

"...Aaaand CUT! Okay people! Let's end it here for today. We'll continue this bright and early tomorrow."


Tiffany lets out a sigh of relief, ready to go home and just crash for the next –ugh is it that late already- few hours before returning to the set for another long day (and night seeing as how they had her filming past midnight more often than not). She bids goodnight to the other cast members and the staff, trying to make her speedy getaway before she can get cornered by the director (she’s grateful for being cast but if she has to listen to another long winded spiel about artistic vision or really feeling the character…) or noticed by fans (how did they even find this set??).

It’s been a couple weeks since she landed a role on an upcoming show and while it has been hectic adapting to her new job, Tiffany’s thankful that it occupies her just enough that she doesn’t have time to think about how much she misses her girls. They’ve been visiting her one by one and she talks to them every day (bless the group chat) but it’s just not the same as being with them all, seeing them face to face.

Unfortunately, it’s already February and her new acting gig means that she barely has time to find a gift for Sooyoung, let alone fly back to Korea to celebrate.

As Tiffany makes her way to her car, she quickly calculates the time difference and decides that it’s an acceptable time to call.

“Shouldn’t you be sleeping right now?”

“Sooooo,” Tiffany whines as she connects the phone to her car’s Bluetooth. “I’m taking the time to call and you can’t even say hello?”

“Hello. Shouldn’t you be sleeping right now?”

“I wish! I just got off set and I’m driving home. I need help.”

“Help with what? How am I supposed to help when I live an ocean away?”

As if I need a reminder. “Tell me what you want for your birthday.”

“Your love and affection.”

“You already have that!!” Tiffany exclaims, feeling her cheeks warm. “Name something else!”

“Then, can you get me new ears? I think I just went deaf from your shouting.”

“I wasn’t that loud! Now tell me what you want that I can actually get.”

“Buy a Cadillac XT5.”

“…But don’t you already have a car? Are you trying to be like Tae and Yuri now?”

“Yes and no. It’s the car I’m endorsing and if they see how good a job I’m doing they’ll keep hiring me, then other companies will see how profitable I can be and hire me too!”

Tiffany facepalms and in the most patient tone she can muster says, “Sooyoung. I love you but I’m not going to buy you a new car just so you can land endorsement deals.”

“It doesn’t have to be for me. Just buy one for yourself!”

“I’m not buying anyone a new car! What would I even do with it! It’ll be in Korea and I’ll be all the way over here!!”

“Okay, okay no need to shout. How about some SK-II bottles then?”

“What’s that?”

“A make-up brand I’m endorsing.”

“Sooyoung I swear– ”

“I’m just kidding don’t get your in a twist.” Tiffany hears Sooyoung hum as she thinks. “Oh, get Autumnie some new toys.”

“Are you sure? I think Sunny mentioned wanting to give you some of Sogeum’s old stuff, but I can still buy something if you want?”

“Oh, in that case never mind. Hmm. Are you almost home?”

“Yeah, I just turned into my neighborhood, but never mind that. What do you want for your present? Tell meee.”

“You know, for someone who hates aegyo you sure do have a lot of it.”

“Well at least mines is cute and not sleazy like yours!”

Tiffany listens to Sooyoung protest as she pulls into her driveway. She turns the car off and lets out a deep sigh, cutting Sooyoung off.

“As much as I’d love to keep doing this Soo, I’m really tired and ready to crash. Can you please just tell me what you want?” I just want to get you something nice since I can’t be there this time.



“I just want us to all be together,” Sooyoung replies softly.

Oh. “Sooyoung…I want that too,” Tiffany says gently, as she opens her door to her house. So much. “But you know I can’t fly back right now. I’d be there in a heartbeat if I could…” If this role didn’t have such bad timing…

“I know.” Tiffany jerks her head up. “That’s why we came here.”

And there they are, her girls, standing together and welcoming her home.

 “It’s about time you got back! We’ve been waiting for hours. Beating Yuri at soccer is only fun for the first 5 games. Then it’s just sad.”

“That’s because you cheat!! How else are you doing all those slide tackles and not getting fouled!?”

“Unnieee, you should really keep more food around here. We already went through all of your snacks. Speaking of food, have you eaten? We should order something! Sunny-unnie is your sister’s ice cream place still open?”

“Yoona it’s the middle of the night. We can go tomorrow.”

“Do you have any breaks Fany-unnie? We should go to Disneyland again!”

“You kids are so loud. We’re lucky Fany doesn’t live in an apartment or else her neighbors would be mad.”

Tiffany stares in shock for a few seconds before tears start streaming down her face. They all came. They’re here.

The girls -her girls- race over and swarm her in a big group hug, causing Tiffany to cry even more. I’ve missed this so much.

“Aww, Fany why’re you crying? Did you miss us that much? It’s okay I know we’re pretty irresistible,” jokes Hyoyeon.

Sniff. “You guys ! Why didn’t you tell me you were coming??” Tiffany blubbers, as she tries to wipe her tears with Yuri and Yoona clinging to her arms. “I would’ve planned something for us to do. Gosh this is such bad timing I’m so busy with work, especially since filming’s really picked up and I don’t know if they’ll let me take a day off and- ”

“Breathe,” Sunny reminds her, looking up and loosening her arms from around her waist.

“How long are you guys going to stay?”

“Well we can all stay until Sooyoung’s birthday, but me and Yuri have to go back the day after to film some stuff,” says Sunny. “So you’ll have all of us for a week at the very least. Actually the original plan was just to fly out a couple days before her birthday, but a certain shorty got desperate and wanted to go early so we all decided to come with.”

“Hey, I’m still taller than you! And I wasn’t desperate! I just figured since we were all free it would make sense to just fly out earlier and spend more time with her since that’s what Sooyoung wanted us to do anyway.”

“Uh huh. Just admit you were desperate already.”

As the rest of the girls join in to make fun of Taeyeon, Tiffany looks over to Sooyoung, who has been surprisingly quiet since the phone call. “This feels more like a birthday present for me than for you.”

“Well you know what they say. What’s yours is mine and what’s mine is also mine. On your birthday you can fly back to Korea and visit us. Save us some air fare,” Sooyoung teases, pulling Tiffany into a hug and resting her chin on top of her head.

Having already had such a taxing day, Tiffany finds herself crying again at the thought of spending her birthday alone. “Ahh, stop making me cry! I already looked like a mess from filming all day and now I probably look like a raccoon…”

Sooyoung draws back, grabbing Tiffany’s hand and lacing their fingers together. She waits until Tiffany looks up and, teary-eyed herself, responds.

“Weren’t you the one who said as long as I’m happy it’s okay if you look dumb? Well I’m happy now so wipe your tears you big crybaby. Right now, from now on, and forever right? No matter what happens we’ll always be together so stop worrying about the future and think about the present. Specifically my present because I deserve something for flying everyone all the way here.”

And really what can Tiffany do but laugh?

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This was the first time I've written anything and I honestly appreciate writers so much more now haha.


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Chapter 2: Hello I am crying at this chapter bc Jessica