Thirty eighth

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A/N: Hey chingus! I'm back! And i have an update for all of you because i miss you all!

So from the last chapter a new character emerged and will enter the scene. To answer the questions, Yes... he is Amber's Grandfather. What will be his role in Amber and Soojung's life? Hmmm.....

I would like to thank all our subscribers and upvoters of the story. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart! 💜💜💜💜

Ready for a boring update?>

Let's Go!







Chief Park did not show up in the Station the morning after, all of us wondering why. He may go out all the time doing his business outside but he is the type of person who never goes to work late. He was always an hour early for his regular time of duty which is 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM.


It gave our team enough time to see the fruit of Amber, Kyungsoo, and Minseok's labor that night. All the photos that Kyungsoo got and the recorded copy of the security camera from inside the hotel where the group was doing their ‘ritual’. I admit, I was surprised with that revelation. When he started in the Station back then, he showed kindness to everyone and his dream of making our Station the best one in Seoul.


We are the best… but being the best also has consequences.


We immediately gave copies of Chief’s photos to the group and Captain Cho said they will take it from there. Their group is ready. For them, Chief Park has to pay for all his crimes and wrong doings..


After three days, an all out investigation was launched against Chief Park Jinyoung by the Internal Affairs office. He was screaming and pointing his fingers to all of us, especially me while he was being taken away by the Prosecutors from Seoul District Prosecutors Office for questioning and to face the charges filed against him. He was suspended from his post indefinitely and is also facing civil and criminal liability charges because of some witnesses who are business owners around the shopping district giving their testimonies about Chief Park asking money from them for protection. It saddens me to know that money has to be involve just to protect people, because it shouldn’t be. Protecting the people is our job, it may be tiring and dangerous at times but that is what we swore when we entered this line of work.


Another shock are the charges against him related to drugs and being a member of the notorious White Phoenix. There was an anonymous tip that Chief Park was the supplier of drugs in the Clubs and Norebangs around the Myeondong, Hongdae, and Itaewon area. Various evidences was sent to the Station pointing Chief Park as the sole handler of the drug distribution.


Two Military Police was holding Chief Park when he stopped in front of me by the lobby of the Station, all of us officers there watching him be strip off of his rank. His eyes were blazing with hate and anger, his teeth gritting when he threatened me.


“I know you and your team are the ones behind this Jung! You have been eyeing my position from the start! Hahahaha!! Wait for me to be free by tomorrow and I’ll go back to you! I will have the last laugh JUNG! YOU WILL END UP LIKE YOUR FATHER! THAT COWARD OF A FATHER OF YOURS! I KNOW YOUR SECRET JUNG! YOU AND LIU ARE LIVING TOGETHER! WAIT FOR ME AND I WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE MISERABLE!!”


“My Father is not a coward, Chief Park. He was the best and you know that… that’s why you have that big hatred on him because you can never be someone like Lt. Jung Kyungho. I’m not afraid of you… good luck in all your charges. I’ll be praying for you…”


“Ahhhhh!!!! I will kill you!!!”


He managed to break the hold on him by the two MPs and grabbed my shoulders with the intention of maybe slamming me on the wall. His only mistake is… not knowing that I have been waiting and itching for this moment to happen. Finally! I have the reason to give him what he deserves.


I swatted away his hands and in a quick move, gave him a powerful punch on his nose that made him whine in pain and lose his balance. When he saw the blood trickling on his broken nose, he became mental and attacked me but failed again because I gave him a roundhouse kick that sent him flying on the wall and down on the floor kissing it.  You asked for it…


Defeated and bloody, he gave me one last dazed look and spat the blood on the floor while smiling like a devil on me and Amber. “I will have the last laugh here Jung… hahahaha!!! You don’t know… but they are close… closer more than what you imagined! And you Detective Liu! Hahaha!!! You’re a fool! You don’t know who you are trying to bring down… you will regret this… both of you will regret this!!”


“I’m not complaining about the pet name ‘fool’ from you Chief, but I know who I am trying to bring down. I will do everything to bring White Phoenix down and arrest every single one of you…”




He was taken away and brought to the Prosecutors office, to be detained there and wait for his trial.


On the same day that Chief Park was taken into custody, the SWAT Team and Prosecutors raided Kang Hodong’s hotel with a search warrant. The headquarters of White Phoenix was finally been revealed and a lot of their men were arrested and also taken into custody. But the main man wasn’t there, Kang Hodong. Apparently, he already left the country 2 days after the meeting and left the care of the hotel to one of his Managers. No drugs has been seize but there were unregistered high powered guns and ammunitions  confiscated from the hotel.


“Detective Jung, you have to see this…” I stood up from my seat and motioned for Peniel and Jinri to follow me inside the meeting room. Amber and Kyungsoo was out because they were called in a murder scene while Minho and Minseok are busy interviewing victims at the Homicide Division.


Jinri locked the door and pulled all the blinds down so no one can see what we are going to discuss inside. I turned the lights off after Peniel started the projector after hooking up his laptop, I sat on the chair beside Jinri and waited for Peniel to start.


“The NIS already found the identity of the man they consider as Master of the White Phoenix…” he started the slideshow and pressed his remote showing the photo of the old Chinese man Amber calls as Chinese Buddha. “Based on the reports they gathered, he is one of the most powerful gang leader in China. He has a lot of networks here in Asia and apparently he is also establishing his shady business in the West.”


“So what is his name?” he pressed the button of his remote and the name of the old man flashed on the screen.


“Liu Xiao Guang aka Chen Si Tao. He is using the latter for his illegal business but his real name is Liu Xiao Guang… a powerful businessman who hailed from Taiwan.” why did I suddenly felt my heart beating so fast?


I stared at the photos of the old man being flashed on the screen. All of it were taken while he is under surveillance. Jinri placed a folder in front of me and opened it “Detective Jung, here is the hard copy of his profile we got from the Interpol.”


“The allegations of him being the leader of the White Phoenix has been going on for ages. He has a factory business in Taipei that he uses as his front in all his illegal transactions.” I flipped on the paper and read the contents of it. Sadly…


“Ummm… guys… I hate to break it to you two gently but… I’m actually not a Chinese reader. We need Amber here…” bummer. Why is this all in Chinese??! I looked up at Jinri and she answered me with an embarrassed grin scratching her head. “Errr… that’s what they sent to us this morning. Sorry Chief…”


Ugghh. “Yah! Don’t call me Chief!”


“But you are!”


“I am just an acting Chief while the new one hasn’t been decided!”


“Okay Chief~”


“YAH!” I threw a lollipop playfully at Jinri, utterly embarrassed.


I don’t want it but Uncle Park commanded it. How can I say no to the Commissioner General!? But I told him until the new Chief hasn’t been named, I will act as the OIC here at the Station. All of them teased me about it and told me I should use the Chief’s office but I declined… I don’t wanna claim a seat not for me.


“Chief Jung, I’ll just call your one and only Chief in life~” Peniel even gave me a salute before running out of the meeting room teasing me, the stress ball I was squeezing failed to hit his head when I threw it at this direction. Chief in life… hahaha…


When Chief Park was arrested and he started blabbering about his not guilty plead and my secret with Amber, it left the two of us no choice but to admit our relationship to all our colleagues inside the Station. It was Amber who gave the speech informing them all that yes, what Chief Park said is true… that we are together as in together living in one roof as a couple.


What I love about our colleagues is their ability to accept things and understand it. Maybe because they know that we are just humans too, we don’t harm anyone with our relationship and we do our job well without letting personal feelings be a hindrance.


They accepted us and even teased us tons saying all those hugging and rolling in the mat at the Gym upstairs was not working out but making out. Tsss… men.


“Where the hell will Peniel call Amber?! She’s out with Do didn’t he know?” I asked Jinri while unwrapping a lollipop slowly. Gosh… I need sugar right now… this Chinese thing is burning my brain cells just by looking at the characters on this paper.


“I think they are here now…”


“They’re in a murder scene… now that I mentioned it, have I told you I miss doing murder scene investigations? I dreamed last night I was tracing body parts scattered on the road after an explosion.” I gave Jinri an eyesmile before popping the candy inside my mouth. The bursting flavor of strawberry sweetness giving me a sugar rush. Yum!


“I mish it too…” she mumbled while is preoccupied as of the moment with a lollipop too. “I mish using the UV light…”


“Just the UV light?”


“I miss seeing a dead body on the street then we will trace it with the chalk for the outline. Cold Cases are too boring…”


“But its challenging… admit it.”


“Really challenging especially when you can’t find the witnesses then you’ll just discover some are already dead. Geez…”


She showed me the photos inside the folder, all coming from the NIS including the company profile of the soap factory this Liu Xiao Guang is heading. The truth is, we aren’t doing the investigation. The Commissioner General already handed it to the NIS to find him and Kang Hodong who already went in hiding. They are having a joint investigation with the Interpol and the Taiwanese government who is also investigating Liu Xiao Guang regarding his unexplained wealth and rumors of drug trade in their country. What Peniel is showing me now are informations Amber wanted because she said it has something to do with her Grandma’s death.


Even I am baffled about her Grandma’s death especially when Amber said Lee Kwangsoo will plead guilty on his coming trial in the Court next week for Arson and Murder. The mastermind on the arson was one of the Area Managers still working in Hyunjoong’s company and he was also arrested because Lee Kwangsoo pointed him as the one who gave him the command to burn the grocery down. I’m just thankful Hyunjoong is taking this seriously because its a big risk for their company to hire someone evil like him who moves without permission from the main branch.


Amber said the man who paid

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snackplate #1
Chapter 52: Enjoying every details on the story.. a baby is already handful, what more with triplets…. Uhuhuhuuuu…
Appledots5 #2
Chapter 42: lmao
fxllamafan #3
Chapter 3: well soojung play a role as a cops, remain me of this story so I am back!
1150 streak #4
Chapter 52: Just finished reading this and still wondering why the hell I didn't notice this story before..... Love it. Perfect amount of everything in each chapter. 💜💜
mochick #6
Chapter 52: I wish you make an epilogue for this one Author-nim ... their life story are wonderful :)
Bluenight_0217 #7
Chapter 52: Great story. Thanks for writing stories like this.
Chapter 52: Awesome story!!! authornim tho long chaps need to read but still worth it?,cause I enjoy reading it and I love it.
Adesta123 #9
Chapter 52: Good story. Thanks Author ❤️
2078 streak #10
Chapter 6: I'm gonna buy latex gloves