Part 2

A Pact of Fire and Ice

“Based on the temperature, I think it’s safe to assume that this baby is a fire demon,” Hoseok said as he checked the thermometer he had just pulled out of Jimin’s , and he didn’t make the news sound like anything pleasant. Jimin already knew what giving birth to a fire demon meant for him, so the affirmation was more upsetting than anything. “How are you feeling?”

“Exhausted,” Was Jimin’s first response. He answered without giving it much thought. “Weak,” He added, just to be a little more specific.

Hoseok nodded and tossed the thermometer head into the trash. “Do you feel hot?”

Jimin shook his head.

“You’re still in the early stages of the pregnancy, so that’s probably a good thing for now,” Hoseok assured him. “Normally there aren’t any problems with demon pregnancies, but I don’t think this one is going to be easy for you. Creating a fire demon while having to maintain such a low body temperature for yourself will probably make you very sick.”

“Then wouldn’t it be better to end this now?” Taehyung questioned.

Jimin could never tell if Taehyung was being serious or not, but it didn’t matter this time. He didn’t think their child’s life was something to joke about.

“If you speak of killing our child once again, I will find a way to get to the surface myself and make a living with the ice demons,” Jimin snapped. “I’m sure I’d be more welcomed there than I am by your people down here.”

“They are not my people, Jimin. They are our people—your people, too,” Taehyung insisted. “And you might be welcomed by the ice demons, but the baby won’t be. A fire demon can’t live on the surface without destroying everything he comes into contact with, and that’s even more true in the icelands. If you give birth to him up there, they’ll just kill him after he’s born.”

Jimin blamed his blurry vision on the truth behind Taehyung’s words. There was no way his fire demon child would ever be welcomed on the surface, just like there was no way Jimin would ever be welcomed down here. He was starting to hate being a demon. When it was just him and Taehyung, everything was fine. Now that Jimin had to involve himself with the public, and there was a baby added in the mix, nothing was easy anymore.

“Do you want our baby to die?” Jimin asked, tears streaming down his face.

“Of course not,” Taehyung said softly, and he cupped Jimin’s cheeks in his large hands, “But I don’t want you to die, either.”

Jimin placed his hand on Taehyung’s wrist and looked into his husband’s eyes. “Then trust our friends to do something,” Jimin pleaded. “I believe in them.”

The door slid open then, and Yoongi popped into the room. He closed the door behind him, and he stood in front of the exam table where Jimin was seated. He was wearing his lab coat and a pair of goggles were resting around his head. He must have come straight here from his lab. “I think I may have found a solution,” Yoongi said, and Jimin perked up in interest. He hoped that he was finally going to be hearing some good news. “One which keeps Jimin and the baby safe.”

Everyone was quiet for a good moment afterward, and Taehyung was the one to break the silence. “Well, out with it,” He demanded. “What’s your solution?”

“I don’t have anything that I know for sure,” Yoongi disclaimed right at the start, “We’ve never dealt with ice demons before, so I can’t really be certain about anything. Everything I’m about to tell you is based simply on the fact that the baby is likely a fire demon—”

“Is a fire demon,” Hoseok corrected him.

“I know these methods aren’t going to hurt the baby, but I can’t be sure about Jimin.” Yoongi explained.

Jimin didn’t know how to respond to that, so he sat there quietly as he waited for Taehyung to respond.

“I think that’s a chance we’re going to have to take,” Taehyung said, and he let out a heavy sigh.

Jimin could tell that Taehyung didn’t want to do anything where he didn’t know Jimin would be safe, but he was glad that Taehyung was willing to give it a shot. The only thing they knew for certain right now was that Jimin wouldn’t be able to survive birthing this baby, so they needed to do what they could for him.

“Well, there’s a few options,” Yoongi began, and he sat on one of the chairs next to the exam table. He pulled a folder out from where he had been hiding it under his lab coat, and he opened it up. Jimin didn’t even bother trying to get a peek, knowing he couldn’t understand the language. Taehyung, however, sat hunched over Yoongi’s shoulder, looking the words over. “Jungkook allowed me access to the research notes taken by the demons who study humans, and they have a process in which they cut the baby out of the mother if they don’t think that she can survive giving birth or if there are any other underlying concerns.”

“So you want to cut into Jimin and pull the baby out?” Taehyung questioned as if it were the most absurd thing he had heard, and Jimin wondered if demons knew about surgery. If they didn’t have normal human organs, it would make sense that it wasn’t a process they were familiar with.

I wouldn’t do it. I’m not the doctor,” Yoongi said, and his eyes drifted up to Hoseok.

“No,” Hoseok quickly shot that idea down, “Our bodies aren’t made to be cut into like that, and I don’t think Jimin would be able to recover from it.”

“He was a human before now,” Yoongi pointed out, “His tissues would likely still be able to heal themselves.”

“We’re not taking that risk,” Taehyung said, waving a hand over Yoongi’s pages as if telling him to move on. “Next option.”

“If you don’t want to do that, we have two other choices,” Yoongi said, “And both would require Jimin to drink a potion every day.”

“I can do that,” Jimin said. He hadn’t had to drink a potion since going through the full transformation, but he would if he knew it would help his baby.

“What are the two potions?” Taehyung wondered.

“One would be for Jimin. It would keep his body temperature low without affecting the baby,” Yoongi explained, “Jimin would likely still feel sick throughout the whole pregnancy, but he should be able to give birth without a problem. The other would be for the baby. Instead of keeping Jimin’s body temperature low, it would keep the baby’s temperature down so that it won’t hurt Jimin. It’ll keep Jimin from being sick, too, but there’s a possibility that it could weaken your baby’s powers.”

“Then that’s the option we’ll go with,” Taehyung decided on his own without asking Jimin how he felt about it.


“I don’t care if my son is born with less power,” Taehyung said, turning to Jimin. “I don’t want you feeling sick through the whole pregnancy.”

“He’s not your son, Taehyung. He’s our son, and I should get a say in which option we take,” Jimin insisted. “I can handle a few months of being weak if it means that our baby is born healthy and strong.”

“I think Jimin is right,” Yoongi said as he closed his folder. “You’re going to need strength if you plan on challenging the gods like you do, and your son being a cross between a fire demon and an ice demon is an excellent place to get that strength. You don’t want him to be born weaker.”

Taehyung sighed, and he looked up at the clock hanging above the door. “Just do whatever Jimin wants. I have to get back to work,” He said and turned to Jimin. “Do you want to come with me?”

This pregnancy had kind of messed all of their plans up. Jimin was already supposed to be working with Taehyung, but he hadn’t been able to do it since he had been feeling weak and nauseous—and nauseous wasn’t a good feeling when there were no organs to make him feel that way, or help him feel better. Instead of working with Taehyung, he had been spending most of his time resting.

“I want to,” Jimin mumbled, not really sure if he could come and work with Taehyung.

Can he come with me?” Taehyung asked Hoseok, as if he had read Jimin’s mind.

“Yeah, he can go with you,” Hoseok agreed. “Just don’t let him overwork himself.”

Taehyung smiled, and he turned to Jimin. “You can just sit pretty and watch me work,” He suggested. “How does that sound?”

“Perfect,” Jimin said just before receiving a kiss from his husband.


Of course Taehyung had to invite Jimin to come to work with him on a particularly boring day. As if he’d have done so if anything more exciting was going on—Jimin knew that Taehyung was too protective over him to let him join on a more stressful day. Today, they were just sitting in the throne room, listening to the complaints of the demons in Underland. Jimin was used to this kind of thing. He had sat in with his father many times while he was on the surface, so this was nothing new. The demons, however, didn’t have any real complaints.

Human had needs, so their complaints seemed more serious than this. They would often come to beg the king for food, and sometimes they requested money. They wanted more land for their animals or crops—necessary things for life like that. Demons, on the other hand, were simply being petty. They complained about not liking their neighbor and wanting to be placed in different housing, and they complained about not having enough time to rest—even though demons didn’t really need rest. Some of them may have had more serious complaints, but Jimin stopped listening after the eighth demon. There were still a lot more to go, but Jimin was already getting tired of hearing their petty complaints.

He tried scooting his chair closer to Taehyung, but it was too heavy for him to move. One of the servants had noticed Jimin’s struggle, and they quickly moved to help, pushing the chair with ease. Jimin thanked the servant and sat again, resting his head on Taehyung’s shoulder. He allowed his eyes to flutter shut, and he just concentrated on the sound of Taehyung’s voice.

Taehyung finished up stating his decision to the demon currently in the throne room, and he dismissed him before turning to Jimin. “Are you tired, my love?” Taehyung asked, slightly nudging Jimin with his shoulder. “You can go back to the room if you’re not feeling well.”

No,” Jimin answered a little too quickly. He didn’t want any of the servants to hear Taehyung’s words and promptly attempt to Jimin back to their bedchamber. He had been trapped in that room for far too long, and he would rather be anywhere else. “I don’t want to be locked up in the room anymore.”

Jimin was worried that he had said the wrong thing when he noticed the frown on Taehyung’s face. “I don’t want you to feel like a prisoner,” Taehyung mumbled, and the hurt in his voice hurt Jimin’s heart. “I just...I want to keep you safe.”

Honestly, Jimin was probably something like a prisoner from the very beginning. There was nothing telling him that he’d be able to leave if he didn’t want to marry Taehyung. In fact, judging by what happened to the previous humans, it seemed like it was a do-or-die situation. Despite that, Jimin never felt like a prisoner until now.

“Can you just trust me to keep myself safe?” Jimin questioned. “I understood that you didn’t want me off on my own before I transformed, but I’m strong enough to take care of myself now.”

“I know you’re strong enough to take care of yourself,” Taehyung assured him. “I’m just worried that you’re not strong enough to take of the both of you.”

When Jimin had realized what Taehyung meant, he could feel his cheeks heating up. Taehyung, who would speak so easily of killing their child if it meant protecting Jimin, was probably more scared for their son’s life than Jimin was himself. After all, the first Taehyung had heard of their son, it was only after Jimin had been attacked by a few demons. The thought made Jimin smile, realizing that Taehyung was similar to Namjoon in many ways—including his odd way of showing that he cares.

“Okay, so what if we just continue on like before?” Jimin requested, “I can just stick around you, or hang out with our friends when you can’t have me there. Please? I really don’t want to be trapped in the room anymore.”

“Your majesty, we really should get the court going again,” One of the advisors butted into their conversation.

“One second!” Taehyung demanded, slamming his fist down on the throne, making flames blaze out like they do when he gets angry. The advisor fell to the ground without Taehyung even touching him, and he made a sound as if he were in pain. “I am talking with my husband. Everyone else can wait if they want counsel from me.”

“Taehyung,” Jimin whispered, and he placed a gentle hand on Taehyung’s arm—an attempt to get his husband to calm down. It was successful as Taehyung turned his attention back to Jimin, his expression immediately softening up.

“Would you be terribly offended if I said that you can only stay with me?” Taehyung asked, “It seems everyone else has let you out of their sight at one point or another.”

Jimin sighed, and he sat back in his smaller throne. “I mean, if you want me to see you all hours of the day,” Jimin agreed, “But I think you can trust me with a little more freedom.”

Taehyung bit his lip as he gave it some brief contemplation, and he hummed once he came to a decision. “Okay, me, my parents, and our friends,” Taehyung decided, “I expect you to be with at least one of us at all times until the baby is born. But you have to promise to stop sneaking off.”

“I promise,” Jimin agreed.

“Really? Because you have to remember—”

“Demons aren’t liars, I know,” Jimin had that memorised by now. Lying, although frowned upon among the humans as well, was not one of the seven deadly sins, and so demons didn’t need to practice it. They prided themselves in their ability to be more honest than humans. “I’m a demon now, so you can trust me.”

“Then it’s decided,” Taehyung said, and he pressed a quick kiss to Jimin’s lips before turning back to his advisors. “Let the next one in.”


The Devil’s court took much more time than Jimin would have liked, but he couldn’t complain. It was all time being spent without being locked up in the bedchamber all day, even if he was sitting in a room listening to the countless and pointless complaints that the demons had. Once that was done, Jimin was hoping to get some rest, but Taehyung told him that there was still some more work that needed to be done—easy stuff, he made sure to ensure Jimin. Research and paperwork, mostly, but it needed to be done.

He, again, offered for Jimin to return to the room, but Jimin refused, really just wanting to enjoy this freedom. Also, he thought that Taehyung would enjoy the company since today seemed to be boring. He was sure that his own presence made it that much better for the demon.

“I’ve been meaning to ask,” Taehyung said as he looked down at the pile of papers he had in front of him. He was in the office that Namjoon used to spend a lot of time in, and Jimin was kind of wondering what Namjoon was doing now. Other than the occasional family meal, he hadn’t seen much of either of Taehyung’s parents. “What did you mean earlier when you said that you would never be welcomed down here? Have I ever made you feel unwelcome?”

Jimin was seated in one of the plush chairs across from the desk, nestled closely into the back of it. He had to think carefully on how to answer this question, as he didn’t know exactly what Sungjae had meant when he told Jimin that they would never accept him as their ruler. “It’s…” Jimin stated, playing with a loose thread on the arm of the chair as he avoided making eye contact with his husband. “I just don’t think that all of the other demons would be so willing to accept an ice demon as their leader. Especially since I wasn’t even a demon to begin with.”

“What gave you that idea?” Taehyung asked, trying to meet Jimin’s eyes.

“I don’t know,” Jimin stated, “Those demons who attacked me...would they have done that if I was like them? They see me as a weaker force because of my ice ability. And then there was our wedding day—”

“Sungjae?” Taehyung questioned, and Jimin nodded. “Don’t worry about them. You’ll get a chance to prove that you’re stronger than any of them, and once you get that chance, they’ll all respect you just as much as they respect me.”

It’s easy for Taehyung to tell him not to worry, but it’s not easy for Jimin to do it. He didn’t know how to prove his strength to thousands of demons, and he definitely didn’t want to have to fight each of them to do it. Not only that, but Sungjae’s words that day almost sounded like they were planning a rebellion against him and Taehyung. To add to that, Namjoon did drag Taehyung away to say something in private, and Jimin wondered what they talked about. He wondered if he should bring any of this up to his husband, but he felt that he didn’t have enough information yet.

“Do you trust your people?” Jimin asked, just trying to find out where Taehyung stood when it came to his relationship with the other demons. He was obviously very kind as a prince and pleaded for their lives on multiple occasions, but maybe they saw that as a weakness.

“I make it a point to not trust anyone. That way I’m never surprised,” Taehyung told Jimin, “I trust you, Hoseok, Jungkook, Yoongi, and my parents. No one else.”

“So if they, say, tried to rebel against you, it wouldn’t be a surprise?” Jimin questioned.

An unreadable expression fell over Taehyung’s face, but Jimin didn’t push him any further. He wasn’t going to ask about it. “They could try,” Taehyung said, “But I’m too powerful. They couldn’t do anything.”

He was too confident in his own abilities, and Jimin felt that would be a weak point. Taehyung spoke of wanting to take on the gods, but Jimin was worried that he might have issues that he was unaware of that he should be dealing with down here in Underland.

“Why are you asking me these questions? You shouldn’t be worrying about such things, my love,” Taehyung said, and he set his pen down. “The only thing you need to worry about is keeping that little guy safe.”

“And proving to our people that I am strong,” Jimin said in almost a whisper as he stood and walked around Taehyung’s desk. He had been practicing this over the past couple of days, and he wanted to prove to Taehyung just how much better he had gotten. He focused the cold energy to the palms of both of his hands, and he cupped Taehyung’s face. Jimin’s palms burned at the contact, but Taehyung still didn’t even flinch. Jimin hadn’t expected him to. The steam that rose up between their skin would be enough to prove how much stronger Jimin had gotten.

“I’d like to see what else you are capable of,” Taehyung said, placing his hands on Jimin’s wrists and removing them from his face. The steam rose from their new point of contact instead, and now it was Jimin’s wrists that were burning. It was a pleasurable sort of pain, though. Taehyung was learning to control his temperatures in a way that didn’t hurt Jimin. Taehyung stood from the chair, and Jimin’s breath caught once he realized exactly where this was leading. “I bet ice demons can do things we fire demons could never even think possible.”

Taehyung’s palms heated up around Jimin’s wrist, and it sent an odd sensation throughout Jimin’s body. It started off as warmth, but Jimin soon felt his insides freezing, and he let out a puff of frost when he opened his mouth to gasp at the pain.

Taehyung smirked, and he hissed out a steamy breath in return. “Yes, my dear,” Taehyung hummed in amusement. “That is exactly what I am looking for.”

“How did you—” Jimin tried asking, but frosty breath left his mouth with each word. It melted quickly, but Taehyung captured Jimin’s lips in a kiss before it could all steam into the air.

“I’m thinking my next few days of work should be spent teaching you how to hone in on your new abilities,” Taehyung’s breath was still hot and steamy as he spoke right against Jimin’s lips. “How does that sound to you?”

By now, Jimin was burning up—panting, hot, and needy. Going into heat wouldn’t be possible while he was pregnant, but the self-lubrication process which happened when he got aroused was, and it had already started, soaking the first layer of Jimin’s clothes. “S-sounds wonder–ful,” Jimin stammered out as he tried to keep control of himself, but he didn’t really know what he was agreeing to. He was too aroused to be focused on Taehyung’s words. It had been too long since he had his husband’s hands on him like this.

“I’ve missed seeing you like this,” Taehyung whispered against Jimin’s neck, and he gripped Jimin’s hips and pushed him onto the surface of the desk.

“T-taehyung,” Jimin panted, placing his palms on the stacks of papers behind him. He couldn’t be blamed if any of the reports got damaged or disorganized. This was all Taehyung’s doing. “W-we shouldn’t do this here.”

Taehyung hummed, slipping his hands under Jimin’s shirt, and resting his palms on Jimin’s stomach. His stomach was still quite flat, not really showing any signs of there being a baby inside—if Jimin couldn’t feel the warmth of the fire in his tummy, he’d question if he even really was pregnant. “I’m the devil now,” Taehyung whispered as he pressed a kiss to Jimin’s jaw, steam rising up between them every time their skin came into contact. “No one has more power than me, not even Namjoon. I can do whatever I want, wherever I want to do it.”

“Whomever you want,” Jimin corrected, not liking the way Taehyung’s words made him sound more like an object than a person. “Wherever you want to do him.”

“Yes, whom,” Taehyung agreed, placing a kiss further down Jimin’s neck this time as his hands slipped further up Jimin’s stomach. “But there is only you.”

Jimin gasped again as Taehyung removed his hands from Jimin’s stomach to place them on the underside of Jimin’s knees. He pulled them up quickly, making Jimin fall back on the desk with his clothed on display for Taehyung. “You’ve been needing this, too,” Taehyung noted with a devilish grin on his voice. “You’ve already soaked through all of your clothes, and I’ve barely even touched you.”

“Yeah? Maybe you should—ah, Taehyung,” Jimin whined as Taehyung nuzzled his nose to Jimin’s clothed crack, and he took in a big huff of Jimin’s scent. “Y-you’re disgusting.” Jimin mumbled behind burning cheeks.

Taehyung stood again, and he leaned over to capture Jimin’s lips in a kiss too sweet for the moment. “Then you are just as disgusting for enjoying this,” He whispered as he tugged on Jimin’s shirt, easily removing it when it was separated by small flames. There went another perfectly good shirt, but Jimin knew that he’d always get another. “You’ve kept me waiting for far too long, so now I’m going to make you wait.”

“W-wait, that’s not fair,” Jimin whined as Taehyung’s large hands went to massage his . “I-I’ve wanted this just as much as you have, but—”

Taehyung silenced Jimin with a finger to his lips. He was being much more gentle than usual, knowing that Jimin was pregnant. Normally, he’d have silenced him with a hard smack to the . “Our wedding night,” Taehyung reminded him, “You said that you weren’t in the mood. There was no reason I couldn’t have ed you then, but you simply weren’t in the mood. I had to wait, so now I’m making you wait.”

“There was also nothing stopping you from ing me then,” Jimin pointed out.

“The fact that you said no is what stopped me,” Taehyung assured him. “As much as I want you right now, I’d stop if you said so.”

“I don’t want you to stop,” Jimin panted. “Just me now, Taehyung, please.”

A smirk played across Taehyung’s face, and Jimin groaned in frustration. Taehyung worked at the fastens of Jimin’s pants, and he slowly worked at pulling them off. “Be patient,” He commanded, “And I’ll give you just what you want.”

Taehyung’s fingers slipped between Jimin’s cheeks and swirled around in the mess that Jimin was making. He pressed his finger tips to Jimin’s little pucker, but he didn’t reward him by pushing them inside. “Tae...hyung,” Jimin breathed, needy and sensitive.

“Such a good boy, Jimin,” Taehyung hummed, and he pressed a kiss to one of Jimin’s cheeks. “Let’s see how steamy we can get things in here.”

After the words left his mouth, Jimin could feel the tips of Taehyung’s fingers heating up, and there was more steam coming from where their skin was in contact. It was slightly uncomfortable to Jimin, but not necessarily unpleasant.

“Taehyung, stop teasing me,” Jimin demanded. It had been too long, and everything was just too much.

“Give me one good reason why I should stop, and I might,” Taehyung decided.

“To commit the deadliest sin of all,” Jimin easily responded, knowing just how to get Taehyung riled up. “You know you want to—”

Before Jimin could finish that statement, two of Taehyung’s fingers slipped past his entrance, and he was cut off with a maon. Taehyung smirked in response to Jimin’s reaction, and he shoved his fingers in deeper, twisting them. “I know it’s been a while, so a bit of preparation is in order,” Taehyung hummed as he slipped his fingers in and out of Jimin’s with ease. “But you’re already quite wet, so I don’t think you’ll need much.”

Jimin didn’t think the preparation was necessary at all, but he didn’t argue. Not at first. He was trying to be good because being good came with rewards. He let Taehyung take the lead, and he just accepted what he was given.

“Do you think your stamina will be able to hold up now that you’re transformed?” Taehyung asked. “Or do you think this pregnancy has still got you weak?”

“I...hah...Taetae, I don’t know,” Jimin tried his best to form words despite his as Taehyung shoved his fingers right into his prostate.

“I really like it when you call me Taetae,” Taehyung hummed, and he pressed a kiss to the backside of Jimin’s thigh this time. “No one else calls me that. They’re all too formal with me.”

Jimin didn’t know what to say in response to that, but he liked the cute little nickname, too. He liked having that special name that only he could call his husband by.

Jimin couldn’t think of a response as he was completely distracted by Taehyung’s fingers up his and his lips on Jimin’s thighs. Then he stopped touching Jimin altogether.

“How can I resist you, you are so perfect?” Taehyung questioned as he pulled his fingers out from Jimin’s , and he started to remove his own tie.

“Wait, Taetae,” Jimin panted as he pushed himself up from the desk, and he slid down to the floor. He stepped toward his husband, grabbed Taehyung’s tie, and dragged him closer. “Let me do it.”

“Yeah, okay.” Taehyung sighed as Jimin worked at undoing his tie and pulling it off his neck.

Jimin worked his way down, unfastening the buttons of Taehyung’s shirt, and he pressed kisses along Taehyung’s jaw and down his neck and chest.

“Okay, that’s y,” Taehyung breathed, but he grabbed Jimin’s elbows to stop him. “I just want to you.”

“Then let me do this—ah,” Jimin winced when Taehyung’s palms heated up on his elbows, and he pulled back.

Without a word, Taehyung kicked off his shoes as he finished removing his own shirt, and he pulled his pants off, undressing until he was completely .

He sat in the desk chair, his standing up large and proud as he it softly and smiled at Jimin. “Are you ready for this?” He asked, causing Jimin’s breath to hitch.

Jimin didn’t offer a word of response this time, and he walked over to the chair. He climbed up onto Taehyung, digging his knees into the chair as he nuzzled himself into Taehyung’s lap as much as possible.

“God, I wish I could have ed you on our wedding night,” Taehyung sighed. He placed a hand on Jimin’s stomach, his finger tip tracing circles around Jimin’s belly button. “You were so beautiful in that dress.”

“I still have it, you know,” Jimin whispered as he lined his up with Taehyung’s . “May I?” He asked for permission before sinking down. When Taehyung nodded, Jimin lowered himself down with a little whimper, Taehyung stretching him out just a little more than he was prepped for. “I’d wear it again if you wanted me to.”

Taehyung gripped Jimin’s hips hard, keeping him in place. Neither of them was moving, and it was torture for Jimin. “Oh, I think I might have you wear it once,” Taehyung assured him. “I was really looking forward to soiling that pretty dress while making an even bigger mess of you.”

Jimin whimpered and wiggled his hips as much as he could in Taehyung’s hold, desperate for him to do something. “Taetae, please, I need you to make a mess of me right now,” Jimin begged, but his words mostly came out in needy little pants.

Jimin could tell that Taehyung was raising his own body temperature when his thighs and started burning a little, and Jimin tried to counter it by lowering his own body temperature. The difference in their temperatures caused steam to rise between them again, Jimin wondered how much it would take for them to fill the entire room with steam.

Taehyung’s hands slipped away from Jimin’s hips and back to Jimin’s . He gripped Jimin’s cheeks and pressed them together as he lifted and lowered Jimin back on him. It was a slow motion at first, and had had Jimin softly along with Taehyung’s low groans as he was lowered back down on Taehyung’s . Jimin adjusted his position just a bit as his leg started cramping, and Taehyung ed forward at the same time, forcing a louder moan from Jimin.

“I’ve almost forgotten how beautiful you sound,” Taehyung pulled Jimin down so that their lips brushed against each other as he spoke. “Make me wait this long to you again, and I won’t be letting you off this easily.”

“But you will,” Jimin assured him, and he gripped Taehyung’s shoulders, steam rising from the contact, as he adjusted his hips again. “You’re weak, so you’ll always let me off easily.”

“Excuse me?” Taehyung challenged, furrowing his brows up at Jimin. He placed his hands under Jimin’s thighs again for support, and he stood up, moving forward so fast that he practically shoved Jimin against the desk. Jimin let out a little yelp at the pain, and Taehyung was quick to make sure he soothed it. “Who are you calling weak?”

“Y-you,” Jimin answered. He tried to add more to his response, but Taehyung stopped his words short by ing into Jimin at just the right angle to get him to moan more than he could speak. “You are so weak. You can try to resist me to punish me, but you’re too weak.”

Jimin only continued teasing Taehyung because he like how rough he got with him upon hearing Jimin’s words. He liked it when Taehyung was rough with him. Like he is now. Pounding relentlessly into Jimin like he’s not afraid to break him.

“Really? You don’t think I can resist you?” Taehyung asked. He gave a few more hard s before pulling out and leaving Jimin alone on the desk, and Jimin whimpered at the loss of contact and shivered thanks to the loss of Taehyung’s warmth. “Let’s see which of us is the weak one.”

Jimin kept his body temperature low on purpose now. He allowed himself to filled chilled to the point of shivering, and he could see the cold steam rising from his own skin as he shuddered. “Taetae,” He whimpered, knowing exactly how to get Taehyung to lose this one. “Taetae, please. I’m cold.”

At first, Taehyung didn’t fall for it. He didn’t seem to take Jimin seriously, which didn’t work in Jimin’s favor. He smirked as if he took it as his own victory, but Jimin kept it up—keeping his temperature low enough that the cold steam kept rising off of his body and kept him shivering.

“Sweet, Jimin,” Taehyung whispered, and he stepped forward so that he was close enough to Jimin’s cheek, more steam rising at the point of contact. “How do you manage to be so cold in depth of Underland?”

Jimin pushed himself up so that he was sitting on the desk, looking at Taehyung face-to-face, and another chill rolled down his spine. “I need you to make me warm again,” Jimin whispered as he wrapped his arm around Taehyung’s neck. “Fill me with your and make me warm again.”

“, Jimin,” Taehyung groaned, and his hands slipped under Jimin’s thighs.

Jimin’s ankles hooked around Taehyung’s waist as he was pulled off the desk, and Taehyung lowered them both down onto the floor—himself positioned on top of Jimin so that Jimin was wrapped in his warmth and the warmth from the floor. In one quick , Taehyung was inside Jimin once again.

“Looks like you’re the weak one,” Jimin murmured, nibbling on Taehyung’s ear, smirking in victory.

“What—oh, you, Jimin,” Taehyung said, ing harder into the omega demon.

“You already are,” Jimin chuckled, and he bucked his hips to meet each in. “And you’re doing it so well, too.”

Steam filled the room as Taehyung ed them both over the edge, and it looked like a sauna  by the time that they were finished—Taehyung releasing his load in Jimin’s and pulling out to collapse next to him on the ground. “That was….good,” Taehyung panted, an exhausted smile spread across his lips. He rolled over just slightly so that he could face Jimin and cup one of his cheeks in his large hand. “You lasted longer than usual. Almost as long as me.” He added and pressed a kiss to Jimin’s plump lips.

“Just think,” Jimin whispered, and he nuzzled closer to Taehyung, letting out a comfortable sigh as the alpha demon wrapped his arm around him. “Maybe I’ll last longer than you when I get my strength back from this baby.”

Taehyung giggled as if Jimin’s idea was only possible in a dream, and he peppered Jimin’s hair with kisses. “I doubt that, but we’ll see.” Taehyung hummed.

“What are we going to name him?” Jimin asked, placing a hand on his stomach. He couldn’t wait until he could actually feel the baby in there.

“Well, I was thinking we could name him after my parents,” Taehyung said, “Namseok or something like that. Unless you wanted to name him after your parents—”

“No,” Jimin easily decided. “I wouldn’t give them that honor.”

“Namseok, then?” Taehyung asked.

Jimin thought about it. He liked the sound of Namseok, and it would be nice to name him after his grandparents. Then another thought crossed Jimin’s mind. “What if it’s a girl?” He asked, to which Taehyung laughed.

“He’s not going to be a girl,” Taehyung assured him as if Jimin’s thoughts were the most absurd thing ever. “He’s a demon. There’s no such thing as a female demon.”

“There could be female ice demons,” Jimin pointed out. He didn't know anything about ice demons himself, so it could be possible.

“I don’t think there are female ice demons, Jimin,” Taehyung shot that idea down.

“And why not?” Jimin needed to know.

“Because you, an ice demon, are pregnant,” Taehyung pointed out, “If there were female ice demons, there’d be no need for the males to become pregnant.”

Taehyung did have a point there. “Well…” Jimin said in thought, “What if he is an ice demon?”

“He’s not an ice demon,” Taehyung stated, “Hoseok already tested it, and he said there’s no doubt that our baby is a fire demon.”

“Part fire demon,” Jimin suggested. “It could be possible. What if he’s half-fire and half-ice? Would we name him after two fire demons?”

Taehyung was quiet for a moment after Jimin suggested that possibility. He threw an arm over Jimin’s waist as he gave it some thought. “That’s possible,” He said, “So if he’s half-ice demon as well, what then? We name him after both of us?”

“Where did you get your name?” Jimin wondered, “Your grandparents?”

“My grandparents are gods,” Taehyung stated. Jimin shouldn’t have been as surprised from that revelation as he was, but he didn’t really pay much attention in his studies when he was human, “Namjoon doesn’t talk about them. He was banished here with the rest of the demons before I was even thought of. If I was named after them, I wouldn’t know about it.”

Jimin didn’t know what to say in response to that, so he didn’t say anything. He just hoped that Taehyung would say something else.

“If our baby is half-ice, too,” Taehyung finally spoke again, “I think Jihyung would be cute.”

“Jihyung,” Jimin repeated the name, and he smiled. “I like it. Let’s go with that.”


The next time Jimin saw Taehyung’s parents was at dinner that evening, and Namjoon didn’t seem like himself when the meal started. He was normally kind of tense, but there was something about him that was off. It was a different kind of tense. It almost seemed like he was on edge, waiting for something to happen, and it was making Jimin nervous.

“How has this pregnancy been treating you?” Namjoon asked, deciding to start with that topic as conversation at the table. It had been a few days since he last saw Jimin, so he hadn’t been able to stay up to date much.

“It’s good,” Jimin said, cutting into a piece of meat. “I mean, I don’t have the energy I know I should, but Hoseok says that’s probably normal since I’m an ice demon trying to grow a fire demon. If I start to feel too bad, he wants to take a look and make sure everything is okay. He’s doing what he can with what little he knows.”

Namjoon nodded. “That’s good. Hoseok’s a good doctor,” He stated, a relieved smile on his face. “You’ve got the best hands in Underland to take care of you. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to let me know.”

“Thank you,” Jimin said with a small nod.

“And what about your powers?” Namjoon asked. “How have you been doing, learning about those?”

“Oh, I think he’s starting to get the hang of it,” Taehyung answered for Jimin, a small smirk on his face that Jimin couldn’t understand the meaning behind—or that he’d rather not understand the meaning behind at the dinner table. “I’m going to start training him tomorrow. I don’t know everything ice demons should be capable of, but I’m hoping it’s just the opposite of our abilities. Either way, I’m sure we’ll figure it out together.”

“Don’t try overworking him, now,” Namjoon warned. “He needs to save his strength if he’s going to survive this pregnancy.”

“I know...I just…” Taehyung seemed at a loss for words—which was something that rarely happened. He always had some kind of response to everything; witty, ridiculous, or serious. Even if it wasn’t always the right thing to say, he always had something to say. “I don’t want to overwork him. Just help him increase his power so that it might be easier for him.”

“As long as he has regular checkups with Hoseok, it should be fine,” Seokjin agreed. “I think understanding how to maintain his temperature will be helpful when the baby comes.”

“And there is one more thing…” Namjoon said, his tone heavy. “I’m assigning a royal guard to keep watch on you at all times. This will go in effect tomorrow.”

“Me?” Jimin asked, pointing to himself. He was confused, wondering if he had done something to cause Namjoon’s trust to falter. “Why do I have to have a guard? I’m with Taehyung throughout most of the day.”

“Unfortunately, I do not know enough to share all of the details with you at this moment,” Namjoon apologized. “Just know that I’m doing this for your safety.”

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I am currently working on the second chapter. Sorry it's taking so long~ T^T


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XueXing #1
Chapter 5: Finally the sequel that I have been waiting for, which I just managed to find a time to read. Love it. I love Jihyung here, though he is too matured-like as a kid but o well, I still like it. I am wondering if you will make another story base on this but with Jihyung, his little brother, Minki and Hyunki as the main focus. It would be awesome but if you couldn't, then that is fine with me. =D
Chapter 5: Will you ever continue this story? I feel like it ended so soon and I just love the dynamics you created. It’s really a one of a kind story and I want more!!!!
suga_baby #3
Chapter 5: the end... but i don't want iy to end.. it's so soon.. wish that there was more chapters.. thank you authournim for sharing this amazing stories to us.
suga_baby #4
Chapter 4: omg.. this tory is so nice...?
Chapter 5: OH MY GOSH SO MANY BABIES! I love it—Jimin is getting so feisty. Can’t wait for more! Thanks for the update!
Zayneer #6
Chapter 5: OMG. Our dear yoongi with twinsies!!! Awwwww. And LOL our mochi is pregnant again. Good luck in finding a way to kill taetae.
Wonder if jimin's mum and brothers are behind this possible instigation of war. Wont be surprising if it's them.

Thanks for the update! :)
hara89 #7
Chapter 5: I really miss this vmin ship so much! Is that complete already? *Really sad*. Btw, thank u so much for updating authornim!!
Chapter 4: I hope you update soon! I miss getting updates for this story!!!
Zayneer #9
Chapter 4: Omg. Thank you for no complications during the pregnancy. I think I will cry if anything happened.
But awwww babiessss! Can alr imagine how cute jihyung will be.

Thanks for the update! :)
Khaireen #10
Wow i love your story. that baby must be cute like their parents