Unholy Bonds // Yoonmin // One

Ficlets, Drabbles, and Discontinued Stories!

Min Yoongi
Age · 21
Occupation · Student

The blonde male sighed as he unlocked the door of his apartment. He ran his hands through his hair as he flung the door open, slamming it behind him once he was inside. His nose twitched as he breathed in the dusty air of his apartment.

Home sweet home I guess...

He huffed as he sauntered over to the fridge, sighing in disappointment as he opened it.

I forgot to go shopping again.

He pursed his lips as he sat down at the table, ignoring the growling in his stomach.

I'll go out tomorrow after work.

He stood from his seat, pushing the chair in behind him before moving to the couch. He groaned quietly as he threw the dirty clothes and trash off of the cushions and onto the floor. He pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and grabbed the lighter from the end table.

He flopped onto the couch, lighting the cigarette as he did so. He took a long drag before exhaling, repeating the process until the cigarette was no longer usable.

His stomach rumbled once again as he smashed the cigarette into the ashtray. The bitter feeling in his heart grew larger.

Twenty-one years of hell... Happy birthday Min Yoongi.

His heart tightened as he buried his face into a throw pillow.

I hate this scent.

The smell of the perfume his now ex-girlfriend wore clung to the pillow. They had broken up just minutes before Yoongi arrived at his apartment. She had actually decided to wait at the enterance of the building, to surprise Yoongi. As soon as he had arrived she dumped him.

What a surprise that was...

Yoongi growled under his breath.

What did I ever do to deserve this life?

Yoongi grumbled, chucking the pillow in a random direction. He groaned as he heard a crash afterwards. He sat upright, looking in the direction he threw the pillow to see the lamp that had previously been on a table now on the floor.


Yoongi forced himself from the couch and over to where the lamp was in the floor. He sighed as he crouched down to pick up the glass. He hissed as a piece cut his hand.

Of ing course.

He growled, throwing the broken glass back to the floor and wiping his now bloody hand on his shirt.

He stood before walking to his bathroom, rummaging through the cabinet once there.

Why am I not surprised? Of course I don't have any bandages.

Yoongi groaned for the umpteenth time since he had entered his apartment. He grabbed his keys off the kitchen counter and exited his apartment.

He locked the door behind him, being careful to not use his injured hand. He sighed as he walked out of the building and down the street to where his car was parked. He looked at the back of the pickup truck that was parked in front of his car.

A gasoline can?

Yoongi quirked an eyebrow as a idea bubbled in the back of his mind. He looked towards his apartment and back to the gasoline can.

It's not like I'll have to pay for it... The apartment is in her name...

Yoongi smirked as he thought of getting revenge at his now ex-girlfriend. He bit his lip while thinking.

"Do you need something?"

Yoongi was snapped out of his thoughts by a voice. A brown haired male stood on the other side of the truck, quirking an eyebrow at him.

"Ah! Yeah... My car ran out of gas... And I saw that you had a canister of it in the back of your truck."

The male smiled softly at Yoongi, "You can take it. I'm always glad to help others."

"Really? Thank you!" Yoongi smiled gratefully.

The brown haired male climbed into the back of the truck and grabbed the gas can, handing it over to Yoongi.

Yoongi grabbed the canister from the male with a grateful grin.

"Thank you again..." Yoongi trailed off not knowing how to finish his sentence.


"Ah! Thanks again Jin!"

"No problem, I'll see you around."

With that Yoongi hurried back to his apartment. Once he unlocked the door and entered he closed it behind him. He uncapped the gas can and grinned before he spread it around the apartment. He grabbed his lighter from the end table and made his way back to the front door. He lit the lighter before opening the door and stepping out.

Have fun .

He smirked before throwing the lit lighter onto the floor, the gas immediately igniting.

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