
Maybe This Time

He could hear the faint shout of someone calling out for another, stirring him out of unconsciousness. His brain wanted to go back to sleep, but his body was wide awake and thrumming. He was aware of the gentle grip around his waist and the warm breath at his neck and couldn’t help the smile that graced his lips.

Slowly, Sunggyu opened his eyes, squinting at the sunlight invading through the thin curtains of the window. Stretching to feel his muscles crack satisfyingly, he gently rolled over.

Woohyun was drooling on the pillow, his mouth slightly opened. His hair was a nest, strands sticking out everywhere like a porcupine. On his chin were ghosts of a prickly unshaved facial hair. His form was a little unattractive, but still, Sunggyu had to suppress the urge to kiss him. Besides, the lawyer was practically dead to the world. He had been working for two weeks with no break on a huge case that was finally resolved yesterday. Suffice to say, he was exhausted.

They barely saw each other during that time so last night was the first night they were finally able to spend time together. Thus, Sunggyu had planned to stay the entire weekend at his boyfriend's apartment. 

Gently so he wouldn’t wake him, Sunggyu extricated himself from Woohyun’s hold, placing a pillow in his place. Woohyun immediately curled up against the pillow, smothering his face into it as he continued to sleep.

Laughing quietly, Sunggyu padded out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. He opened the fridge to look through it and tsk-ed when he saw that it was almost empty. They had gotten takeout last night so he didn’t see the state of the lawyer’s fridge. He grabbed the remaining two eggs and a Tupperware box of leftover fried rice and proceeded to make breakfast.

Humming as he cooked, the editor felt a strange sense of peace and content wash over him.

When he asked Woohyun to be his boyfriend, he couldn’t believe what had come out of his mouth. And, yet, he didn’t take it back. Not when Woohyun’s eyes had sparkled and his plump lips had upturned into the biggest smile Sunggyu had ever seen him wear. Not when the lawyer pulled him into his arms and kissed him breathless. Not when for the first time in so long, he found himself finally happy.

It had been three months since then. And the honeymoon period just kept getting better and better. But, if he was honest, Sunggyu was somewhat afraid that it would end soon. For now, though, he would enjoy it while it lasted.

Familiar arms s around his waist, bringing him out of his thoughts. A nose poked at his back, inhaling lightly.

“Good morning,” he greeted, briefly turning his head to kiss the mass of unruly hair at his shoulder.

“Morning, jagiya,” was Woohyun’s sleepy reply. He peered over Sunggyu’s shoulder. “Smells good.”

“Probably not as good as the ones you make.”

“I’ll enjoy it all the same. You’ve improved.”

Sunggyu blushed and preened at the compliment.

Woohyun had taken it upon himself to teach him how to cook decent meals in the last few months. (“You can’t eat takeout all the time!” he had playfully berated him.)

The first time he made breakfast for Woohyun, he overcooked the omelet. The second time, they were undercooked. Sunggyu was proud to say that his omelets were better now, but nothing beat Woohyun’s perfectly cooked ones. Still, he appreciated the latter’s enthusiasm when trying something he made. He could even say it gave him something to be proud of.

“Alright, well, this is almost done. Can you set the table? The rice will be quick.”

“Mmhmm.” Woohyun pressed a kiss to the back of his head and playfully patted his before sauntering off.

Flustered (he still felt flustered every time Woohyun did that), Sunggyu restrained the urge to scold him, continuing to cook. “By the way, you’re pretty much out of everything,” he said, plating the eggs. “We should go grocery shopping.”

He turned to see Woohyun grinning at him as the latter placed a carton of orange juice on the table. He raised an eyebrow in confusion. “What?”

Woohyun walked up to him to take the plated omelets. “Our first grocery shopping outing!” he piped in excitement. “This is a special day!”

“Weirdo,” Sunggyu scoffed but smiling nonetheless as he turned back to the stove to finish up the fried rice.

Behind him, cabinets were opening and closing as his boyfriend took out plates and utensils.

“We can go after we eat,” Woohyun said. “I’ll make a list. Oh, I should pick up some stuff for dinner too. What would you like?”

“Anything is fine.” Sunggyu determined that the fried rice was ready so he plated it and turned off the stove.

He joined Woohyun at the table. They both said their ‘thanks’ and dug in. Woohyun, as usual, complimented his cooking accompanied with tips on how to make it better. Always welcome to get better at cooking, Sunggyu noted all of them in his head.

After breakfast, they showered (separately, because Sunggyu knew if they didn’t, they would never make it to the store) and got dressed to head out. Since it was nice and sunny out, they opted to walk instead of drive. Sunggyu didn’t know the way, as he had never been grocery shopping in this area before.

Woohyun took the opportunity to hold his hand as they walked.

“So, I was thinking… pasta?” Woohyun asked as they entered the grocery store.

Sunggyu felt excitement grow. “With the sauce I like?” he asked.

Woohyun let his hand go so he could grab a basket, flashing him a grin. “You know it.”

Sunggyu chuckled. “If you keep feeding me like this, I’ll get fat.”

They walked down the aisle together.

“Good, I want my boyfriend to be full and happy.”

Sunggyu’s heart skipped a beat, but he followed Woohyun down the aisles as he picked up ingredients and various other supplies – a new carton of eggs, vegetables and fruits, and some of their favorite snacks.

“Do you mind grabbing the pasta? I forgot the juice,” Woohyun said, handing him the almost-full basket.

He pointed him towards an aisle before turning back to head to the freezers. Sunggyu headed down the said aisle and came to face to face with countless jars of tomato sauce, bottles of spices, and boxes upon boxes of pasta.

He scanned the shelves, looking for the flat pasta noodles that Woohyun liked to use. Someone sauntered up beside him and the paid them no mind as his eyes deciphered the English letters on the boxes.

Finding the box labeled “Fettucine” on one of the top shelves, he reached out to grab it… at the same time another hand did. He instinctively pulled his hand away.

“Sorry!” He turned his head to apologize to the person.


Sunggyu was sure that his eyes had never been as wide as they were at that moment. His heart practically stopped as his entire body shut down and went cold, despite the warm weather.

He swallowed the lump in his throat as he struggled to reply. “H-Heechul.”

And there he was. His ex-boyfriend. In the flesh.

He had changed a bit since their breakup. His previously long hair was now cut short, giving him a more mature look. He had gained a little weight, which Sunggyu was actually glad to see – he had always thought that Heechul was too skinny. He just had the kind of body that didn't seem to gain weight no matter how much he ate. A lot of time had passed but one thing remained – his ex-boyfriend was still handsome.

“Wow… you look good,” said Heechul, looking at Sunggyu up and down. “You gained a little weight.”

Sunggyu raised an eyebrow. The other was still as straightforward as ever.

“It fits you,” the other quickly added. “Really. You’re still… you.”

“Thanks,” Sunggyu replied, choosing not to comment. “You look pretty good, yourself.” He found that he meant it.

Before, seeing Heechul made his heart flip and his face all warm. Thoughts of him after their breakup made him feel an immense anger and resentment. But, now, all he felt was a fleeting feeling of nostalgia. 

“I thought you went back to live in Jeonju.”

Sunggyu did consider it for some time after their breakup, but Dongwoo had talked him out of halting his entire life because of a heartbreak.

“Well, I found a pretty decent job in Seoul, so I figured I should stay," was what he said, instead.

Heechul was grinning at him. “Do you live around here?” he asked, sounding very eager.

“Um, no. I’m just here to pick up some groceries.” Sunggyu shuffled on his feet, feeling a little uncomfortable.

But, Heechul didn’t seem to feel the same discomfort that he was. He stepped closer to Sunggyu. “Do you want to grab lunch? We can catch up and stuff.”

That caught Sunggyu off-guard. “U-Um… Actually-.”

“Jagiya, they’re having a buy-one-get-one deal for juice so I got you that pomegranate juice you like.”

Practically getting a heart attack at the sight of his new boyfriend sauntering up next to his ex-boyfriend, Sunggyu could only stare at the two. It was like one of those heart-stopping scenes you see in sitcoms and he could almost hear the “oohh’s” from the imaginary audience. Heechul turned his head to the man next to him holding out two large cartons of juice towards Sunggyu.

“W-Woohyun,” Sunggyu managed to say.

Finally realizing the eyes staring at him, Woohyun turned his head.

Sunggyu watched as the wheels turned in his boyfriend’s head. He wished he could just sink into the ground.

“Heechul-shii,” Woohyun stated with a small bow, startling the other.

Heechul politely returned the bow as he furrowed his eyebrows. “Do I know you?”

“Nam Woohyun. I went to the same university as you and Sunggyu.” Woohyun sidled up to Sunggyu to place the juice in their basket before taking it from him. “Do you remember Lee Sungyeol? I’m friends with him.”

“Oh, Lee Sungyeol! Yeah, I remember him. Good kid.”

Sunggyu had met Sungyeol shortly after he and Woohyun started dating. He was in pre-med back in University and was currently doing his residency at Seoul University Hospital. Sunggyu had no idea how he was able to balance his hobby of gaming and med school, but he made it happen. Maybe it was because the other was a coffee addict.

Woohyun smiled at Heechul. “He’s almost done with his residency,” he said.

“Ahh, good for him!”

Sunggyu cleared his throat. “Woohyun.”

His boyfriend wrapped an arm around his shoulders, making his cheeks heat up.

He knew that Heechul was no fool and had probably figured out who Woohyun was. But, he still asked, “So… are you two…?”

Sunggyu cleared his throat again. “This is my boyfriend,” he stated, proudly.

He felt a bolt of satisfaction seeing Heechul’s eyes widen. He wasn’t exactly sure if his ex was hurt or regretful. But, he realized that it didn’t really matter. What mattered was the man next to him.

“Oh, wow. I see.”

The three of them stood there, awkwardly.

“Um, so we have to go,” Woohyun finally said before turning to Sunggyu. “Did you get the pasta, jagiya?”

Sunggyu, right then, realized that he didn’t. He reached up to the top shelf and grabbed the box then placed it in the basket. He turned to his ex, who still couldn't seem to grasp the situation.

“It was good to see you, Heechul,” Sunggyu said with a small smile.

The other returned it, though he couldn’t seem to look Sunggyu in the eye. “You too, Sunggyu.”

“Nice to meet you, Heechul-shii,” Woohyun added, bowing slightly.

Heechul returned it. “You too.”

Together, the two turned around and walked away. Woohyun wound an arm around Sunggyu’s waist again and pulled him closer.

“Wow, that was… something,” Woohyun commented.

Staying silent, Sunggyu was still in a state of shock. The entire encounter was already a blur, even though it happened only a few minutes ago.



“You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

Woohyun pressed a kiss to his forehead, startling Sunggyu out of his stupor. The other laughed at his face.

“You know, I’m kind of jealous.”

Sunggyu raised an eyebrow. “Why?”

Woohyun sighed and turned to him with a pout. “Because he had you first.”

He sounded so serious that Sunggyu couldn’t help but laugh. “Idiot. You got my first kiss, remember?”

Woohyun perked up at that as he loosened his hold on Sunggyu’s waist. “That’s right, I did!” He chuckled as his hand slipped into Sunggyu’s, their fingers locking together. “I almost forgot. I guess Heechul-shii should be the one who’s jealous of me, right?”

Sunggyu raised an eyebrow in question at him, but Woohyun pressed a kiss to his knuckles. “I’m the one with the most handsome boyfriend in the world.”

His words sent Sunggyu’s head reeling and a blush appeared on his cheek.

“Come on,” he mumbled, hiding his grin from his boyfriend. “Let’s go home.”



The crowd was silent aside from an occasional sniff and “aww”. Upfront, the minister was saying the last few rites as Dongwoo and Ailee held hands, their eyes only on each other and nothing else. They were in their own little world and no one could blame them.

“With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife.” The minister gestured to the happy couple in front of him. “You may now kiss the bride.”

The crowd erupted in applause as a vibrating Dongwoo wasted no time in lifting Ailee’s veil and leaning in, planting his lips on hers. Ailee’s arms wrapped around his neck, returning the kiss just as enthusiastically.

The two parted before turning to smile at the guests. Dongwoo, dressed all prim and handsome in a black suit with a golden bow tie, was sending thumbs up in every direction. And Ailee looked radiant in her mermaid gown and tiara as she laughed at his antics. A perfect fairytale couple.

Sunggyu couldn’t help but sniffle at the sight. They were exuding nothing else but bliss, joy, and love. To have witnessed their first awkward moments getting to know each other up to their first seconds as a married couple was an honor for him. Beside him, Woohyun wrapped an arm around his waist, patting his side in a comforting manner.

“Are you crying?” his plus one asked in a teasing manner.

“N-No,” Sunggyu denied, even though it was an outright lie since he was clearly crying.

Woohyun chuckled. “Of course not, honey. Here.” He handed him a tissue.

Sunggyu took it, gratefully. They watched and clapped as the newly married couple alighted the altar and walked down the aisle, followed by their entourage.

The wedding reception took place at a nice hotel, where the couple had rented out the ballroom.

“They really went all out,” Woohyun observed, while Dongwoo and Ailee were having their first dance.

Sunggyu chuckled and answered, “Dongwoo is the only son and the maknae. His parents and sisters were really involved in making sure they had the best of everything.”

“That makes sense.”

Dinner was served. And then came the dancing and mingling. Dongwoo and Ailee were busy all night, entertaining guests and rarely leaving each other’s side. There was barely a moment where Sunggyu could congratulate them.

In the meantime, Woohyun had gotten into a deep conversation with Dongwoo’s Best Man and cousin, Lee Sungjong. The young man was thinking about Law School and practically had stars in his eyes when talking to Woohyun, even if he showed a nonchalant attitude while doing so. Sunggyu couldn’t help but find it adorable – no one was immune to his boyfriend’s charms.

When Dongwoo was roped into a conversation with some of his distant aunts, Sunggyu managed to ask Ailee for a dance.

“You look beautiful,” he told her, sincerely as they spun around.

Ailee smiled, happily. “Thank you, Oppa.”

“Are you happy?”

Of course, she was. He could practically see her entire aura glowing.

“I am,” she replied. “I never thought I’d be this happy one day.” She tilted her head to the side at him. “What about you, Oppa? Are you happy?”

He could feel himself instinctively smile as his thoughts went to a dark-haired, brown-eyed lawyer who could make his heart skip just by looking his way.

Ailee could probably what he was thinking as she giggled. “I’ve never seen you this happy in so long,” she said. “I’m glad. Woohyun-shii is good for you.”

“Thank you,” Sunggyu replied, shyly. “It’s all happening kind of fast… We’ve been together for what? Four months now? I still can’t believe that he would want me.”

“Well, he does. And clearly, he’s happy with you too.”

Sunggyu blushed. “You think so?”

She nodded. “Definitely.”

With an affectionate smile, Sunggyu twirled his friend around and she laughed in glee.

“May I cut in?” Woohyun approached them.

Sunggyu let Ailee go and gestured to Woohyun to go ahead. However, Woohyun took his hand, instead.

Ailee laughed as she stepped away. “He’s all yours, Woohyun-shii. I’ll go find Dongwoo.”

She went off, greeting guests along the way.

Meanwhile, Woohyun had pulled Sunggyu into his arms, making the latter squeak in surprise.

“You know, you’re supposed to ask the bride for a dance,” Sunggyu said, matter-of-factly.

Woohyun shrugged. “I can ask her for a dance later. But, first, I want to dance with my boyfriend.”

Sunggyu blushed to the tips of his ears.

“You look really handsome tonight, Sunggyu,” Woohyun said in a low voice.

Sunggyu felt himself beam at the compliment. “You too.” Then, he added a tease, “But, not as handsome as the groom, of course. It’s his night, you know.”

Woohyun laughed at that but nodded, giving in. Bringing Sunggyu closer, he pressed his forehead to his. The dance was quite intimate and made Sunggyu’s legs feel like jelly. If Woohyun wasn’t holding him, he probably would have sunk to the floor.

“Your heart is beating really fast,” Woohyun stated, smiling coyly at him.

“How are you sure it’s mine and not yours?” Sunggyu retorted, even though he knew his heartbeat was definitely going haywire.

“Touché,” Woohyun laughed. “Thanks for inviting me tonight. It was really nice to witness your friends tie the knot.”

“No problem,” Sunggyu replied. “There’s no one else I’d rather have with me tonight.”

He didn’t know where that came from but he was able to make Woohyun blush, so that was an accomplishment. The other rarely turned red from something he said.

They danced several more dances until Sunggyu’s feet hurt and he had to sit down. So, while Woohyun went off to finally ask the bride for a dance, Sunggyu sat at their table, just watching and smiling.

“Hyung!” Dongwoo occupied the seat next to him. “Thanks for coming tonight!”

“No problem. Congratulations. I wish you and Ailee only the very best.”

“Thanks, Hyung.” Dongwoo grinned. “And, by the way, if you and Woohyun ever decide to tie the knot too, Ailee and I will be first on the list.”

“Dongwoo!” Sunggyu felt his entire face redden.

His friend just laughed. Before Dongwoo could push the subject further, Sunggyu changed it by asking about their honeymoon plans. And, thus, Dongwoo went into a long explanation of their upcoming trip to Hong Kong Disneyland. It was so very Dongwoo and Ailee. So, armed with a glass of wine, Sunggyu listened, faithfully.

Before he knew it, the night came to an end. They said their goodbyes to the bride and groom and headed up to their hotel room. Since both had decided to drink that night, they rented a room for the night. It was more convenient than taking a cab. And it was alright to splurge now and then, right?

Sunggyu didn’t drink much, maybe a few glasses of wine, but he was feeling a little light-headed. In the elevator, he could already feel the tension and desire radiating off Woohyun as he could feel his boyfriend’s heated glances.

As soon as they reached the room and closed the door, Woohyun crashed his lips to his, sending electric shocks throughout Sunggyu’s body. Sunggyu’s own hands wandered up to Woohyun’s collar, pushing his suit jacket off and beginning to the formal shirt. Woohyun gently pushed him back and Sunggyu’s legs hit the edge of the bed before both fell on it.

Woohyun didn’t stop kissing him the entire time.

“Woohyun…” he moaned against the lips. “Woohyun…”

Everywhere his boyfriend touched, fire and goosebumps followed. His heart was swelling, feeling like it was much too big for his chest, but he couldn’t stop it. He didn’t want to stop it.

Woohyun’s lips left his and proceeded to kiss his jaw and down his neck, nibbling gently at the skin there.


“Hmm?” The other looked up at him, inquisitively, his eyes heated with desire.

It made Sunggyu shiver and the words he wanted to say stuck in his throat. No one, not even Heechul, had ever looked at him the way Woohyun was at that moment. Like he was something exquisite and rare. Like he was the most beautiful and magnificent being in front of his eyes.

“I… like you…” Sunggyu managed with a smile, cupping Woohyun's cheek with a hand as his eyes watered with emotion. “I… like you a lot… I like you so much, Nam Woohyun.”

Eyes wide, Woohyun stared down at him. For a moment, he only looked at Sunggyu with a kind of wonder and admiration. He wasn't sure if it was the alcohol in his bloodstream, but he could swear that Woohyun's eyes were sparkling. A tear managed to escape Sunggyu’s eye, one that he couldn’t stop. He didn’t even know why he was crying.

Woohyun leaned down and kissed it away before smiling at him.

“I like you a lot too, Kim Sunggyu,” he said before leaning down and capturing Sunggyu’s lips again.

Sunggyu felt like his entire body explode with warmth, joy, and… love.

The realization struck him like lightning.

He was wrong. He didn't just like Woohyun. He didn't just like him a lot.

He loved Woohyun.

He was in love with Nam Woohyun.


A/N: So, WooGyu are dating. Dongwoo and Ailee get married. And Sunggyu realizes he's in love with Woohyun. Woot!

So, there are only 3 chapters left. Sad face! I know, it was pretty short. This was meant to be a slice-of-life kind of story, but I hope it was still enjoyable! I have something angst-y planned coming up, so hold on to your seats! But, don't worry, it won't last for long! It's needed angst for the ending I have planned. 

'Til the next chapter!

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705 streak #1
Chapter 10: Such a beautiful story 🥹
Chapter 10: I've read a few of your fics before and decided that you are one of my favorite authors! And especially after i read this story, it is so realistic and the way you potray their emotions is so complex. thank you so much for writing it and sharing it with us <3
Chapter 10: It was nice
Chapter 5: Finally they get to gather
Simran20 #5
Chapter 10: That was such a good progression of their relationship.loved it again after a long time.old stories are really gems.
weojjaijjeoreen #6
Chapter 10: OMG I loved this!!! It was amusing to see Sunggyu & Woohyun go from friends with benefits to properly dating. I love how the both of them try their best to make the other happy and how they each learned from their mistakes. Now I’m jealous. I want my own Woohyun! T_T lmao
Chapter 3: I am a DongLee shipper, too.. I love their friendship and their interactions.. I hope they will have some projects together..
peychee457 #8
Chapter 1: just reading this again~~ :)
Chapter 10: Beautiful story! ♥ Thank you! :)
Gonna miss you!