
Hands Up!
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A/N: Hey chingus! An early morning update (if its morning in your side of the planet) because it's FRIDAY. 

Peace yow!








Its been 3 days since Sooyeon unnie came home and I’m glad about it. Because now I don’t have to worry about Dani at night, her Mommy will be there with her. I can stay a little bit late outside because of work and Grandma Nam can also take a breather from taking care of the two kids.


When she told me Yuri unnie offered her a job in the coffee shop, I was surprised because I thought she’s going to continue her career in the fashion world. She said she had enough of it and she wants to have a new career plus she can spend more time with her daughter.


Peniel, Minseok, and I are inside the meeting room today reviewing the information we had gathered about the missing High School student. For 3 days we interviewed all her classmates and teachers, her family and the people at the exam center where she was last seen.


Really strange... disappearing in thin air without any trace. Then yesterday, we were called out in a scene where Police found the back pack she was carrying the day she disappeared. It has blood on it, drops of blood.


“Detective Jung, look at this...” Minseok gave me the tablet he is holding to show what he discovered. I asked him to check the SNS account of the teenager and go back weeks before the date of her disappearance.


I scrolled on the timeline and saw the updates she posted. Her name is Park Yongsun, 17, second child and youngest daughter of the Park Family who owns one of the biggest car manufacturer company in Korea. The Park’s has a net worth of 1 Billion dollars they said... US Dollars.


“Seems like she is troubled... and lonely.” I placed the tablet on the table and turned to my laptop hooking it up in the digital projector and soon its showing on the big screen. “Look at this status Minseok, it seems like 2 weeks ago she was scolded by her parents...” I clicked on the status with a photo of a shattered drinking glass attached to it.


“Why does it always has to be me? I’m tired of living this life. I hate them.” Peniel read it while checking the photo closely. “When I was 17, I’m not this emo. When my parents will scold me, I will eat my favorite chocolate and sulk in the corner. Tsk tsk tsk...”


“Kids these days... they have a different kind of way to deal with their anger and resentment.” I scrolled slowly while chuckling. “When I was 17, I was taking the entrance exams at KNPU and busied myself in watching Naruto Shippuden.”


“At 17, my Mother asked me if I’m still a .” I stared at Minseok waiting for his punchline but there wasn’t. Peniel and I looked at each other then at Minseok before bursting out into a loud laugh. These guys… tsk tsk tsk…


We continued on checking her SNS account when I saw one post 3 days before her disappearance. It was a selfie of Park Yongsun in a roof top. It was at night so the background is a bit dark and the only way to determine where it was taken is the tagged location of it.


“Peniel, did the test already came back from the Crime Laboratory?” I asked him without looking. I was staring intently at the photo because something is wrong with it… something’s really wrong.


“Yes Detective, and surprise surprise… its not human blood.” I turned my attention at Peniel who was reading the paper before looking at me “We been fooled Detective. Its animal blood…” Animal blood…


“So you mean someone spilled animal blood on the bag and left it there or we can make a situation that Park Yongsun is running for her dear life away from the bad persons who wants to get her, dropped her bag and didn’t mind it, kept running, a gang of dogs had a skirmish or maybe cats, the bloodied one circled her bag and probably left the blood there.” Jesus Christ Minseok!


I threw my stress ball at Minseok hitting his forehead and glared at him, he made a zipping motion with his fingers on his mouth and smiled at me. What is that skirmish? Cats VS Dogs part 3?


“It looks like the blood was intentionally spilled on the bag, there was also a handprint. Did the Laboratory got who it belongs to?” Peniel blew air from his mouth and sighed. “Nothing Detective, there’s a handprint but no trace of who it is. There’s a possibility that the suspect is wearing gloves so his prints won’t be determined.”


No fingerprints… using of animal blood to divert attention?


I dipped my hands inside my pocket fumbling for a lollipop but it seems I already ate all 5 of it while inside the meeting room. I’m thirsty… I think I need coffee…


Just as I was thinking about coffee, the door of the meeting room opened and it revealed Amber holding her coffee mug. “Excuse me guys… did you see Minho?” she entered the room and stood beside Peniel and near my seat checking the image at the big screen.


“What are you doing here Liu?” I asked her while scrolling again on the profile. One status update caught my interest again.


She didn’t answer my question and instead asked another. “What’s that little black notebook? Have you check it for infos?” she placed her mug of steaming hot coffee on the table near my lap top, the aroma of my favorite coffee filling my senses. She reached for a latex glove on her back pocket and wore it while talking to Peniel. I took the mug of coffee and took a sip… … finally… coffee…   


“Its the victim’s personal diary, I read all the pages and it only talks about her angst in life, family, classmates, even her teachers.”


“Park Yongsun is a loner… she doesn’t have friends. She always keeps to herself and doesn’t socialize with her classmates. They said she’s usually quiet and tends to do group projects on her own…” Minseok filled Amber in with details while I gradually took sips of her coffee while staring at the screen.


“I wish I wasn’t born into this world… but what choice can a child make if they are not the one steering their life at birth?” I mumbled aloud holding the mug. She clearly has some issues with her family…


“If I am going to be given a chance to choose the family I am going to be born at… I won’t choose them at all.” Amber read aloud while holding the diary. “Have you read this Detective Jung?” she took my hands squeezing it tight and placed the diary on top of it. Tsss…. if I know, you just want to hold my hands. Honestly? I felt a sudden jolt of electricity running inside my veins when she did it… you Amber for making me feel this way! Don’t bother me! I’m in the middle of an investigation!


I took a deep breath and stared at the open diary before me. When I was reading it last night I felt pity for Park Yongsun. It seems like she has an unhappy childhood, her parents are rich… filthy rich but she’s not happy and she feels miserable. Her parents actually reported her disappearance 2 days after because they thought she just didn’t came home like before. They want us to find her immediately and is willing to pay a large sum to anyone who will tell where she is. Telling us that it is important to find their daughter. I don’t even see sadness in her parents’ eyes when I asked them questions…. what they have is annoyance and fear. Fear… for what? Or is it nervousness? Her brother Park Sangmin looks like a typical wasted chaebol heir who only knows how to party and get wasted. When Peniel and I are asking him questions about her sister’s whereabouts, he only said he doesn’t know and doesn’t care then had the nerve to run his fingers on top of my arms disgusting me. I almost broke his fingers if not for Peniel telling me to calm down and drop the ert’s twisted finger. Only one person can touch me so they better act nice.


There was a knock on the door, then Jinri’s head appeared peeking. “Detective Jung, someone is here to see you.” Amber and I shared a look before I stood up from my seat wondering who it is.


It was an old lady, probably at her 70s. She was sitting on the chair in front of my table, looking around… she looks nervous…


“Hello…” I greeted the old lady and she was going to stand up to bow at me but I stopped her and made her sit again. “Its okay Grandma… what can I do for you? I am Detective Jung Soojung.”

I sat on the chair across the old lady who was staring at me with sad eyes that also showed nervousness. “Detective Jung… please don’t tell my master that I went here. I just want to know if you already found Yongsun-ah…” Grandma asked in a whisper. My instinct kicked in, mind suddenly on alert. Peniel and Minseok are nearby listening to us.


“We haven’t found her Grandma but we are doing everything we could to find her. Don’t worry we will find her and tell her parents immediately.”


“NO!” she hissed in a low voice and tears finally fell from her eyes.


“Grandma…” Oh gosh… she’s crying… maybe Park Yongsun is really dear to her.. her nanny perhaps?


I asked Jinri to get a glass of water and pulled some tissue on my table giving it to Grandma. I knelt in front of her and leaned forward asking her in a whisper. “Grandma… tell me, is Yongsun in a good relationship with her parents and brother?”


She turned her gaze down and shook her head. “Did Yongsun planned to go away because of her family problems? Tell me Grandma….”


She took my hands and held it tightly, tears streaming down her face full of worry. “All I can tell you Detective Jung is.. her life is miserable… and all she wants is freedom. Yongsun is a good kid… she is a good kid. Please… if you find her and she is alive and well, please don’t tell her parents. She is better off without them…and please, get her away from Sangmin.” Grandma stood up from her seat and bowed at me before getting out of the Station in a hurried manner.


“Should we go after Grandma, Detective Jung?”


I shook my head still staring outside, my mind full of theories because of what Grandma said.


“Don’t tell her parents… she is better off without them…” I mumbled while thinking about the meaning behind Grandma’s words.


“Get her away from Sangmin…?”





It was already past 11:00 in the evening when we all called it off and go home. Kyungsoo will be staying in our department as night duty, Amber’s team stayed late too because of their investigation about the White Phoenix.


I was staring outside the car window while Amber drives us home, still thinking about the old lady and what she said. Biting my nails, I reviewed it again and again in my mind and Park Yongsun’s entry in her diary when I remembered her SNS post. Her selfie on top of the building…


“Hey babe… you hungry? Want to eat first before we go home?” she reached for my nape it, her loving giving me comfort. I’m such a lucky girl~~…


I closed my eyes and sighed, enjoying it. Amber called Sooyeon unnie earlier telling her we will be going home late, she was saying Sorry profusely to Unnie about Yeri because the kid is left to unnie’s care too. What can we do? The best friends doesn’t want to be away from each other.


“Ramyeon will be fine…” I whispered.


We finally reached home and saw Sooyeon unnie reading a book in the living room waiting for me, the kids nowhere to be found. “Hey Unnie, we’re here…”


“Sooyeon unnie, good e-evening…” I giggled quietly hearing Amber greet Unnie with a stutter. Until now she’s afraid of Unnie… geez… she doesn’t even have to.


“Hi Amber…” Unnie gave me a hug and patted my head before nodding at my girlfriend standing beside me. “I cooked dinner for the two of you, just eat it there at the table. The kids are already sleeping inside my room, I was just really waiting for the two of you.”


“Did Yeri behaved well unnie?” she asked Unnie while scratching her head. She’s really embarrassed about leaving Yeri in Unnie’s care telling me that she doesn’t want her niece to be a burden. But Unnie is okay about it because she said its fun having two kids at the coffee shop and besides Yuri unnie is there to take care of them too.


“Your niece and Dani are good, they helped us in the Coffee Shop. Don’t worry about her Amber, she’s a good girl. Anyways, after dinner just leave the plates in the sink and go to sleep.” Unnie gave me a smirk and smiled at Amber “Stay here for the night Amber, you two needs proper rest. Good night ladies~” she gave me a wink and went inside her room where the two kids are sleeping. Glad her bed is Queen size… the three of them fits there.


Unnie prepared Spaghetti with Meatballs hahaha… I feel like a kid. Amber and I sharing a plate of Spaghetti while we eat at the dining table beside each other. I can’t forget what the old lady said that until now I’m eating I can still her voice.


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snackplate #1
Chapter 52: Enjoying every details on the story.. a baby is already handful, what more with triplets…. Uhuhuhuuuu…
Appledots5 #2
Chapter 42: lmao
fxllamafan #3
Chapter 3: well soojung play a role as a cops, remain me of this story so I am back!
1154 streak #4
Chapter 52: Just finished reading this and still wondering why the hell I didn't notice this story before..... Love it. Perfect amount of everything in each chapter. 💜💜
mochick #6
Chapter 52: I wish you make an epilogue for this one Author-nim ... their life story are wonderful :)
Bluenight_0217 #7
Chapter 52: Great story. Thanks for writing stories like this.
Chapter 52: Awesome story!!! authornim tho long chaps need to read but still worth it?,cause I enjoy reading it and I love it.
Adesta123 #9
Chapter 52: Good story. Thanks Author ❤️
2079 streak #10
Chapter 6: I'm gonna buy latex gloves