Princess and the Liu-ser (Part I)

A Cup of Coffee
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All these silly things started when your gaze connects with mine;

like a magnet being drawn,

you captured both my heart & mind.
by: Raventhenerd

 The sky looked undeniably darker than usual, it was that time of the day again. Amber J. Liu, a college student didn't forget to stuff her umbrella on the backpack before grabbing a toast in the table and running outside their home. "I'm going!" She shouted upon reaching the front door and slipping her shoes.


She glanced at her wrist watch, puts on her earphone when it says 8:35 am then started walking casually on the steet, going to her university. At 9:05 am, she stopped in front of the convenience store and fixed her shoelace, stood up when a woman went out of the store then started walking once again like nothing happened. Her eyes fixed to the woman's back.


At exactly 9:20 am, she arrived in front of the campus, looked down a bit and walked past by the woman in front of her. She heard random students greeting the other but it was already none of her business. She entered the building with a small smile tugging on the corner of her lips, not noticing her wallet that dropped when she slightly bumped into someone.


"Hey, Liuser! Let me copy your essay in literature!" Amber let out a small sigh, it was part of her daily routine. To get bullied every single day. Not like she mind, it has always been like that wherever she goes. Probably due to her tomboyish appearance.


"A..Ah, uhm. T-Today can you not..." Amber muttered inaudibly, biting her lower lip. She felt herself getting tongue tied. She's not used to talking too much nor used in the idea of standing up for herself. Even while trying to shut herself around other people she still couldn't help but feel their stares and silent muttering about her.


Suddenly, Kai slammed his palm on her table and grabbed her by the collar of her black shirt. "Are you ing messing with me huh, dyke?!" The action made Amber clenched her teeth, even shutting her eyes tightly. Everyone was paying attention but no one really dare to help out, not until the door opened, revealing a certain jet black haired girl with 'coldness' written all over her face. Kai let go of Amber at once, purposely pushing the latter, making her lose her balance and hitting the chair before the ground. A silent curse escaped Amber's lips. She was so sure she felt her wrist twisted at the impact and her back was surely going to get a bruise for hitting the metal of her chair.


"Hi, Krys. I didn't know we have the same schedule." Kai was making his way toward the woman called Krystal, he was running his fingers through his hair like an idiot while Amber was still helping herself stand up. A grimaced on her face became visible when she felt

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Stressssss #1
Chapter 1: loving it!
amhar03 #2
Chapter 1: Hohoho gogogo soojungaah
Chapter 1: Author hope you update more soon
Brownfox #4
Chapter 1: Great story. Hope u update.