Chapter 7

The Next Vongola?
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It was the morning after and Taeyeon of decides to take a jog to relief what she was. Even if it is raining it would not stop her because she just didn’t feel right to just lie in bed before school starts. In her father’s raincoat with her sweater under she was jogging towards the mountain she and Reborn usually go to for training. Reborn of course was disappointed with Taeyeon and had avoided her. So, that’s why Taeyeon had decided to go by herself.

She of course understood his reason for doing that. She obviously disrespected Tiffany who was trying to help her.

She sighs and starts going up the stairs. She does the training routine Reborn usually tells her to do.

Run back and forth on top of the mountain 14 times, (no stopping of course.)

5 reps of 10 jumping jacks with 30 seconds of break.

5 reps of 10 push-ups with 30 seconds of break.

5 reps of 5 pull ups in the park available at the end of the park with 30 seconds of break.

5 reps of 10 Russian twists with a rock with 30 seconds of break.

3 reps of side jackknife with 30 seconds of break.

Then to end it off 2 minutes of planking.

Of course, this was a hard routine to do but, Taeyeon didn’t care and kept trying no matter what. She didn’t care if she was dirty or looked like she was being beaten up. She understands that this will be good for her health and with training she will have soon with Xanxus, she will be able to protect her family.


“117 Mississippi, 118 Mississippi, 119 Mississippi, 120 Mississippi…”


Taeyeon immediately drops flat to the wet ground, stomach first. The side of her head hits the mud as she breathes out and as she blinks her vision blurs a bit. She continues to blink to take out the blur she was seeing.


But as her vision goes back to normal she spots a pair of black oxfords in front her face.


“Tough workout?” Taeyeon looks up and spots the old guy from last time.

Accept he was under an umbrella over him. Taeyeon gives him a simple nod. The old man then smiles and brings his hand to Taeyeon.

“Need a hand?” He asks.

Taeyeon then reaches for his hand and grasps it. The old man then pulls her up and then that’s when Taeyeon realized something when she lets go.

“Oh my! My hands were dirty, I’m so sorry!” The old man shakes his head as he takes out a handkerchief and wipes his hands.

“What brings you here Taeyeon?” He asks as he hands Taeyeon another handkerchief for her to wipe her hands.

“I-I wanted to workout alone so, I searched up some routines and how to do them.” The old man nods in amazement.

“Wow, you pick things up fast.” He compliments.

Taeyeon nervously chuckles and scratches her head through the hood of the jacket.

“Th-thanks, I get that a lot from my father.” She says as she hands the handkerchief back.

But she notices the old man’s face becomes mad-looking but then smiles after that.

“You can keep it and wow, you must respect him a lot.” Taeyeon excitedly nods as she puts it into her jacket pocket.

“He’s awesome. He always thinks about us then himself.” The old man nods.

“What about your mother? How is she?”

Taeyeon was getting a bit scared when he asked about her mother. What if she says something wrong? Is he going to kidnap her to get her father?

“Taeyeon?” The old man had leaned in a bit closer.


“Your mother, she is doing fine?” Taeyeon nods.


“Are you heading back now? Do you want a ride?”

Appa was right, he is trying to get umma back. What does he have planned?

“U-uh, no not yet. I still have some more things to do.” The old man nods.

“I’ll wait.”

Taeyeon was now panicking. Like she didn’t know what to do.

“Re-really? Are you sure?” The old man nods.

“You will probably be tired so, I can give you a ride.” Taeyeon then gives a hesitant nod.

“O-okay, I’ll just go for my jog.”

“Will I see you back here? Or are you heading home?”

“I’m heading home. I don’t want umma waiting for me.” The old man nods.

“Then I guess I’ll see you sometime soon.” Taeyeon nods.

“Ye-yeah, I’ll see you- “

“You should start calling me Grandpa.”

“Su-sure. Bye G-grandpa.” The old man shows his smile and nods.

Taeyeon bows and then goes down for her jog.




“Have car 2 follow her. Since she knows how the car 1 looks like she won’t suspect car 2.”

“Yes Mr. Kim. Are we now heading back to the mansion?” The butler asks.

Mr. Kim nods.

“Once she reaches the location, I expect an address quick.” The butler nods.

“Of course, I’ll inform that to car 2 driver right away.”




Well, Taeyeon of course does suspect on which car was following her. She was jogging so, it was obvious that a slow running car would be following close to her.

Taeyeon then switches routes and head to Yuri’s apartment. But as she turns she bumps into a female who falls.

“Ouch!” The girls said as she falls.

“Oh sorry!” Taeyeon said as she offers her hand.

The girl looks up and Tayeoen’s jaw drops again.


“Jessica?” Jessica accepts Taeyeon’s hand and Taeyeon pulls her up.

“Why weren’t you in school today?” This causes Tayeeon to look to the side.

“I- “

“And Tiffany seem a bit down today as well.” Jessica mumbles as Taeyeon body tenses.

Jessica notices it.

“Where’s your sister?” Taeyeon changes the topic.

“Cheerleading tryouts. Where are you headed?”

“Yu-Yuri’s apartment.” Jessica’s eyes then light up a bit.

“Oh, can I come?” Taeyeon nods as she takes off the jacket to cover up Jessica.

“The back of your skirt is kind of drenched. I-I just wanted to cover it up so no erts try to get you.” Jessica then holds the jacket.

“Th-thanks Taeyeon.” Taeyeon nods.

Jessica picks up her umbrella.

“Then take my umbrella this jacket is big enough to cover my entire body.” Taeyeon nods and then covers them with the umbrella.

“So, is there any reason that you weren’t at school today?” Taeyeon sighs.

“I-I, well there was a family problem at home so, I stayed home in case anything was to happen. But it’s fine now.” Jessica nods.

“Also, I’m sorry about my sister’s behaviour. She’s usually really clingy with people she has a crush on.” Jessica sighs.

Taeyeon chuckles.

“It’s fine, m-my sister is the same. We have an oppa who came over from Japan and she really likes him so, whenever she sees him, she hugs him all the time. It’s a funny and sweet sight to see.” They giggle.

“Your sister sounds cute, how old is she?”

“10.” Jessica eyes widen.

“And here I thought she was a few years younger then you.” Taeyeon gives a nervous laugh.

They finally reach Yuri’s apartment and Taeyeon closes the umbrella. Jessica opens the door and they both go inside. Taeyeon then dials to Yuri’s apartment.




“Hello?” A male voice says.

“Oh, oppa, it’s Taeyeon!” Taeyeon says excitedly.

“Taeyeon hey, come up!”

The door then buzzes.




“Taeyeon! And her friend!” The male says.

The two then enter the apartment and close the door.

“Oppa!” Taeyeon and him do a fist bump.

“Oh, this is Jessica, she was here last time with her other friend Tiffany.” The male’s face then softens.

He goes on his knees.

“I’m sorry about my ert cousin. She was only trying to get along with you.”

Jessica looks at Taeyeon who shrugs.

“Uh oppa, it’s fine…” The male then looks up with a relief as he gets up.

“It’s kind of my fault too. I told her to be confident but, I never knew it would be like that.” He sighs.

“Again, oppa it’s fine. But is she here?” He nods.

“Just head to her room. Taeyeon and I will be here.” Jessica nods.

Jessica goes to Yuri’s room while Taeyeon and Yuri’s cousin rest on the couch.




“Oppa, I’m in a bit of trouble.” The male raises his eyebrows.

“Is everything alright? Yuri was quite scared yesterday when you were yelling yesterday.” He whispers the last part.

Taeyeon covers her face.

“Yeah, I want to apologize to her. I didn’t want to show that side of me.”

“I’m sure she will accept your apology.” Taeyeon sighs.

“Now about your problem?”

“Go to the window and look for a big black SUV at the entrance.”

“Is there a need to call Reborn-san?”

Both Yuri and her cousin Ji sung are from another mafia family, but their family are allies with the Vongola family.

“If you don’t mind. I’ll go check on Yuri.” Taeyeon mumbles as Ji sung nods.

Taeyeon goes upstairs and then enters Yuri’s room. She spots the two kissing and immediately closes the door and goes back down.

“Reborn-san will be here soon. I’ve told about your situation as well.” Taeyeon gives a dazingly nod.

“Everything alright up there?” Taeyeon nods again.

“Ye-yeah, no need to go up. I think they uh- got back together? I don’t know how relationships work.” Ji sung eyes her and laughs after.

“Looks like my cousins got her target.” They both laugh.



Xanxus parks his car and get’s out with Reborn. He locks his car as Reborn sits on his shoulder. He then walks onto the sidewalk to the black SUV and Corolla. He then looks at the back seat of the Corolla and sees the old man look at him.

“Don’t do anything you and I would regret Xanxus.” Reborn threatens.

Xanxus turns to Reborn and nods.

They enter and ring up.



“Hello?” Ji sung says.

“It’s Xanxus and Reborn.” Xanxus states.

“Xa-Xanxus-senpai, please come up.”

The door buzzes.



“Reborn-san, Xanxus-senpai, please come in.” Ji sung says.

The Xanxus comes in as Reborn jumps off. He goes to Taeyeon and sits on her shoulder.

“Oi, Taeyeon you alright?” Taeyeon shakes her head.

Reborn raises his eyebrows.

“I would love to explain but Jessica is upstairs with Yuri.” Reborn nods.

“Xanxus, go get Yuri.” Reborn orders.

Xanxus nods and goes upstairs.

“He’s trying to find where I live. He found me up the mountain this morning.” Reborn sighs.

“This is not good.” Reborn points out.

“What’s not good?” Jessica asks as she come downstairs with pants on.

The living room becomes quiet before Taeyeon speaks up.

“I-I don’t know if Tiffany and Yuri would forgive me.” Taeyeon says.

Jessica giggles.

“I’m sure they will and here’s your jacket. Well, I’ll be going first.” She hands Taeyeon her raincoat.

“NO!” Ji sung yells out and Taeyeon hold’s Jessica’s wrist.

Jessica then gives them a confused face.

“And why is that? What’s going on?” Taeyeon brings Jessica away from the door.

“Op-oppa wanted to invite you for dinner. He was going to order some pizza.”

“Ye-yeah.” Ji sung said as he got up as well. It was then Xanxus and Yuri walks down the stairs.

“No thanks, I’m on a diet but thank you for your offer.” Jessica then let’s go but Taeyeon holds on.

“Bu-but it’s a celebration for you and Yuri.” Both Yuri and Jessica blushes.

Yuri goes and hold’s Jessica’s hand. Taeyeon then let’s go.

“Yeah, my treat. If pizza doesn’t work, we can go out and eat.” Jessica sighs.

“Fine. Just let me call my parents?” Yuri nods and kisses her head.

“Yah~” Jessica becomes beet red and pushes Yuri slightly.

“Go call your parents.” Yuri pokes her cheek.

Jessica nods and walks away.

Taeyeon and Yuri then sit down. One in relief while the other in love struck.

“That was so close. Yuri, just drive me home and you guys go out. I’m too stinky to go out.”

Yuri nods.

“I have a feeling that we will need to tell the Jessica girl.” Reborn points out.

Xanxus nods.

“I’m sure she can keep secrets especially since she will be entering the Kwon famiglia.” Ji sung says.

“About that…” Yuri mumbles.

Everyone then starts at her.

“Y-you told her?" Ji sung asks.

Yuri gives a weak nod. Ji sung hits his face.

“I-I had to warn her. Once appa finds out he is going to be proud but, it’s best to warn her before anything.”

Jessica then comes back and sits beside Yuri.

“Jung Jessica, right?” Reborn asks.

Jessica looks down and squints her eyes.

“Have I seen you before?” Reborn shrugs.

“Jessica Jung next up in line for Jung Corps?” Reborn asks.

Jessica raises her eyebrows.

“How did you know?” Reborn chuckles.

“Who wouldn’t? You’re lucky an old man hasn’t taken you yet as a wife.” Jessica gulps.

“But it’s fine, you will be with the Vongola famiglia from now on.” Xanxus says.

“Vongola? Who are they?”

“Most dangerous Mafia in Japan.”

Jessica then becomes quiet.

“Currently lead by Tsunayoshi Sawada and will be lead by Kim Taeyeon in the future.”

Taeyeon gulps as Jessica then looks at her.

“I-I, uh, yeah…” Taeyeon stutters.





“Yeah, I could see her as a leader.” Jessica says breaks the silence.

Everybody accept Reborn and Xanxus leans back and sighs in relief.

“How so?” Reborn asks.

“I don’t know but it’s just her vibe. I don’t know how to explain it but congrats Taeyeon.” Taeyeon give a weak thumb up. 

“Thank you.” She also weakly answers.

Ji sung then gets up.

“Alright let’s head to the restaurant.” He announces.

Everyone then gets up and Ji sung goes to the window and looks for the cars as everyone was at the entrance. He sighs in relief as he sees the car was gone.

“Their probably gone to hide and waiting.” Reborn says.

Ji sung looks down and raises his eyebrow.

“So, what do we do?” Reborn covers his face.

“Not sure. But it would be safe if Taeyeon would go with Yuri.”

“Oi, let’s get going!” Xanxus says.

The two nods and go to the front.

“Also, can I get your garage key? I’ll be back to talk about something.”

Ji sung nods.

“Su-sure.” Ji sung hands Xanxus the key as they leave.




Taeyeon enters her home quickly as Yuri and Jessica leaves for dinner.

“I’m home.” She announces.

“Dinner will be ready soon!” Taeyeon’s mother calls back.

“Okay, I’ll take a shower first so don’t wait for me!” Taeyeon then runs upstairs and takes a shower.




“Take a seat, you mother prepared you some food. Appa was too hungry so he started without you.”

Taeyeon nods and sits beside Hayeon.

“What took so long?” Hayeon asks.

“Unnie bumped into Yuri unnie and she invited me over to her apartment to hang out. Her oppa then drove me back.” Taeyeon lies as Hayeon nods and eats her rice.

“Appa, umma, he found me today at the mountain.” Taeyeon’s father nods.

“We know. Xanxus had Ji sung on speakerphone and I think we should move.” Everyone then sighs.

“I-If it makes us live safer then Hayeon does not mind.” Everyone looks at Hayeon who was eating her meal normally.

“Ar-are you sure?” Taeyeon’s mom asks.

Hayeon nods and then holds Taeyeon’s arm.

“Hayeon does not want to see unnie, umma, or appa cry. Hayeon does not want to cry anymore unless I had hurt myself or something was too funny.” The table then gets tense.

Taeyeon coughs to get rid of the atmosphere.

“I’m sure we can move but still go to the same school, right?” She eyes her father who quickly nods.

“Appa has saved a lot of money so we can buy any house we like.” Taeyeon raises her eyebrows as her mother agrees.

“We’ve saved up a lot because we didn’t want to spoil you kids. I know your still young but, using a lot of money when you’re at an early age is not good.” Taeyeon sighs.

“Yeah but, you could have at least send money so that we all can get fed and umma does not need to go to the free market to sell food.” It was then her father raised his eyebrows.

“Woah, wait a minute. So, it seems the person I send it to didn’t give you whole the amount? Appa sent $5000 a month. You could even check my bank account!” He gets up but was pulled down by his wife.

“Who did you send it to because we always had the money mailed home.” Tayeeon asks.

“I sent it electronically to your mother’s bank account. There’s no way it didn’t get through.”

“Oh, my goodness oppa why?!” Taeyeon’s mother calls out.

Her father then gives a confused look.

“What? I didn’t do anything wrong!” Her mother then sighs again.

“Appa still has my account under him you idiot! I stopped using my bank account after finding that out! I even explained that to you oppa!” Her father then hits his face.

“Darn it, I think my old age is getting to me.” Taeyeon sighs.

“Wait, so who send us the money?” Hayeon suddenly asks.

Taeyeon and her father looks at each other with their eyes widen while her mother had a calm expression.

“It was Grandma Kwon. I had asked to borrow money. I suggest you give back what we owe oppa.” Her mother explains her father nods.

“It’s fine. I have a lot of money backed up on my account.” He gives a reassuring smile as his wife leans on him.

“You’ve worked hard enough and since I am back for majority of the time, I’ll make a bank account for Taeyeon and Hayeon. I’m sure it will be fine.” Her mother nods as his father pulls her into a side hug.

“Aw~ appa and umma looks so cute~” Hayeon says excitedly.

Taeyeon nods sweetly enjoying the view and then goes to her sister’s ear.

“It’s been a while since we saw umma smile right?” Hayeon nods as Tayeeon pull away.

“Oi, what you kids talking about?” Her father asks.

“Nothing you old people need to know.” Taeyeon fires back playfully ending with a merong.

Her father gives an exaggerated sad expression which makes the whole family laugh.

“Now listen Hayeon, if anyone picks you up make sure it is either umma, appa, your unnie, Yuri unnie, Xanxus oppa or Reborn alright?” Taeyeon’s mother warns.

Hayeon smiles showing her food.

“Good, umma, unnie and appa don’t want to lose you.” Hayeon closes and nod again.

Taeyeon finishes up and get up.

“Thank you for the meal.” Her mother raises her eyebrows.

“You ate so little. Even your sister is eating more then you.” Her mother says.

“Reborn gave me a diet I should follow. Don’t worry, I actually feel stuffed.” Her mother nods.

“If your hungry, we have fruits okay?” Taeyeon nods as she heads to the kitchen.

She cleans up her bowl and utensils.

“I’ll continue studying upstairs if you need me.” Everyone nods at her.

She then goes up stairs to her room and sits on her desk and starts studying.




“Jessica, if I may call you that. What you’re getting into won’t be easy. You’ll be targeted because Yuri will become a guardian for the Vongola famiglia. I’m sorry but, if this is too much for you, I suggest you and Yuri not be together.” Xanxus states as he eats his spaghetti.

Jessica stops eating and looks at Yuri who nods at her.

“This is life or what we call it, Mafia life. It would be best to end things before it gets hefty for you both. If you want to be together then it’s fine but remember Jessica, you aren’t the only one that will get targeted. Anyone with close relation will get targeted as well.” Jessica silently gulps and sighs.

“Just because I have a rich persona aura doesn’t mean I’m not backed up.” Yuri gives her a confused expression as Jessica turns to her.

“I maybe lazy but, I was taught about self-defence and taekwondo when I was younger. My father maybe rich but he didn’t like hiring bodyguards me because they were mostly male.” Reborn and Xanxus give an impressed nod.

“What about your sister?” Yuri asks.

Jessica chuckles.

“Her? She wanted to learn more unlike me so, whatever she could get her hands on, my father let her learn.” Yuri’s jaw drops.

“That’s why I’m thinking that she and Amber would be a good match. They love what they do and want to excel at other stuff as well.” Reborn and Xanxus look at each other and smirk.








“ALRIGHT HEAD IN!” The male voice yells out.

A group of female basketball players surround themselves around the coach.

“Alright, I think that is enough practice for today ladies. Head to the showers and leave my gym. Follow your schedule for the next practice.” The girls nod and then start cleaning the gym.


On the other side, the cheerleading team had also finished their practice and started to crowd themselves with the basketball team. One member was crowded by most of the girls and she didn’t mind but the girl she was looking for was packing her things on the benches. But in her preverbal vision she saw a group of boys walking down to her so, she quickly excused herself and sprints towards her.

“Kr-Krystal, do you have an extra towel?” Krystal turns to the girl and notices that she was sweating a lot.

“Oh gosh Amber!” She finds a towel and immediately wipes her face.

Amber then holds her hand to stop her.

“Thanks, sorry for bothering you.” Krystal crinkles her nose and pulls her hand away.

She then lightly pinches Amber’s nose.

“It’s fine, our sisters are friends so, we should back up each other, right?” Amber gives her confident smile which makes Krystal mentally flabbergasted.




“Hey Jung!” Krystal turns around as Amber rolls her eyes.

Krystal then crosses her arm and raises her eyebrows.

“So, it is true, you’re are beautiful.” Krystal gives a little smile while Amber mentally barfs.

“Thanks.” She simply says.

Amber then wipes her face and hair to remove the sweat.

“Kim Jong In, gymnastics.” Krystal nods.

“Okay.” Amber covers her face with the towel and almost laughs at Krystal’s response but holds it in with a grin.

“Is there anytime we could hang out?” He asks.

“Uh, not sure. I would need my sister’s approval.” Amber then puts the towel around her neck.

“Then could I get your number?” Krystal shakes her head as she puts her bag on.

“Sorry, I’m not allowed to use a cellphone until I’m 20.” Krystal says as she hugs Amber’s waist who had a surprised expression.

Amber hesitantly holds Krystal’s shoulder as the boys where eyeing Amber.

“Al-alright then. I’ll see you sometime?” Krystal smiles and nods.

Jong In smiles and his group start walks away.

Amber looks down and sees Krystal looking up at her.

“I’m sweating.” Amber whines.

Krystal chuckles.

“So, am I not? Because 30 minutes straight of cardio made me sweat a lot too.”

“Bu- “Krystal then releases one arm and puts her index finger on Amber’s lip.

“You think you can win in an argument against me?” Amber shakes her head and Krystal lets go.

“Good, now let’s go.” Amber nods as they walk to the other side of the court for Amber to grab her bag.

“Way to go girl. I never seen Jong In stutter before.” One of the cheerleading girls said.

Krystal chuckles.

“Boys are so obvious when they try to flirt.” All the cheerleading girls giggle.

“Way to back up your girl Am.” A basketball player yells out from the benches with a girl on her lap.

Amber simply laughs and scratches her head.

“Eh? I just didn’t want them to crowd her. Her sister told me to look out for any trouble.” Everyone laughs.

Amber then picks up her bag.

“You two really look like a good couple like, tbh.” Another cheerleader says.

Everyone nods while Amber shrugs her shoulder while Krystal hugs Amber tighter.

“Alright, let’s hit the shower ladies! And no, it does not mean !” Amber shouts out which earns her a jab on the stomach.

She immediately groans as Krystal then rubs the spot she hit. But all the girls already ran into the changeroom after Amber’s comment.

“Don’t say that~” Krystal whines.

“Bu-but remember last time?” Krystal sighs and shake her head as they walk to the change room.

“Thanks for helping earlier. I was seriously not in the mood for them.” Amber gives a genuine smile and pats her head.

“Of course. I can’t let someone who is now important to me get endangered.” Krystal nods as they reach the lockers.

She lets go of Amber and goes down to her locker while Amber had hers on top. They both grab their necessary things and head to the shower. But, of course the showers were full and only one was open. They didn’t know what the other members were thinking when they ran into the changeroom. Did they intentionally leave only one shower for them or was it not intentional?

“I guess we are sharing the shower again.” Amber awkwardly say as Krystal nods.

They go into the small stall and take off their clothes. Seeing Krystal start to take off her clothes Amber covers her eyes.

“Wa-wait, I’ll go first. I’ll be fast!” Amber proposes.

“Fine. Go, I don’t like waiting.” Amber then puts her hands down as she had her eyes tightly shut which made Krystal think it was cute.

She took of her jersey with her bra which revealed her upper body. Krystal of course was looking and frowned again from the cuts Amber’s upper body had even though she secretly was loving the view. There were the noticeable small s that look like they could be male pectoralis major muscles and hard not 6 but 8 abs and she wasn’t flexing! Krystal could just faint as she spots the pelvic bone as Amber takes off her pants.

Amber then quickly reaches towards the shower, with support of Krystal. As she touches the shower door, she quickly goes in and starts the shower.

Krystal then takes off her clothes and wraps her entire body with her roble. She thought bringing that would be better then a towel. She ties it and picks up Amber clothes. She takes out her towel and clean clothes. Then she puts the dirty clothes away following with her clothes. As she finishes Amber’s hand then appears opening waiting for her towel. Krystal then hands it to her.

“Thanks.” She mumbles.

She then opens the door and Krystal was slapped with steam. She looks across and sees Amber only covered her bottom half while her top half was .

“Your turn.” Krystal nods.

They switch but due to the space, Krystal’s left-hand grazes Amber’s abs which make her shiver.

“Hey that tickles.” Amber said playfully while Krystal was blushing.

Oh god, there hard!

Krystal shuts the door blushing hardly while Amber was confused but shrugs it off. She dries her entire body and puts on her uniform. She rubs the towel against her hair trying to dry her hair. After a few minutes she puts away her towel and moves to the door which is has a mirror attached to it. She grabs her lotion and roughly applies it to her face. She also sprays a little of her perfume. And now to the hard part.

She leans close and looks up at her messy hair and raises her eyebrows. She turns back and grabs her comb. She goes back and starts styling her hair.

Combed hairstyle like Kristen Stewart?

Amber shakes her head and ruffles her head. She puts away her brush and uses Krystal’s.

Edgy Pixie like Scarlet Johansson?

Amber sighs and shakes her head. She puts away the brush and messes with her hair again. She leans close as the door slides open which scares Amber forcing her to lean towards Krystal who was also surprised by her expression. Krystal closes her eyes tightly scared but to only feel her body hugged especially her chest area.

Amber on the other hand could not dodge at all. Her face had immediately impacted to someone’s chest as she wrapped her arms around the body.

Hmm, it feels a bit soft am I feeling the robe?

Her foot goes over to the shower floor to prevent her from falling. Luckily, she didn’t put her shoes on or else she would have fallen.

She then pulls away and fixes herself.

“So-sorry about that. I was trying to do my hair.” Krystal who was already looking away after seeing what happened earlier once she opened her eyes, nods with a faint of blush appearing on her cheeks but was blocked with her hair.

“It’s fine.” Amber nods and grabs her stuff.

She opens the stall and then closes it. Krystal then locks it. She sighs and shakes her head while drying her hair.  




“Amber?” Amber looks up as she was putting on her shoes and sees Seulgi.

“Hey Seulgi, waiting for Irene unnie?” She nods and sighs.

Seulgi goes down and infront of Amber.  

“Yeah, coach said that you guys finished and that I could just enter the changeroom.” She shrugs as she finishes.

“Oh yeah.” Amber brings her bag and opens the side compartment with her school books.

Seulgi can only look in disbelief.

“Un-Amber, that is really disgusting to look.” Amber looks at her while she grabs her sketchbook with a grin.

She playfully rolls her eyes and turns the pages on the book.

“Here’s the sketch I’ve been working on. Does it look good enough, like decent?” Seulgi raises her eyebrows and tilts her head.

Uh…how do I judge this? At least it isn’t horrible or not scribbles everywhere.

“You’re getting better. I see good progress honestly.” Amber grins and fist bumps cheering herself.

Seulgi takes off her bag and takes out her sketchbook.

“I-I’ve been working on something for Irene and I just want your opinion on it.” She whispers as she hands it over to Amber who takes it happily.

She opens the book and was met with such, fantastic and authentic drawings. Seulgi peers over to check if her drawings are in good condition and Amber’s face because she was blocking it with her book.

“T-these are amazing, Seulgi! She’s going to love them!” Amber looks at Seulgi excitedly.

Seulgi can only scratch her head and grin as Amber continues flipping.

“Woah, are these from the games the girls have been at.” Seulgi nods.

“I-I’ve secretly taken photos and done sketches because she is always moving.” Amber nods in amazements as she reaches the last page.

“You only have one more to go.” Seulgi nods.

“Hopefully she likes her Christmas gift.” Amber closes the book and hands the book away. She then sits down and leans against the door.                        

“She’ll love it!” Seulgi takes the book and looks at the drawings.

“Oi, what are you two down there for?” Amber looks up while Seulgi loudly closes her sketchbook and stuffs it into her bag.

Seulgi gets up while Amber puts her sketchbook away.

“You two look like two erts discussing what erts would discuss.”

It was then the stall opens which caughts Amber off guard again and fall because she was leaning against the door.

“Irene unnie please I don’t think they would do that.” Krystal says but only gets a blank reactions from Irene and Seulgi.

The Irene had a surprised look while Seulgi transitioned into a scared look.

“Why are you two looking at me like that?” Seulgi then points down and Krystal’s eyes follow her hands.




Amber was in a daze. She had opened her eyes from falling to only see black with peach on either side. She immediately pulls herself up as a black material glides against her face.

“What the hell did I just see?” She mumbles.

Krystal then walks over to face Amber and goes down and pats Amber cheeks.

“You saw tights.” She comments as she gets up with Irene eyeing her.

Krystal crosses her arm.

“Anyone would be dumb enough to wear underwear under their own skirt. Like honestly, boys maybe erts but so are girls.” Irene nods in agreement.

Amber shakes her head bringing herself back to reality and getting up. She grabs her bag and turns to Krystal.

“Done?” Amber asks as Krystal goes and fixes her hair.

“Hm, yeah. Let me dry my hair and we can leave. I don’t want to get sick.” Krystal dries her hair with her towel.

Amber nods and goes to the mirror. She checks out her hair and nods again in agreement.

“What are you guys going to do for the Winter break?” Seulgi asks.

Amber looks through the mirror to Seulgi and shrugs.

“Honestly whatever my sister is doing, I might be forced to do it as well.”

“What about the semi-formal?” Irene asks.

Amber turns around and leans on the sink. She crosses her arm and scratches her chin.

“I have a match coming up, so my coach said that I should rest.”

Krystal pouts which goes unnoticed by the other two.

“Then what if someone asks Krystal out for semi?” Seulgi asks with a grin.

Irene immediately punches Seulgi’s arm. But all of the attention was now to Amber who scratches her head. She then transitions to scratching her right eyebrow and closing her eyes tight.

“Amber?” Irene calls.

Amber lets out a groan and hits her forehead.

“I’ll go then.” Amber mumbles.

All the three were happy especially Krystal who went over with her hands on her cheeks.

“What did you say~” Krystal teases.

Amber releases her hand and opens her eyes. She points at Krystal.

“I already said it once and I’m

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Hi everyone. Sorry for disappearing for so long. I know you all are curious about to the story. But I am BACK, kind of... I got a full-time job after grad! Yay! I will try my best to update the story! Sorry for making you guys wait so long. Thank you to all the silent and non-silent readers.


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1139 streak #1
Chapter 18: 🥰🥰🥰
Modusx #2
Omg a story based on some of my favorite childhood anime’s! Time to get readin.
1120 streak #3
Chapter 18: OK let me reread it to refresh my memories first hehehe
mutiapuspita27 #4
Chapter 17: Author please i need the next chapter
1120 streak #6
Chapter 16: Damn so the present Taeny are in the future and the future taeny are in the present? And what's worst is future Fany married the enemy? Hope the present fany isn't in the enemy's territory cause if she really is then she's in trouble
Chapter 15: waaaaaaaah the 10 year bazooka. this is getting interesting now. also, i wonder if sunny and hyoyeon will appear here? hehe
Chapter 7: Syoung as Hibari and Slugg as Mist? Hmm. Interesting