actually, she asked to meet you. She came back from Japan a week ago and got in touch with a couple of us from law school. She met up with them a few days ago, but I couldn’t make it. She heard I was dating someone and wanted to meet, in her words, ‘the person who defeated Nam Woohun’s commitment-phobia’.” He laughed. “She’s ridiculous, but she means well. Though, she should probably stop drinking now, she says weird things when she’s drunk.” Woohyun pecked Sunggyu’s nose, affectionately. “Don’t be so worried, okay? I’m all yours.”

Swallowing, Sunggyu nodded before another rumble in his stomach reminded him that he was famished. Turning back to the food, Sunggyu helped himself.

“I’m baaaaaack!”

Eunji plopped into her seat, grinning. She reached for her drink but Woohyun plucked it out of her hands.

“No more alcohol,” he said to her before tossing back the entire glass, himself.

“Hey!” Eunji’s mouth was slack in disbelief, looking offended. “That was mine! Sunggyu-shii, he stole my drink!”

“Your tolerance is low and this is already your second glass.” He pushed Sunggyu's un-sipped glass of coke towards her. “Stick to this," he said before giving his own to Sunggyu. "Here, jagiya. I'll order a new one."

Eunji stuck her tongue out at him before giving in and sipping the coke with a pout.

Meanwhile, Sunggyu could only watch their bantering exchange in silence. They were very familiar with each other. In fact, Eunji knew Woohyun longer than he had and probably in deeper ways than he did.

But, he trusted his boyfriend when he said that he and Eunji were only friends and nothing more.

Woohyun turned away from Eunji to smile at him before pressing a sweet kiss to his lips.

“Ughhh, why are you two so cute?!” Eunji huffed before standing up again. “I’m gonna go dance.”

“Don’t do anything Howon won’t approve of!” Woohyun called after her.

Sunggyu raised an eyebrow. “Who’s Howon?”

“Her fiancé. He’ll be coming up from Busan next week so they can start wedding preparations.”

“I feel like there’s more to this story than you’re telling me.”

But, Woohyun only laughed. “It’s nothing much, really. Howon is her childhood friend from Busan. They got together shortly after she graduated from law school. I met him once. Nice guy.”

“Oh. I see.”

That was a bit more reassuring. Sunggyu scolded himself for being so insecure.

Yet, he really couldn’t help the uncomfortable feeling in his stomach. He had hoped that his insecurities had disappeared along with his feelings for his ex.

But, maybe not all of it did.

Swallowing, he grabbed Woohyun's face. And to the latter's shocked wide eyes, Sunggyu crashed his lips to his. Woohyun's shock was momentary as he immediately responded, lips moving against Sunggyu's, sensually.

When they pulled away, Woohyun smirked at him. "Feeling possessive, I see."

"Shut up," Sunggyu mumbled before taking his lips again.

He normally hated PDA. But, Woohyun stirred the pot of possessiveness inside him. It kind of frightened him, this feeling of not wanting to lose Woohyun. 

He was falling so hard and so fast and he could only hope that Woohyun would catch him.


A/N: Welp, Sunggyu still has some insecurities left over from his last relationship. It's not uncommon, but it may affect his relationship with Woohyun. Plus, all that work stress adds to the anxiety. Will our favorite couple get through this obstacle? 

And, I kinda maybe sorta ship Eunji and Hoya so I figured, why not have them here to? I had Dongwoo and Ailee so why not them too? And why is everyone getting married except for WooGyu?! 

Ahhh, it's almost over! I'm estimating another 2 weeks. But, hold on to your seats. The next chapter is gonna be quite a ride!

'Til the next one!

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693 streak #1
Chapter 10: Such a beautiful story 🥹
Chapter 10: I've read a few of your fics before and decided that you are one of my favorite authors! And especially after i read this story, it is so realistic and the way you potray their emotions is so complex. thank you so much for writing it and sharing it with us <3
Chapter 10: It was nice
Chapter 5: Finally they get to gather
Simran20 #5
Chapter 10: That was such a good progression of their relationship.loved it again after a long time.old stories are really gems.
weojjaijjeoreen #6
Chapter 10: OMG I loved this!!! It was amusing to see Sunggyu & Woohyun go from friends with benefits to properly dating. I love how the both of them try their best to make the other happy and how they each learned from their mistakes. Now I’m jealous. I want my own Woohyun! T_T lmao
Chapter 3: I am a DongLee shipper, too.. I love their friendship and their interactions.. I hope they will have some projects together..
peychee457 #8
Chapter 1: just reading this again~~ :)
Chapter 10: Beautiful story! ♥ Thank you! :)
Gonna miss you!