1st Death’s Story – Hyoyeon is Flying

Angel of Death


“ Hey???? What happen with you, Hyo? Are you okay??” Key was asking with confused. He was waving his hand infront of Hyoyeon face.


“ Ha? W-what?” Hyoyeon asked blankly.


“ Are u woolgather? Um?” Key asked.

“ A-aniy. I’m not,” Hyoyeon evasived and shake her head. Her cheeks blushed again.


 “ What a horrible you! Ahahaha... suddenly woolgathered. Hahaha...” Key laughed.


“ Ha? Aniyo! I just remind Hubby,” Hyoyeon tried smiles.


“ Hubby?! Your husband?! Wow! I don’t know, if you have a husband!” Key shocked.


“ Ahahaha... Are you kidding me? Of course no! I haven’t. Hubby is my pet. You know? A cat,” Hyoyeon explained.


“ Ouuww... sorry. I don’t know. Don’t be mad, Hyo,” Key rubbed Hyoyeon back.


“ Ah... Don’t worry. I’m not,” Hyoyeon smiled. “ Why you seems very happy today but the way?”


“ What? I always like this. Why are you asking it?” Key asked back.


“ Really? I’m never looking you be very happy like this in the class,” Hyoyeon said.


“ Ahahaha... I don’t know,” Key laughed lightly.


“ Aish! Random Key,” Hyoyeon grumbled.


“ Ahahaha.... really?” Key flirted Hyoyeon.


“ Sure,” Hyoyeon answered briefly.


“ ...” Key stared Hyoyeon and kept smiles.


Awkward moment...


“ Hey? Don’t look at me like that!” Hyoyeon said.


“ Why?” Key still looked her with his smiles.


“ It’s weird,” Hyoyeon said.


“ It’s okay. Because I’m random, right?” Key still smiled.


Hyoyeon was sighed. And did awkward moment again.


“ Are you hungry?” Hyoyeon asked.


“ No,” Key said. He still looked Hyoyeon and smiled.


“ Haish! Don’t look at me like this. I will fall in love if you still do it!” Hyoyeon said inward.


“ Okay,” Hyoyeon said.


“ Okay? Hm... come on! I want eat something too. Let’s go!” Key was holding Hyoyeon’s hand and walked.


Hyoyeon shocked and like couldn’t breath.


“ Wa-wait, Key!” Hyoyeon yelled.


“ What?” Key asked and turned back.


“ Now?” Hyoyeon asked be wary.


“ Aish! Next year!” Key yelled and hold Hyoyeon’s hand again.


“ A-are you kidding?” Hyoyeon asked again.


“ I always kidding, babe,” Key said without turned back.


Hyoyeon think, “ What! Babe! Are you want to kill me, Key? My heartbeat is so faster now! Omona! Help me!! It’s like sweet chocolate. (^_^) I’m fly away!”


------------------------------------------------ To Be Continue ------------------------------------------


Yeiy! Chapter 2 finish! Omo! It’s like a crap, right? *sigh* sorry.. I’m busy for prepare for my competition, so this chapter is worst i think. Mianhae... *bow* I’ll try my the best for next chapter. And may I ask something for you, kind readers? Pray me, please... for my competition... (^_^)/*


And like usual... I loved comment and subscribe... (^_^) thanks for my kind reader... You are so pretty and handsome... ahahhahaha... *wave*

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ok. thanks... :D
if you need any help in typing you can always ask you know^^
these death gods... SOME OF THEM ARE SERIOUSLY EVIL>O<
but i like it^^
heh i found your story^^
thanks. i'll update tonight. :)
This is so good so far^^

Can't wait for the next update:P
ne. thanks. i'll update soon. :)
mcsdfanfiction #8
omo! i can't wait, update soon please.. ::)))
thanks a lot. :)
Ashyunchick20 #10
Liking your fanfic!~ :D Update soon!!~~ ^_^