... and make ups

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February 13, 2018 10:45 PM


Krystal’s POV


I fell asleep due to exhaustion from too much crying. I thought I’ve only fallen asleep for a few minutes, and since it was almost sunset when I got back, I thought that it was only around 6 or 7 in the evening. I then noticed that something was wrong because the surrounding was quieter and there weren’t many lights that were open.


That’s when it dawned on me.


I rushed to my phone and saw multiple messages from Amber, as well as calls and messages from Vic unnie and Luna unnie. I remembered I put it on silent mode as Amber became persistent in calling my phone. I then looked at the time on the phone, and it was already 10:55 in the evening!


OMG! Amber!


I immediately unlocked the door, thinking that she might be sitting right in front of the door of the cottage, but I didn’t see a trace of her. I was already starting to panic when my phone rang once again, this time it was phone call from Vic unnie.


“Oh my goodness, Soojung! You finally answered! Aish… What are we going with the two of you?” She started. “We set you guys up so that you’ll finally gather your senses and be together, not for you to fight.”


“Sorry unnie.”


“You don’t have to apologize to me. Amber told me already her side, now explain to me and Luna your side.”


It turned out that Luna went to Vic unnie’s apartment as soon as Amber called them to tell what happened. They then put me on loudspeaker as I explained my side.


I know both of us were at fault here, because really, neither of us even had the guts to say the lighter “L” word (“like,” because “love” I think, is a heavier “L” word). It always ended up with us having misunderstandings. And what happened earlier was the worst.


“Amber’s on a wreck. She was crying and blaming herself and stuff. Aish! That stupid llama will really get it from me once she step foot on Korea.” It was Luna unnie who spoke on the other line.




Without even finishing my question, she said, “The last time we video called she said she’s by the pool area.”




As soon as I stepped outside the cottage, I felt the cold wind against my skin, so I went back in to get wear jacket. That was also when I realized that Amber was only wearing a tank top earlier, and it got wet as she swam in the sea to talk to me. I went through her bag and found her hoodie easily.


The pool area was nearby so I didn’t have much trouble getting there. But it was already late, and most of the lights were out. I had a hard time looking for her, but as soon as my eyes laid on her, my vision blurred as another batch of tears roll down my cheeks. There she was, lying on her side, in a fetal position, her body covered by the beach towel she brought earlier. As I got closer, I saw how her body trembles, her lips pale. I rushed to her side and as soon as I touched her, I retracted my hands as she was burning with fever.




I didn’t know how I managed to half-carry her back to our cottage. As soon as I laid her down on the bed, I immediately ran to the bathroom and gave her a sponge bath. After a few minutes, her fever is still high. I called Vic unnie for help, and she told me to bathe Amber with ice cold water as quickly as possible.


Somehow, I managed to bathe her without having any lewd thoughts. Hey, I’m more worried than y, okay? But she really got a nice body. And hey! I didn’t look there. And fine I saw her s, but not there. I might end up losing consciousness if I did. I immediately dried her and dressed her up. Luna unnie then informed me that she helped packing Amber’s clothes (see why I’m jealous of her?), and told me that she brought some antipyretics. She told me which part of the bag she placed the medicines. Water is here; medicine is here; now I only need Amber to wake up.


I continued applying the cold towel on her body, and after some time, checked her temperature again. When I noticed that the fever has gone down a bit, and she’s no longer shaking, I tried waking her up. She stirred before slowly opened her eyes. She looked around at first, and as her sight landed on me, she immediately sat up, surprise evident on her face.


“S-Soojung!” She shrieked.


I looked at her intently with apologetic eyes, and as I opened my mouth to say sorry, I found myself locked in her arms.


“I’m sorry, baby. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry. Please forgive this stupid llama.” She mumbled repeatedly.


Returning the hug, holding her tighter, I replied, “I’m sorry, too. I shouldn’t have provoked you like that.”


“No… You’re right. I was just overreacting over a name. You’ve endured a lot of that because of me, yet you only gave me a cold shoulder, and not disrespect me like what I did to you. I’m really sorry. I was just… jealous.” I heard her say, causing me to pull away from the hug and look at her, now with a mischievous smile.


“First you called me baby. And now you told me you’re jealous.”


Hah! You’re busted llama.


“Oh… Did I really say those?” She denied, pouting innocently, earning her a smack on her arm.


“Aw! Hey! I’m still sick here, okay?” She retaliated.


“Well who told you to stay outside? There’s still the living room, idiot.”


“Well I got hungry, so I went outside to buy so

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I will continue with the updates tomorrow (PH time). I still have work tomorrow so Imma hit the bed guys.


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Emjey012 #1
Chapter 7: wow~ 10 years?? they surely have a firm foundation of friendship there, haha! well done author-nim!
2079 streak #2
Chapter 6: You really should listen to Dean and Phony Ppl. They are so coooool :)
Krystal leaded my to Phony Ppl, and then it leaded to Dean, while most of the comments in "Somehow" said Dean lead them to Phony instead haha
Chapter 7: Can't stop smiling until the last chapter :))) I'm glad they were able to finally say what they feel after 10 freaking years and all the boyfriends/girlfriends they had.
I don't wanna see a fossilized Vic and Luna XD lol
Great job doc love the story!!! Three thumbs up!
Chapter 7: idk y but im smiling like an idiot while reading this. this story really soooo mushy2 moments hahha i love it! thanks author-nim :3333
2079 streak #6
Chapter 7: Great. You made my tummy grumble ._.
cutey111 147 streak #7
Chapter 7: Finally! I was losing hope on these two ...
KryberWah #8
Chapter 7: Yes this does makes me happy. Thanks D~ but can you make an epilogue? Pretty please? :D
27camz #9
Chapter 7: Woah! So happy right now!!! Kryber together!!!
Thank you for sharing this story!!!!
2079 streak #10
Chapter 7: I still cannot believe it has done >"<