CH 4

Meant to Be

Hyungwon’s parents are a bit surprised, to say the least, when he calls them to say he’s changed his mind about coming to Japan for the summer. They’re even more surprised when he informs them he wants to leave as soon as possible, that he’s finished for the term and that there’s no need for him to stick around.  

He’d known they’d be surprised, sure, but he hadn’t expected for them to be so excited. His mother had practically screamed, announcing she was getting up from her seat to buy the ticket on her own phone while his father continued talking with him.  

“Tell him what all he needs to pack!” she’d instructed, her voice growing more distant over the speaker. Hyungwon had chuckled then, glancing over at the bags he’d already begun packing when Changkyun was over.  

“Hold on, hold on,” his father had said, a tinge of amusement to his voice. “What made you change your mind? You were pretty set in staying in Korea again.” 

“It’s just… time for a break from it all,” Hyungwon had told him, trying for a small laugh.  

Luckily, the man had accepted his vague response, and now he’s adding into his bags whatever items he hadn’t thought to pack but what his mother had insisted that he’d need. It’s all stuff he could just buy when over there. But, if it sets the woman’s mind at ease, he might as well comply.  

This is good, he thinks, bustling about his quiet apartment. This’ll be for the better. There’s a reason they say that distance makes the heart grow fonder. He even begins to hum a little tune under his breath. The song sounds familiar, though he can’t place where he’d heard it.  

He doesn’t realize it’s one of Kihyun’s favorite songs to sing that he’s humming.  

He glances at his phone for the time, gulping around a ball of hurt in his throats at the lock screen. He hasn’t thought to change it yet from the cutest couple selfie… Well, he can just fix that right up.  

He quickly goes through his photos, selecting one at random to change his wallpapers. He smiles contentedly. Sure, his phone may look like meme trash now, but it’s better this way. Out of sight, out of mind.  

This time, he succeeds in checking the time, and practically yelps in shock. He hadn’t realized it’d gotten so late! He looks over in the direction of the kitchen at the grumbling of his stomach, frowning. He hadn’t been to the store in a while not since his and Kihyun’s… anniversary. Not that he’d be able to cook himself anything, anyways… The older had always been the one with any culinary skills out of the pair.  

His chest aches at the memories that suddenly fill his mind. All the times Kihyun had said he’d “whip something up”, and absolutely forbid Hyungwon from helping… Just this passed Christmas, they’d had a huge dinner for just them and their friends. Kihyun had cooked everything they ate that night, and Hyungwon had tried to help—much to the older’s dismay.  

Ghosts of their past laughter ring clearly throughout the apartment, their sounds of mirth breaking through Hyungwon’s empty soul. 

He clears his throat, grabbing for his keys, wallet, and phone as he quickly makes his way to the front door.  

Distance makes the heart grow fonder… he silently repeats, chuckling ruefully. Hell, he isn’t even out of the country yet and he can’t stop thinking of Kihyun for more than five minutes… What’s it going to be like when he actually leaves Korea???  

This’ll definitely be good for us, he tells himself as he trudges through the night. By the time I get back, we’ll be so happy to see each other that we’ll never fight again! … I’ll never hurt him again…  


The next morning, Hyungwon’s jolted awake by a loud banging on his door. He’d fallen asleep on the couch watching a late-night talk show, and lurches up, at first in a panic as he wonders just who the hell is attacking him so early in the day.  

He groans in annoyance as he realizes he’s just in his living room. He slinks off the piece of furniture, shuffling towards the source of the noise as he runs a hand through his hair. His head feels like it’s stuffed full of cement, and his stomach roils unpleasantly. He’d ended up cracking up a few beers the night before, having not realized until it was too late how drink he was. 

He lazily reaches out and opens the door, frowning in confusion at who he sees.  

“Hyung? What’re you doing here?”  

Minhyuk snorts, pushing passed the redhead as he enters the apartment. The boy can only watch, dumbfounded.  

“I told Kihyunnie I wouldn’t stick my nose in,” Minhyuk sighs, the mention of his same-age friend immediately putting Hyungwon on guard. He shuts the door and turns to face the boy, crossing his arms over his chest as Minhyuk goes on. “But, I can’t just sit by and watch as my friends do something completely and utterly stupid.” 

Hyungwon huffs out an annoyed sigh then, doing a quarter-turn on his heel. He goes to the kitchen to begin boiling water, pretty sure there’s some instant coffee in the pantry. He’s sure gonna need it.  

“You really think breaks actually help couples through their problems???” Minhyuk shouts after him, following the younger through the apartment. “Well, they don’t. They only let the two people realize all that they’re missing outside of the relationship, and then the break becomes permanent. Do you want that? Do you want to lose Kihyun forever??” 

“I don’t see how it’s any of your business,” Hyungwon spits out, as blunt as ever. He doesn’t even turn around, glaring at the kettle on the stove. Minhyuk purses his lips at this, crossing his arms in silent protest.  

“It’s my business because I care about you both,” Minhyuk tells him, his voice softer than before. “I swear to god if you ever tell him this I’ll strangle you in your sleep, but I’ve actually come to consider Kihyun a really good friend, and I’ve always done my best to look out for you. I see how happy you two are together, and I know that if you just stop and talk about whatever happened between you it’ll work out much better than a summer-long break in different countries.”  

Hyungwon doesn’t know what makes him snap. Maybe it’s the true sincerity in Minhyuk’s voice, the soft, gentle tone feeling absolutely patronizing no matter it’s good intent. Maybe it’s what the older says, as it plays on practically every doubt in Hyungwon’s mind about his decision. Maybe it’s the hangover. Whatever it is, it drives Hyungwon over the edge.  

“God, Minhyuk just back the  off!!!!” he shouts, slamming his hand against the nearby counter as he whirls about, a furious glare set in his eyes. “Kihyun and I are the only ones in this relationship, so  out.”  

Minhyuk frowns, his brow scrunching in dismay. He doesn’t say anything for a solid five minutes, the longest he’s been quiet for as long as Hyungwon’s known him. Finally, the older boy just turns back towards the living room. Hyungwon watches him as he goes, listening as the front door opens and slams shut. Hyungwon turns back towards the kettle, releasing a heavy breath. The silence following Minhyuk’s departure is deafening, roaring in his ears and growing more suppressing by the second.  

Somehow, that reaction had been worse than anything Minhyuk could’ve said.    

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2484 streak #1
Chapter 13: Oh my gosh, yes, wow, what a lovely fic!! <3 And so many updates in such a short amount of time!! :D I'm so happy Hyungwon was able to snap himself out of his silly thinking and return to Kihyun with his heart filled with love. :') I feel slightly bad for Jooheon, because unrequited love is painful, but I foresee some sparks between him and Gunhee, haha. XD Great sequel!! ^^
Chapter 2: I want Kihyun and Hyungwon to be happy. Love the story so far. Will continue reading :)