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“I’m not so surprise Yuri… you know that I have been suspecting my sister that she swings the other way for a long time now.” I took a sip of my brewed coffee that Yuri made. The two of us sitting at my favorite spot in her shop, actually me and Dani’s favorite spot.


Its beside the wide window overlooking outside, I can watch people pass by all day or listen to music.


Yuri was sitting across me taking a sip of her Cappuccino. She’s still pretty… still the same old Yuri that I know. Sweet and affectionate, funny and dorky, kind and responsible. “I wasn’t surprise too… knowing Soojung’s history of turned down suitors. There’s even a chaebol heir who tried to hit on your sister but failed when Soojung told him she’s more into guns than his ‘gun’.”




“True! It was one night that she passed by with Dani and had a small bonding. They were sitting here and this super classy guy together with his assistant and bodyguards came to the shop looking for a private room where the guy can have coffee. I told him I don’t have a private room and who the hell has a private room in a coffee shop!? They ordered, settled on a table near your sister and niece who was enjoying their Hot Choco when the guy approached your sister trying to lure your sister in his bed by his words. Your sister politely declined at first, but the guy became rude maybe because of being turned down…”


“Ego… tsss… his ego was hurt.” I mumbled. All chaebol’s are like that… they all think they are the most beautiful creatures that ever walk in this land. When you turn them down they will spit awful words to you, the truth is… their faces are full of plastic surgeries and layers of foundation. Even the ugly ones has bad temper and very rude, they think their money makes them attractive and the most sought around bachelor / bachelorette in town. The truth is, their hanger ons only stay because of their money. Most of that I saw because of my work.


And one of that based from my personal experience with Dani’s father. I don’t even want to say his name… its like in Harry Potter, when the Wizarding World doesn’t even want to utter Voldemort’s name.


“When he didn’t stop harassing your sister, Soojung pulled her gun from her holder and placed it PAK!…” what the hell! I jumped from my seat when Yuri smacked the table hard, laughing at my surprised reaction. !


“Yah!” I threw the packets of sugar on the table feeling annoyed. My heart jumped on that!


“Hahahahahaha!!! Told you limit your coffee intake! Always jumpy when I do that!”


“I hate you!”


“I love you too Sooyeon~~~”


“Hahahaha…” I rolled my eyes at Yuri who was still laughing at my expression. But deep inside, hearing her say those words with sincerity always gets me. If my life didn’t turn out like this Yuri…. maybe…. just maybe.


“Okay, back to my story. So your sister made that Pak! and showed her gun to the guy then even showed her badge and PAK! so he will stop harassing her. I even approached them and his bodyguards telling them to leave or I will call more authorities, the idiot didn’t even believed her and tried to touch your sister. That’s when Soojung lost her temper and stood up…” Yuri stood up from her seat and showed how Soojung handled the ert chaebol. “She held the guy’s shoulder, smiled at him sweetly then in a flash… her knees cracked his nut PAK!. He dropped on the floor holding his cracked nut, his bodyguards pulling him outside. I don’t even know if he got his nut glued again… tsk tsk tsk…” seeing Yuri’s actions and facial expressions made me laugh hard, she’s really funny!


Oh my God …. I miss laughing this hard! I’m already tearing up because of laughing… Yuri will always be the funny-dorky girl I always know. I wiped my eyes with the back of my hands and took a deep breath to control myself, I found Yuri shaking her head with a smile then the two of us stared at each other.


“How are you Sooyeon?” I sighed and stirred my coffee while looking down at her hands and saw a thread bracelet in her right wrist. A friendship bracelet…



Our friendship bracelet.


How come you have been always so caring for me Yuri? All these years… you’re still here on my side same as Taeyeon.


“You know… same.” I shrugged my shoulders and smiled. “I’m staying for good.” I unconsciously mine around my right wrist while listening to her.


“Really? As in, seriously? Like you’ll be here with us 365 days a year, 366 days if its a leap year?”


“Yup. Finally decided to stay here for good… I’m tired of travelling and seeing toxic people everyday. Dani’s Bank book is already full and I also opened another account for her…”


“That’s good! Well… what do you plan on doing? Are you going to open a business or seek employment? I could always open a slot for you here in my shop… my 3 attendants are all student part-timers and I need a full-timer. What do you say?”


I raised my gaze on her and she was staring at me with a smile… her kind smile that has brought a lot of comfort to me since the tragedies in my life occurred.


When I was in High School and Yonghwa oppa died, Yuri was there with our friends giving us comfort. I can still remember what she told me on the day of Oppa’s funeral while I cry myself to exhaustion. “Sometimes… we have to let go of a person dear to us, but it doesn’t mean we want to forget them. It means storing their memories in the deepest corner of our hearts and recalling good memories of them in a sudden thought. If we keep holding on to them… they won’t be happy in their afterlife.”


Those words came from a 17 year old Yuri who always jokes around and bickers with me when we are in school. She gave me her kind smile and held my hands tightly… letting me know that she will always be by my side.


When I met Dani’s Father and had started a relationship with him, it was Yuri who first met him. It was accidental, she was in a coffee date with a friend and we were having a stroll on the street. Yuri was sitting by the window side and our eyes met… I stopped and the two of us just stared at each other, shock and hurt was visible on her eyes that day when she saw who I am with.


You see… Yuri and I entered the same University, only Taeyeon went on to another because the course she wants is not available in ours. But still, we have contacts with each other same as the other girls. My relationship with Dani’s jerk of a father is a secret since he is from a rich family and he lead me to believe that if our relationship reach the ears of his father he will be sent abroad to exile. I know how rich their family is and I don’t care about it back then because for me I love him because of what he is and not who he is. He gave me love that I was needing back then and I was stupid to believe in forever.


I admit… I was stupid. I believed him and his flowery words, showering me with gifts and romantic gestures. I even kept our relationship from my family… my own sister and Father whom I love just because he said he’s just readying his self to face Dad to ask for his blessings. Yeah, I believed him… even though Yuri already told me he has another girlfriend from another university. Guess Love makes a person stupid even though how intelligent a person is.


He came to my life when I was already immune to the pain of losing someone close to my heart. He showered me with love, care and affection that no one has shown me before. It only happened once, we only had once. A week after that, he broke up with me saying he can’t see our future together. Hahaha… yeah… just like that. Another person left me just like that, a stupid line that broke my heart into pieces.


But like what I said, I’m already immune to the pain. Yuri didn’t said anything. Not even a sarcastic remark like “Why are you so stupid?”. Nothing. She saw me staring blankly in space while sitting on a bench inside the University oval, held my hand tightly again and smiled, then brought me to her father’s coffee shop and made me a Milk Shake and sandwich. She said, “Its okay to cry Sooyeon, just let it all out. If you don’t want then I’m not forcing you… but if it will make you feel better, I cried when you gave me this friendship bracelet back when we were High School Juniors. Then I realized, I shouldn’t cry. I should be happy! Because this bracelet means you’re keeping me in your life forever… and that’s enough for me.”


Yuri and Taeyeon was the first persons to know that I am pregnant. The two of them going to Im’s Pharmacy to buy Pregnancy Test Kits for me making a lie to Yoona’s father that they are conducting their Masteral Thesis and they needed to do an experiment about the accuracy of the kits. The elder Im believed them, Yoona told me her mother doesn’t.


“Yuri… why are you still single?” she choke on the coffee she’s drinking and slapped my forehead playfully.


“Yah! That’s the reason why your daughter asks everything she hears! Did you know Dani and Yeri asked that question too last week?! Geez Sooyeon… of all questions why that!”


“Because you are not getting any younger hello!”


“Look who’s talking… Gosh Sooyeon we’re just 31!”


“I have a daughter, I may not have a husband but I have a daughter who will take care of me. You… you need someone in your life Yuri. Someone who will make you happy and complete you…”


She stared at her hands with a smile then chuckled. “Well… that someone gave me a friendship bracelet years ago…” oh. I lost my tongue.




Both of us cleared our throats and took a sip of our drinks, the awkward atmosphere starting to set in. She took her phone and started swiping on it then gave it to me “Look at your daughter, this is her video last week when she and Yeri helped me here in the shop. Aren’t they adorable?” Yuri… always good in changing subjects.


She transferred on the seat beside me and together we watched Dani’s video. Yuri was teaching her how to make a good cup of Espresso and even giving her facts about coffee. Dani and Yeri making fruit smoothie and tasting it, their faces with a carefree, happy smile. Amber’s niece looks adorable and the two of them are so close like BFFs. The video ended and I took Yuri’s hands giving her phone back, those electric currents that I always feel inside my veins shooting up again. It never changed… all these years… still the same feeling. Hahaha… it never changed.


She pressed the start button of the phone and I saw how she entered her password and it made me smile. “Yeri made a Mango Smoothie and made your daughter taste it, unknown to your daughter it has cucumber in it. Dani drank the smoothie until the last drop and until now she doesn’t know it…” Yuri stopped talking when I wrapped my arms around her body pulling her for a hug.   


I rested my chin on her shoulders and inhaled her scent, still the same perfume she uses. “What’s with the hug Sooyeon? Are you okay?”


“Just let me… I missed this.” she chuckled and wrapped her arms around me gently…


“Why don’t just say you miss me… I know you missed me~” both of us let out a laugh and stayed like that, holding each other for God knows how long. I felt her lips on my forehead planting a lingering kiss there, my eyes closed feeling the emotions that kiss in my forehead brings.


“Thanks for always being here for me Yuri… thank you for taking care of my family while I’m away.”


“You know I’ll always be here for you, for Dani. Soojung is like a sister to me too, you guys are special to me.” I sighed and leaned back to stare at her, Yuri was smiling. She’ll always be this person who gives her love and support to everyone.


I reached for her face cupping it, both of us just smiling at each other. “You look happy.”


“How can I not be happy? You’re home.” somehow, hearing her say ‘Home’ made my heart melt. Because wherever I go, all those hotels I’ve stayed… it doesn’t feel home to me.


I only feel home when I’m here with them. My friends. My family. All of them.


“I am…. and if you are still willing to give me a job here in your shop, then I’ll gladly accept it.” she nodded at me and chuckled. “Wanna have ?” we burst out laughing, and me squishing her face like a plushie. “Master Yuri, your offer for is good but I have other things to do like meeting my daughter and spending time with her. So, no.”


“Then you got the job! When do you want to start?”


“The day after tomorrow, is it okay? I still have to fix my things in the house and talk to Soojung about what I will do.”


“Okay…” I released her face and gave her a kiss on her cheeks. “You sure you don’t wanna have ?”




“Really, really, really sure?”




“Just kidding!”


“I hate you, really.”


“And I love you too Jung Sooyeon~!”


“You won’t get me with those sweet tongue of yours Master Kwon Yuri!”


“Uh uh… remember 6 months ago--”



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snackplate #1
Chapter 52: Enjoying every details on the story.. a baby is already handful, what more with triplets…. Uhuhuhuuuu…
Appledots5 #2
Chapter 42: lmao
fxllamafan #3
Chapter 3: well soojung play a role as a cops, remain me of this story so I am back!
1150 streak #4
Chapter 52: Just finished reading this and still wondering why the hell I didn't notice this story before..... Love it. Perfect amount of everything in each chapter. 💜💜
mochick #6
Chapter 52: I wish you make an epilogue for this one Author-nim ... their life story are wonderful :)
Bluenight_0217 #7
Chapter 52: Great story. Thanks for writing stories like this.
Chapter 52: Awesome story!!! authornim tho long chaps need to read but still worth it?,cause I enjoy reading it and I love it.
Adesta123 #9
Chapter 52: Good story. Thanks Author ❤️
2078 streak #10
Chapter 6: I'm gonna buy latex gloves