[OOC] Backup Dancers


Tired after practising Why's choreography to perfection, Kim Taeyeon with her messy blondish-grey hair sat on the dance room floor, back leaning against the mirrored wall. The small woman went through her messages with her group members, including Jessica of course. Even if they aren't seen in the screen together for now, they know that they're still friends. But the whole group knows that they're more than friends already and the friend label is just there.

Which also includes the constant teasing from their dear members. 

On how Jessica updates her instagram after Taeyeon does. 

And somewhat how Taeyeon gained weight when she can't push the girl off the bed once. And that was when Jessica was having a crisis when she lost her favourite phone cover and poor Taeyeon had to comfort her that they can always buy a new one online and she's paying.

Reading their messages, Taeyeon chuckled when her so called wife (courtesy of her member especially Hyoyeon who is such a captain regarding them) texted her that she's bored and Fly was tiring. She replied to her that she's busy with Why and was helping Tiffany with her Unnie's group, which received a strong comeback as her wife doesn't like Tiffany being their discussion. Taeyeon knows that Jessica was just jealous about the whole thing and call her sadistic, Taeyeon loves to about that. 

Wondering why Jessica wasn't replying, Taeyeon called her, knowing that she has another 5 minutes before practise starts yet again. Humming with the ringtone, she beamed when she heard Jessica's grumpy voice on the other side of the phone. 

"I hate you."

"Seriously, what did Fany ever did to receive such jealousy?"

"It's not Tiff's fault, it's yours!! You kept talking about Fany this, Fany that with me and as your wife, I have every reason to be jealous about my hubby's relationship with her best friend." 

"Wifey~ you do know my hobby includes teasing my adorable wife and don't worry, there's tons of love for her from our Sunkyu."

"Can you please change your hobby?"

"Sure, which includes me ignoring you. Bye, I'm needed for practise now. Love you, pancakes."

Hearing a high pitched 'YAH' before the call ended, Taeyeon smiled when she received a text from her girlfriend. 

[You're lucky I love you, you meanie poo.] 

Who else would go that childish with someone as childish as Taeyeon herself? Just Jessica. 

Currently waiting for her turn to perform, Taeyeon kept looking at her phone, wondering why Jessica hasn't replied to any of her texts. Her daily good mornings, good nights and even voice messages were just read. But not a single reply. Worried that she may have overstepped her teasing, she stopped wondering when someone knocked on her foor at the waiting room. Opening the door, the man, who she knew was the director of Sister's Slam Dunk asked her if she's okay being featured in the episode. She nod her head and went out as it was her turn to perform on stage.

She performed as flirtatious as she can, giving the vibe that her fans would die for. Giving that killer smile to end it, she then thanked to the staff and went back to her waiting room. 

Receiving a knock on her door, she prepared her best act to act like she was surprised. Seeing familliar faces, she smiled when Tiffany stood closer to her. Leaning closer to the taller girl, she whispered when the camera was not on them. 

"Do you know why Jessica's mad with me?"

The taller girl sighed. "Cause of your dance mv."

Now confused, Taeyeon was in a trance wondering why Jessica would be mad about her dance mv. And what she didn't expect was due constantly thinking about her wife, she still wants to . When they asked what was Taeyeon's relationship with Tiffany, the shorter girl answered with full confidence. "We're a married couple."


Now regretting after Jessica didn't contact her after the episode was aired, Taeyeon was on the comfort of the dorm's couch, playing whatever their PS4 can offer. If it wasn't for the whole 'We're married' and Jessica texted her with a 'Have fun with your girls, you player', Taeyeon still can't seem to know why Jessica was jealous. She had asked the gorl but sad life she has, Jessica told her to think for herself. 

Leaving the comfort of her room, Sunny was surprised seeing Taeyeon in such a state. Hair slightly messy, a pocky in in her white and blue striped shirt and those Harry Potter specs, the shorter girl can only sigh. Taeyeon would only be this much of a mess by one person. 

Jessica Jung Sooyeon. 

"Seriously Taeng, you don't know why Jessica's mad with you?"

Shaking her head, Taeyeon munched the pocky. 

"Are you in drought by any chance?"

"Please, when was the last time Jessica was here?"

Sunny sighed and took the extra controller, being Taeyeon's number 2 in their Need For Speed Payback. Taeyeon was thrilled that someone was spending time with her. 

But what she didn't realised was that Sunny already called Jessica beforehand that her husband's at home and is a mess. Or in this case, Taeyeon is looking hot in her bed hair and I know you'd love to have that eat you up. That's how Jessica sees Taeyeon when Sunny texted her to come here.

Hearing the doorbell, Sunny went ahead to open the door, happy to see the taller brunette there. 

"Is Taengoo still a mess?"

"She's still a mess. You should really just tell her what you're mad. That kid is slow and you yourself know that."

Pouting, Jessica took of her shoes and slowly went into the place, a smile on her face when her hubby is focused in chasing away from the cops. Sunny walked closer to Jessica and whispered, "I'm gonna be out with Tiffany so please, cut the kid some slcak already."

Waving goodbye to Sunny, Jessica took off her coat and peeked over Taeyeon. Hands crept around the older's eye, Jessica smiled when Taeyeon lost her focus and had to pause the game. 

"Sica, I know this is you. Come here, sit on my lap." Taeyeon took hold of Jessica's hand in hers and turned, smiling at the younger girl. Jessica blushed and immediately sat next to Taeyeon. Taeyeon then scooped the taller girl to sit on her, fingers intertwined on the younger girl's stomach. 

Taeyeon played with those slender fingers in her hand, then realising that Jessica wasn't wearing the ring that she bought for her. "Where's your ring baby?"

"Forgot to wear it."

Humming with the answer, Taeyeon pucked her lips and still fiddled with her fingers. "Then, why didn't you answer my texts and calls? If it's about the whole married thing on tv, don't be. It was just the spur of the moment and well..."


"Other than to tease you-"

Jessica slapped Taeyeon on her thighs, cheeks puffing. The older woman grimaced in pain but held the youngers hand again. "Okay.. other than making you adorable like how you are right now, I wondered why you were jealous of Why's Dance MV."

"Are you serious?"

Taeyeon nodded her head and wrapped her arms around Jessica's waist, waiting for the girl to answer and turned off the television. Their reflection on the black screen. Jessica fixed her position and is now straddling on Taeyeon's lap, hands on the midget's collarbone. 

"You honestly didn't think that I'm not jealous with your back up dancers holding you and touching you?"

"And I'm not anywhere jealous with yours when you performed Fly."

"Cause they weren't all over me unlike yours were!!"

"And you should know that it's just a dance and I gave them an early warning that my wife would kill me if they were too close."

"Let me guess, did they say Tiffany?"

"Nope, they said your name. You doubt yourself too much kitten."

Pouting from the pet name, Jessica hugged Taeyeon and hid her face in the crook of her lover's neck. Taeyeon chuckled with Jessica's response and rubbed the girl's back. She smiled seeing their reflection. Jessica in her arms. Ain't that just adorable?

"So... am I forgiven, my jealous baby?"

Jessica gave a short nod but still pouting when she looked back at Taeyeon. Taeyeon caressed her cheek and pinched them. "Why are you still pouting then, baby girl?"

"I want some kisses and you didn't give any."

Taeyeon chuckled from her request and pulled her for a kiss. "Come here and I'll give you some."

"But I feel greedy today!!"

"That's all you get for not wearing your ring, baby."

Jessica whined but went in for the kiss anyway and knowing how Taeyeon is a hot mess....

She knows that she's Taeyeon's lunch that the girl forgot to take.





Should I continue with their lunch or not? Maybe I should. Or maybe I won't.

Hope you enjoy this short-ish not really relevant to anything Taengsic.  

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Hi!! Life's been a , my feeling kept flunctuating and most likely I'll write when I'm free, like really free

unless you guys are fine with drabbles that is


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1159 streak #1
Ohh just realized you wrote this too 😱
Chapter 10: omg i miss this story so much like i keep on reading it over and over again lol
hope you will update this story again author ! ?
Update soon pleasee
Chapter 10: Ohhh *_*
Chapter 10: i bet taeng can really hold her hormone when sica call her daddy~ no one~
ellimacomet #6
Chapter 10: It must been really difficult to Taeyeon when Jessica called her Daddy, darn.
Chapter 10: It's so y when Jessica calling Taeyeon "Daddy" huehue. Glad u update. :))))
Chapter 10: Hahahaha Taengsic ♡♡♡ and Jessica is so cute. Thank you for the update xD
mzlyod #9
Chapter 10: Its not only u nim
All of the taengsic ‘s authors go silent this day... in bored
Chapter 9: Lmfao A4 vs C5 i cant xD