Part 1

A Pact of Fire and Ice

Thank you all so~ much for patiently waiting for this chapter! If you have not read the first story (linked in the description) I highly recommend you do that to understand what's going on in this. 



“If this baby is a fire demon,” Hoseok said, “There is a possibility that giving birth to it could kill Jimin.”

The words left the doctor’s mouth and left a heavy silence in the air. Neither Jungkook nor Yoongi moved from their chairs, and not a word was exchanged between Jimin and Taehyung. It stayed like that for a solid minute before anyone decide to break the deafening silence.

“Is there anything we can do?” Taehyung was the first to speak, but Jimin barely recognized the sound of his voice with the amount of worry laced in his tone.

Hoseok didn’t seem to have an answer right away. He sighed, and sounded completely defeated. “Nothing that we know of at this moment,” Hoseok stated, “Of course, Yoongi and I will work to see if we can figure something out.”

“And if not?” Jimin needed to know what other options they had in mind. He wasn’t going to let them keep all options a secret from him and decide something on their own.

“There’s only one thing we can do,” Hoseok’s tone was heavy, “And that would be to kill it before it can kill you.”

“That’s not happening,” Jimin assured them, and he placed a hand protectively on his stomach. “If you can’t find an answer, you better let me die before you hurt this child.”

“Jimin,” Taehyung said, and Jimin snapped his head up to look at his husband. Was Taehyung trying to tell him that he’d rather lose their child?

Jimin let go of Taehyung’s hand, and he took a step back. He couldn’t believe Taehyung would think something like that. He didn’t need to say anything, Jimin could read it in his tone.

“What?” Jimin asked when Taehyung didn’t say anything more after uttering Jimin’s name. “You would kill our child to keep me from dying?”

Jimin was well-aware that he married a demon, but he hadn’t realized how evil Taehyung actually was. He stood there with an expression that only showed that he’d do anything to keep Jimin alive—even if it meant the death of their child. “I can’t lose you,” Taehyung told him. “It took thousands of years to find you, and I’m not going to let you go. I can’t lose you, Jimin.”

“Well, I can’t lose him,” Jimin demanded, tears falling from his eyes. “This is our child, Taehyung. How can you say—“

The doors to the dining hall swung open, and Seokjin walked into the room with such grace that proved he had no idea what he was walking in on—or that he was just as evil as his son, if he did have a clue. “It’s time to cut the wedding cake,” Seokjin offered a smile, as if he didn’t mean to disturb anything.

Jimin snatched his hand away when Taehyung tried to reach for it. He could feel all the eyes on him, but he didn’t care. He had only been married to Taehyung for a short few minutes, and he was already regretting it when he had been so sure of it before. “I’m not in the mood,” Jimin said, and he turned to run out of the room.

“Jimin,” He heard Taehyung say after him. “Jimin!” Jimin didn’t stop. He left from the dining hall, and he ran all the way up to the bedroom.


A soft tap and, “Jimin?” It was Yoongi’s voice, slightly muffled outside of the heavy doors of the bedroom. Cerberus lifted his leftmost head from the floor, and snarled at the door. He was always protective over Jimin, but he seems to be more protective ever since Jimin got pregnant.

“It’s okay, Cerby,” Jimin said, and he slipped off the bed to open the door. He allowed Yoongi in and poked his head out into the hallway to see if anyone else had come with him.

“It’s just me,” Yoongi said, walking straight to the bed. He sat down and patted an area next to him for Jimin to join. “I told everyone else not to come with me so that we could talk. Just me and you.”

“I’ll bet Taehyung didn’t like that,” Jimin said. He sat cross-legged on the mattress, next to Yoongi.

“He didn’t,” Yoongi affirmed, “But he’s just as mild natured now as he was before getting crowned, so it wasn’t hard to get him to listen.”

“I can’t let them hurt my baby.”

“I understand,” Yoongi stated, and Jimin blinked at him. “Trust me, I do. If it were my baby, I’d be pretty upset, too. And that’s why we’re going to do what we can to make sure everything goes well.” He paused and took a breath before letting it out in a heavy sigh. “I’m sorry to say, though, that Taehyung’s not going to let you go if we can’t figure anything out.”

“Yeah? Well, Taehyung’s not going to have a choice,” Jimin assured the demon.

“You’re not going to have a choice,” Yoongi told him. “Taehyung might be soft for you, but I don’t think he’ll go for this. If he decides he doesn’t want to risk losing you, there’s nothing you can do.”

“Why did you come up here?” Jimin was getting angry now. “Just to tell me that I have to give up my baby, and there’s nothing I can do about it?”

“No, I—”

“Get out,” Jimin demanded, but Yoongi didn’t budge.

“Jimin, I just wanted—”

“I said get out!” Jimin shouted, and Cerberus stood from his resting position to growl at Yoongi.

“Alright, alright,” Yoongi gave in, standing from the bed and holding his hands up in surrender. “I’m leaving, but you should probably come back down to the party. It’s considered rude for the guest of honor to skip out.”

“Go,” Jimin demanded, the word leaving his mouth in an icy cold breath that evaporated into the air.

Without another word, Yoongi left from the room. That was one less demon that Jimin had to worry about, but he was still left with Cerberus. If there was one thing that Jimin couldn’t stand about this dog, it’s that he wouldn’t leave Jimin alone. Jimin wanted to get out of the castle, but that would be impossible with Cerberus here.

“Hey, Cerby,” Jimin said, and all three heads turned to him. “I’m going to go out  for some fresh air, okay?” Jimin walked toward the area that opened up to a balcony. “If Taehyung comes looking for me, tell him I’m just out here, okay?”

Cerberus seemed unsure, but he allowed Jimin to exit onto the balcony. Jimin closed the doors behind himself, and he rested on the railing of the balcony. The view in Underland wasn’t exactly anything spectacular to Jimin when he first arrived, but he grew to get used to it. It was interesting seeing fountains of lava illuminating areas around the castle, and the torches that were constantly burning to light the path since they couldn’t rely on the sunlight for that. Just below the balcony of Taehyung’s room, there was a garden of black roses. Black roses didn’t exist in nature on the surface without being genetically mutated to turn out that way, but they grew in gardens down here. They didn’t share the same meaning of death that they did in the human culture—probably because demons were immortal, so death didn’t mean much to them.

It would be easy to get down from here without getting seen. There were enough protruding structures for Jimin to climb down without hurting himself, and no one should have been on the west side of the castle anyway, as the celebrations were all on the east side. If Jimin climbed down, he would have an easy time getting away. After only a second of deliberation, Jimin decided that’s what he would do. He’d climb down and run away. He had a baby to protect, and he wasn’t going to let Taehyung hurt him.

Jimin moved to the wall, and he carefully climbed over the railing. Next, he jumped down on to one of the triangular protruding structures. Once his feet hit the tiles, he started to slip, but he caught himself on the spire and was able to steady himself again. From here, he was able to jump down onto the casing of the lounge window. The drop down from the top of the window, however, was further than Jimin had anticipated, and he was afraid that he’d hurt himself by jumping.

“What are you doing?” It was Taehyung’s voice, and Jimin froze, trying to pretend he wasn’t there. “Jimin,” Taehyung said, and Jimin turned around to see his husband standing on the ground.

“Oh, hey, Taetae,” Jimin said with a giggle. “I was just, uh, getting some fresh air, and...I fell off the balcony?”

“You fell off the balcony?” Taehyung wasn’t amused at all. “That must have been some fall, seeing as how the railing is more than half your height.”

Jimin sat on the flat surface of the window casing, and he crossed his arms and legs in front of him. “Regardless of what happened, I’m stuck up here,” Jimin said, staring down at his husband. “It’s too high, and I can’t get down. How did you know I was out here, anyway?”

“I could sense it,” Taehyung said, but Jimin couldn’t tell if he was being serious. He walked so that he was directly in front of Jimin. “Jump down here, and I’ll catch you.”

“No,” Jimin refused, too afraid to make that jump, regardless of how much he trusted Taehyung—his trust was much lower now, however. “Why don’t you just summon me down there?”

“I already tried,” Taehyung informed him, “I suppose not even the demon king can summon an ice demon at will. You’re going to have to jump.”

“Come up here and get me, then,” Jimin said, his tail swishing back and forth as he challenged Taehyung. “I can’t jump.”

“You don’t trust me?” Taehyung questioned.

“I’m finding it hard to right now,” Jimin admitted. “When you talk so freely of killing our son.”

Taehyung sighed, and he opened his arms up for Jimin. “Jump into my arms, and we’ll talk about this,” Taehyung commanded. “I don’t know what you thought you’d get out of running away. You don’t know how to return to the surface, and Hell is the only safe place for you in Underland.”

Jimin didn’t exactly know what he was supposed to get out of running away either. If Taehyung couldn’t find him, Cerberus would, and they’d just bring him right back. “There’s nothing to talk about,” Jimin said down to Taehyung. “You are not hurting the baby, and that’s final.”

“I’m not planning on it as long as Hoseok and Yoongi can find a solution,” Taehyung assured him, and he opened his arms wider. “Come down h— oh ,” Taehyung grunted when Jimin suddenly jumped down into his arms. He caught Jimin with ease and gently lowered him to the ground.

“Taehyung,” Jimin whispered as he wrapped his arms around Taehyung’s neck. All of the overwhelming emotions were slowly catching up to him, and he didn’t know what to do about it. He was unsure of so many things, but he decided that he shouldn’t be running away from the only one who could help him figure it all out. “I...I’m scared.”

Taehyung sighed, and he wrapped his arms around Jimin’s waist. It felt good to finally admit that. Jimin put on a brave face and lived out his fate on the day that he was given to the demons, and he even went through the whole transformation without admitting that any of it was scary. Now, however, he was scared, and it felt good to say it. Maybe because he knew that Taehyung would take care of it. “I know,” Taehyung said, and it really sounded like he understood. His tone was soft and comforting, but also with hits of worry and regret. “I don’t have any answers right now, but we’ll figure everything out. I promise.”

Jimin didn’t say anything in response. He relaxed in Taehyung’s embrace and enjoyed the demon’s warmth for a moment longer. He had just nearly forgotten about everything involving their current situation when Taehyung pulled away and asked, “Do you want to go back in and cut the wedding cake now?”

Jimin huffed a cute little laugh and nodded. “Yeah, I guess we should do that, huh?”

No one at the party seemed to miss either of them, and their friends were the only ones to acknowledge their return. Jimin didn’t really care much. He didn’t know any of the other demons, apart from Taehyung’s parents, and he doubted that Taehyung was particularly close to any of them. They were only here to celebrate the wedding of their leader.

Seokjin called everyone around to watch Taehyung and Jimin cut the wedding cake together. This was a regular custom in parts of the human world, and Jimin was a little shocked that the same tradition existed even down here in Underland. He held the knife in his hand with Taehyung’s massive hand around his own, and they sliced through the cake, cutting off one piece for them to share. Jimin first fed Taehyung a bite, and then Taehyung fed Jimin a bite.

“Congratulations, Taehyung,” One of the demons interrupted their little moment as others went to grab their own slices of cake. This particular demon had long horns that had a weird curl at the end, and his skin was a darker red than most others around them. Jimin wondered if he liked playing in the pools of lava a little too much. “I didn’t think you were ever going to be happy with a human lover, but here we are.” He put an arm over Jimin’s shoulder, and Jimin’s cheek with his free hand. “You’ve got yourself a precious one, and he turned out to make a pretty demon, too.”

A glance at this demon’s tail told Jimin that he was an omega as well, so he wondered what kind of a history this guy had with Taehyung. It couldn’t have been anything serious since Taehyung said he’s never formed a pact with a demon before.

“Jimin,” Taehyung said, “This is Sungjae. He was initially supposed to be my bride. He was offered to me by his parents when we were young, but he ed up and Namjoon decided that I should have a human bride instead. Good thing, too,” Taehyung swatted Sungjae’s hand away from Jimin’s face. “I like you much better than him.”

“Oh, come on now, Taehyungie,” Sungjae purred, and he stood behind Jimin, placing his hands on either of Jimin’s shoulders and bringing his face right next to Jimin’s so that their cheeks were pressed together. Jimin hated this guy already. “Don’t be like that. We would have been great together.”

“Jae, you’re just lucky Namjoon didn’t execute you after what you did,” It almost sounded like it was painful for Taehyung to say that, and Jimin wondered if he had feelings for this guy at some point. This was quite the conversation to be involved in just after the wedding.

“He didn’t,” Sungjae chirped, obviously not even bothered by whatever happened between them. He let go of Jimin and stepped in front of Taehyung to pet his chin, “Because you begged for my life. You promised to take on a human bride to try and weaken the humans’ bond with the gods, remember?”

“Taehyung,” Namjoon stepped into the conversation, “I need to speak with you for a moment.”

Taehyung turned to Jimin, and he cupped Jimin’s face in his hands. “I have to go,” Taehyung said, “But I’ll be back. Will you be okay by yourself?”

“Yeah, I’m sure Jungkook is around here somewhere,” Jimin assured his husband, knowing that their friend wouldn’t allow anyone to with him while Taehyung was away. “And I can take care of myself.”

“And you,” Taehyung pointed directly at Sungjae’s nose, “No funny business with my husband. You understand?”

“Don’t worry!” Sungjae chimed, “I wouldn’t dream of doing anything funny to this little cutie here.”

“I...don’t really know how to take that,” Taehyung said, “But I’m serious.”

After that, Taehyung walked away with Namjoon, and it was just Jimin and Sungjae left there. There were many other demons around, but Jimin kind of felt like they were the only two in the room. “What did you mean by Taehyung weakening the humans—”

“All right, listen up,” Sungjae said, his entire demeanor changing in less than a second. He suddenly wasn’t the cute, chirpy omega anymore, and he seemed to have some beef with Jimin. “I know Taehyung is completely smitten with you, and that’s fantastic. Truly. But you are an ice demon, and nothing compared to the beautiful strength of a true demon. There’s no way we’ll accept you as our leader. We may not be able to take Taehyung down, but I don’t think it’d take much—” Sungjae’s hand was engulfed in flames when he brought it up to Jimin’s line of vision, “—for us to melt you down into a little puddle.”

Jimin wasn’t scared. Shocked by the sudden change of behavior, maybe, but he wasn’t scared. Sungjae was one puny omega demon. If it came right down to it, Jimin was sure that he could take him. He didn’t know his full capabilities with his powers yet, but he knew that his ice powers were not to be underestimated by these egotistical fire demons.

“You do not raise a hand to your leader,” Jimin said sternly. He focused his cold energy into the palm of his own hand and grabbed Sungjae’s wrist. The demon winced at the pain and his flames went out, but Jimin didn’t let him pull back. He was shocked by himself now. He didn’t know where that sudden burst of confidence had come from. Maybe the transformation was affecting his personality as he slipped more into the mindset of a demon. “You don’t have to like me, but I’m not going anywhere. Just before he left, I told Taehyung that I can take care of myself. I can take care of myself, so you’re a fool if you think melting me down to a puddle is going to be that easy.”

Okay, ” Sungjae whined, and he jerked his hand free. His fingers were immobilized for a short while until his body heat warmed them enough so that they could move again. “I’ll make sure not to challenge you on my own then. I doubt you could handle several demons at once.”

“Keep making threats like that, and I’ll have Taehyung execute you himself,” Jimin said, dusting his hands together. “He may have begged for your life once, but he wouldn’t hesitate to take it on my account.”

“That’s big talk coming from someone who doesn’t even know the history of that matter,” Sungjae warned.

“It’s true,” Jimin was confident in that. If Taehyung was willing to kill his own child to protect Jimin, then Jimin had no doubt in his mind that he would do the same to some demon he had promised to him milleniums ago. “If you don’t believe me, go on. Make another threat.”

Sungjae snarled at Jimin before turning on his heels to walk away. Jimin could tell that he had his doubts, and that put a smile on Jimin’s face.


“You know, I’m not really in the mood right now,” Jimin shrugged Taehyung off once they were in the bedroom after the party. According to Seokjin, Taehyung and Jimin were supposed to have ed during the party, but they let the tradition go since Jimin was already pregnant, and they didn’t want to make him uncomfortable. Somehow Jimin always managed to escape those situations.

“That’s fair,” Taehyung was surprisingly okay with the lack of that they had been having for the past couple of days. He hadn’t properly ed Jimin ever since that day when Jimin was adjusting to his new body temperature, but he didn’t seem to be that upset about it. Jimin wondered if he should be upset about Taehyung not being upset. “You’ve had a lot to take in today. Are you feeling okay?”

Jimin sat on the mattress with a sigh, followed by a sigh from Cerberus. He was becoming in tune with Jimin’s emotions. “I don’t know,” Jimin admitted. “I just…”

“How about this,” Taehyung said, and he knelt down in front of Jimin, placing his hands on Jimin’s knees—his red hands really stuck out against the black ruffles of Jimin’s dress. It put him in a very vulnerable-looking, cute position. “Instead of ing to consummate our marriage, we have an honest talk? I feel like we really need it.”

Jimin ran his fingers through Taehyung’s hair. “We do,” Jimin said, “You know everything about me, but...there’s not a lot that I know about you.”

“Well, you have, what? Twenty years of history?”

“Twenty-two,” Jimin corrected him. Two years probably didn’t make much of a difference to a demon, but it did to Jimin.

“Twenty-two. You’d still be a toddler if you were born a demon. I have milleniums on you.” Taehyung pointed out, “You’ll learn all about my history as we build milleniums together. Look at tonight as kind of...a head start.”

“Well, for starters, you never told me about Sungjae,” Jimin was really offended by that secret. He hated to think that Taehyung wouldn’t have told him about a demon that he had been promised, even if it was thousands of years ago. “I was kind of caught off guard by that revelation. What’s the history between you two? What thing did he do that made Namjoon want to execute him? What did he mean—”

“One question at a time,” Taehyung said, and he stood off from the ground. He sat next to Jimin and took his hand into his own. “Sungjae’s fathers promised him to me because of their desire to become part of the noble families in Underland. Namjoon agreed since Sungjae was so pretty, but we were both young at the time. Neither of us had gone through any development, and Sungjae hadn’t even had his first heat yet. When it did happen, Sungjae was supposed to come to me so that I could take care of it, but he let the closest alpha take him instead. It’s not a big deal if an omega lets other demons him, but—it’s kind of similar to you. Since I’m a royal demon, Sungjae was supposed to take my seed to become a royal demon as well. That can’t happen if he lets other demons him before I do.”

“And that pissed Namjoon off?” Jimin presumed.

“Very much so,” Taehyung affirmed. “He wanted to execute Sungjae, but I couldn’t let that happen.”

“Because you loved him?” Jimin questioned.

“Hell no,” Taehyung chuckled. “I cared about him, yes —I care about all of my subjects, but I didn’t love him. I couldn’t let Namjoon kill him because I didn’t love him. I didn’t care that he had given himself to another alpha. It didn’t bother me, and I didn’t think he should have lost his life over something that didn’t ruin mine.”

“Charming,” Jimin hummed. He moved to his side of the bed and made himself comfortable so that he could continue listening to Taehyung talk. “And about you suggesting to marry a human? I thought that was Namjoon’s idea?”

“It was,” Taehyung said, “Before I was ever promised Sungjae, Namjoon had tossed around the idea of me marrying a human. You see, the gods get the humans while they are alive, and we demons only get their souls after they die. Namjoon hoped that, if we could unite the humans and the demons, we could keep the gods from having total control over us because we’d have the humans in life and death. The idea was his. I just said that I wanted to do it because I thought it was the only way to save Sungjae’s life. I was quickly promised another human, and Sungjae was banished from the castle until I found my promised one that’d I’d marry. The fact that I hadn’t seen him in thousands of years is why I didn’t think to tell you about him.”

“And you’re really happy that you ended up with me?” Jimin questioned.

“I didn’t just end up with you, Jimin,” Taehyung assured him, and he settled down next to Jimin. “We were destined to be together. You’re my soulmate.”

“I’m not—”

“When you went missing— twice —both times I had to have Cerberus find you,” Taehyung said. “I didn’t think about it then, but the dog is the only one who can see the strings of fate that binds two souls together. When he searched for you, Jimin, he didn’t have to follow your scent. He just ran straight to you, so I can only assume that’s because he followed the strings.”

“’re happy?” Jimin guessed.

“Happy can’t even begin to describe how I feel about us,” Taehyung said, “There are words that can, but I doubt you’d understand them since they’re in the ancient tongue of the gods.”

Jimin was curious to hear what that sounded like, and he was just about to ask before he remembered something from the party—“Would you...what would you do if Sungjae was threatening me?” Jimin asked.

“Did he threaten you?” Taehyung questioned, suddenly serious.

“No—I mean yes, but I’m not—” Jimin hadn’t thought that question through enough before asking it. He didn’t want Taehyung to get defensive or anything. “It wasn’t a serious threat. It was just something along the lines of how he, and many other demons, would never accept me as a ruler since I’m a puny ice demon.”

“Oh,” Taehyung said, and Jimin was glad that they cleared that up so easily. “I wouldn’t worry about that. They’ll gain respect for you when they realize how powerful you are.”

“I’m not powerful,” Jimin said with a frown. He had never successfully done any damage to the demons down here. He could only freeze them temporarily, but they could easily burn him and do some real damage. “Ice can’t beat fire.”

“I saw you with those guys who attacked you,” Taehyung said, “That was just the beginning of your strength. When you get used to it, you’ll be unbeatable.”

“I don’t think—”

“Here,” Taehyung said, holding out his arm. “Do to me what you did to them.”

What? ” Jimin shrieked. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

Taehyung’s laugh was slightly offensive because it seemed like he was saying as if you could hurt me. “It’s not going to hurt, Jimin,” Taehyung said, shoving his arm at Jimin. “Do it.”

Jimin tried it for the second time that night. He focused all of his cold energy into the palm of his hand, and he grabbed onto Taehyung’s wrist. The devil didn’t even flinch when Jimin grabbed onto him, but it slightly burned Jimin’s palm and the pain only got worse as Jimin brought his temperature lower. Unlike the other demons, Taehyung still had full control over his hand and fingers as Jimin brought his temperature down.

“Doesn’t it hurt?” Jimin asked with a wince as he pulled his hand back, unable to stand the burning pain of Taehyung’s wrist.

“Not at all,” Taehyung said, and he grabbed Jimin’s hand so that he could look at the palm. “Does it hurt you?”

“Just now, yeah,” Jimin said, “But not when I did it before.”

“Well, I’m more powerful than the other demons, so it might not hurt me,” Taehyung said, “But I know you hurt them, and that’s incredible, considering it takes a lot for demons to feel any sort of pain.”

Taehyung’s words were boosting Jimin’s confidence one little bit at a time, and they easily brought a smile to Jimin’s face.

“If we were destined to be together,” Jimin said, changing the subject matter a little. He scooted closer so that he could snuggle into Taehyung’s chest. “Why was I cursed to become an ice demon?”

Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jimin, and he took in a deep breath before letting it out. “My guess?” Taehyung said, and he pressed a couple of kisses to Jimin’s hair, “We were destined to conquer the world together.”

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I am currently working on the second chapter. Sorry it's taking so long~ T^T


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XueXing #1
Chapter 5: Finally the sequel that I have been waiting for, which I just managed to find a time to read. Love it. I love Jihyung here, though he is too matured-like as a kid but o well, I still like it. I am wondering if you will make another story base on this but with Jihyung, his little brother, Minki and Hyunki as the main focus. It would be awesome but if you couldn't, then that is fine with me. =D
Chapter 5: Will you ever continue this story? I feel like it ended so soon and I just love the dynamics you created. It’s really a one of a kind story and I want more!!!!
suga_baby #3
Chapter 5: the end... but i don't want iy to end.. it's so soon.. wish that there was more chapters.. thank you authournim for sharing this amazing stories to us.
suga_baby #4
Chapter 4: omg.. this tory is so nice...?
Chapter 5: OH MY GOSH SO MANY BABIES! I love it—Jimin is getting so feisty. Can’t wait for more! Thanks for the update!
Zayneer #6
Chapter 5: OMG. Our dear yoongi with twinsies!!! Awwwww. And LOL our mochi is pregnant again. Good luck in finding a way to kill taetae.
Wonder if jimin's mum and brothers are behind this possible instigation of war. Wont be surprising if it's them.

Thanks for the update! :)
hara89 #7
Chapter 5: I really miss this vmin ship so much! Is that complete already? *Really sad*. Btw, thank u so much for updating authornim!!
Chapter 4: I hope you update soon! I miss getting updates for this story!!!
Zayneer #9
Chapter 4: Omg. Thank you for no complications during the pregnancy. I think I will cry if anything happened.
But awwww babiessss! Can alr imagine how cute jihyung will be.

Thanks for the update! :)
Khaireen #10
Wow i love your story. that baby must be cute like their parents