
one to ten


I woke up extra early to prepare for the day. Today's the first day of visiting places with Hayoung and I wanted to look neat. I put on face powder and tried my best to pit lipstick. I slowly traced my lips with my finger, guiding the lipstick carefully.

"Busan friend!" Hayoung's startled me, causing the lipstick to go up to my cheek. The hell, Hayoung.

"Just a moment!" I shouted back. I wiped my face with wet tissue and made sure no trace of makeup will be seen. Again, I applied face powder and lipstick, luckily, I succeed.

I, then, grabbed my cane beside me and went outside.

"Looking good, huh?" Hayoung hurried to guide me down. I asked her to lock my door and we proceeded to go our way. I realized there was a taxi waiting for us already.

"You smell nice, huh?" I imitated her. She opened the door for me, and helped me settle in my seat. She went to the other side of the taxi and sat beside me. Hayoung smelled like a baby, and I subtly tried to take in her scent.

The trip was quiet as I fell asleep leaning on her shoulder. Hayoung adjusted herself and made sure I was comfortable throughout the ride.

Hayoung woke me up, saying we're already at the Han River.

We walked along the road beside the river. She shared she's been here, but didn't have the chance to try some of the activities offered. I suggested few things to do, such as: cycling, riding the cruise, boat peddling, or just sitting at the park. She went with the cruise.

Hayoung chose a seat on the top deck, beaming from time to time because of the view she's seeing. She pointed things here and there, and described them to me.

Hayoung brought out snacks, but clearly she wasn't eating. I realized she was feeding the birds trailing the cruise, when the biscuits were gone, the birds went away, too. My heart melted with her kindheartedness.

I felt her eyes on me. "That's so beautiful." She said, and I assumed she was looking somewhere else. I turned to her, and her nose touched mine instantly.

"Yah, Hayoung-ah!" I pushed her away, she laughed at my reaction and I scoffed. She poked my sides, teasing me.

We talked about Busan, my family, and hers. She was talkative yet still hid many things, she's still mysterious to me.

When the cruise ride ended, we went to a local vintage shop we found as we were walking. I just sat on one of the seats as Hayoung looked around.

"Hey, listen to this." She kneeled in front of me. Music played that calmed my whole body. She grabbed my hands and let me touch the object, guiding me to play it myself.

"I always liked music boxes, like the real thing. The music sounds so much better than the downloaded ones." She said softly. I remained silent and listened to the peaceful sound the box produced.

"Do you like it?" She asked. I smiled and slowly nodded my head. I could feel that she smiled, too.

"I think we need to go now. I want to eat." I released my grip on the box as she stood up. I was about to get up as well but she pushed me back down. "Wait here."

After few minutes, she went back to me and guided me out the shop. We walked for some more, looking for a place to eat. Hayoung kept asking me what I want, but I wanted her to choose as I know every places here already. In the end, we went into a samgyeopsal place.

Hayoung really looked after me throughout the meal, giving me wraps and grilled porks time to time. She made sure I ate well, and I don't even know if she has eaten well herself as she kept grilling and feeding me.

Afterwards, we went to the Han River Park and just sat there for the day. Hayoung wanted to go to the Palace next so we planned what we would do.

She laid on my lap and I quickly hit her on the head. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to be romantic?" She joked.

I wanted to feel annoyed by her action but I couldn't. She sounded adorable and it made my heart soft.

"Romantic your ."

She sat straight beside me, and her scent caught my whole attention. She smelled like a baby.

"The sun's setting." She said. "I like sunsets."

I wanted to say that I like them, too, but I forgot what it looks like when the sun sets. I just asked her, "why?"

"It's fun to watch. Sky's really pretty." She replied. "Right, sky?" She asked, poking me. Her pick up lines, although lame, made me smile.

"Shut up." I could feel myself blushing but I acted normal. I looked straight and ignored her poking my sides.

"Aye, you like it, look, you’re red." She teased. I pushed her aside and hid my face using both of my hands.

When Hayoung said it was time for dinner, she brought me into a ramen house near the park.

"But you know, back in Busan, I had so many admirers that I have to sneak in and out the house for them not to see me." She exaggerated. I laughed at her and she kept saying it was true. Still, she was joking.

"Kidding aside, girls and boys really liked me." She boasted.

It made me think about her face, what does Hayoung look like?

Does she look like Gyuri?

Is she like Gyuri?

Who's prettier?

Why am I even thinking about Gyuri?

Why am I even comparing Hayoung to Gyuri?

"Fine, fine. Dream all you want, it's free, anyways." I replied sarcastically, laughing.

"It's becoming chilly here, hm?" I added, actually pointing out her cockiness. She laughed as well.

"Have you experienced winter here in Seoul?" I asked her, knowing she's from Busan where winter is not as much as it is in Seoul.

"Yes, in your heart. You're too cold." Hayoung answered. It made me blush out of giddiness and shame, thinking about our first encounters.

After our meal, Hayoung asked me if I wanted to go somewhere else. But I was feeling tired already so I said none. She, then, flagged down a taxi and we went home. She pulled my head to lean on her shoulder, and insisted that I should sleep.

Hayoung woke me up when we were already infront of my house. She helped me get inside and only left when I said I'll be fine.


Today will be the second day I'm gonna work as Hayoung's guide. It's been a week since our first adventure. In the past days, Hayoung would cook me meals everyday, from breakfast to dinner. We ate together, and grew closer. I told my brother about her, and he was happy I'm finally going out after a while.

We arrived at the Palace early in the morning and Hayoung was overly hyper looking around.

"I swear I only saw the outside personally, and the inside through some films. I feel like I'm a real Korean now." She said, still hyped with every corner she sees.

I have had tourists that I guided in the Palace, but this was the first time I had fun. We would role play some dramas we saw, and dance around. I knew we're getting some attention but I didn't care.

Feeling exhausted by her enthusiasm, I asked her if we could go to a nearby cafe and she instantly agreed.

We sat side by side, as Hayoung attended to my needs. She made sure that I was okay, as if I'm a child in her eyes. She took good care of me and I was thankful.

Hayoung asked me to tell her stories about me, so I told her about Gyuri.

And I told her about one night when I met a banana.

"Eunyoung-ah, don't you really know where Gyuri is?" I asked Eunyoung, Gyuri's bestfriend and workmate.

"Sorry, Rom, I don't really know." Eunyoung said with an apologetic smile and continued serving other customers. I was already on my third bottle of soju and Gyuri still hasn't called me, even once.

I planned to surprise her because of our third anniversary, and I learned from Eunyoung that she takes irregular shifts from her work now, as she was very busy. But heck! It's been almost two weeks since we last met, and four days since Gyuri last contacted me.

I ordered another bottle and Eunyoung was hesitant to give me my order first, worried that I might be too drunk to even go home. But I insisted so she gave in.

I was all alone, and I hate it. I let myself look stupid again, with all the cryings and the goddamn heart costume I was wearing. I looked around and saw someone in a banana costume. I thought it was such a great coincidence that I was alone and so was the banana, so I invited it to sit with me. The banana accepted and I offered it some alcohol.

In my last shot of alcohol, my life changed,

I did the things Gyuri and I had done with the banana. We went to the places where Gyuri took me when we first met. We went to a wishing well, I threw all my coins away, yet I don't remember what I wished for.

I thought I wasn't in my right mind that night, that I trusted myself into a freaking banana. I don't even remember how I ended up in my own bed the next day. I was just thankful because I had a banana with me that night.

My life changed, because I did everything with a banana. And everything with Gyuri became impossible.

I was the only heart with a banana.

"Is she the reason why you're blind? Gyuri, I mean." She asked. The atmosphere went a bit down compared to earlier. Hayoung's voice became soft and cautious.

"No, the doctor said it was because of too much stress." I said in defense.

"But you won't be too stressed if not because of her." Her reply shut me up. Because I couldn't deny it.

"But you're happy now, aren't you?" She asked. I stayed silent once again, thinking through her question.

Am I happy? Yes. But the fact that Hayoung's the reason behind it... She makes me lost in my thoughts, and my thoughts are filled of her. I was obviously happier compared to the state that I was when we first met, maybe even more than my whole life. The times I had with her, it's all fun. I never had a worry not being able to see, I felt safe when I'm with Hayoung.

Comparing her to Gyuri, Gyuri will be of no match.

"You know, if you're not, you should eat cabbages. It is said to be the vegetable that makes you happy," she said. The familiar belief made me smile, and it is good for her to make me remember that.

And asked again, "do you eat them? Are you happy?"

"Yes," I admitted with a grin.

I heard her clutching herself suddenly, mumbling a low groan. The smile on my face was quickly replaced by worry.

"You okay?"

"Y-yeah. I just had trouble breathing," she said. I worried even more.

"It's because your smile is too beautiful, it makes me hyperventilate." I hit her on the arm and she giggled like a kid. Still, I worried for her actually feeling ill as I wasn't able to see if she's joking or not.

We sat for thirty more minutes inside the cafe and Hayoung pulled me out. We rode the train, and when I asked her where we're going, she just said I'm gonna like it.

We sat facing each other and at times, I would catch her leaning really close to my face.

"Are you staring at me?" I asked out of nowhere.

"You can see me?" Hayoung gasped.

I chuckled. "Silly. I could feel your breath hitting my face just now." I heard her mumble about being dumb and how shy she got.

Road trips always make me feel sleepy so I dozed off. The ride lasted for more than two hours before Hayoung woke me up.

We went to the famous garden in Gapyeong and Hayoung enjoyed looking through the flowers.

"But I swear, Saerom, you're prettier than all of 'em!" She said as we walked down the path.

"Shush, they might hear you. Flowers have feelings, too, you know?" I said.

Hayoung helped me sit down in one of the benches, then sat beside me. She subtly placed her arm on top of my shoulder. I didn't budge.

It was her again who broke the silence. "Do you like flowers?"

"Isn't it obvious still?"

"Just asking."

I turned to her, as if I can see her. "Why? Are you gonna give me flower? Are you going to court me?" I teased.

"Sometimes..." She trailed off her sentence. "Sometimes, you're so full of yourself." She said jokingly.

I chuckled at her remark. I leaned on her shoulder and closed my eyes.

"You know, we talked about cabbages, right?"

She hummed a yes as a reply.

"I used to cook cabbages for someone."

"Did she become happy?" Hayoung asked.

"I don't know. Probably. She should be." I gave different answers, because I don't really know. The person was homeless. Memories came back to me. The person was so helpless and I'm glad to give her my food. Then a week before I turned blind, she's not on the street anymore. I didn't see her after that.

"She is." She patted my shoulder, and assured me. I smiled at the action.

"I want to know how you look like."

"Hm? Why the sudden?" She said gently, as if I'd break if she didn't use that tone.

"You know, I've been blind for four weeks already. The doctor said this might be my permanent condition if I still won't see after a few weeks."

"Let's go to a wishing well, then. Let's wish for your sight to come back." She offered.

"It will... hurt. If I hoped and wished for it, and it won't be granted." I looked up the sky even though it's only darkness in my eyes.

"But it really won't be granted if you don't ask for it." I gave no reply, then she sighed.

She grabbed my hands and let them touch her face. She has a smooth skin, a flawless one. When I touched her nose, it crinkled up. I ran my thumb through her lips. It's soft. Her lashes are kind of long as well.

Hayoung is adorable, too cute in my imagination.

"You're pretty. I can feel like, your face suits to be in entertainment industry." I praised.

"Yea, like Gag Shows?"

Her face has these details that are neither lacking nor overdone. It's perfect, and she's pretty although she might not believe me for I am blind. "Silly, like the pretty actresses. Or do you sing? You might be an idol."

"Hm, I guess?" And I took her answer as yes.

"Sing for me." I commanded as I leaned back on her shoulder.

She started humming an unfamiliar tune. It's not sad, but not so happy either. It's lively but not so much, suitable for acoustics. Her voice sounded sweet, fragile.

"The way I look at you..." And even though I can't see it, I know she's looking at me.

"The way I feel about you... Is growing stronger day by day." And I know as well, that I'm falling day by day.

She suddenly stopped.

"Why did you stop? Your voice is great." I complimented her, as if bribing her to continue.

"I haven't continued writing the song yet." She giggled shyly.

I gasped. That's why it's unfamiliar, she made it herself.

"You better finish it and present it to me first!"

She hummed a yes.

We looked around the whole garden. She described every flower she sees to me, she became my eyes that day.

We went outside just in time for meal. Per usual, it's on her. Afterwards, we went to a public sauna to spend the rest of the day. Hayoung had it all planned out. Our trips are all simple, but undeniably the most enjoyable trips I had in my life.

We were casually sitting around the sauna when my brother called. He reminded me of my medicines and usual routine, clueless that I'm out with Hayoung. When he knew I'm not home, he got worried but instantly relieved when I said I'm with Hayoung and even asked to talk to her.

I gave the phone to Hayoung. She distanced herself a bit, yet I could hear her voice clearly talking to my brother. When she gave my phone back, I asked her mpwhat my brother said.

"Nothing special. Just threatened me to marry you." She joke. I slapped her arm and laughed along.

"But you know what? I want to get married, really." I said, making our atmosphere a bit calmer.

"Let's get married, then." She suggested. I knew it was her making me laugh, but my heartbeat sped up ten times.

"Heh. Marriage is for a couple who loves each other." I said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"And? It's not like we're gonna do it for real. Just us, together. For experience, you know?" She insisted.

I didn't reply. We stayed silent for a while when she broke it once again. "How'd you if you love someone?"

Then I remember how I felt with Gyuri. It overwhelmed me, but this time, I didn't feel pain. It's nothing but a memory. But a flash of giddiness tickled my heart, just thinking about the person I'm with right now.

"When... When you remember the person in everything you do." I think some more. "When you remember the person in every song you listen to."

Hayoung's voice when she sang played in my mind. Her sweet and soft voice that warmed my heart.

"When you want to be with the person everyday, every time."

And everyday, I wait for her to knock on my door, a meal in hand. Every single day with her, I didn't feel anything but the overwhelming warmth inside me.

"When that person is all you can think about." And you're all I'm thinking about, Song Hayoung.

"You'll see it in the person's eyes. Whether that person loves you back or not." I said. Then I frowned at my own statement, and the thought of me being blind and unable to see Hayoung's eyes.

She might've noticed and held my hand. "Yes, eyes can't lie. But more than anything, it's your heart. You might not see it..." She brought my hand to her chest. "But you can feel it."

And what I felt was her heartbeats, and myself wishing it was for me.


Days passed already.

We're at her place. Drunk. I'm sitting on the floor while she sits on the couch. My head leaning on her lap, and she caresses my head gently, playing with my hair.

"I want to dance."

She approved and stood up. Holding my hand and pulling me up. She played some pop song and started jumping. Although I couldn't see it, I laughed at her silliness.

"Aye, no fair! I'm blind, you're not!"

"Fine, here, I'm blindfolding myself." Then I heard a loud bump. Hayoung fell on the floor. I felt bad but it was so funny. She started jumping again, and grabbing me to jump with her.

I shook my head in disagreement. "No, no! Slow song! Romance!"

"Oh, okay." Then she played a slow song. She pulled me to her and hugged me close. I wrapped my arms around her neck, gently pulling her face closer and rested my head on her shoulder.

We swayed together, sometimes missing a beat but that didn't matter.

"You should sleep here." She suggested.

I refused and . "No, when there's alcohol there's an agenda."p

"Do I look like someone with an agenda?"

"Yes." And I let out a laugh. "Nah, just joking."

It's now the second song and still we didn't stop.

I leaned my forehead on hers, and I could feel her breathing. Our noses touching at times and I was having the urge to just connect our lips together. She brushed her nose on mine, then I lost it. I leaned closer and kissed her. It was just for a split second, a simple peck, but the feeling built up inside me was insane. I was feeling really hot, embarrassed, but I acted like nothing happened.

Our position was still the same, forehead and noses together. I could feel her smile right in front of me.

"And still I'm the one being accused of having an agenda?" She poked my sides teasingly.

I chuckled, "Okay, I'm sorry! Can't stop myself, sorry." I buried my face on the crook of her neck then she brushed my hair.

"Let's get married tomorrow."


We're drunk once again. But this time, in dresses. Wedding dresses.

She wanted to fulfill my wish of wearing a wedding dress so here we are, in her house, drinking in wedding dresses.

"Here, my wedding gift to you." She placed a box in front of me. I ran my hands around it, grasping what it was.

"I told you, this is just a fake wedding, no need for this."

"Why? I'm willing to marry you, anyway." She teased. My heartbeat was like connected to a massive speaker. I ignored her and tried opening the box. When she opened it, she guided my hands on what I think was a house display.

It was somewhat round, I don't know. I can't figure it out.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Drama doll."


"You know, paint in one eye for your wish."

I laughed out loud. "It's Daruma, stupid!"

It was some sort of wishing doll where you will wish and paint one of its eyes. After the wish is granted, you'll paint the other side.

"But I told you already..."

She cut me off, "you won't lose anything in wishing. Let's just try, hm?"

I frowned. "But what if? What if it won't come true? What if?" I'll be too hurt. Devastated. I don't want to wish for something that might not come true. I don't want to hope for something uncertain.

Hayoung massaged the crease on my forehead. "Then I'll still be here. I'll be your eyes. I will always be with you, Saerom. Whatever happens." Then she wiped a tear I didn't know I have. "Don't cry."

She placed the pen in my hand, holding me gently and guided me to shade the doll's eyes.

"Now, we just have to wait." She kissed my forehead and embraced me.

After a while, I felt her clutching her chest again.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Yes, just a heartburn." Then she burped. "Now, that's burp. When you have a heartburn and burped, you have a heartburp."

I laughed at her pun. Worried still, we went through the night drinking and having fun with each other.

"Let's go to Hongdae tomorrow." I invited.


"I don't have a wedding gift to you. Let's buy something." I explained.

She poked my sides again, a habit she does to tease me. "And I thought this is just a fake wedding?"

I pushed her away. "And so? I'm willing to marry you, too."


We were walking around the streets of Hongdae with intertwined hands.

At times, she'd grab my waist to have me closer, especially on the crowded part of the streets.

We're in front of a restaurant when she suddenly ask for permission if she can leave me there for a moment and I said yes.

"I'll be back really soon. Just wait here, okay? Don't leave." I repeatedly nodded my head and she went away.

I stood there.

I closed my eyes for a moment, feeling bored of waiting, yet excited for Hayoung to come back. When I opened them again, blurry circles of lights welcomed my sight.

My breathing hitched. Heartbeat racing. Slowly, the sight became clearer. And a roll of tear went out of my eyes.

"Saerom!" And Hayoung! Oh my God, Hayoung. It was overwhelming, all new. I can finally see, I can finally see Hayoung.

And there she stood across the road, with a stuffed toy on her shoulder.

A familiar sight. The thing I last saw before I turned blind, and now, the first thing I witnessed when everything came back.

Adorable, cute, beautiful, everything. That's how I'd describe her.

I smiled at her and she waved back, no words needed for her to know.

She was about to run to me. I took a step forward. And suddenly, a loud horn stopped me in my track. Hayoung clutched her chest, and the next thing I know she's on the ground.

Siren. Blood. People, too many people. And her body, a lifeless one. And a brown bear on her hand.

A blink of an eye, and she's gone.



a/n: a long overdue update. as usual, many errors coming. ehe i'm sorry. BUT DON'T WORRY, ONE MORE CHAPTER AND I CAN FINALLY POST MY UPDATE IN THE FROMIS ONESHOTS COLLECTION SO FORGIVE ME. 

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Chapter 4: I'm freaking crying and I rarely cry at stories or movies. My poor Harom heart is in shambles. BUT IT'S SO GOOD
Chapter 4: well me im crying,,,, you did really well author-nim! kita kita (キタキタ) is my all time favorite movie and you did it justice with this harom fic. thank you ao much for this and keep up the amazing work!
i haven't read this yet but i have a feeling that i'll be bawling my eyes out after,,,,
Chapter 4: Hey Author-nim. I know I kept telling myaelf I'm numb, but the pain I felt for this one was real. Thank you for making this masterpiece.
Chapter 4: I cried. This is so sad yet beautiful author-nim. I’m gonna find the movie after this. About one shot sequel, I think that could be the alternate ending . I’m okay with sad endings as long as it fits the story. Hehe.
Chapter 1: OMG I KNOW THIS WAS BASED ON THE MOVIE KITA-KITA. This got my eyes flowing with tears even though i already watched the movie like times but still......the ending TToTT
Chapter 4: got me crying even though I already watched the movie-