Um, Excuse Me?

Once Upon An Airplane Ride

Since Jongin had gotten caught up in the crowd, by the time he made it to the gate for his flight, the other passengers were already loaded and waiting for departure. Before the doors closed, Jongin was able to scoot in and find his seat. As he made his way to his seat in first class, he noticed someone was sitting in the seat beside him. He hated when that happened and usually requested his manager to put him next to an empty seat. Unfortunately, sometimes the flights were full and he got stuck next to someone anyways.

With a sigh, he loaded his carry-on into the overhead compartment after he pulled out his headphones and tablet. Gathering his items, he then slid into his seat as he spared a glance at the person next to him. He couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman since they were wearing a hoody and slouched against the window. They didnt move as Jongin settled in, so he thought perhaps they were already asleep. "Must have already had a long day," he thought, "Seems like they are pretty knocked out. Better for me though! Hopefully, they will stay against the window since these seats aren't as roomy as most first class sections."

Jongin was used to travelling in luxurious planes with spacious seats, usually ones with dividers and privacy walls that were perfect for long-haul flights. However, since his modeling schedule had been delayed in New York, he was now heading back to Seoul on a last minute flight- on an airline he didn't usually fly. And although the seats were still nice, they definitely were not as good as the airling he preferred to use.

Regardless, all he wanted to do was put on his headphones, ask for a drink, then go to sleep for some much-needed rest. His schedule had been so busy lately that he was starting to think he would never sleep for more than two hours at a time. But on this flight? Long, uninterrupted sleep was exactly what the doctor ordered.

As the flight crew began to prepare the cabin for takeoff and the plane began to taxi down the runway, he leaned back with a big sigh, settling into the plush seat and already preparing to snooze. As he did so, the person next to him rustled slightly as if trying to get comfortable. He watched them out of the corner of his eye as stretched and tossed a bit. Finally, the passenger turned over like they were in a bed. It was only then that Jongin noticed how tiny they were as they pulled their legs up into the seat and hugged them against their stomach. With a final sigh and turn, they then faced Jongin and placed their head right on his shoulder, snuggling up as if he were a pillow!

He froze, unsure of what to do. The person's face was still not visible as it was lost under the big hood, so he cautiously called out, "Umm... ma'am.. or... sir? Um, excuse me?" The tiny person next to him just seemed to settle against his shoulder even further, not unlike a puppy snuggling down beside their mom. Jongin looked around to see if he could ask for help from a flight attendant, but they were already sitting in their seats as the plane began to pick up speed for take off. As the force of the momentum got stronger with take off, the small, sleeping person beside Jongin rocked back slightly in their seat. It was then that the hood fell back slightly revealing a pretty, young girl with blond hair and rosy cheeks. Little wisps of hair fell across her cheek as the hood moved her hair about, and without thinking, Jongin reached his hand out and brushed the errant strays of hair away from her face. As soon as he touched her smooth cheek, he froze. Sensing his touch, she made a little groan and slowly... very slowly... began to open her eyes. Her face was angeled directly at Jongin's who suddenly realized just how close he was to her. As her eyes opened and her lashes blinked a few long times, she met Jongin's gaze steadily. Her eyes will a brilliant shade of green and as soon as they looked into his, he felt as if someone had punched the air out of him. He held his breath, not moving or speaking and with his hand still paused beside her cheek. With another long, lazy blink, she suddenly gave him the sweetest smile. Although it was a small smile, it seemed to light up her eyes. Jongin felt a tightness spread across his chest and he wondered what was wrong with him. Before he could speak or ask her to move, her lids closed one more time as she let out a sigh and feel back into a deep sleep.

"What the heck?" Jongin thought. "Did she just wake up and go back to sleep like nothing was weird? Or was she asleep the whole time?" Sparing another glance at her face, he slowly allowed his hand to fall back down and away from her face. The warmth of her small body curled up next to him wasn't unpleasing. In fact, he felt a smile spread slowly across his face. It had been a long time since a woman was content to just sit beside him and cuddle. Most of the time they were fans grabbing at him and desperate to hold on, or women he had hooked up with momentarily to relieve the loneliness. Girlfriends and dating were defintiely not possible since his schedule was so hectic these days. So, this feeling of nearness without pressure or seduction was rather good. Endearing, in fact.

As he settled back into his seat and relaxed, he realized they were already above the necessary altitude for people to start moving around the cabin. A flight attendant was asking the person in front of him if they wanted a drink when she turned to Jongin. Noticing the girl laying against his shoulder, she looked horrified. "Mr. Kim, I'm so sorry! I knew you were on the flight today, so I should have made sure you were next to someone who wasn't a fan!" He smiled at her sincerely, taking her by surprise. "It seems like she is not a fan, but just a fellow passenger who is conked out from exhaustion." With a look at the confused flight attendant, he explained further, "She is sound asleep."

After more apologies and taking his drink order, she left Jongin with a glass of whiskey on his tray and his headphones and playing music softly in his ears. With a final glance at the young girl beside him, he relaxed with a smile as sleep finally claimed him.

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Chapter 5: Oh my..poor taeminie ? i hope jongin will find a way to meet her for a chance to explain ?
12exoverdose_v #2
Chapter 4: Omfg I like where this is going. So curious to find out who she really is and will Jongin continue avoiding her.