Chapter 16: Awake

At the Heart of Justice

With a sudden intake of breath, L's eyes opened.

He was sitting on the couch with his knees brought to his chest, leaning slightly on the armrest with one bare foot on top of the other.

His head, which had been flopped forward, came up slowly and tilted to one side and then the other, cracking loudly on both sides.  He lifted his hands to rub his never fully-rested eyes with the base of his palms and blinked several times.

He stepped off of the couch and shoved his hands into his pockets as he looked around the large hotel suite.  Watari was in the kitchen arranging some sweets on a tray.  His white mustache twitched in a small smile.

"You slept for almost fourteen hours," he remarked.  "It's past three o'clock in the afternoon."

L nodded and squeezed his eyes shut in a yawn.  He extended both arms in front of him and rotated them outward, cracking his elbows.  Then, rolling his shoulders a few times, he shuffled into the bathroom to freshen up. 

One thing L did every day, whether he had slept or not, was shave.  Scratchy facial hair drove him up the wall, and the second he started to feel it, he would drop whatever he was doing and take care of it.  Teaching teenage L to use a razor and shaving cream had been an utter disaster, so Watari had purchased him a top-of-the-line electric one.  Now, it hummed and buzzed for a few minutes every day and L never had so much as a five o'clock shadow.

Another thing L insisted on was using toothpaste meant for children because, although he didn't exactly like it, it was at least better than that awful minty stuff made for adults. 

And, despite the fact that he liked being clean, he hated the mundane routines of personal hygiene.  It was all so tedious. 

Watari had always insisted on those practices associated with his health and well-being, such as brushing his teeth.  But young L had put up such a fight over it that Watari had picked his battles, letting other things, such as the use of deodorant, slide.

But when L had announced that he was going to be hiring Naomi Misora, Watari put his foot down once and for all.  Reluctantly, L complied.

Then followed the taxing process of finding a scent that L approved of.  This led to a few days that neither L nor Watari hoped to ever speak of again.  Every possible variation of deodorant in practically every scent imaginable had been scattered all over the suite, each and every one having been tenaciously rejected.  The exhausted Watari didn't back down.  The frustrated L hurled a stick of deodorant, resulting in a cracked computer monitor.  But finally, one that reminded him of how his shirts smelled when they came out of the dryer satisfied him, and Watari promptly ordered a lifetime supply.

And it was never discussed again.

Within a few minutes, L stepped out of the bathroom, smelling freshly of clean linen and children's toothpaste, and moved over to hop up into the computer chair at the desk.

They were still in Los Angeles and had been for about two weeks now.  The case that had called them there had closed, but the one that L was working on now did not require him to travel.  So, they were staying put for the time-being.

Watari brought a tray of coffee and pastries to the desk. 

"Where is Misora?" L asked, wasting no time in sugaring up his coffee.

"She's in her room working on the project you gave her."

L nodded.  "Good."  Then he looked up at Watari hopefully.  "Did you get it?"

The old man's eyes creased into a smile.  "I did.  I left it where you told me to."

A spark of excitement flitted in L's eyes, though his voice remained steady and monotone.  "Thank you, Watari."

He turned his attention to the coffee and pastries... but not fully.   He had been doing a lot of thinking over the past two weeks.  The sudden appearance of Raye Penber had brought on a jealousy that L had never experienced before.  And, being the intellectual that he was, he naturally had to analyze it all.

Watari had helped him work through it some.  He had gently approached the subject shortly after Naomi left for her date...

L had been crouched in the computer chair and Watari, who had been watching him pout from the kitchen, finally decided to talk to his boy.  He dried his hands on a dish towel and moved to stand beside the desk.


L looked up, his big, sunken eyes a little more sullen than usual.  His arms hung lazily down at his sides and his hands draped over the edge of the chair.

Watari spoke slowly.  "Are you alright?  You seem to be bothered by something."

L turned his head and looked down at the desk in front of him.  He didn't answer.  He didn't know how to.

Watari continued carefully.  "I think I might know..."

L looked up again.  His giant eyes pleaded with Watari to explain this to him.  To help it all make sense.

Watari sighed.  "I think... I think perhaps Misora has come to mean something to you."

There.  He finally said it.

L wrapped his arms around his legs and buried his nose and mouth in his knees, staring at the desktop.

"And I think," Watari continued, treading lightly, "that you didn't realize it until he showed up."

At the mention of Raye, L's eyes narrowed.  He made a sound like a low growl in his throat.

Watari sighed again.  "Well, being rude to her won't help anything."

L looked up.  Watari was not usually so blunt.  "Was I?" he asked.

"Well, you could have perhaps complimented her appearance when she asked you about it," the old man chuckled.  "She did look very nice all dressed up." 

L retreated into his knees again with downcast eyes.

When he didn't answer, Watari added, "May I make a suggestion?  Say something to her when she gets back.  Let her know that she is important to you."

With that, he turned and walked away, leaving L with a lot to think about.

And now, two weeks later, L still wasn't quite sure what to make of himself and the way she made him feel.  But Watari had been right.  His logic had been sound.

L finished his coffee and shoved a pastry into his mouth as he stood up.  He moved to the front door and shoved his bare feet into his worn-out sneakers.  He suddenly felt nervous and excited all at once, though his aloof demeanor gave away none of this. 

He stood staring at Naomi's door, strawberry jelly and bits of pastry flakes from his fingertips.

He had never surprised anyone with anything before.  But, something Watari had said had stuck with him:

"Let her know that she is important to you."

L knew he was so bad at words.  He had been at a complete loss on how to properly convey such a message.

And then, they took that walk on the beach, and something that she said gave him an idea...

He away the last of the strawberry pastry filling from his thumb and stepped forward to knock on her door.


At the sound of L's voice on the other side of her door, Misora looked up from her laptop.  She was sitting on her bed with her legs extended before her and the laptop sitting on top of them.


"Do you have a moment?"

Naomi set the laptop aside and stood up.  She moved over to the door and opened it.  L stood there, nibbling on the end of his thumb.

"Would you come with me please?"  He beckoned slightly with one hand.

Naomi noticed almost immediately that he was wearing shoes.

"Where are we going?' she asked.

The corner of L's mouth twitched into what one may or may not call a smile.

"Not far," he said.  "But you'll need shoes."

Naomi was suddenly intrigued.  This wasn't like L... What was he up to?

She followed him to the front door and he waited while she pulled her boots on over her jeans and slipped into her black leather jacket.  Then, he led her down the elevator, outside, and over the crosswalk to the parking deck across the street from the hotel.  He didn't say a word; he just walked alongside her, his back and shoulders curved and his hands stuffed in his pockets.

They reached the parking deck and took one more elevator ride up a few stories.  Naomi had no idea what was going on.  The suspense was driving her crazy.

At last, the elevator doors opened.  Naomi had half expected them to open on some secret level of the parking deck and find some sort of covert detective headquarters, but that was not the case.  Before her was an average, run-of-the-mill, concrete parking deck level tinted with the yellow glow of florescent light bulbs.

L stepped out of the elevator and made an immediate left turn.  Naomi followed and almost ran into him, as he had stopped right after rounding the corner.  He turned to look at her, his thumb tucked between his back teeth on one side.

"So... What are we doing here?" Naomi queried.

L said nothing, only tipped his head for her to look in front of them.

Naomi turned her head and instantly, a million butterflies exploded in her stomach.  Before her was the most incredible motorcycle she had ever seen.  It was sleek and black as night with the electrifying glow of purple LED light strips running along its smooth curves.  A full-face helmet and a genuine leather jacket hung from one of the handlebars. 

Naomi's head snapped back to L, who hadn't taken his wide, shadowed eyes off her.

"I thought you might like to have one again," he said simply.

Naomi's hands flew to her face to cover as she whirled back to face the bike.


Naomi had never, ever owned anything even close to this.

"This... This is mine??" she asked in disbelief.

The bike was like nothing she'd ever seen in real life.  It looked like something a superhero would drive.  It no doubt had an impressive price tag.  That leather jacket alone looked like it cost a small fortune.  Naomi was completely floored.

L spoke around the thumb between his molars.  "Do you like it?"

Both of her hands moved from to the top of her head.  She was well aware that was hanging open in the biggest, cheesiest grin, but who could blame her?  It was gorgeous!  And it was hers.

Without even giving it a second thought, Naomi squealed with pure joy and turned to fling her arms around L, who staggered backwards in surprise.  His whole being instantly went stiff as a rod.

"GAHH, L!  Oh my god, I can't believe this!  Thank you!  Thank you so much!"

Before L even had time to process the bear hug, Naomi let go and practically bounded over to her new motorcycle, leaving L in shock with wide eyes and rigid shoulders.  He hadn't been prepared for that.

He quickly regained his composure and relaxed back into his hunched standing position, though the barely detectable pink color in his usually paper-white cheeks remained a few moments more.

Naomi was exclaiming over everything in an uncharacteristically high-pitched, girly voice, which both amused and pleased L.  He had spent hours researching on the internet in order to get the best and most suitable bike for his most trusted agent.  The fact that she was so tickled by every little detail caused a smile to round the corners of his pale lips.

He scratched the back of his head and gestured toward the motorcycle.  "I did some research and this is supposed to be a really good one," he said plainly.

Naomi was running her hands over the cushioned leather handlebars.  She shook her head in awe, unable to stop grinning.

"L, this is... so amazing.  I love it.  Thank you so much."  She lifted her gaze and smiled broadly at him, her eyes shining.

Something inside of L fairly leapt and he smiled in return, nodding briefly in acceptance of her thanks.

"I can't wait to take this out!" Naomi exclaimed, returning her attention to the bike.

"Oh, well then, here."  L removed his hand from his pocket and tossed her a key ring.

Naomi caught the key and squealed again.  She stepped onto the footrest and swung her leg over to sit on the beautiful machine.  She unhooked the sleek, black helmet from the handlebar and slid it over her head before putting the key into the ignition and turning it forward.  The ebony and violet beast rumbled to life with the powerful, deep-throat snarl of a Bengal tiger.

Naomi leaned forward and lifted the leather jacket off of the handlebar.  Then, she turned to look at L, her face completely hidden behind the tinted black visor.  She tossed him the jacket and tipped her head behind her.

"Get on."

A look of surprise passed over L's face as he caught the jacket with one hand.  He hesitated.

She laughed.  "It's just this one time!  You'll freeze without it."

L looked at her and then at the jacket in his hand.  This was as unexpected as the hug.  He shot Naomi an uneasy look, then reluctantly shoved his arms into the sleeves.  They slid up to nearly the middle of his forearms.  L narrowed his eyes at Naomi, holding both of his long arms out before him.

Naomi snickered.  "Sir, you look dashing."

L sighed, dropping his arms and stepping forward.  He climbed up to sit behind Naomi.  The motorcycle purred and trembled beneath them.

"Hang on," Naomi instructed.

"Onto... what?"

"Onto me!"

L rigidly placed his hands on either side of her waist.

Naomi let out an exasperated sigh and reached to grab both of his skinny wrists.  She wrapped his arms around her, pulling him in toward her, and clasped his hands together in front of her. 

Now, his cheeks were inarguably pink.

Before there was any time to react, though, Naomi was off.  She had missed this so much.

They drove for awhile, avoiding the traffic and the stop lights of the city, and traveled along curvy, highway roads.  The wind whipped at L's white shirt and jacket as he held on tightly with his head turned to the side, his raven hair as wild as it ever was.  He observed as the late afternoon sunlight spilled over the passing scenery, the city of Los Angeles visible through the blur of trees.  This was like nothing he'd ever experienced.  He tilted his face up toward the warmth of the sun and closed his eyes, allowing himself a brief moment of blissful freedom.  For once, the weight of the world was not resting on his shoulders; the crosses of humanity were not his to bear.  He wondered fleetingly if he had ever felt this content.

The bike rumbled to a stop at an overlook and L sat back, placing his hands on his knees and looking out over the breathtaking view of the city at sunset.

Naomi opened the visor of her helmet and returned her hands to the handlebars.

"Wow," she breathed.  "That's beautiful."


L contemplated her word choice.  Beauty was a concept he had never really considered; or rather, he had never fully understood it.

But sitting there in the pink and orange softness of the setting sun, he realized that beauty wasn't about what you were looking at, but about the feeling it gave you when you took it all in.

He turned to look at Naomi, who was completely caught up in the aesthetic before her.  A warm breeze played with the ends of her hair under her helmet, through which peered her slender, hazel eyes.

L's gaze didn't leave her.  A funny feeling pulsed beneath his plain, white shirt.  He swallowed and spoke softly, uttering a single word with complete meaning and understanding for the first time in his life.


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