» 11

love letters » got7 mark

"mark! what are you doing here?" 

mark was standing in front of roseul's locker with a rose and vanilla cake in his hands. a lot of girls(and angry boys) were gathered around the hallway and even some teachers, too. 

"roseul's here! make way!" mark stood up straight immediately and smiled, when roseul approached her locker. 

"m-mark? what are you do-" 

"happy birthday, rose. will you go to the bakery with me?" 

"w-wait. w-what? how'd you-"

"i'm 'cake'," 

she felt her heart go thump, thump, and her face heat up. butterflies were flying around rapidly in her stomach, and she couldn't find anything to say. 

"i bought you the pen, and the vanilla cake," 

everything she saw swirled around her, and she could only see mark. but she quickly snapped back into reality when she remember her embarrasing rants. 

", so you read my r-rants," 

"yes. and your letters. thank you very much," he smiled, and his eyes turned a half-moon shape. 

"oh my god. are you serious!" rose hid her face with her hands and squatted down, panicking. 

he saw her rants. 

"i have a crush on him," 

"crush on him,"


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Chapter 15: this story's super sweet!