Meeting him...

My First Day


“First day of high school and how am I going to survive? Oppa isn’t in the same school! We won't see each other,” I groaned as I rolled out of my bed. I heard Oppa run up the stairs and knock on my door. Minho said, “Hey Aegi! Hurry! I don’t think you want to be late for your first day of school!” I was tired and nervous. I couldn’t sleep at all last night. I rushed into my bathroom to wash my face and get dressed in the school uniform for girls, which is, a navy blue skirt that reached two-thirds down my thigh with a white short-sleeve dress shirt with the school logo, a gray and navy, long-sleeve sweater cardigan, and navy school uniform blazer with the words, “Woolim High School of Art” inlaid on left in embroidery ending with a curlicue and underneath was my nametag. I left my chocolate brown hair down and grabbed my duffle filled with my clothes I used for dancing and my backpack with my notebooks, pens, and some hair ties.

                “Hurry,” I heard Oppa insolently yell from the front door. I ran into the kitchen and grabbed two bananas to put in my duffle and an apple for the walk to school. He already was walking to school without me. I ran to try to catch up, but I started choking on my apple. “Miss, are you okay,” I heard an unfamiliar and charming voice say. I tried to put on a cool façade as if everything was all perfect, as I strained out the words of “Yes, I’m fine,” with my nondescript voice. I looked up to see that the unfamiliar and charming voice had a handsome face. His face was had a sweet look with a slightly mysterious aura. I felt my heart beat faster and faster as I stared into his deep brown eyes, “So enchanting,” I thought. His voice snapped my out of my thoughts, “I will see you soon, Miss Choi Minhee. My name is Kim Myungsoo.”

                For the rest of the day of school, I couldn’t get him out of my mind. I went to the school’s dance studio afterschool. I danced my heart out for hours and laid my heated body on the cool floor of the studio. I heard my deep breaths for the first few seconds and then I heard a familiar voice come from the door, it was no other than Kim Myungsoo. “Your dancing skills are exquisite. I can understand why this auspicious school had accepted you,” he remarked. My face flushed slightly and my heart starts racing again. “Is this what it’s like to fall in love at first sight,” I asked myself silently. Unfortunately, Myungsoo had heard her and chuckled slightly. I heard him say in a low voice in my ear, “If you are feeling what I am, then yes. That is the feeling of falling in love.” I was in shock as he kissed me lightly on my lips and walked out of the dance studio. Before he walked out the door, he turned around and said, “I hope you can be my girlfriend, Miss Choi Minhee. My number is already in your cell phone, so call me when you have an answer.” After coming back to reality, I realized I was left alone in the studio. I picked up my bags and ran to find him.

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tyramissyuuu #1
short story ^^
keep writing :D
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