Birthday Boy 2.0

생일 사전에 {Birthday In Advance}
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 “Hoojun-ah, come here!” Baekhyun could only sigh for the umpteenth time when the three and half years old boy seems to fully ignore his existence. He leans on the bench board, rubbing his protruding belly. They’re currently at the park. Hoojun insisted to go from the last two days but Baekhyun can’t really go out because he had been experiencing Braxton hicks and backache for few days before.

His body is so tired, plus the little one inside is restless as well.

So today, Baekhyun felt a little bit better so he’s binges to bring Hoojun out to the park. Yet now, Hoojun didn’t even glance to him every single time he call the little boy. “He acts so much like his daddy. This boy~” He looks around, wincing when the baby gives him a hard kick.


Few seconds later, he startled when someone poke on his shoulder. Instead of cursing (just like what he did silently), he gives the man a smile. “How months along?” The man asked, eyes looking at his bump for a brief second. Baekhyun could only chuckle at that.

Somehow, he could tell the guy is expecting as well. From the way he brushes his palm on his clothed flat tummy. “I can even give birth right now. He’s due any day.” He calmly uttered, rubbing the bump. The guy nods, looking at the same direction where Baekhyun watch over Hoojun.

“What is your name? You’re new, right? In our neighbourhood?”

Baekhyun asked, getting other nods from the guy. He gives Baekhyun yet another smile. “My husband got promoted so we move from Busan to the city. I’m still getting used to it. My name is Kyungsoo, by the way.” He holds his hand out, feeling shy for attacking Baekhyun out of sudden.

The heavily pregnant man could only chuckle.

“I’m Baekhyun.” He fidgets on his seat, trying to find much more comfortable spot. His back started to ache, and he fight the urge to force his little boy to go home. “You didn’t speak with Busan’s accent at all. I thought you’re from here.”

“I’m originally from Goyang, Gyeonggi Province. I followed my husband shortly after marriage, so I don’t really use their accent. You’re with your son, right, Baekhyun-ssi?” He carefully asked, amazed with how Baekhyun can still look gorgeous even with his baggy clothes and sweatpants on. It’s the most comfortable for him right now.


“Yeah, he’s over there. We probably need to walk home in a while since my husband will be back soon.” Baekhyun could only sigh when Hoojun didn’t look like he can stop playing. Kyungsoo noticed that, he chuckles. “He’s such a sweetheart. He looks like you a lot.”

“Since when did you stalk us?” He teased, shaking his head with a grin when Kyungsoo cheeks tinted with a bright pink. He’s cute. “I just finally have the courage to talk to you. I’m here since you come with your adorable boy. My daughters are there.”


He points at the two girls who are laughing over something and right after that, Hoojun come toward them. He laughs which as well makes the two male mothers look at each other. Baekhyun could only widens his eyes.

“You have two daughters already? You’re expecting, right?” Baekhyun kind off asking with a gasp. Kyungsoo let out a chuckle. He nods. “I’m entering my fourth month next week. And yes, they’re my daughters. But not by blood.” The smile on his face is still on.

Baekhyun frowns. Too much information! His pregnancy brain can’t take it.  Kyungsoo chuckles, patting on the pregnant back a little. “This might sound so unreal, but the two siblings wandered around when my husband and I found them. We thought they’re missing but they have no one. So, we decide to take care of them, with permission. It’s been like two years now.”


The black haired heavily pregnant guy nods understandingly, looking at the girls with a big smile. “They’re so cute. How old are they now?” He can’t help but to ask. Kyungsoo looks at his daughters as well. “The smaller one is 3 years old and her sister is 5 years old. They’re such well behaved girls and we love them so much. Even when I’m expecting as well, my loves to them are just the same.

Baekhyun agreed. “That’s true. It’s so nice to know you, Kyungsoo. Do come to my house later.” Baekhyun shoots him a sweet smile. They chuckle when Hoojun runs toward them so does the girls. “Papa!”

They said in unison. Baekhyun laughs at that.

Hoojun holds the smaller girl’s hand, beaming a similar smile just like his papa. “Rian go to my kindergarten too, Papa! Her sister too. We’re friends!” Every single tone the little boy uttered, his note pitched high. Baekhyun know he’s excited.

Kyungsoo runs his fingers to brush over his oldest daughter sweaty hairs. “Should we go home together? It’s already late now.” Baekhyun agreed with that and when Hoojun holds his little hand out to help his Papa, Kyungsoo can’t help but to coos over him.

“You’re such a sweet boy.”

Hoojun flashes another big smile to the young man.

“There is my baby brother inside Papa’s belly. Daddy said I need to take care of them really well and I can hold and play with my baby brother soon.” The four years old said, holding hands with his heavily pregnant Papa. Baekhyun chuckles at that as he nods.


Rian and her sister, Jian looks at Baekhyun’s bump with curiosity. “Daddy said Papa is carrying our little sibling too. But his tummy didn’t look like you.” Jian, the 5 years old said with a frown. Kyungsoo let out a chuckle at that. Rian eyes widen as well.

“Uncle’s belly so big.”

“Don’t say that! Papa didn’t like. He can cry if you said it.” Hoojun said in a whisper that’s not really a whisper. Baekhyun rolls his eyes. Park Chanyeol must have teach Hoojun that. Kyungsoo laughs, timidly. Rian said sorry afterwards.


Baekhyun shakes his head and when they’re inside the elevator, he could feel Hoojun holding his hands tight. He’s such a sweet boy, really. He knows how scared Baekhyun felt every time they take the lift to their house.

“Well, your Papa need to take care of the baby inside his belly for a quite few months more before it got so big like mine. Hoojun’s brother gonna be here soon. That’s why my tummy is this big.” Baekhyun said with a smile to the girl. Jian gives him the sweetest smile ever which makes Baekhyun ruffles her soft hairs.


“They’re so beautiful, Kyungsoo.” The elevator reached their floor so Baekhyun didn’t expect Kyungsoo to go out as well. “You’re living in the same floor as us?!” He said, Hoojun’s face plastered with such exact one. Rian waves to the boy, making him excited.

“We’re neighbours, Papa!” Hoojun said.

Baekhyun and Kyungsoo laughs at that. “Of course, we are. Let’s go then.” They walk with each other, chatting few mores and when Kyungsoo stop in front of his house, Baekhyun and Hoojun stop as well.

“This is your house?” Hoojun asked to the girls.

“Yes! This is our house. You can come later, right, Papa?”

Kyungsoo nods, smiling to the duo. The girls run inside and Kyungsoo chuckles when Hoojun pouts out of sudden. Baekhyun notices that too. “What’s wrong, baby?” he asked, Hoojun hugs his legs to hide his tears.

“Rian didn’t hug me. Just like in kindergarten.”

Kyungsoo awed at that, chuckling when Baekhyun rolls his eyes. “Thank you so much, Baekhyun. It’s nice meeting you. Can I have your number?” Kyungsoo asked, holding his phone out. When Baekhyun touch down his phone number, he could hear someone called out his name. Kyungsoo takes his phone back before their eyes move to look at the voice.


There are two guys walking toward them and Baekhyun could tell the other one is Kyungsoo’s husband. They’re practically smiling to each other like they own the world while Baekhyun shakes his head at how Chanyeol looks super messy with the tie and all.

Hoojun looks up at the sight of his Daddy.


The boy with dark black hair giggles when Chanyeol lifts him up, tickling him. Baekhyun looks back to Kyungsoo with a smile. “I guess our husbands know each other too. What a small world. Let’s keep in touch later, alright?”

“Yes, sure.”


Chanyeol stands right beside his heavily pregnant husband, smiling to the smaller man in front them. Jongin bows to him which makes him embarrassed. “This is my Head Department, Soo. Mr. Park Chanyeol.”

“Just call me Chanyeol outside of the office, Jongin.”

Baekhyun nods at the name as he gets that they’re working in the same office as well. “We’re going home then. Say bye to Uncle Kyungsoo and Jongin, Hoojun-ah!” Chanyeol lifts Hoojun little hand up which makes him laugh.

They’re such best friends.


When they arrive at their house, Baekhyun plops down the couch with a sigh. He rubs his bump that had been aching for a little while. Hoojun follows his daddy around and for some reason, he knows they will take bath together at that rate.

He takes a nap for a while and when he wakes up, his tummy cramped badly. His tears coiled but he didn’t cry instead of breathing just the way he learned while carrying Hoojun before. The bigger Park and little Park are nowhere to be seen and it must be Chanyeol who brings him to the room.

He winces when the countless kick started now.

“Do you wanna go out today, Hajun-ah? Don’t torture me too much, kid. Papa love you.” He talks to the bump, rubbing where he could spot the little feet. He tries to come down from the bed slowly and when he notices that his pants wet, he tries to stay calm.


Did my water broke?

Baekhyun holds on the end of the bed, walking toward the bathroom in ease since he didn’t really feel the contraction that hurt yet. He takes a warm bath, calming himself. It’s still 8 at night, he should make dinner for his little family.

He didn’t want to tell Chanyeol yet, knowing the man would be so clumsy and scared for nothing.


When he felt the contraction all the way to the kitchen, he stops midway; holding on his back. Chanyeol noticed him, eventually. “What’s wrong? Is it hurt?” The taller moulds his hands over the bulging bump. He could feel the baby moving around inside. Baekhyun nods.

“It’s okay, I’m okay. What… what do you wanna eat today?” Baekhyun asked, catching his breath a little. He could see Hoojun is working on his favourite colouring book on the table at the living room. Chanyeol shakes his head.

“You don’t need to cook anything. Let me do it for you. Go take a rest, babe.” Chanyeol said, placing a kiss on Baekhyun’s forehead. The pregnant sigh, walking around instead. “How’s your day?” He asked in between the contractions he felt.

Chanyeol’s too immersed with the cooking, glancing to Baekhyun and Hoojun. “Jongin’s new. I know he moved to our neighbourhood few days ago. It’s not a surprise that you finally know his husband. They’re nice. Jongin is a hardworking guy too.”

Baekhyun nods, taking a deep breath. He keeps rubbing his bump, fighting the urge to scream when the contractions seem to get even hurt. “Hoojun and their daughters are in the same kindergarten though. They’re friends. And just so you know, our little boy might have a crush on their three years old.”


Chanyeol accidently knock the spatula a bit hard at the information, fuming with something at the thought of his baby boy liking someone. “He’s only four, babe. Don’t say any words about it.” He grits his teeth. Baekhyun chuckles a little at that. “You’re just being too overprotective. Of course, he can like anyone he like.”

“Don’t talk to me. I don’t want Hoojun to love someone other than us now!”

Baekhyun momentarily forget the contraction for a while as he laughs madly at how Chanyeol pouts. The taller finished his cooking in few minutes so he walks toward Baekhyun and Hoojun. “Is your belly still hurt? Do you want any massage?” Chanyeol takes a seat beside Baekhyun, leaning to the big bump.

“Daddy love you, Hajun-ah” He left few kisses on the bare skin; chuckling when he felt the kick right away on his lips.


Hoojun eyes widen at that, wanting to try the same.

“I want to kiss baby Hajun-ie too!” He carefully leans to the belly right beside his daddy. Baekhyun laughs tickly when Hoojun gives his bare skin sloppy kisses. “I love you too, Hajun-ie. Come out fast! Hyung wanna play with you!” He said, tapping on the spot where the feet stayed from the kick. They could see it clearly now and all three of them are amused.

“Let’s eat first.”


Baekhyun hisses when his back ache even more, the contractions hit him, but he can’t shout or else he would make Chanyeol and Hoojun worried. So, they eat in peace with Hoojun the chatter box telling his whole day stories to his daddy.



11 PM

Baekhyun couldn’t take it anymore. He just couldn’t sleep, keep tossing around and even when Chanyeol moves to hug him, he can’t calm down. The contraction shortens and for some reason, he needed to be in the hospital right now and then.

So, he wakes the taller up.

“Yeol! Wakes up!” Shaking the body with a light one, he frowns when Chanyeol hums, not even opening his eyes. “Chanyeol-ah! Wakes up!” He tries once again. But when his husband didn’t open his eyes, he stands up carefully, holding his bump with such care before he hits on Chanyeol’s head with the pillow.


The taller eyes widen, sitting up in instant. “What happened! Why… what?!” He looks at his pregnant husband who is taking the hospi

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Beau1996 1375 streak #1
Chapter 2: Not sure of the odds for both kiddos to be born on parents birthday!!
Beau1996 1375 streak #2
Chapter 1: Super sweet and fluffy!
174 streak #3
Chapter 2: This is sooooo cute. 🥰
174 streak #4
Chapter 1: Oh you are so mean Apa Baek 😅
ctskyn276 #5
Chapter 2: This 2 shots are sooooo adorable...i love it so much..thank you for making this..
Silence_soul238 #6
Love this
Chapter 2: Such a beautiful story :') ♡♡♡
farasha #8
Chapter 2: Awww this is so beautiful story ^^ thank you for writing this sweetie <33
Chapter 1: This is the cutest!!! Thank you for sharing, love this so much <3
xoxo_haina #10
Chapter 2: So Baby Park will be born on June 14? ?