Do Kyungsoo

Feeling Feelings Without Feelings

Do Kyungsoo was only eight when he learned that he wasn’t quite like all the other kids. He could never truly understand why their faces tend to change every so often. One minute they’d be jumping about with their mouths upturned. The next they’d be excessively loud while the curves of their mouths formed the shape of a rainbow and their brows knitted together.

Kyungsoo would look into the mirror and compare his face with theirs. He would pull the corners of his lips upwards before letting them fall. He’d try to bring his brows together the way he saw others do. It all seemed so foreign to him. Sometimes he’d notice the faces of his parents going through changes as well and he’d very bluntly ask, “Why is your face like that?”

Of course, his parents didn’t understand at that point in time why he kept asking such things. Even when he had misbehaved and they told him off for it, it frustrated them how Kyungsoo would do nothing but stare at them, looking completely indifferent. Kyungsoo didn’t have many friends back then - kids found him strange for having minimal to no reactions towards anything. They found him boring, telling him he didn’t seem to enjoy whatever he was doing with them.

“But I am,” Kyungsoo would say to them, only to have them tell him to find someone else to play with. Hearing such things would cause a pang in Kyungsoo’s heart but he wasn’t sure what that feeling was. His eyes would cast downwards and he wouldn’t know why. Then came the day Kyungsoo found his missing puzzle piece; a day that changed his life completely.


It was rare for Kyungsoo and his parents to spend time together - what with his parents’ work schedules constantly clashing with one another. Being a prosecutor, Kyungsoo’s father was the busier one of the two so Kyungsoo tended to have more time spent with his mother - a veterinarian. Kyungsoo didn’t really mind though. He understood that his father still tried to make time for him nonetheless. Whenever his parents’ schedules did align, the three would spend the day together.

One Saturday weekend, his parents suggested that they go cycling. It’d been a while since they last did so. Upon hearing that, Kyungsoo felt an overwhelming amount of energy coursing through his body. To say the very least, cycling was one of his favourite activities. Whenever he used to cycle, he’d feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins as the strong gust of wind blew his way. He couldn’t quite describe what he was feeling but he knew that cycling was his thing. So when the three went on their way with their bikes around town, Kyungsoo sped down the path, his lips subconsciously tugging upwards.

It was all rainbows and sunshine at first but as he approached a downhill slope, Kyungsoo very quickly found himself clutching onto the handles of his bicycle. His eyes widened upon realising it was going too fast for his own good and almost immediately, he stopped pedaling as the bicycle accelerated down the slope. His parents called out to him from behind as they desperately tried to catch up with him. He could barely hear them telling him to squeeze the breaks but his hands ended up pushing the handles to the side instead, sending him to the ground knee first, pulling the bicycle along with him.

A sharp feeling shot up his leg and he didn’t know what it was but he knew that he did not like it one bit. Pushing the bicycle aside from between his legs, he strenuously sat up to look at his knee. Blood gushed out of the cut on his skin, trailing down his shin. Attempting to stand up, it only caused him to plop back down. Kyungsoo couldn’t move his leg. He could do nothing but to watch. Just then, he felt moisture on his face, causing him to graze his fingers against his cheek. It was wet - he didn’t know why.

Eventually, his parents came to his side. His dad picked him up from the ground while his mum hastily hailed a cab. Kyungsoo didn’t recognise the look on their faces. It was his first time seeing it.

“Dad?” He mumbled, bringing his father’s attention to him.

“Why is everything turning?”

Before he could hear his father’s answer, everything went dark.


It was pitch dark at first when Kyungsoo came to. He didn’t want to open his eyes just yet. He moved his knee ever so slightly, acknowledging that the feeling he felt from earlier on was no longer as intense. Despite him not physically seeing them, he knew his parents were in the room. He could practically hear them heavily breathing.

Was it that serious? He thought to himself. To his knowledge, he only fell. Aside from the gash on his knee and perhaps a scrape or two on his elbow, nothing else happened. Fluttering his eyes open, he tilted his head slightly.

“Mum? Dad?” he called out softly. Hearing his voice, his parents snapped out of their daydreams.

“Hey buddy, how are you feeling?” His mother asked, taking hold of his hand before caressing it with her thumb. Kyungsoo blinked.

“I’m okay,” he said without much elaboration. Kyungsoo averted his gaze, his attention going to the unfamiliar figure dressed in white and standing on the other side of his bed. He observed the man writing away on his clipboard, recognising him as a doctor shortly after. The man looked up and upon locking eyes with Kyungsoo, he smiled.

There it is again. The corners of his lips rose. Kyungsoo thought to himself.

“Do you still feel pain anywhere?” the man who addressed himself as Mr. Woo asked. Kyungsoo didn’t reply him at first, his brain taking a while to process what the fellow was asking.

“You mean that sharp feeling in my knee? Not as much as earlier on,” Kyungsoo responded after a while. The doctor tilted his head and stared at the child for a while. Not that he was trying to generalise kids, but usually children his age would have more reaction when awaking at a hospital - perhaps panicking at the unfamiliar environment or never-ending questions on how they got there or perhaps a tear or two over their injuries. Yet there Kyungsoo was, having no signs of any emotions at all. Giving a slightly hesitant nod, Mr. Woo read the clipboard once more.

“Is it that bad? It’s just a cut right?” Kyungsoo asked his parents, taking the doctor by surprise upon hearing it.

“Kyungsoo, you dislocated your kneecap. It wasn’t just a cut,” his dad pointed out. Kyungsoo let his gaze fall on his left knee, only then noticing the cast around his leg that was further secured by a brace.

“Oh.” That was all that left his lips.

Oh? Mr. Woo thought to himself. That’s all?

He scrutinized Kyungsoo face, noting the constant look of indifference. He then averted his gaze to the kid’s parents, who seemed just as confused as he was. Deciding that perhaps his hunch was right, he asked Kyungsoo’s parents to step out of the room for a bit, telling them he needed to talk to them in private. The two nodded, trailing behind him shortly after making sure Kyungsoo didn’t need anything. The younger watched the three of them as they left the room before shutting his eyes and resuming his nap.


“What’s wrong?” Kyungsoo asked upon seeing the look on his parents’ faces the very next day. Their eyes looked dim. if that even made sense. The curve of their lips looked odd. as if they were forcing themselves. He had learned by then that such changes in their faces weren’t good. His parents took a seat next to his bed, exchanging looks with one another, as though they were having a silent debate on who should be the one to answer him.

Mr. Do cleared his throat as he turned to look at Kyungsoo. How were they supposed to break such news to an 8-year-old?



“Son,” his father paused. “Mr.Woo told us that you may have a case of alexithymia.”

“What’s that?”

“Well, you’re not able to feel emotions. Or maybe you do feel them but you don’t know what you’re feeling.” Kyungsoo blinked, taking in his father’s words.

“Like that sharp feeling in my knee?” Kyungsoo asked to which his father nodded.

“That’s called pain,” Mr. Do said. Kyungsoo mumbled the word to himself, the term seeming so foreign to him.

“So I’m like a robot?” the younger asked.

“You could say so.” Kyungsoo didn’t speak for a while, letting the newfound information seep into his 8-year-old mind.

“Cool.” Hearing that, his father raised a brow.


“Yeah. Robots are cool,” Kyungsoo replied, the corners of his mouth tugging upwards. His parents exchanged yet another glance, knowing what the other was thinking.

That explanation will do for now.

Kyungsoo didn’t mind not being able to recognise or express emotions. He didn’t mind that he couldn’t fully feel anything. He didn’t care that he was different. At least he knew the reason behind it all. That’s what he told himself. But yet as he closed his eyes for another nap, he felt a heavy weight resting on his chest. He didn’t know why, but he was fine with not knowing.

Emotions seemed like a complicated thing for an eight-year-old like him.


A/N: Yo, so if you're a reader of my story Twisted Beyond Restraints, then hey, welcome to the next one I'll be working on alongside that. I wouldn't say that this is the first chapter but rather, a prologue for Do Kyungsoo. Up next will be the prologue for Im Rae Ha so stay tuned for that~ If you're liking what you see so far then click that subscribe button. Upvotes are appreciated too and oh do let me know in the comments what you think so far. Till the next update~ xx 




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Anddd the first prologue of Feeling Feelings Without Feelings is up~ :D


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Chapter 1: Interesting story :-)
its sound so cool already,hope you don't forget about this fics ^^
dis actually seems cool!! can't wait to read the continuationnn
jorjakatex #4
Ooh this sounds cool