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A/N: Hey chingus! Here's our very late update! I apologize for not updating for the past few days, family is very busy regarding our move.

I know i said this is the last chapter but... No this is not. There will be another one that i will pos tomorrow as the final chapter before going on my vacation. 

Let's welcome our triplets 😊

Peace yow!~




“Detective Liu, someone is looking for you outside…” it was Sunny unnie who called me from the door of our office with a meaningful smile. Soojung poked my belly with her toes from under the table getting my attention. “Are you expecting someone Liu?”

I shook my head as an answer wondering too who it is. Who could it be?

“Did you get the name Officer Lee?” 

“Ummm… he said… ‘when you see him, you will know him’.” she gave me a smiling salute and a wink for Soojung before turning around, leaving us in total wonder. If I see him, I will know him… what kind of pathetic riddle is that!?

“Let’s go, I’ll accompany you! Whoever that is… tsss…. disturbing my feet massage...” she snorted lazily and pulled her feet out of my lap, her favorite spot. I shook my head smiling, even Jinri and Minseok giggling behind her. She stood up and reached for her gun on top of her table, cocking it after. 

“Yah! We’re only going out to meet someone outside! Why are you cocking your gun?” I exclaimed to her when I stood up from my seat patting my pants. 

Putting her gun in safety, she placed it on her holster and smiled at me like a cute kid. Her 5 week old belly is starting to grow and already showing on the shirt she’s wearing. She can’t wear her jeans now because it doesn’t fit her anymore nyahahahaha!!! She’s wearing a matching navy blue tracksuit and sneakers for comfort. When she showed her clothes to me this morning when I got out of shower, I suddenly remembered Jun Ji Hyun in the movie ‘Windstruck’. She was also a police woman there and was wearing a track suit when she and the lead actor met disastrously for the first time. She fits that movie role perfectly hehehe.

“For safety! You’ll never know what surprise is waiting for you outside. Never leave your gun even if you will just have a chat.” she turned to the laughing Minseok and threw Jinri’s stress ball she got on the latter’s table in a snarl. It bounced on Minseok’s forehead with a smack. “Do your work Kim! I’ll check that papers when I get back, I’m warning you! You can’t even spell your family name right on a Police Report! Look at Do! He may look like a zombie but he can spell his name right…” I scratched my head seeing Do waving his hand like a robot.

“But his last name is consist of two letters only…”

“And yours is uhh… THREE?!”

“But his is two…” the nerve of this fool to pout hahahaha!!!

“I don’t care!” ooohhh… the Dragon is breathing fire again hehehe… I also got drunk last night that’s why we slept at Vic unnie’s house instead of going home. Yerimie was with Sooyeon unnie having a sleepover with Dani so its okay. Hahaha… I got a little scolding and a cold towel smacked on my face, plus a hangover this morning and another scolding from her reminding me that if I get drunk again she will let me sleep on the floor of dining area of the restaurant.

“Hehehe… sorry Detective Jung. I was still feeling drunk this morning when I did my report…” Soojung’s back was facing me that’s why she didn’t see how I made a motion to Minseok swiping my hand on my neck, telling him he’s dead. Hehehe… the whole team had a little drinking last night when we ate at Vic’s restaurant. Soojung was with us and Jinri, only Jinri joined us for drinks while Soojung was pouting beside me and whining because what she have is orange juice. Minseok and Kyungsoo got deadly drunk last night that we asked Peniel to send them home.

She suddenly turns her head back at me and caught me doing it, raising her eyebrows before pushing my shoulders playfully. All I can do is laugh and scratch my head before leading the way out of the office.

“Silly detective… want me to strangle you!?” 

“When did you not ever strangle me!? Oh wait…” I stopped on my tracks that made her stop too beside me, her face scrunching. I leaned forward to her and pressed my lips closer to her ears in a whisper. “You never strangle me when we have ~… Aww!” pinching again!

“Stop it! We’re in the Station!” I laughed out quietly when she hissed at me looking around. We reached the reception area of the Station, Sunny unnie pointed at the waiting area where there is a row of seat people can stay. 

There was a huge looking man sitting there, his back facing us. Wearing an old brown coat and bucket hat, Soojung and I looked at each other both of us thinking the same… I bet. We know him!

“When you see him, you will know him…”

This old man!

What is he doing here?! How?! 

“Thanks unnie…” she thanked Sunny unnie who only gave us a thumbs up and went on to what she is doing. “Am, let’s meet him?” she smiled at me, happy to see the person who is patiently waiting. We haven’t seen him for weeks, I hope he is okay. I missed him! 

I nodded at her and together we took a few steps to the person waiting for us, my heart pounding in nervousness and anticipation. Clearing my throat, he stood up and turned to us with a big happy Buddha smile on his face. “Detective Liu, Detective Jung… Good day!”

“Uhh… Good day to you too Sir. What can we do for you this afternoon?” we bowed at him, I gave Grandpa a wink that made him smile. We have to act civil, like we don’t know each other. If anyone finds out the leader of a powerful gang just stepped inside our Station so casually everyone will be in panic trying to contact every high ranking official available. My will be in the hot seat again. No way!

“Hahaha! Detective Liu, Detective Jung! I need your help regarding a disturbance near our neighborhood. Could both of you spare a little time for a sad, old man like me?” he winked at Soojung making my girlfriend laugh quietly covering . Grandpa… always the dramatic one. 

“Sure, Mister….?” 

“Mister Zhu…” aha! Another new identity! He bowed after saying his new name, Soojung shaking her head while smiling. Some officers are now watching us talk to Grandpa, maybe wondering who the big old man is and why he is making the Dragon-like detective laugh like that. 

I turned around and met Sunny unnie’s gaze, she pointed at the meeting room and mouthed “Occupied!”. Bummer (-_-) . Chief Cho is not here today, he attended a meeting with the higher ups and some politicians that the Blue House organized. We can make this quick before he comes back. 

… maybe in our office?

“Uhh… Mister Zhu!” I purposely raised my voice so anyone can hear. “What seems to be the problem about your community? A disturbance… is it a robber?” 

“More than that Detective! Its about my Grand daughter… I haven’t seen her for weeks. Maybe you and Detective Jung can help me… she’s pregnant and she left home without saying where she is going. I worry about her safety.” I rolled my eyes at him for being a great actor. Tsss… Grandpa! 

Soojung cleared , willing herself not to laugh and bowed at Grandpa with a mischievous smile. “You came to the right Station Mister Zhu! Let me you to our office so we can get the details about your Grand daughter. Is she pretty?”

“Oh! The prettiest!” Sigh. I followed them from behind, Grandpa even giving small bows to every officers we pass by. Now I know how this old man survives without anyone noticing him. He knows how to blend in on the surroundings. Even his choice of shoes is different… he’s wearing a rubber shoes and white socks, big dress pants and checkered polo. Now who will really think this old man owns casinos all over Asia and with just a flick of his finger, you will see yourself being taken away by his men and fed to the sharks in the ocean. If Yerimie will see him now, she’ll have a headache.

As soon as the two of them entered our office, Jinri immediately saw Grandpa. Her eyes went wide but kept mum and stood up from her seat bowing to the old man. I gave her a sign to bring Minseok and Kyungsoo outside, Peniel is at the Gym at this moment sweating out the calories he had last night. I was supposed to join him but the pregnant lady stopped me and told me to massage her feet because she feels tired from the work she did earlier. 

She handled the complaint desk and there she managed to slap four drunk men who harassed a waitress last night, kicked a ert in his precious balls because he touched a girl high school student inside the bus, and lastly… flicked the forehead of Eric who was unluckily beside the high school student when the touching incident happened.

“Minseok, Kyungsoo! Follow me outside, I’ll treat you guys for some fancy coffee!” Jinri yelled at the two giving me a secret thumbs up. She and Soojung did a high five before she made her way out of the office and stoppped at the door waiting for the two.

“Better make it fancy! Last time you said that we ended up crouching in front of the vending machine!” I shook my head with a smile when Minseok happily stood up from his seat, relieved that he already finished his Police Report giving Soojung a grin. While Kyungsoo, wearing his dark eyeglasses, bowed at us like a snappy robot before following the two out of the office. That rascal. He was the one who drank the most Soju last night, singing a song we don’t even understand. 

I closed the door of the office making sure no one will interrupt us. Soojung made Grandpa sit on the chair she pulled from my table then took hers sitting opposite Grandpa with a smile. “Grandpa! What are you doing here!? When did you arrive?”

“Hahaha! I only came this morning with Kang from Macau, we docked at the Yacht club and went to do some errands before I told him to drop me off here. How are you both doing?” I sat beside Soojung and smiled at Grandpa reaching for his hand. “We are fine, Grandpa. Yerimie is also doing fine and kept on asking us when we will go back to the island to see you. How are you? Have you been feeling well?” I asked him. 

I worry about him being out there. I know he has a lot of guards and Kang beside him who takes care of him like a Father. But still, this feeling cannot be taken out of me because I’m his family. The last time we saw each other was when we said goodbye before going back to Seoul. After that he only gets in touch with us through anonymous phone calls or letters being delivered in our doorsteps by one of his men in disguise whom he tasked to look after us. We know they are around, they casually blends in on the surroundings. They don’t approach us and always far but we know they are doing their job especially with taking care of Yerimie’s safety when she’s at the Daycare.

“I am fine, Detective Liu. I came here because I want to see both of you and check how Soojung is doing too with her pregnancy. How are you Soojung? Have you gone to the Doctor for an Ultrasound?” 

“Grandpa! The Ultrasound is today, we are actually just killing time before going to our appointment at the hospital. You can come with us, right Amber?” she turned to me asking for permission. I nodded at her and smiled at Grandpa, happy to know he will be with us to see his Great Grandchildren for the first time. I saw how Grandpa’s face lit up excitedly that it makes me happy to see that he is anticipating them. 

The new Lius like he always say in his letters and occasional phone calls.

He accompanied us to the hospital where Soojung will have her Ultrasound. I feel so nervous! This is the moment we have been waiting for! We will finally see how many they are inside Soojung, her first Ultrasound. 

Although I know we won’t be able to hear their heartbeats because they are still small specks inside Mommy, just to see the flickering in the monitor made me tear up. Two… I see two. 

“Okay, we have two flickers… hmmm these are what you call Gestational sacs.” Doc Hyuna pointed on the monitor. I see two… and another one is a bit blurred. 

I squeezed Soojung’s hand that I am holding, smiling at her because we finally saw and confirmed that atleast two made it. She was crying. “Its okay Soojung… two is better than none..”

“I know… its just that… I thought all of them.” she bit her lips and turned to the monitor again to watch their hearts flickering. 

“You see that Detective Liu, we got two hearts flickering here so it means a twin!” Doc Hyuna exclaimed to us with a smile while working the transducer inside Soojung. I nodded at her also teary eyed. I’m sorry my little snow flake… 

“Oh! Wait!” my eyes narrowed while focusing it on the monitor when another one flickered. Omo… Soojung and I looked at each other then to the monitor again to see three flickering hearts on the monitor. It became clear… I see three sacs now. THREE!

“Someone was late to join the fun… they are three! Congratulations my dear Detectives, you’re having three bundles of

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snackplate #1
Chapter 52: Enjoying every details on the story.. a baby is already handful, what more with triplets…. Uhuhuhuuuu…
Appledots5 #2
Chapter 42: lmao
fxllamafan #3
Chapter 3: well soojung play a role as a cops, remain me of this story so I am back!
1150 streak #4
Chapter 52: Just finished reading this and still wondering why the hell I didn't notice this story before..... Love it. Perfect amount of everything in each chapter. 💜💜
mochick #6
Chapter 52: I wish you make an epilogue for this one Author-nim ... their life story are wonderful :)
Bluenight_0217 #7
Chapter 52: Great story. Thanks for writing stories like this.
Chapter 52: Awesome story!!! authornim tho long chaps need to read but still worth it?,cause I enjoy reading it and I love it.
Adesta123 #9
Chapter 52: Good story. Thanks Author ❤️
2078 streak #10
Chapter 6: I'm gonna buy latex gloves