Chapter 01

Scars of Mind
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3 days left before she is going to the famous wizard boarding school, Hogwarts.


Moon Byulyi is still not preparing or packing her things. She is also not yet to buy her stuffs to stay there. It is not because she had no time, in fact she has all the time in this world but she choose to play games in her room. She did not understand why her mom insists her to go to that school. Of course she is one of the top students in academic but she just feel a huge burden to pursue her studies there.


“Mom, should I really go there? What if I’m not suit enough?” damn the curiosity and anxiety hit me up well this time.


“My daughter, that place is going to teach you a lot of things, besides I really hate seeing your face every day so let me have my time here and you will have your time there” oh my goodness look at my mom words she is so straightforward and honest like me lol


“Mom!!!! Don’t you miss me if I’m not around?”


“Honestly, maybe I won’t because if you stay here, you will stuck in your room for the whole day so it just feel the same perhaps”


“Hmm I’m disappointed with you mom. Anyway mom, can you join me to buy my things for school tomorrow?”


“Oh dear, I thought you already forget to buy your things. And of course I will my dear”


“Euw mom what is wrong with you? Do you have multiple personality disorder?”


“Like daughter, like mother”




I have my learner's licence since I’m 14 years old now. So I’m driving my car to Diagon Alley with the minimum speed or else my mom will shouted the hell out of me or worst she will replace the dead angel and take my soul instead.


After a good 45 minutes, we arrived there safely, thank goodness.


“Did you bring your ‘must-list items’ Moon Byulyi?” with a hint sound like a soon-going-to-be-mad-person, I immediately take the paper in my bag and showed it to my mom.


Fuhhhh, lucky me I didn’t forget about it. *wipe sweat*


“Good girl” lol mom is that a sarcasm…and she starts talking again


“Now Byulie, the first thing we must buy is of course the books and then the broom stick to make you fly and then your uniform and also your—“


“Mom! I knew it, I already see the list. Can we just go to the place right now?”


“Oh ya, you’re right. Let’s go”




When I was walking through the alley, I saw some people looking at me like I had commit a crime. Honestly I don’t know why.

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me_funky #1
Chapter 4: wish you can update this story..
cjmoo_ #2
Chapter 4: Looking forward to the next chapter!! :)
cjmoo_ #3
Chapter 2: Byul's mum is savage xD
cjmoo_ #4
Chapter 1: Ooh for some reason I see Solar as a Muggle :P
Chapter 1: You made a cute mistake over hyejin’s profile lol.. or you did that on purpose.. if so than this is so embarrassing
Chapter 4: This is so fun oh my god