Thirty seventh

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A/N: Hey chingus! Dropping an early update for all of you my precious buddies *winkwink*

To those who guessed it right, I salute you chingus. But there's more... *Evil grin*

Peace yow!~







“Liu, look at this…”


I took the binoculars that Kyungsoo handed to see for myself what he is telling about. Its way past midnight and here we are three - me, Kyungsoo, and Minseok doing a surveillance again at Kang Hodong’s hotel.


We received an intelligence report from our trusted source that there will be another meeting in this hotel, some members of the group will be coming that’s why we should seize the chance. This is the time I’ve been waiting for…


To finally uncover who are the members of the White Phoenix group operating here in the city.


“They are coming… ready your camera Do, better have snappy fingers because I have a feeling this is like attending a red carpet event.”


The three of us are hiding here at the top of the low rise building in front of the hotel, wearing all black for camouflage. Minseok is busy with the laptop checking the live feed inside the establishment. This is one of his talents that we use efficiently, his hacking abilities that only us knows. He managed to get into the server and have a live feed of every security cameras inside the hotel.


“Okay… we are live guys and gals, let’s see…. oh! Look at that feast inside the private room…”


“Lauriat style in a big round table?”


“Yes peeps… Kang Hodong looks nervous though. Maybe he’s expecting a very special person tonight.”


The cars started arriving one by one, all expensive looking sedans. If this is happening in broad daylight, you will think a cabinet official or some chaebols are arriving in an event because of the guards circling around the area. If before there are just a handful of guards outside, now there a bucketful, even more guarding and idling outside. Seems like Kang Hodong really prepared for this night.


Checking my watch, I sighed and snapped my fingers to get Kyungsoo and Minseok’s attention. “Guys, this is it. Synchronize our watches, time is 12:30 AM. Do, take as many photos as you want. Kim, record everything… their security cameras, can it be zoomed?”


“Yes Detective Liu, I already checked it and the quality is good. HD quality that bastard… his hotel got good security cameras but the system is not that complicated.” I gave him a thumbs up as we readied ourselves for the first person arriving.


The report said there are five important people arriving. No information about their identity so we really have to take photos of them, clear photos that we can use for facial recognition. Kyungsoo’s high powered lenses which he uses when he go on his annual trips to go bird watching with his Club. He has an interesting hobby… he spends his salary buying expensive cameras and lenses which he said can capture even those tiny birds that are hiding in a branch of tree hundred meters away.


I know… what we are doing right now is dangerous. But this is the only way to gather evidences so we can finally put the persons behind this group in prison. They are ruining lives with those drugs they sell in the Clubs, young people who has a bright future ahead.


Soojung told me to be extra careful, because Chief Park seems to have discovered our secret investigation on the group. He’s been keeping an eye on us inside the Station and someone is reporting back at him the work we do everyday. I swear, if I find out who that person is… he will get it not just from me but from the Dragon itself. Soojung already has a lot of ideas inside her head on what to do that includes being a punching bag while hanging upside down.


Two weeks already passed since Soojung filed her resignation. The Commissioner General personally went to the Station to talk to her one on one inside the meeting room, no one allowed. Even Chief Park is not allowed inside so it left a sour look on his fungus face like what Soojung says. Seems like her God Father isn’t approving it so they made a deal, if after six months and Soojung is still decided that she will leave then he will sign it.


Besides solving the cold cases we have, Soojung has one major project that she vows to complete before the six months ends. That is to uncover the dirty ways of Chief Park. All the evidences are ready and will be forwarded to the Internal Affairs by next week. The ones handling the filing of the complaints are the group of officers that is affiliated with Soojung’s deceased Father.


Yes, they have a group. A secret group within the force. It didn’t surprise me anymore when I found out who are the members of that group. Captain Cho, Commissioner General Park, some of the senior Police officers here in our Station and some other officials in the Seoul Metro. The mission of their group is to clean the police force and kick out people like Chief Park who has ill intentions and ways that will ruin the reputation of the Police Agency.


Even though the Commissioner General is the highest person in our Agency, he can’t just fire anyone in an instant. That’s why the group gathered their own evidences against Chief and when Captain Cho showed a sample to me all I can do is be amazed. It was all detailed and very carefully prepared that Chief Park won’t have anything to do but step down. Even the Director can’t help him if the complaints are filed.


Four persons already came and Kyungsoo’s camera fires away taking pictures of those four middle age men. They all look really rich and dignified in their suits, their batallion of bodyguards circling around. We’re lucky to find this spot because there is no way they will see us unless there are also someone guarding the rooftop of the hotel. But we also are monitoring it and no one is there so we are safe, and in case we are found we have a Plan B which is our escape route. All three of us will ran away in different ways and will just meet in one place after.


“Kim, what’s the situation inside?”


“Kang Hodong already welcomed them and ushered inside the private room. Detective… its really strange.”


“What’s strange?”


“All of them, including the bodyguards… all of them are wearing black gloves. Is that the standard uniform of the group?” black gloves…


I crawled beside Minseok and started watching the live feed in his laptop. Its the standard accessory of the group that I also saw with Kang Hodong and that Chinese man before. Both of them are wearing black gloves on their right hand and all the guards too.


There’s this nagging feeling inside my head that I don’t wanna listen to because I’m not sure if its true. But what if…


It can’t be… why would they?


“The last one is here, Detective. Its him again the Chinese Buddha…” Kyungsoo murmured under his breath loud enough for us to hear. From the security camera at the lobby facing the arriving guests, I watch as the unknown person walks inside the hotel like he owns the world every person bowing on him now. Even the four guests who arrived first and Kang Hodong are bowing at him like he is the Emperor of China. I saw them on the screen running out of the Private Room just to greet him and all Buddha did is wave his hand to them like a blessing.


Until now the NIS and the hackers Soojung asked to check on this man’s identity haven’t found out anything about him. Even in Facial recognition data base they can’t find his profile. There’s a possibility that he changed his identity and also his face that’s why.


“Okay… Buddha is inside now. Let’s see…”


He was ushered to sit on the part of the table where the camera is pointing that’s why I have a clear view of him. I zoomed his face and took screenshots of it to be used for another facial recognition, maybe the first photos we took before are not clear enough.


All of them are seated now on the round table, Kang Hodong was left standing because he is giving some sort of a speech because they are applauding. Folders were laid in front of them one by one, when they opened it there was a paper inside.


“What are they doing?… Are they going to draw or something…?”


“I think its a document…” I tried to zoomed it to the maximum level but its already blurry and unreadable that’s why I returned to the normal focus.


“Guys! There’s another one coming… look at this!” Minseok and I crawled to Kyungsoo’s side and took a peek downwards on who is coming. I thought there will only be five guests today?


My jaw clenched seeing the face of the person who came. You’re really going down…


“What the … isn’t that Chief Park!?”


“… Kyungsoo don’t stop taking pictures of that .”


“Yes Detective!”


This mother er Chief of ours just arrived, strolling like a millionaire. His assistant was with him and the was wearing a black suit and the most distinguished accessory I saw in him is the black gloves. So he is really one of them…


Soojung was right. When Kang Hodong visited Chief Park that morning in his office there is really something fishy going on. Now I know why he took from us the right to investigate about White Phoenix… because he knows we will uncover everything and that includes him. But why in the first place give us the authority to investigate on the illegal drug selling?


“He’s inside now, let’s see what he is doing there." Minseok and I went back to the laptop and watch as Chief Park bow so lowly at Buddha. He was given a seat and a folder too before they proceed with their little program.


The Chief is probably the protector of his business here in the community. And I have a feeling the purpose of giving us a directive to investigate about the illegal drug selling of the White Phoenix is just his front. He is one of them.


They are now holding the documents and raising their right hand “They are taking an oath… Oath of Allegiance?” Minseok asks in a whisper while our attention is still on the screen. I hummed in response then zoomed Chief Park’s face taking screenshots. This will be a perfect evidence against this . You disgust me!


I suddenly remembered what Soojung said… that Chief probably knows what we are doing. So if he has an idea of it… the three of us are probably in danger now. We have to finish this now.


“Kyungsoo, Minseok, let’s pack up. I think all of this are already enough…”


“Copy Detective!”


My eyes went back to the scene inside where they are now signing the documents on their table. Then a shocking scene unfolded before me…


“What the hell… this is disgusting…”


A small saucer was handed to the guest and a dagger. My hold on the laptop tightened when the guy slit his arm and it looks like he is letting his blood flow on the sauce boat like he’s a chicken being drained of blood. After him, it was passed on to the next guy and he did the same until all of them has donated their blood on the container. The last one to do it was the Buddha and after he did it, they all took off their hand gloves.


What in the world…


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snackplate #1
Chapter 52: Enjoying every details on the story.. a baby is already handful, what more with triplets…. Uhuhuhuuuu…
Appledots5 #2
Chapter 42: lmao
fxllamafan #3
Chapter 3: well soojung play a role as a cops, remain me of this story so I am back!
1153 streak #4
Chapter 52: Just finished reading this and still wondering why the hell I didn't notice this story before..... Love it. Perfect amount of everything in each chapter. 💜💜
mochick #6
Chapter 52: I wish you make an epilogue for this one Author-nim ... their life story are wonderful :)
Bluenight_0217 #7
Chapter 52: Great story. Thanks for writing stories like this.
Chapter 52: Awesome story!!! authornim tho long chaps need to read but still worth it?,cause I enjoy reading it and I love it.
Adesta123 #9
Chapter 52: Good story. Thanks Author ❤️
2079 streak #10
Chapter 6: I'm gonna buy latex gloves