» 13

love letters » got7 mark

"what do you wanna start with, mark?" 

"i wanna smoochie smoochie with you," 

mark and rose were at mark's house, preparing for their upcoming exams. 

it has been a month since they started dating, and everything was all good. their date at the bakery went well, and ended with both of them acheiving their first kiss. (good job friends)

rose needed some extra help in maths, and mark invited her over. but it's been an hour and they have barely covered a chapter. 

"hey can we focus now? it's already 2 and i'll be leaving at 4," rose said, frustrsted and impatient. 

"alright, baby. just let me have one smoochie!" mark leaned in, which got him a light knock on his head, followed by a push.

"yah, yah, okay i'll stop. which chapter was it that you need help on?" 

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Chapter 15: this story's super sweet!