Starry Christmas

Starry Room
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So much fluff. There's not even a plot here, just a wholesome christmas day for their little family, if it's not your cup of tea I'm sorry!



Wendy woke up first, the sun hitting her face making her frown, she opened her eyes and sighed, quickly turning around on the bed towards the person lying next to her, sleeping peacefully. The brunette was turned away from the window, the sun hitting her back. Wendy took advantage of the situation and got herself close to her wife, giving her a back hug as a good morning; making the woman stir and wake up from the good dream she was having.

“Good morning sleepyhead”.

“...Eung...good morning” Came the reply, muffled by the pillow where the brunette was lying her face on, completely tired and wanting to go back to sleep.

Wendy laughed a lazy laugh at her wife’s antics, Irene was definitely not a morning person.

“We need to get up, we have so much to do today remember?” Wendy said, continuing hugging the woman in her arms, desperately wanting nothing more than to lie down on the bed for hours with her and do absolutely nothing but sleep.

Irene turned in her arms and got impossibly more close to Wendy, resting her face in her wife’s chest, cocooning herself in the warmth Wendy was giving her on this cold morning.

“I don’t wanna...”

Wendy could just hear the pout coming from Irene, and she simply laughed, patting her head, something that comes more out of habit than anything. Presumably because Irene knows she gets a lot of things from Wendy whenever she whines.

“I can let you sleep more, but you know what’s going to happen”

Irene grunted and reluctantly pulled back from the hug to look at Wendy, who was still holding her in her arms.

“Just five minutes please?”

“All right, but don’t say I didn’t warn yo-“

Wendy was cut off by the screaming coming from their open bedroom door and small steps sounding more and more close.

“Mom mom mom! It’s christmas! today is christmas already!”

The little girl, running with whatever power a five year old has at eight in the morning said, arriving to the front of their bed. Seeing her mothers all bundled together in bed made the little girl want to immediately be in between, even if after all the running so early in the morning got rid off the cold (That and also all the sweaters Irene might give her at night so she doesn’t fall ill).

So with that in mind, the girl climbed on the bed, getting in between them as quick as her little legs would let her. Wendy and Irene, knowing the drill, just let themselves be moved by their little girl with smiles on their faces, sleepy and lazy smiles, but happy nevertheless.

As much as their little girl loved them, they knew it was a matter of seconds before their peaceful moment as a family would break, the girl way too excited this morning.

“Mom mom! Has Santa come?” The girl said excitedly moving all her body and looking at their faces with a big smile plastered on her face.

Wendy and Irene looked at each other and it drawn a little smile on their faces, turning to look at their girl they said in unison.

“Of course”

“Let’s go see what he brought you this year!” Irene exclaimed while getting up from their bed and looking for a sweater to put on, the morning was certainly chilly.

“I bet he brought you a lot of presents Yeri, you were really good this year right?” Wendy said, ruffling her little girl’s hair, making the girl huff for making a mess out of her hair. Wendy laughed, getting up from their bed too.

Yeri didn’t need more words, for she started running out of their bedroom and towards the staircase, looking for the living room where their Christmas Tree laid.

“Yeri! don’t run on the stairs!” Irene said, going after the little girl. As much as Yeri exclaimed she was big already, Irene knew a five year old should never be let alone near stairs, let alone run on them.

Wendy happily walked towards their living room, arriving just in time to see their girl sitting in front of all her presents, jumping and moving all her body from the excitement, wanting nothing more than to open them already, Irene crouching besides her, telling her which present to open first.

Sitting on the couch, and looking at her wife and kid in front of their Christmas Tree gave a feeling of warmth to Wendy she couldn’t explain, saving this memory in her mind to savour it forever.

Once Irene gave Yeri all her presents marked with names that said ‘Yeri’ all over the package, she stood up and walked her way over Wendy, sitting next to her to admire their girl ripping off the Christmas decoration out of the presents, getting rid off all the effort it took Wendy to make them look pretty a week ago.

“Mom mommy! Look! Santa gave me stars!” Yeri announced, getting up from her place and giving the box to Wendy, before running to open another present. It was a silent statement for Wendy that said ‘Open this box for me while I go open my other presents’.

“We’ll look at the stars at night, okay Yeri?” Wendy said and put the box that contained a lamp with cut out figures that looked like stars surrounding it on the table in front of them.

Yeri ignored her mother, too focused on her other presents already.

By the time Yeri opened all of them and began playing with some toys while Irene sat next to her reading the instructions of yet another toy that needed some help to work, Wendy had gone and made some hot chocolate in the kitchen for her girls.

Coming back with two mugs and a kid glass for Yeri, Wendy sat down next to them and tried helping Irene with the instructions for the toy that was in english.


After letting Yeri play on the living room for a while, Irene and Wendy moved on to make breakfast for them. Making something light for they knew dinner was going to be big, with Aunt Joy and Aunt Seulgi comming over to celebrate with them.

They had so much to do still, and it was going to be tiring, making dinner for all of them, and a christmas dinner on top of that, meant all day cooking in the kitchen. And having to watch a five year old at the same time, Irene and Wendy were already exhausted just thinking about it.

But when they called Yeri to come eat breakfast, and their girl came running to the kitchen with two different toys in her hands and a smile as big as the sun on her face, they knew it was worth the whole day if it meant Yeri would continue to smile like that.

The good thing was that, knowing how chaotic the day is, Wendy had already bought everything that was necessary for the day, the good thing about being a planner. And Irene couldn’t be more grateful, because if she has to as much as change from her clothes to go out before dinner time, she would really end up murdering someone (She really gets stressed on holidays, trying to make everything perfect for her little family).

Finishing their breakfast, Yeri ran once again towards the living room to play with all the new toys Santa gave her for being a good girl this year.

“Go play with her a little, I got this” Wendy said, getting up and cleaning the table from the plates already, on her way to washing them.

“You’re just doing this so I have to take on the next shift and begin cooking dinner” Irene smirked and went around the table, planting a kiss on Wendy’s right cheek, and before Wendy could respond, Irene was nowhere to be seen. (But Wendy could hear the faint “And what more did Santa give you baby girl? Want to explain to mom?” coming from the living room, and she smiled to herself).


Once it was time to start some cooking, Irene came into the kitchen to arrange everything she’s going to need for the whole process, meanwhile Wendy was helping Yeri build a castle out of the legos she got from Santa (It was really more Wendy building the castle while Yeri watched and played with her other toys, but Wendy would never admit it, she was doing this for her daughter, not because she always wanted these toys when she was young, no, it was for Yeri).

After a few minutes passed, Wendy got out from the trance she was in, too focused on finding the right pieces to fit in on her masterpiece (her words), because of the yell coming from the kitchen.

“Wendy! Weren’t you supposed to take care of Yeri?”

Getting up from the floor and going straight for the sound of her very stressed and probably-a-little-mad-at-her wife, Wendy found Yeri running around the kitchen and Irene holding everything she could on her hands trying to get rid off them near the places Yeri could reach.

“Uh... I may have been a little too into building the legos, sorry” Wendy directed a small smile to Irene, scratching behind her neck with her hand, in an apologizing manner.

Irene could only glare at her from the other side of the counter.

“Yeri, what do you say we try and solve the puzzle you got?”


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Chapter 2: Wow this story is great hoping for more updates
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 2: Hello
Chapter 2: It'll be great to unveil their past. I also love it when people appreciate Wendy's beauty. I saw her irl and she is really beautifully charming, if that make sense.

I'm a huge er to these type of stories. It's rare to see a wenrene family au here on AFF. So thank you authornim.
Chapter 2: this is really amazing
will we have another chapter?
Chapter 2: I love this family fics. They were so cute and i would love to know their college life while they were dating. And lol at joy whose always their to witness wenrene cheesy moments *coughs* happen for real too coughs** kkkkk
lahika48 #6
Chapter 2: this so cute..... i love ur story here....
Catastic01 #7
Chapter 2: So cute:) i vote for some backstory, i love cheesey wendy and irene falling for it.
I also like the idea of wendy attracting eyes:)
Snakey #8
Chapter 2: Uwu im soft >< and yes for their backstory! more cheesy wan flirting with irene please
SunnyNight #9
Chapter 2: My kind of wenrene fic~ thanks for the update author! ^^
Chapter 2: FlashbackssS are the best. I would love to know their relationship before and it would be great if you will write them.

Thank you for the update