King Bong Man's Son

Trapped In Paradise


{Young Mi}

I woke up late again, the sun was directly on my face, and they left breakfast behind for me.


I wasn't going to eat though. Hopefully the next angel that came would feed me.


I dumped it down the toilet, even though my parents said they wouldn't drug it anymore. I couldn't trust them.


*Knock knock*


"You have a visitor, Milady." the maid said outside.


"Okay, come in." I called out.


They opened the door to reveal a young man, he was muscular and wearing sunglasses. His hair was up in a ponytail and walked into my room with this air.


He was definitely a prince.


"Hello, Princess Young Mi. I'm Prince Min Soo. Pleasure." he said, taking my hand to kiss it.


I curtsied appropriately, "Nice to meet you, Prince Min Soo. Let me guess your father is King Bong Man, am I right?"


"Nice guess. That would be correct." He grinned.


"Are you here to convince me to marry your father? Because if that's all you are here for. It won't work." I told him, going back to sit on my bed.


"Oh yeah? And why is that?" he asked, his voice a bit harsh.


"Because your father is too old for me, I'm 19 for god's sake. He's like what? 62? And two I want to marry someone I love. Or have a possibility of loving." I told him.


"One, he's 60. And he wants you. Two, what do you mean a possibility?" Min Soo said moving closer to me.


"Someone like you. My age. Decent looking, someone it wouldn't be awkward to have a family with. Or be happy with." I pointed at him.


"Well, that's not happening. I don't like you. My dad does. And you should probably just deal with the fact that your future has been planned for you. Probably since you were born a girl." Min Soo said harshly.


"Then, you could probably get out of this room. And actually eat some food." he finished.


"Are you done? You can see yourself out. You know, since you're a boy. Thank you very much for coming to see me." I said a bit harshly, but still politely.


"Fine, just know I'm telling the truth. And that my father always gets what he wants." Min Soo left the room, leaving me behind.


"Stupid idiot boy. Ugh. Just because you're a girl, your whole future is planned out for you. Whatever then. Thanks a lot." I cried out in frustration, knocking down everything on the vanity.


It was useless anyway, those useless items there to beautify a girl. For what? My life was already planned out from the beginning.


Just because I wasn't born a boy. Stupid me. I threw a pillow across the room, knocking over a chair in the process.


*knock knock*


Author's Note:

CAP won. So yeah..

Damn.. What is with me and Teen Top..

><; Anyway, here we go~~~

Sungyeol is next!!

Then Sungjong

then Sungkyu~

WOW. just realized... i left the Sung Brothers for last. XD


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Trapped In Paradise: if you guys could help me out with my homework, I'll love you forever, it's my most recent blog post, please and thank you~


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babyjongdae #1
Chapter 31: Kyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
shinyoung97 #2
Chapter 23: Wow deabak it's so sweet
KimHyunAe #3
So sweet the ending..serve the parents right for treating the pretty young mi like that...
SungMi couple so cute..i finish reading this in 1 excited for what will happened..thanks author nim..its a gteat story...^^,
Whaaa~ This was a really great story! Stupid CAP trying to her -_- Anyways, I really liked this fic and the plot! So interesting!^.^
Rianne2580 #5
thank you all:)
And I want to do another gyu one.. ><;
i love it!!!!
Rianne2580 #7
@0330-TBA UNNI~~ <3 hehe :3 you have a lot.. ;D