♛Chapter 1♛

Unexpected Love
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Unexpected Love 
♛Chapter 1♛

Soul Elite University is an ideal university for students who want to pursue their dreams because of the high standard education they offered. Soul Elite University made up with a various students and that's what they called 'Students Chain'. 
In the Chain', it composed of. 3 groups. 
(1) The Kingka and Queenka,
(2)The Imperial &
(3) The Nerds. 
The Kingka and Queenka are the most powerful among the 2 groups. They both have money and power. Usually, The Kingka and Queenka are the one who has the biggest part or share of the school or the owner itself. There's only 2 persons who can be either Kingka or Queenka. It's not only money and power they seek, once they've know that the current Kingka or Queenka has less fame,there's a possibility that you'll only receive less respect. And in order to gain more fame, you need to have all the potential needed, beauty is one of them. 
The current Kingka and Queenka are none other than Kim Jongin a.k.a.Kai as what they usually address him because of his cold outermost and Choi Minah. 
Choi Minah was a daughter of the most respected Prefict of discipline and have a titled of a "innocent girl".
They titled her that because of her innocent look. But, when they meet her in personal and get a little closer,they realize that she's more than a . She's a nightmare dress like a daydream. And after that,they titled her again into "Don't judge the book with it's cover".
While in the other hand,Kim Jongin or Kai was a son of the principal. The principal who was part of the ownership of the school,was the most scarier person you don't want to meet. Yes, Mr.Junho Kim was a stunningly handsome in his early 40s but his beauty was a total opposite of his attitude. Well,if you're a principal, you should stop being friendly so that your students and stuffs respect you.
Both Jongin and Minah aware of their position. 
Unfortunately, Jongin didn't care about his position as long as it doesn't bring any harm while Choi Minah, She really enjoy her position of being Queenka Eventhough,students around her didn't like her and just playing along. 
The second, which is The Imperial, it's a group where students who excel the sports,any form of arts, face, body,money and fame belong. There's a group who gain more fame than the rest of the imperial. The F(x) and the Wolf Gang.
F(x) known because of their unique and multiple talents that leave other groups die in envious. While the Wolf Gang, they gain more fame because of the same reasons + their weird group names. However, these two groups lead the second Chain' with a high respect. 
The last but not the least... The Nerds. 
The Nerds where belong the...Nerds(?)
This last chain is where all the average students belong whom only seek is to have a better grade and not a fame nor a recognition. It's where those Greek genius with have a bored personality belong. Almost of the students who belong to this Chain' cold the outcast. They either enter this university through scholar or they really just can't reach the potential needed with the imperial groups. Even if youre a genius freak, when you belong to this chain,expect the low class of respect and there's a possibility that you maybe the bulls eye of the bully. 
The Kingka and Queenka and the Imperial are called as a

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Chapter 4: As an answer for mentioning me in your special thanks: Thank you and That was my pleasure! If you ever want any other Covers I'll gladly do them for you...you just have to ask me!!!! ^_^
Know that i'm really enjoying your story
Keep it on and Fighting ^_^
Chapter 4: Seriously... "Eye "...That was the BEST!!!!!! xD
I didn't mean it
I didn't mean it
I didn't mean it
I didn't mean it hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh XD
Think that in the end He will TOUR her + Really! I'll tell your dad that Im your OXYGEN... That was the "Killing Part"!!!!
Really that was a gooooooooood and greaaaaaaaaat chapter! Waiting for the next ones ^_^
Good Work and fighting ;-)
Chapter 3: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh in the end he didn't tour her and it was what he wanted...Jongin is damn lucky xD xD xD!!!!!
Oh and his reaction whe Soojung-ah called Mr Kim "Dad" XD (Especially when you noted that Mr Kim has also WOMEN ISSUES xD)
Chapter 2: Hi! I made a poster while reding your great story! Feel free to use it if you want ^_^
Here the link: https://78.media.tumblr.com/43cf4e02da7e0b4bb7ef19db5190b007/tumblr_p244nkkDmh1w8xb5wo1_1280.jpg
Chapter 2: Those two first chapters were great! I did like them ^_^
Things are only getting starting.... ;-)
WOW! I really loved this long intro! I labeled this story as "To read" and "Fav"
Can wait to read each chapter and give my opinion ^_^