
Say No

Junhyung's disease relapsed, he had three months of occupying room number 39th at Seoul Centre Hospital, Thalassemia due to his illness that can't be healed. With a view leads to the outside, staring at the blue sky decorated with white blobs that extend like desert country in the space there.

Remembering Soohyun's word last week, "I'll make her happy." He began to falter, he don't want Yoona suffering so much pain if he die, and he feel sick if seeing her lover with Soohyun--his bestfriend. In other hands, he don't want to handed over his beloved--Yoona--to Soohyun--even they're friends.

"I have to give up," inner Junhyung steady. He remove the speck of tears that fell down from his eyes. "I blessed you with him, Yoona. Be happy, my beloved....." said Junhyung before finally close his eyes. Inwardly, he hopes Yoona will answer 'NO' when Soohyun confess to her. But now?

He saw Yoona and Soohyun are holding hands together, smiled brightly at the outside.

He clenched his fist with so much,that made his chest feel so guilty. 

"I love you, Yoona............."



















I keep my promise to you? and immediately I finished iteven today: P

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dragondeer #1
Chapter 4: A sequel please or make another Yoona-Junhyung story
dragondeer #2
Chapter 4: A sequel please or make another Yoona-Junhyung story
i bias soohyun and i like junhyung .... Ahhh .... I dont know which one to pick !!!!
i bias soohyun and i like junhyung .... Ahhh .... I dont know which one to pick !!!!
please update soon^^ dont let junhyung yoona seperate please..they love each other right?:0
TheHonestOne #6
cool^__^ update soon
YoonalovesYuri #7
the story sounds interesting! Junhyung? oh I am reading this!
i seriously have no idea which band these boys belongs to. LOL
But, because it features Yoona as the main, i'll read it :-)
Update soon
finally yoona junhyung so excited...ofcourse i want them to be together till the end ^^