Chapter | 1

Overthrow | Krisho

Soonkyu tossed yet another stone across the brook, and it skimmed effortlessly as the girl triumphed in yet another victory. She smirked and turned towards the boys, who stood there silently sniggering. "Hah! I beat you again!"

Junmyeon fake sighed, throwing a sneaky glance in Yifan's direction. "I guess you win again Kyu." Yifan's face was going red from trying to contain his laughter, and Junmyeon had to nudge him to keep it down.

In his mind he prompted Yifan.

Don't be so obvious. She can still sense us.

Yifan groaned and replied. Sorry, I just can't wait.

Junmyeon rolled his eyes at the giddy boy beside him. Yifan often reminded him of a child, even though out of the three, he was the tallest and most mature looking. Him and Soonkyu looked like mere middle graders compared to him.

"Why are you two so quiet all of a sudden?" Soonkyu question, hands on her hips. Her head swivelled in all directions and her eyebrows were raised; she was sensing her surroundings. Junmyeon sent a look of warning at Yifan.

Distract her! He told him.

Yifan's eyes widened.

How? What do I do?

Junmyeon sighed internally; Yifan was so stupid sometimes.

"Why aren't you saying anything? I know you're still there." Soonkyu said, sounding irritated. "I can smell your scent, so don't try running off like last time."

I don't know! Just come up with something! He rushed. Soonkyu wasn't stupid and he knew she would catch on if they weren't being careful.

"Just because we don't bathe in water, doesn't mean we smell bad!" Yifan shot back defensively. Joonmyun mentally face-palmed at his friend's attempt at a distraction.

Soonkyu only scoffed and threw a pitiful stone in Yifan's direction, which the latter easily dodged. "You fire bender's and your bathing pride. You're not even averse to water, and yet you despise the element because of your fellow kingdom."

Yifan only says in a deflated voice, "Well it's not my fault. I'd much rather bath in water than soak in the steam of a fire."

"And you wonder why you smell like a bunt roll." Junmyeon mutters under his breath, and Yifan is too distracted to notice it.

Whilst the other begin talk about who-knows-what, Junmyeon slides down closer to the stream trying to do so carefully as not to have Soonkyu think suspiciously of his movement. He spots a few fish wagging their tails at him and he smiles back.

He was friendly with most animals of the water, and found them quite a delight to watch at times. Sometimes he'd come to the brook alone during the spring, just to admire the lobsters crawling out of their stones and waking from the long winter sleep.

Or to watch the layer of thin ice melt away and see the river flow free once more, the life within it slowly blooming with it. Junmyeon always loved the water; it truly was his element.

When finally reaching the edge of the water, Junmyeon focused on his plan. Him and Yifan had previously pulled pranks on each other, but in recent events, the pranks became too predictable for both to have as much fun as they used to.

So, today, the two wanted to pull one on Soonkyu. Both thought it was going to be easy, but this wasn't the first time they'd tried. In their previous attempts at pulling a stunt on Soonkyu, the latter either sense something was suspicious or she just got up and walked away, probably too tired to deal with the pair's silly antics.

Together they decided they would be more discreet, in hope that they would finally defeat Soonkyu and her smug self. Even though the girl was blind, Junmyeon knew better than to underestimate her. She was the strongest earthbender he knew, although whenever Junmyeon told her that she'd roll her eyes and say, "I'm the only earthbender you know."

Junmyeon pulled up the sleeves of his shirt and closed his eyes. Bending your own element was one thing; but bending to your will...that was something totally different. It took years to master the art of bending, and didn't necessarily come naturally to everybody. Some weren't as fortunate and could only manage just a small amount of their element before they reached their element.

Yifan, Junmyeon and Soonkyu were all fortunate enough to have mastered the skill, but there was still much more room for improvement for all three of them.

Stretching his fingers and clearing his mind, Junmyeon let the flow of the water calm him, the tranquility of the air around him (aside from the two further up the bank) engulf his thoughts. He did this until all he could sense, feel, and process was the run of the water on his fingers.

Smiling gently, Junmyeon began to manipulate the water, and as he did so, began to slowly open his eyes. As he gathered, the shifting liquid, it started to form a ball in his hands only hovering above his skin.

He stopped when it was about two times the size of Yifan's head.

Now came the tricky part. Keeping both arms at a ninety degree angle, Junmyeon stood, careful not to let go of the water in his grasp. It was hard, having to focus on the water as well as moving further from the stream.

He'd done this before in training. Moving whilst manipulating his element. His instructor Taekwoon told him to be one with the water; to let the liquid guide him. At first it wasn't easy, but Junmyeon soon got the hang of it.

Today it was only becoming difficult because he wasn't in the vicinity of his Kingdom territory. The Main courts were held in the Earth Bender's circle, where they currently were, and Benders could only muster so much without their beacons close by.

Beacons were almost like a source of strength for benders, each Kingdom having one of their own, usually placed near the centre of their city circles. They were also like a navigating system, each one a different color, so no matter how far you strayed from the mountain pass, the beacons were always in sight.

But Junmyeon managed, and soon he found himself standing and facing Soonkyu and Yifan who were daring each other to climb higher into a nearby oak tree. He shook his head at the two. Yifan spotted him in no time and sent him a mind prompt.

I'm helpless at climbing, why don't we just get it over and done with eh?

Junmyeon just grins in response, and Yifan lets out a relieved sigh. Junmyeon raises his eyebrows in question, then nods towards Soonkyu who is dangling upside down from a branch, forming shapes with stones.

Yifan gives him a thumbs up and slowly begins to make his way down. "I'm going to check on Junmyeon." he calls, just in case she senses that he's moving from his spot. To his luck and relief, Soonkyu only hums and nods in response, too distracted with the stones.

Yifan sniggers in silent excitement when he finally drops to the ground and stands next to Junmyeon, who has been waiting patiently.

One. He hears Yifan prompt. It doesn't take an idiot to figure out what he's doing.


Junmyeon readies himself and the water slowly travels in the air, and rests, hovering over the girl. His fingertips buzz as he waits for Yifan's final count.


Pushing through from his veins, his arms and his chest, Junmyeon releases the tensions from holding the water, and the liquid pours down on Soonkyu. Yifan bursts out with laughter, boisterous and hearty, as the two watch the girl slip from the branch and in to a cavern of grass and dirt.

She spits, coughing the dirt and water which is now in . Junmyeon can't contain himself and joins Yifan, rolling on the floor with giggles. The two are so immersed in their own amusement that they to notice a fuming mad Soonkyu storming towards them.

"...You should've seen her was so funny!" Yifan splutters through fits of laughter, having to hold onto Junmyeon's arm for support. The other only goes along with him because it is too hard not to.

"Yeah. And I can't wait to see your faces when I imprint them on your graves!"

Junmyeon's laughter halts and he looks up to see Soonkyu holding to stones in her grasp, both a decent size. Yifan must see it too because he doesn't even glance at Junmyeon when he prompts him.


Junmyeon doesn't have to be told twice before him and Yifan make a dash for it, their laughter carrying all through the forest pass. However, Junmyeon knows he won't last long because his stomach is sore from laughing, and bending the water from the brook took quite a lot of effort.

Luckily, they seem to lose her pretty quickly, because Junmyeon can no longer sense her when he sees the Circle market in view, Earth Benders moving around in their brown stained attire.

There's never really been a dress code for the different Kingdoms, but most benders of the same element tend to wear the same kind of clothing; mostly because that is all that is available within their own markets.

Of course they can sew their own clothes, but most perfer to just get them tailored or sewn with the material that is already there.

Junmyeon and Yifan stand back, hands on their knees, panting and sweating. Junmyeon looks up at the other and his breath hitches uncontrollably. Yifan's collar was loosened, the ties undone showing off his broad chest, and his sleeves were rolled up. Junmyeon can't help but stare at the boy.

His defined muscles displayed through the front of his shirt, the sweat glistening on his perfect forehead. The definition in his arms and god don't forget hi perfect facial--

"Junmyeon? You there?"

The water bender snaps out of his gaze to find Yifan bending to his height and waving his arm in fron his face. "Yah! We got to move man, can't you hear the bells?"

The bells. Junmyeon felt his heart drop. The bells were an indication of an adjournment or ending of the royal court sessions. Which meant that they had to leave. 

It took Junmyeon a second to recover himself, but once did he felt his cheeks go red and replied in a stuttering rush. "Oh, u-um, y-yeah. I did."

Yifan only frowns at his weird behaviour, but whether or not he can see through it, Junmyeon doesn't know because the latter only nods and tells him that they should probably split up now. Junmyeon obeys soundlessly, mentally bashing himself for staring at Yifan too long.

You can't. He reminded himself. He's not your kind.

"Should we go back for Soonkyu?" Yifan asks, looking back through the thick of the forest.

Junmyeon shakes his head, "We'll only keep our parents waiting." 

Yifan sighs, looking dejected. Junmyeon frowns, moving some of the hair from his eyes. "What's wrong?" 

Yifan's eyebrows twitch as he looks up. In a wavering voice he says, "What if this is the last meeting?" 

"What do you mean?" 

"We won't see each other until a years time." Yifan replies. 

Junmyeon feels his heart leap at the fondness in the other's voice. He clears his throat, willing it to stop going dry. "I'll write to you like always, yeah?" Junmyeon raised a hand and put it around the other's broad shoulders, having to tip-toe. 

Yifan lets out a small smile and says, "Maybe next time you'll actually grow a little." 



Egron was a united Kingdom which consisted of four sub kingdoms; fire, water, earth & air. Each Kingdom was a colony of the existing benders after the war of the dark ages, a council from centuries ago having decided it was best to separate the elements.

The airbenders were secluded in the mountains, and mainly consisted of monks aside from the few citizens Junmyeon spotted from time to time. The water kingdom, in which Junmyeon was from, took up a section of the coast and the mountain line that lead into the earth bender's territory.

Soonkyu was an earth bender. She was also blind. The earth benders were friendly to everyone, aside from a few heated court sessions, they were at peace with the other Kingdoms. The same went for the airbenders.

But Junmyeon couldn't say that it was the same between the Kingdoms of water and fire. Both Kingdoms seemed to have some unspoken hatred, and for what reason, Junmyeon was unsure of. What he was sure of, was that the topic of their court sessions were probably about the unspoken problem.

Most villagers weren't supposed to visit other Kingdoms unless they did so as a merchant with a proper merchant's liscence. And, sending epistles wasn't allow unless you got the permission from the King or Queen. 

Being the prince of water Kingdom did have its perks, and Junmyeon couldn't say he didn't enjoy being royalty. The palace grounds were amazing, but Junmyeon admired the gardens the most. Today, he was travelling back home, and his parents were not in a good mood. 

He couldn't say he was either. He was sad to say goodbye to Yifan and Soonkyu (especially Yifan), but he was also earnest to meet with his family again, and Ruko, his royal companion. Junmyeon didn't know what exactly Ruko was. 

The animal was like a cross between a cat and a dragon, and he liked to float around in the air, making soft purring noises. Junmyeon especially liked to cuddle him, even if the animal couldn't talk back.

But there was a downfall to being the prince. Especially being the first born and heir to the throne. Just the thought of leading the Kingdom made Junmyeon want to run and hide. He didn't want to do it. He loved the people, but he wasn't made to be a ruler. 

Maybe his sister Seungwan was able. She sure made it known as well. During their training with Taekwoon, she'd always mention at how much better she could be, how much more worthy she was to take the throne. 

And Junmyeon never once doubted it. 

She was fit for the throne. She knew how to work with people, persuade those to think the way she thinks, she also had an authoritative aura about her. Whenever they had their parades in the city circle during thee springe festivals, Seungwan would smile and wave, prouncing around like the royalty she was. 

Junmyeon was just awkward as Yifan would put it. 

Another disadvantage was the fact that he couldn't marry by choice. His spouse was probably decided for him after the many visits to the air bending monks. Hi parents always talked of their son taking the kingdom and leading it into prosperity, with his beautiful queen and children by his side. 

 But Junmyeon didn't want that. He wanted something else. He's known what he's wanted for a long time actually. 

He wanted Yifan. 

The Second Prince of the Fire Kingdom. 



Returning home was always a delight and a nightmare. The delight of seeing his younger cousins was more than anything Junmyeon could ever ask for, because at least some of his subjects thought he was amazing. 

The kids would always come rushing into the palace, asking him for gifts and souvenirs from his journeys, and he would happily comply. This time, he'd bought them back golden stones, which Soonkyu had retrieved for him. It was originally Yifan's idea, since he was always fond of children, but never had any cousins of his own. 

The nightmare was having to see his forlorn looking sister, sending him deathly glares from across the dining table. Being the second eldest, Seungwan always had some personal vendetta against Junmyeon for being the direct heir. 

If he could, he'd explain to her that he would gladly pass on the weight of the Kingdom, but knowing the girl, she'd report his speech to their parents, who'd be furious with him. 

Luckily, his younger siblings were more supportive of him. Little Sehun, who was only six, would sometimes hop onto his bed and talk to him about it. Sehun was always the one he'd brush his concerns on, and knowing the boy, most of the information would go right over his little head. 

Albeit, after they would talk and Junmyeon would dismiss him for bed, Sehun would always hug his older brother and whisper, "I'm praying to the monks for you." 

Junmyeon found it quite cute actually.

As soon as the rushing sound of the palace waterfall was in earshot and the shine of the diamond blue beacon grew brighter, Junmyeon's heart lifted at the thought of seeing his younger cousins. Excitedly, he sped up on his horse, and once close enough, he trotted along with the carrige. 

Poking his head in, he asked. "Mother, father. May I ride ahead?" 

His mother, Soo Jung nodded in reply and reminded him to be safe. "Don't ride too fast and do not take any detours!"

As soon as she'd uttered the words, Junmyeon set off like a dog for food. The rushing of wind through his clothes exhilarated him, and as he neared closer to the Kingdom's boundary, he could feel the strength of his element pouring into his chest. 

His shoulder length hair wasn't pulled back, and it flew with the wind. Junmyeon felt so free in that moment, and as he looked over his shoulders, he saw the other beacons fading in the distance. 

The sun was sloqly setting at that time, and Junmyeon loved it. With the mix of the beacons' light, the mixture of red, orange, pink and purple, blended well, creating a beautiful mush of colors. 

As he passed a pond, Junmyeon leaned down whilst still riding and held a hand out, keeping his grip firm on the horses reins. Grinning, he manipulated the water, and it split spraying as he rode along, creating a long cut in his path. 

When he got closer to the first few check points, he straightened up and slowed down. Hongbin, the boarder director, immediately spotted the prince on his horse, and opened the large towering gates into the city, sending a wave and a smile in the other's direction. 

Junmyeon gave a slight bow and a grin, with a curt nod as he passed through. There were two more gates he had to cross, but the maintenance workers opened it without question, having recognized his navy royal robes, with the golden seal of royalty. 

When he passed the last one, he saw a familiar figure standing at the opening of the entrance, grinning up at him. The girl was folding her arms, grinning like an idiot. "Well, well, our prince has arrived!"

Junmyeon smiled back at her, dismounting from his horse and pushing the stray hairs behind his ears. It is Young Sun, one of his instructors. She is probably here to him to the palace. "And good evening to you too Young Sun." Junmyeon replied, giving her a slight nudge. 

As he lowered and adjusted the reins of his horse, tugging it along as they walked together, Young Sun filled him in with what had happened while he was gone. "Some strange things have occurred my prince." She says in a hushed voice.

He frowns at her. There aren't many people around at this time of evening, seeing as most of them a gathering for evening rituals, but Young Sun is being secretive about something. 

"Tell me."

Young Sun inhales, then says. "There is a snake in the mountains--or the Kingdom I should say. I have reason to believe that they are trying to overthrow our Kingdom, your grace."

Junmyeon doesn't quiet get it. "A serpent? After the Kingdom. Young Sun, please tell me something realistic." 

The girl shakes her head, looking around. "Not here, my lord." The dark and fearful look in her eyes is enough to make Junmyeon stop pressing. But it doesn't mean that the conversation will not continue. 

In fact, it does continue. Several days from then. Five days it had been since his last conversation with her, and it had him racking his brains for answers. 

What had Young Sun meant by snake? 

Why did she think the Kingdom was in danger? 

Sure, the leaders of each Kingdom had heated arguments, but the anger was always contained in words and debates, and confined to court room in which the head monk of all Kingdoms would witness. 

There had been peace in the Kingdom for over three hundred years. What could have possibly happened in the time that he was away to have made Young Sun assume that the Kingdom was under some sort of threat? 

Junmyeon shook his head as he readied himself for another session of training, tying up his boots and sporting his loose shirt along with leather hunting pants. He needed to focus on his task at hand. 

Skipping down the corridors towards the opal gardens, where his training took place, Junmyeon went about himself mindlessly, trying to keep his min off Young Sun's words. When he turned down the darker hallways though, he heard whispers coming from one of the servants rooms. His steps halted for a moment. 

The servants weren't supposed to be in their courtrooms. Not during the day at least. They were always on duty, and if their hands were ever t be idol, they were simply told to stand in the chamber of bells and wait for a job. 

Junmyeon started walking again after telling himself that what the servants did was none of his business. It wasn't like he ever kept the rules of the palace anyway. But, as her came nearer and nearer to the end of the hall, the whispers became louder, and Junmyeon could make out a few of the words. 

He stopped for moment, listening in, even though he knew he shouldn't have. 

"...never though of doing!" Junmyeon thought he recognized that voice, although he wasn't quite sure where from. Maybe he was hallucinating with his hearing. After ll he is not even able to discern a full sentence from the hushed whispering.

"...wanted to be....throne, right?" 

Another few muffled sounds, and Junmyeon felt his skin beginning to crawl. He didn't like where this was going, and a voice in the back of his mind was shout for him to leave! Now! 

But Junmyeon stayed planted, too curious, and maybe too afraid to move.

"Just consider it....opportunity to pass, would we?" 

He didn't hear anything else after, only the light tap of footsteps. His heart stopped for a moment, because that meant that the conversation had stopped, and that whoever was talking was about to leave the room. 

Junmyeon made a dash for it, not bothering to look back. It was only when he got to the entrance of the opal garden did he stop for a breath, huffing and panting with his hands on his knees. The rush of adrenaline and fear reminded him of the last day he spent with Yifan in the Earth Kingdom, and he smiled for a moment, forgetting about the conversation for a second. 

But the second didn't last long when a hand rested on his shoulder and he heard Young Sun's voice. 

"You are late." 

Junmyeon jerked away from her, startled. He was still jumpy from the conversation he'd only previously eavedropped on. His breath was ragged and she saw the look of fear in his eyes. She took a step closer and her eyebrows tucked inwards. "Are you..alright, my lord?" 

Junmyeon nodded a bit too quickly, shaking her off. "I-I'm fine...j-just a little tired from my run." 

Young Sun shook her, although not entirely convinced. "Running is not something we practice in the palace, young prince." Junmyeon is thankful that she does not pry upon his abnormal behavior. He does not know how to explain himself.

Junmyeon laughed half-heartedly, and followed his instructor as they closed in on the waterfall within the garden. The Opal Garden was where the palace had been built from, because the first King, Junmyeon's distant descendant, wanted to have a waterfall from within the palace.

The waterfall ran down the mountain where the palace was placed, and ended in a large oval shaped body of water within the opal garden. It is where Junmyeon has practiced and mastered his art of bending water. 

Without looking behind her, Young Sun begins to talk. "Today I thought we could try something different." When they reach the Waterfall, Young Sun splays out her arms, stretching her fingers, and bends the liquid to her will, turning to face the prince as she does so. 

She talks louder this time, since the crash of the water is near deafening. "You've mastered bending the water to your will, but you are not yet able to unlock your full potential of the element if you only focus on the water." 

Junmyeon listens intently, glad that he is finally doing something new, and has something to keep his mind off of things. Young Sun continues, moving the water into shapes. "When we only focus on the water, that is all there is for us to manipulate." 

Then Young Sun drops the water. "But, when we divide our attention and balance our strength," the instructor begins raise her hands, bringing them closed to a clasp in front of her. "we can create so much more." 

At this the female spreads her hands, and water gushes with it, except the water is not normal water. The water is iridescent, changing colors as it bends in the sunlight. "Now," she continues, "this may look uninteresting at first, but keep your eyes on the colors." 

Junmyeon does as he is told and focuses on the ever changing colors. It is truly magical. Then, as the water moves around the older's hands, Junmyeon notices the quality of it changing. Not only is it forming shapes, the colors within are too. They change and move, and the prince notices that it is creating shapes. 

He looks to Young Sun, anticipating another explanation of some sort, but the latter is quiet, only humming sounds. That is when he hears it. The soft whispering. It flows through his ears like a lullaby, and he feels himself swaying with a sense of content. He is submitting to the sensation, and he feels like the energy is being drained from, his eyes drooping. 

Just as he thinks he is about to fall to his knees, Young Sun grips tight onto his forearm and pulls him up, and the feeling has left him. He shakes, and he feels empty; stripped of power or control. Young Sun has a worried look in her eyes as she speaks to him. 

But he can't hear her, and his vision isn't exactly one hundred percent either. Through a blurry haze he can make out Young Sun's figure towering over him. That is not right. Young Sun is much smaller than him, so he would have to be lying down in order to be smaller than her. 

The grip on his arm tightens and is moving, her eyes closed. She is reciting a mantra. 

"Obleg mahun go mai vanga te." She says, then when she opens her eyes Junmyeon feels a shock go through his body, and pain like he has never felt before. White, and searing, as his heart swells. He arches his body, and he grips onto the closest thing he can find, which just so happens to be a stone. 

He lets out a gurgled cry, and he can feel the burning sensation traveling through from his spine, to his sternum and through to his arms to the tips of his fingers. Young Sun's mouth moves again, but all Junmyeon can hear is ringing in his ears. 

Then all he sees is darkness. 



A/n: I sincerely apologise for thhe low quality content I have been giving. 

pray for my poor soul 

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2440 streak #1
Chapter 4: hmmmmm im still so confused
what happened to Yongsun?
and also what's with the "strange" energy that's going on with Kosuke? it does seem weird that he's overflowing with unexplainable energy when everyone in the palace is in a state of mourning over the King's health...
what's with the "water" Kosuke gave Yifan? does it have something to do with Kosuke inviting Yifan with him to his next trip?
and what is it really with Seungwan? why'd the family banish Jun? do they think he was the cause of what happened in the Opal Gardens???
i hope everything would make sense soon

ps. do Qian and Seungwan's companions really share the same name Koea?
Chapter 4: Ohhh this is getting intense
What is going on with everyone?
Looking forward to more
Chapter 3: Oh this is intriguing indeed
Looking forward to more
2440 streak #4
Chapter 3: hmmmmm... did Yongsun protect him or was she the reason for Jun fainting? im not sure...
and Seungwan, is she behind this??? if yes, how dare she? to her own brother??? just to rule the kingdom on her own???
krishunmybias #5
Chapter 1: Oooohh...your story is so interesting...i really love to see the continuation of this...