Fifty first - END

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A/N: Hey chingus! Author is back for the ending hehehe...😊 Sorry for being Missing in Action, I'm in a vacation right now and internet signal in this place is not good. I've been trying to connect since the other day and finally got lucky today.

Thank you so much for joining me in this journey, as always everything is appreciated. 

Peace yow! 😉




They placed them all three on their separate beds to be taken to the nursery so they can be seen by everyone. After the doctor made sure Soojung is already fine and stitched her up, they transferred her to a private room that Grandpa paid for that we didn’t know. Doc Hyuna said Grandpa already arranged everything 9 months prior to Soojung giving birth. It was a surprise for us, and yes we are very surprised because my downpayment was ready anytime. Two days before, I withdrew the money from the bank because I said to myself I have to be ready in case Soojung needs to be taken to the hospital quick. I never knew my Grandfather beat me to it and paid 9 months prior... Tsk tsk tsk. So basically, all expenses are fully paid and we don't have to take out a single Won from my wallet. 


All the unnies came to see the babies and Soojung. Taeyeon and Fany unnie has to cut their vacation short and went home from California just to see my precious angels and their dongsaeng. They can’t stop taking their photos when the nurses brought them for the first time in the room so Soojung can feed them. It was such a cute moment when Lucas fed on her then next is Christopher, then the last is Stephen who was crying when Soojung placed his mouth on the same that his Hyungs had their share. I told her maybe he wants the other side so she switch him there and like magic he stopped crying and his Mommy’s milk hungrily. Looks like someone doesn’t like sharing hehehe. Thank God Soojung is lactating good but of course it will ran out soon if they are like this! 


Our friends visited too, Kyungsoo, Peniel, Minseok, and Jinri. Luna came too with them and Vic unnie who also gave birth months before to a healthy baby girl. Leeteuk and Shindong oppa came with Grandma Nam and Eric giving us their congratulations and a little gift for the triplets. 


It was already Soojung’s fourth day in the hospital when we had special visitors who came straight from the port. Kang Hodong and Grandpa arrived bringing with them boxes of Soojung’s favorite Lord Stow's Custard Egg Tart and oranges from Jeju. When Soojung was pregnant, Grandpa sent her a box of the egg tarts and she loved it! That's why Grandpa gave his men a command to deliver freshly baked Lord Stow's Egg Tarts straight from Macau to our door every time Soojung will ask for it. God... She's a pampered pregnant woman all through and through.



The babies was brought to our room so Grandpa can see them three and give his blessings, he gave them each a very small pouch that he said is for their protection from evil spirits. It contains an amulet that he said his monk friend gave him for the babies.


We took his photo sitting behind the baby crib we have inside the room with the three looking at him. They are very awake and smiling when they saw Grandpa. He looks so happy, I think I even saw tears on his eyes. Kang said Grandpa was restless since the other day because he was nervous and excited about the birth of our triplets. When the guards called him on the phone and informed that Soojung was taken to the hospital they immediately sailed from Macau just to see the babies. 


Soojung stayed for a week on the hospital recuperating from child birth. Then Sooyeon and Yuri unnie accompanied us back home with Dani and Yerimie sitting at the back of the family van together with their sleeping baby cousins who are lying on their separate baby carriers courtesy of Yoona and Seohyun unnie. Yuri unnie made a good decision in exchanging her Mustang for a wider family car hehehe… more room for the kids. 


Months before Soojung’s delivery, I had the rooms renovated with permission from Leeteuk oppa. The wall of the second room was taken out so now its just one big room for all of us, the big crib that fits three and Yerimie’s bed. Maybe when Yerimie turns 10, we will move into a bigger home so she will have her own room. But for now she stays with us and she loves it because she wants to take care of her baby cousins. 


It was already night time, Yerimie was sleeping on the bed beside Soojung even snoring and sprawled like an eagle when I went out of the bathroom after taking a shower. I saw Soojung sitting at the edge of the bed, her chin propped on her arms that is resting at the edge of the crib watching our sons attentively. She has this very beautiful smile on her face while watching the babies sleep, her smile so beautiful that I already took a snap shot of it on my mind. 


“Hey… don’t you want to sleep?” I sat beside her wrapping my left arm around her waist, giving a lingering kiss on her temple. Always smelling good~~… I can't get enough of her... God… how I love this woman. 


“I can’t sleep babe… I just want to look at them… they are so cute~…” she’s right, they are the cutest babies… all sleeping peacefully inside their crib. Thank Heavens! This is our first night with them out of the hospital. I hope they won’t cry and cry the whole night…


“Did you like the baby shirts that Sooyoung unnie gave?”


“Oh yes! I really love it! Don’t they look cute with the names embroidered on it?! Did you tell her what color we need?”


“Yup, I told her we need three colors because we already assigned it to the triplets.”


“Good! Look at Lucas… his eyelashes are so cute~… its just like yours Amber!” I smiled proudly while watching our eldest Lucas as his eyelids flutter and his small chest heaves. His red cheeks and cute nose… “Babe, baby blue looks really good on him...” I chuckled at what she said. Soojung always love baby blue, even in her shirts. And she's right, our Lucas looks good on it. 



“Christopher is rocking his baby green shirt… nice… he has beautiful lips just like you Soojung-ah.” he even yawned stretching his little arms! Hahaha!!! Someone is agreeing with Mama! I think I have a future rockstar in the making. I reached for a quick kiss on Soojung’s lips making her giggle, shoving my face playfully.


His lips are like Soojung’s lips, although I know they are still babies and everything will develop over time. But still, the features we are seeing now clearly shows their resemblance on us. The eggs that was used belongs to Soojung (mine are left on the storage facility just waiting) with a donor we specifically choose that matches my handsomeness and prettiness hehehe… in short, a person who deeply resembles me. We found one and we were so surprise because I never knew I have a male counter part besides my brother.     


”Yah, look at your youngest. How can he sleep like an Angel and cry like its the end of the world when he’s hungry?!” Soojung said while controlling her laugh and holding her belly. Pulling her closer to me, I can’t stop smiling while looking at our boys. Tsk tsk tsk… three boys. Heavens! Help us when they grow up! Just hearing Zhoumi oppa telling stories about Yixing when he was still a toddler sounds like a horror movie. 


“Don’t laugh like that! Your stitch will open… yah! Stop that!” she burst out laughing when I tried to cover , even bit my palm. She fanned herself with her hand while her other hand holds the plaster covering her stitch. A pretty… ummm… big stitch. I saw how Doc cut her you-know so it can give way for the delivery of the babies. Just watching it being cut made me cringe. I thought its my own being cut.


“Stephen doesn’t want to share milk with his Hyungs. He only feeds on my left like its really reserved for him while Lucas and Christopher are contented with my right . I think I’ll run out of milk by their 3rd month Am…” I watch her pout and reach for Stephen’s fluffy red cheeks, caressing it with her fingers making her smile dreamily. Why do I have a feeling this cutie pie is that last joiner back then when their Mommy had her first Ultrasound? We can only confirm that when he grows up in a few months and shows his dimples. Shucks… I really want to see them with dimples.


Our Stephen has it all… Soojung’s nose and long eyelashes too like his Hyungs. His feet and hands are beautiful plus he got his Mommy’s y mole. Same position like Soojung’s so I bet our Stephen will be like his Mommy. And… he’s a loud crier. We witnessed it when he was born and this morning in the hospital when its time for feeding. He was always the last one because Mommy already reserved the left side for him. Maybe in a few weeks we can just pump Soojung’s milk and place it in bottles so they can feed at the same time. He’s such a boss.


“Well… Mama also likes the left one. I think we have similarities~…” I wriggled my eyebrows playfully earning a flick on my forehead. “Yah! Its true!”


“Shhh! You’ll wake them up!” 


“Fine…” I rolled my eyes at her, giggling. I planted a kiss at the back of her hand and smiled while staring at her face. The two of us staring at each other like its a sin if we don’t. “Our first night with them Soojung… are you ready?” 


“Hell yes! Aww~…” she cringe while laughing a little, her stitch probably giving her a sting. Oh this woman! She was pouting at me looking like a sad puppy while holding her plastered birth wound. I ran my left hand on her back it to give her comfort while pressing my nose in her ears.


I sighed just by looking at her, how can I love a person this much that my heart flutters when she giggles… my stomach in knots and somersaults when she smiles oh so lovingly, my heart beating fast just hearing her voice and holding her hand?…


“Am… We need to give them their Korean names. Dad will be mad at his grave if we don’t…” she pouted shamelessly like a cute kid while fixing my hair. Left, right, middle, until she gave up and brushed it back with her fingers then puckered her rosy lips asking for a kiss which I willingly gave. She tastes like the strawberry lollipop she was earlier with Yerimie while they were watching the triplets. Sweet and tasty as always. 


“You’re so beautiful, do you know that..” it wasn’t a question from me for Soojung but a statement. Everything is beautiful in Soojung not just her outside appearance, but also her heart and mind. 


She bit her lips smiling shyly, looking so flustered with what I said. She’s always like this when I tell her she’s beautiful. Already a mother of four but still acting shy when being praised. 


“Even if I have this extra layer of skin on my belly and fat that will take me months to take out?!” 


“Yes, even if you got that extra layer of skin and fat in your belly. You are still beautiful Soojung.” she pouted at me again, looking sad while touching her hair. Newly grown hair standing up everywhere that she always whine while looking at herself in the mirror when she was still pregnant. 


“But look at my hair… I look like a mess…”


“Your hair will grow back to its original look, don’t worry.” 


“Look at my chin!… Amber… I look fat~~…” her adorable whining bringing a smile on my face. I poked the small pouch of chin before pinching her cheeks. Aigoo~~ my Soojung is healthy!


“That will be gone when you get back to working out again… I’ll help you with that, I’m your work out partner remember?” she gave me a nod, still pouting at me before turning her attention back to our sons who are still sleeping. “Soojung-ah… whatever happens, I will still be loving you.”


"For a hundred years?" She smiled at me in a tease, her eyes narrowing. I love it when she does that, her beautiful eyes expressing what she feels. 


"Hundred years... Thousand years... A million year... Even in 3 million years!" Because seeing that sparkle in her eyes, the overflowing love in there, makes me happy and overjoyed knowing there is this person who loves me same as how i love her. 


Truly, a hundred, a thousand year is short. But 3 million years is enough... Because 3 million years of loving her is equivalent to loving her in infinity. 


"That's more than the lifetimes allowed, maybe also include the parallel universe that Stephen Hawking says... But trust me Amber, my love for you won't change..." Soojung said to me in a smile so lovely and heartwarming, all I can answer her is a kiss that conveys everything i have said. 


We broke the kiss, our foreheads touching and brushed our noses together to seal the promise we have. Soojung sighed and rested her head on my shoulder while her hand is my arm. Tracing the art works of my skin like she always do “Hey Mama… for Lucas we can name him ‘Dae-hyun’.” 


“Hmmm… Dae-hyun, means ‘Great honor’. I like it, being the eldest he has to possess that trait too when he grows up. Lucas Liu Dae-hyun… sounds good babe. Approved! For Christopher?”


She took my hands and turned it, my palm facing up then she started writing something on my palm with her index finger. I think she’s writing their names. “Hmmm… for Christopher… we can name him ‘Dae-jung’, it means Great and Righteous, honest. He will be the Hyung and dongsaeng that will bring balance to them three. What do you say? Like it?” 


“Love it! Christopher Liu Dae-jung… do you like it my little rocker?” I took a peek inside the crib and saw baby Christopher already awake and just staring at me and Soojung, waving his little arms. Don’t cry later or else your brothers are going to wake up too!


“Oh! My Dae-jung is awake?~ aigoo…” Soojung carefully took him from the crib and carried him on h

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snackplate #1
Chapter 52: Enjoying every details on the story.. a baby is already handful, what more with triplets…. Uhuhuhuuuu…
Appledots5 #2
Chapter 42: lmao
fxllamafan #3
Chapter 3: well soojung play a role as a cops, remain me of this story so I am back!
1150 streak #4
Chapter 52: Just finished reading this and still wondering why the hell I didn't notice this story before..... Love it. Perfect amount of everything in each chapter. 💜💜
mochick #6
Chapter 52: I wish you make an epilogue for this one Author-nim ... their life story are wonderful :)
Bluenight_0217 #7
Chapter 52: Great story. Thanks for writing stories like this.
Chapter 52: Awesome story!!! authornim tho long chaps need to read but still worth it?,cause I enjoy reading it and I love it.
Adesta123 #9
Chapter 52: Good story. Thanks Author ❤️
2078 streak #10
Chapter 6: I'm gonna buy latex gloves