Chapter 8: Ex-Lovers' Quarrel

We got Babies
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Here's an update! I hope you like it!

Chapter 8:

"Sica, please!!"

Jessica walk to the kitchen to get away from Yuri who keep following her.

"Kwon Yuri stop." She said.

"But.. I love you!"

"How many times do I have to tell you? I.don'" She said with crossed arms. "Now, go to the kids and don't bother me."

Yuri sighed and walk to the playroom leaving her alone. Jessica just shake her head.

Yuri has been bugging her again to give him another chance ever since She started working and She's getting irritated with him.

She walk to the fridge and get a water then sit on the chair. Her phone then rings, She look at it and found Taeyeon calling.

She smiled and answered the call, "Yes?"

"Sica.. Um, I just wanna let you know that I have an important meeting in Hongkong and I will need you to come with me." Taeyeon informed her. "It will be next week, tuesday until wednesday."

"Alright, I'll come with you." She said with a smile.

Taeyeon giggled, "I'll book you a ticket now.. Alright, see you on monday!" He said and hang up.

Jessica smiled and drink water, She has been working for Taeyeon for a couple of months now and She must say that She is very impressed at Her boss.

The short guy is very thoughtful, understanding and really nice to her and the other staffs that why He easily became close to Her.

"Sica.." She heard Yuri called.

"What is it again?" Jessica asked without looking at him.

"Hyunbin's bleeding."

Jessica quickly stood up and look at Yuri, "Where is He?" She asked and run to the playroom.

"Waahhh!!" She quickly pick him up and look at his hand.

"What happened?" She asked and tried to coax the baby. "Kwon Yuri give me the first aid kit now!" She shouted out of nervousness.

Yuri quickly gave it to her, "I'm sorry, Sica. I was t his long nails because He scratched his face but He suddenly moved and I cut his finger with the clippers.. I didn't mean it, Sica." He explained and felt nervous.


Jessica wrapped Hyunbin's finger with a band aid after cleaning it then check the baby's face.

"Do we need to bring him to the hospital?" He asked.

"No.. He will be fine."

He sighed in relief, "I'm really sorry, Sica."

"I told you to just leave it to me.. You always do stupid stuffs, Yul.. When are you going to learn?" She asked.

Yuri felt embarrassed to her, He's don't know how to take care of the kids, He only know how to play with them but He's trying his best to be a better Uncle for them.

"I'm sorry." He said.

The American girl sighed, "If you could just stop chasing me and just focus with the kids, I bet you'll be even better than me.." She said and kiss Hyunbin. "Oh by the way, please stop sending me flowers and chocolates in the office.. It's embarrassing." She said.

Yuri shake his head, "I can't.. Everyone should know that you are already taken so no one will dare to hit on you!"

"Yuri, we're not together. And we will never be together again, I don't like you.. Just find someone else!" She said with conviction.

"No.. I only want you.. If I have to show people how much I love you, I will do it."

"Whatever." Jessica said and sighed, Yuri is hardheaded and He will not listen to her.

"Waahhh!" Hyunbin is still crying.

"the blood is gone, Sweetie.." Jessica told the baby who is still crying.

Hyunbin look at his finger and lifted it. "bah.." He said.

Jessica wiped his tears and kissed his cheek, "No more blood.." She said but the little boy is still crying, "Hurt?" She asked and the little boy pouted."Aunt Sica will kiss it." She said and gave his finger lots of kisses. "Um, Where is Yoong?" She asked.

"He's playing in his room." He answered.

The Blonde girl look at the wall clock, "He should be preparing now, He has Taekwondo class today." She said.

Yuri stood up, "I'll prepare him now.."

She sighed, "Yul, what did I tell you?"

"But Sica, it will take him forever to finish if I don't help him." He said, Jessica always tell him to teach the kids to do things on their own but the kids move so slow and He hates waiting for too long.

Jessica stood up and the two of them walked out. They went to the kids' room and saw the two kids playing.

"Yoongie, prepare now for your Taekwondo class." Jessica said and sit on the bed with Hyunbin on her lap.

The little boy stood up and take his bag, "Yoong will bring how many shirt?" the little boy asked.

"At least two and shorts, Honey."

Mina take her pink bag and followed what Her brother is doing, "Mina go wondo cwash too!"

"You want to go to Taekwondo class like Oppa?" Jessica asked.


"Uhm, What about ballet class? You want Aunt Sica to enroll you to a ballet class? You like dancing right?"


"Alright, I'll look for a Ballet Dance School for you." She smiled.

Yuri then kneeled down to help Yoong to change his clothes.

"Shika! Mina change!" Mina throw her dress on the floor.

"Pick it up.." Jessica said then sighed, Mina is still has her habit of throwing things at them. "I'm not gonna let you go with Yoong if you don't give it to me properly and no crying.."

Mina pouted and pick her dress up,She walk to her Aunt Jessica and gave it to her.

"Mina change.."

"What's the number two magic word?" Jessica asked.

Mina smiled and put her hands together, "Pweashe. Mina change pweashe.." She said.

"Good girl.." Jessica pat her head and put Hyunbin on the bed to dress her up. "Wow, look at how pretty you are!" She smiled at the little girl.

Yoong look at them, "Magic word number one!" He told his sister.

Mina smiled and clap her hands, "Thank you! Thank you, Shika!" She said and hug her Auntie.

"You're welcome, Sweetie.." The American kissed her head.

Yuri smiled, Jessica is really good at disciplining the kids, She even set some magic words for the kids to memorize.

After preparing, they all went to Yoong's class. Jessica and Hyunbin stayed in the waiting area while Yuri with the other two kids went to the class.

"Excuse me.. Are you Kwon Mina's Mother?" 

Jessica look up and saw the staff smiling at Her. "I'm Her guardian.."

"Oh, I just wanna ask if you'll enroll her here?"

"Oh, um I'm not sure.. I'll just ask her later." She said with a smile and the staff excused herself.

"Waaahhh!!" They suddenly heard a loud cry.

Yuri walked out with the crying Mina and the little girl quickly run to Jessica.

"Why are you crying?"

"Wondo bad!" She cried.

Yuri sit next to Jessica and take Hyunbin from her, "She thought the teacher is shouting at her.. You know, they are shouting inside.."

Jessica chuckled, "Mina, that's what they do, they are not mad or something.."

"No.. Wondo bad!"

"You don't like Taekwondo anymore?"

"Don't wike.." The little kid pouted and buried her face to Jessica's chest.

The blonde girl look at Yuri, "Tell the staff to cancel Mina's application." She said.

"Do it.." Yuri said.

The blonde girl raised her eyebrows, "Try me.." She said.

Yuri then let out a smile, "I'm just kidding, Sica." He said and talk to the staff while carrying Hyunbin.

"Eesh.." Jessica shake her head. Yuri always try her patience by not following her but once she throw him deathly glares, Yuri quickly stops and will just say yes to everything she says.

The tanned guy went back, "Sica, I'll take Hyunbin out. We'll buy some snacks."

"Sure!" She smiled and watch him walk out of the establishment.

The blonde girl rub Mina's back, "After this, We will visit your Appa.."

"Eomma too." The little girl said.

"I'll ask your Halmeoni if We can visit Eomma soon, okay? But now, let's visit Appa to make him happy."

"Why Appa shad?"


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I'll make a chapter for Taeny for those who are curious about them! Thanks!


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Badetsky #1
I love the story please.updated these kind of story
Chapter 101: Re-read again I’m still waiting for update
Sone_Jihyo #3
Chapter 101: I have red your stories author-nim and i am so inlove with all of them. I hope you will finish this story also. Will be waiting for their happy ending. ❤️ Fighting author!
Hahahihipoqpoq #4
Chapter 101: I'm still waiting for this one to get finished 😭
Chapter 101: 👈👀
Chapter 7: 👀👌
yuridunaa #7
Chapter 101: 1 chapter left and im hoping again...
Chapter 101: Reread again..i thought u hve 1 chapter left?
984 streak #9
Chapter 1: rereading this again and this chapter still hurts
Osekop12 #10
Congrats on the feature!!