Chapter | 4

Overthrow | Krisho

A/N: Listen to SM THE BALLAD, they're my childhood songs.



Kosuke returns the next day and Yifan is more than happy to see his brother. The crown prince swoops down from his horse in such a graceful manner, Yifan is envious of his brother's inheritance. Not only does he have the blessing of the strongest flame among his bloodline, but he is also strikingly handsome and is even taller than Yifan himself.

Kosuke shoots Yifan a grin and his voice booms over that of his fellow travelers, dismounting from their own steeds. "Little brother!" Yifan bares another dazzling smile over and the two of them connect in a brotherly hug.

Kosuke ruffles the younger's hair and says, "I've brought something back for you." Behind his brother's shoulder, Yifan has spotted Juyou, his brother's companion. The hawk swoops down, perching atop the horse.

"I hope it is not a prank like unto the previous returns." Yifan says, grumbling at the memory of receiving a single leaf of autumn. He can remember only too much of his brother's billowing laughter after that event. 

Kosuke only shrugs and says, "I am full of surprises." With a mysterious glint in his eyes, the older leads Yifan over to his horse and unlocks the flap of a satchel hanging form the animal's side. 

Yifan inches closer, curious to see and Kosuke smirks. Covering the object with the flaunt of his coat, Kosuke whistles seemlessly as he reproaches his younger brother. When Kosuke pulls out a vial of water, Yifan's grin turns down and he frowns. "What...?" He questions as his brother hands it to him. "What is this?" 

Kosuke only shrugs and turns, whistling in an obnoxious manner. Yifan grips it tightly and frowns, "You brought me a vial of water?" He says, trying not to sound too irritated or like an ungrateful brat (although from the look of their servants surrounding them, he knows that's exactly what it appears to be).

"Oh little brother," Kosuke says mockingly, "Do you have such little faith in me?' The small smirk that graces his brother's lips is enough to tell Yifan that this is no ordinary liquid. And, if he wasn't so curious as to what it was, he would've left the situation at this. But, he doesn't, and instead, questions his brother further. 

"What kind of water is it?" 

Kosuke doesn't answer, only smiles and shakes his head, turning to his horse once again. Yifan groans, trailing behind him. Whining, he exclaims, "Come on Kosuke, can't you give me a hint?" 

"Nope." HIs brother replies, popping the 'p'. 

"But why?"

Facing him and flicking his forehead, Kosuke says, "Because it ruins the fun." 

Yifan lets out a frustrated grunt and storms off, back into the palace but not before promising his brother that he will remember this moment. Kosuke only laughs it off, tending to his horse and luggage. 

Yifan is all too upset to notice the strange energy emitting from his brother that day; but he does notice it at dinner that night. Kosuke sits across from him as always, while his sister Yuri is beside him. His father is once again absent and his mother's face is adorned with lines of worry and lack of sleep. 

Kosuke seems a bit too cheerful upon his return, especially with the fact that his father is sick in bed, probably close to death. As Kosuke tells the family about his voyage and the snippets he saw whilst in the mountains of the Air Kingdom, Yuri leans in close to Yifan's ear and whispers. 

"Do you feel that?" 

Yifan frowns, placing his fork down. In a quiet voice he asks, "Feel what?" 

Yuri's eyes linger over to the crown prince, and Yifan follows. That's when he realizes it. Ever since coming into the dining hall that night, Yifan felt tight, tense and on edge. He thought that maybe it was because of their circumstances; their father being sick and his mother stressed from arranging a possible future without King Kyuhyun. 

At first, Yifan didn't know why Yuri was looking over at Kosuke, but he was quick to catch on. Actually, he didn't have to; he could literally feel the energy coursing through Kosuke and being projected throughout the room. He was sure that Yuki could feel it too, seeing as she rested behind him at the foot of his chair. 

Yifan nods and his sister gives him a look before turning away. As Kosuke carried on, Yuri didn't expand, only keeping to herself, finishing off her food. Yifan decides not to think too much about it. It could just be that Kosuke has learned something new from the monks; projecting energy is nothing new. 

Feeling and knowing the presence of one's energy are two different things. Say, if Yifan was seated in a room with only himself and Yuri, he wouldn't feel energy as strong as he would with a pure of bloodline, such as Kosuke or his father. 

As the blood is passed down, the strength of the energy lessens, so being the youngest in the royal family--or any family at that--would make you the weakest of your siblings. Which was unfortunate, because in Egron, power and the strength of your energy was everything. Even if the youngest of the family trained their hardest, their power would never surmount to that of the oldest in the bloodline.


The second prince almost jumps out of his seat at the sound of his brother's voice calling to him. Clearing his throat, Yifans says, "Yes?" 

"I was just asking if you would like to accompany me on my next trip." Kosuke's eyes were bright with anticipation and Yifan, in all honesty, did not know how to respond. Of course, he was stunned. He didn't dare go as far as the Kingdom of Earth Benders. Never did he dream of riding without the company of his parents; especially since the Kingdom of Air benders was within such close proximity with the boarders of the Water Kingdom. 

He looked into the corner of his eye, and found Yuri giving him a cautious look. He ignored her, his sister only seemed to be scaring him tonight. Turning to Kosuke he replied with a smile, "If it's okay with our parents, then yes I would love to join you."

The older clapped hands together in joy and took his mother's hands in his own. "If it is alright with you mother?" 

Queen Byul's lips press into a thin line, but she nodded nonetheless. "So long as you return within a week." 

Yifan looked down at his food. He suddenly wasn't hungry anymore. Kosuke's offer had abruptly ruined his mood and apetite. Without thinking, Yifan stood in a rush and looked to his mother. 

"May I be excused?"

"And for what reason?" 

Yifan's eye flitted to the doorway before back to his mother's--now lifeless looking--face. "I would like to catch some air before the sun sets."

The Queen gives him a question glance but lets him go, too tired to argue. Yifan is grateful, because as soon as he is out of sight from his family, he runs. He doesn't know where, or why he feels the need to get away from there, but he does. 

Somehow, he is outside, and the breeze of the evening air feels like he has resurfaced from being underwater--not that he knows what that feels like. 

The palace grounds are still as busy as always, servants and guards milling around. Yifan's head doesn't spin as much as it had and he stumbles over to one of the gardens. Collapsing in the grass, Yifan closes his eyes.

He thinks.

He thinks about how strange he has felt ever since his return from the Earth Kingdom. This leads to him thinking about a certain little man named Junmyeon and he wants to hit himself. He shouldn't be thinking about him. Junmyeon was so out of his league. 

Handsome, strong and the most amazing smile Yifan has ever seen. The hair that flows just to his shoulders, the royal blue robes which indicate his birth rights, and the cresent shaped eyes that could light up Yifan inside, more than any fire would be capable of. Junmyeon wasn't perfect; he was clumsy at times and in effort to make Soonkyu and Yifan laugh, he would miserably fail. 

Junmyeon wasn't perfect. But Yifan still found him amazing. 

And he never regrets the day his mother coerced him into visiting the Circle markets. Sighing, his forearms supporting his head, Yifan knows he and Junmyeon could never marry, even if he wished it to be. He also is sure that Junmyeon would never love him as he did the latter.

It was impossible. And absurd. Absolutely absurd.

Especially considering the fact that there was some underlying tension between the water and fire kingdoms in the recent years. His parents would combust if they knew he was thinking of Junmyeon. 

He chuckles sadly, finally opening his eyes to catch a glimpse of the sun before it sets.



Junmyeon wakes from the confines of sleep, and instantly knows that something is terribly wrong. Pushing himself from his blankets, Junmyeon washes and changes, Ruko forever by his side. The animal looms at his feet constantly, and Junmyeon is finding it hard to get around. At one point, he picks up his companion and holds him by the side, irritated at his awkward steps. 

He doesn't know where he is going, but when he reaches the dining hall, his suspicions are confirmed. With the fullness of the energy in the room, joined by the firm stances of his parents, Junmyeon knows that there is something to be discussed. 

The absence of his younger siblings doesn't need to be explained; what does though, is the presence of his (very worried looking) sister, Seungwan. She narrows her eyes at him and he can't tell whether it is out of malice or annoyance. 

Dumping Ruko on the floor, Junmyeon pulls out his chair and sits. It is still silent, and Junmyeon wonders whether or not he should speak before his mother finally opens . 

"Your father and I have something to tell you." 

Junmyeon frowns and his eyes flit towards his sister, before focusing on his mother. "Does it have something to do with the Opal Gardens?"

His mother bites her lips, and he doesn't miss the worried glance that the queen sends to her husband. There is something they are hiding from him; and they will probably keep it that way. Finally, after a moment of hesitation she says, "Partially...we believe that there is an intruder within our palace walls, and after what happened to you..." her voice wobbles a bit. 

"...after what happened, your father and I are worried about you."

Junmyeon's frown deepens, almost to a scowl. "So...what? Is there something I'm not informed of?"

His father looks at him and Junmyeon can see his fist in a ball. "Junmyeon." His tone is condescending, and Junmyeon senses the threat within it. 

Before his father can continue though, his mother says, "You and Seungwan are to reside in the mountains of the Air Benders until your father and I figure something out." 

"Mother--" Seungwan tries, but her father intervenes.

"It is not up to discussion." He cuts, "The decision has been made, and it is a command, not a favor. You two leave by evening and arrive at dawn. In the meantime, I suggest you return to your rooms and gather your belongings."

Junmyeon's hands turn to fists under the table. First they block off the Opal Gardens, second, Young Sun disappears from the palace along with Taekwoon, and now they're shipping him off? He looks down, and he knows his eyes are going a bright blue, a trait which happens when his energy peaks. 

He mustn't get angry like this. Not in front of his father. 

Suddenly, he feels a hand on his forearm, which could belong to none other than his mother due to how gentle it is. Soo Jung looks at him with content and sincerity when she says, "Junmyeon, you do know that we are doing this for you, right?" 

Junmyeon fights the urge to scream like a child, only nodding obediently. He understands all too well what this means. His parents think him weak; vulnerable. They are probably sending Seungwan as a spy over him, which he doesn't even blame them for. 

He looks up, and breathes steadily. Seungwan is looking at him from across the table, although there is no malice in her eyes. Instead, she looks sad. Sighing, Junmyeon stands, excusing himself and leaves the room. 

If he is to leave by tonight, he may as well be prepared. 



There is a knock of Junmyeon's door that evening. It is a servant telling him that they are ready to leave now. She offers to take his things, and he requests that it be mounted to his horse. He nods and thanks her before getting back to his letter. He adorns black leather hunting pants, and a loose silk navy blue top, indicating his royal colors.

His hunting boots lie by his bed, and Junmyeon quickly closes his letter to Yifan, sealing it. He sits down and slips his boots on, tying them tight with the laces that weave upon the leather that cover his shins. Knowing Seungwan, she will probably take her own horse, as they both prefer to ride rather than to take the carriage. 

He quickly grabs his letter from the desk and beckons Ruko with him. When he sees that Seungwan's room is empty, he can only assume that she is already at the stables. He decides that he needs to be quick about his business. Running towards Qian's apothocaery, he raps on the door, thankful when she answers quickly. 

He grins at her and she bows to him before asking, "What is it my prince?"

"May I borrow your hawk?" He asks. 

Qian raises an eyebrow, but allows him nonetheless. "Of course, Koea is just in the back." he steps in quickly towards the back of the apothocaery, and finds the hawk perched on the window. He hands Koea the letter, which the bird makes a loud noise before taking it inits beak. He chuckles as he its head. Leaning down, he whispers, "Take it to Yifan please." 

The bird only chirps before spreading itself and launching from the palace window. He turns around to see Qian looking amused. "Am I still not allowed to know who it is you send these letters to?" 

Junmyeon sighs, "Someday I will tell you Qian, I promise." 

She rolls her eyes and shoves him along, "Well, you'd better get going soon."

"I should." He agrees, stepping out of the room, Ruko floating lazily at his side. Qian coos at the furry animal beforee Junmyeon bids her farewell, leaving for the Royal stables. Upon arriving, he spots Seungwan by her horse, her own companion accompaniying her; a colorful bird named Koea.

As he is about mount his horse, he hears a familiar echoing voice.  

"We should leave now, my lord."

Turning around, Junmyeon find Taekwoon looking at him with a hard expression. Junmyeon's eyes widen in surprise and he so badly wants to talk to the man alone. His suspicions about Young Sun haven't died down, and Taekwoon is the only person he can confide in. 

But, the look of warning in the other's eyes is what stops him and all Junmyeon says is. "Alright, lead the way." 

They pack in silence, and the only sound that can be heard is the sound of their guards chatting. He assumes that they will leave on his command, so when he sees that Seungwan is ready, he whistles and hops onto his own steed.

The sun is still warm on his skin, although it isn't blindingly bright as it was during the afternoon. He says his silent goodbyes to the palace. 

Taekwoon rides towards the front and his voice billows, "Moving out!"

Junmyeon spots Koea (pronounced  Ko-ya) taking flight ahead of them, and as they ride through the Kingdom pass, the sun slowly loses it's shine. The foliage begins to get thicker as they pass the Kingdom borders, and Seungwan suggests that they slow down. Taekwoon agrees, and their pace slows. 

They travel all through the night, and at one point they stop to re-clothe themselves with fur coats and gloves. Although as water benders, the decrease in temperature doesn't bother them nearly as much as other benders, the temperature in the mountains is too extreme. Junmyeon wonders what sort of resistance the air benders must have to live in such harsh temperature drops.

By the time daylight started to seep in, Junmyeon could see the boarders of the Kingdom. Ruko had fallen asleep at his lap, and Koea rested atop his sister's shoulder.  It took another forty minutes to reach the boarder, but once they did, Junmyeon felt an odd sensation. 

He reallly didn't need to wonder what it was thought; it was quite clear as soon as they entered the main gates, leading to the City Circle. Despite the sound of clicking hooves, the chill of the wind on his face and his travelling party following behind him, Junmyeon saw it clearly. 

Standing by his black steed was Yifan, dressed in a large fur coat, his royal seal displayed.  If Junmyeon was finding it difficult, he wondered how the fire benders were coping. Junmyeon faltered for a second, almost sure he was seeing things. But no. He saw it all too clearly. 


He prompted, hoping the other would hear. Sure enough, the other's head swivelled, looking in all directions until his gaze landed upon Junmyeon. His eyes lit up and he looked as if he was about to make his way over, but at the last second, he turned facing away. 

Junmyeon's heart sank, thinking it was rejections, but Yifan's voice came to him quickly. 

Junmyeon is that you?

Yes.....You never said anything about coming here. Junmyeon responded.

Neither did you.

It was unexpected.

I guess that goes for the both of us then. 

Why are you here?

Kosuke invited me to join him. 

Junmyeon is about to reply to him, only to hear his name being shouted. 

"Kim Junmyeon! We're moving out!"

he snaps back to reality, and realises that Taekwoon had called him. Begrudgingly, he leads the reins of his horse towards the rest o fhis party, and misses the glances of suspicions that Seungwan throws his way; he does notice that his sister has been keeping close to him all through out their travel.

Thinking of Yifan, Junmyeon decides that his stay at the Air Bender's palace might not be as bad  he thought it would be.



A/n: I felt like after writing the second half of the chapter but I didn't want to mae you guys wait any longer so here's some quality stuff. BUT, at least we will have future Krisho encounters!

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2440 streak #1
Chapter 4: hmmmmm im still so confused
what happened to Yongsun?
and also what's with the "strange" energy that's going on with Kosuke? it does seem weird that he's overflowing with unexplainable energy when everyone in the palace is in a state of mourning over the King's health...
what's with the "water" Kosuke gave Yifan? does it have something to do with Kosuke inviting Yifan with him to his next trip?
and what is it really with Seungwan? why'd the family banish Jun? do they think he was the cause of what happened in the Opal Gardens???
i hope everything would make sense soon

ps. do Qian and Seungwan's companions really share the same name Koea?
Chapter 4: Ohhh this is getting intense
What is going on with everyone?
Looking forward to more
Chapter 3: Oh this is intriguing indeed
Looking forward to more
2440 streak #4
Chapter 3: hmmmmm... did Yongsun protect him or was she the reason for Jun fainting? im not sure...
and Seungwan, is she behind this??? if yes, how dare she? to her own brother??? just to rule the kingdom on her own???
krishunmybias #5
Chapter 1: Oooohh...your story is so interesting...i really love to see the continuation of this...