Sorting Things Out

Falling For You

               Soon enough our lips parted. You could hear our heavy breathing as we struggled to regain our normal breathing patterns. We stood there with our foreheads touching staring into each other’s eyes. I couldn’t quite pin point when I fell in love with Henry, all I knew is that I was in love with this person, and he loved me back, and right now that is all that mattered.

“Henry, I think we should go back to the dorm really soon…”

“Really, why is that?”

“Henry, look at what I am wearing.”  I watched as Henry slowly surveyed my outfit. He soon realized the fact that I was standing there on the banks of the Han River in pajama shorts, Uggs, a parka, and my hair in a ponytail.

“Oh. Right. Let’s go back then. The members must be worried if you came bolting out of there dressed like this.”

Henry then grabbed my hand and we slowly walked back towards the dorm, hand in hand, as the sun rose over the banks of the Han River.

As soon as we arrived back into the dorm we were greeted with an empty dorm. As we walked through the now much quitter and empty dorm, I spotted a note left on the counter top.

“To Raph-ssi,
The members and I have left for today’s schedule. Raph-ssi don’t worry about today’s outfits I have made sure that everything looks good. Sort things out with Henry before tonight. Don’t forget about your filming with Strong Heart.
Sincerely, Prince Manager

I chuckled as I read the note realizing that I was pretty much given a day off. I walked to the kitchen as I watched Henry walk towards the couch and plant himself in front of the TV.

“Henry, Have you eaten yet?”

“No, not yet.”

“What do you want to eat then? I’ll make us breakfast.”

“Hmmm… What about eggs and bacon?”

“Okays, that sounds yummy to me “

I get to cooking and as I was I suddenly felt a pair of arms snake around my waist. I felt Henry’s chin fall on my shoulder and he pulled himself flush against me. I suddenly felt my temperature rise and my heart quicken. My senses heightened as I tried to pay attention to what I was doing. But, instead I could only feel the heat coming from the stove and the heat coming of Henry’s body pushed against mine.

“That smells really good~”

“Hmm well why don’t you go and set the table since I am almost done here”

 As he let go of me I regained more composure and was able to finish cooking faster than if he had continued to cling onto me. We sat down in front of each other and began to eat our food. I suddenly had an overwhelming sense of normalcy. It no longer felt like I was sitting in the dorm of one most famous boy bands in the world. Instead I was just sitting there having a breakfast with what I would assume is now my boyfriend.

“So Henry, I have a question to ask you…”   

Henry then lifted his head as he was eating a piece of bacon. I waited for him to finish eating the piece of bacon and watching as it slowly disappeared into his mouth. To be honest I feel very wary of answer though. For some reason I don’t know if we could even be what I think we are. Him an idol, me a normal person, the both of us being guys too. I don’t even know if we could ever be what we are in public, it could mean the end of his career if we did.

“Henry… what are we now? Are we dating or what?” I asked him as he continued to stare at me.

“Well isn’t it obvious that we are together now?” He answered to me with this cute “duh” look.

“So does that mean you’re my boyfriend now?”  I asked staring down at my last few pieces of bacon. Pushing it around out of anxiety.

“Yes, I’m your boyfriend now” Henry chuckled as he answered me. I heard his chair pull back and then the next thing I knew I felt his hands on my face as he tilted my face towards his and he stared right into my eyes.  

“Look, Raph the only thing that’s important right now is that I love you and you love me back. I don’t care about labels I can be your boyfriend or partner or whatever you want to call me. I don’t care about that I just care that there is an “us”.”

“But, Henry what about your career though? You’re an idol and this, this Korea your career would be shot dead if the press gets hold if this.”

“Then we can keep this on the down low just tell the members and no one else. If we go out just the two of us we can always make the excuse that we are just friends.”

“How long can we keep that up though? I mean what if one day you realize that I am simply just holding you down. Henry we’ve only known each other for a few days and you’re willing to risk career on me. That’s ridiculous. Henry, you have to realize there a certain things that I can’t give you in this world. A family, children of your own, dating in public, I can’t give you those things.”

At this point I start tearing realizing just to what extent of a burden I am going to be in Henry’s life. As my tear spill over Henry uses his thumbs to wipe away my tears.

“We will cross those bridges when we get to them. For now let’s just focus on us. Please don’t cry, I really don’t like it when you cry.”

I chuckled as I looked into his now smiling face.

“Henry, since I have the day why don’t we go on our first date? We just need to be back here by 5pm though.”

“That sounds like an excellent idea.”

Henry and I spent the rest day exploring more of Seoul. We explored Cheongdamdong where the dorm was located. First we walked around the street taking in the sites before heading into one of the dozens of café’s there for some coffee and lunch before heading to the SM building in Apujeong.  I stood in awe as we walked through the front entrance and I saw the SM building for the first time since I got to Korea. We entered the building quickly from the back entrance avoiding many of the fans and tourists that were there in front.  Henry showed me his creativity booth. He calls it that since that was where he worked on his songs. He also told me about how management was planning on letting him go solo but he said that it was far off in the future. He continued his tour of the building before we came a across the wardrobe and costume department. I knew that next week after the first initial comeback of A-cha that I would be setting up my office here. As we were leaving the department we ran into an unexpected character.

“Hello Henry, Raph-ssi…” I turned around and there right in front of me was Lee Soo Man one of the founders and pioneers of SM Entertainment and of Hallyu.

“I… I… I…” I stood the like gaping finishes meanwhile Henry and him were all like.

“SAMCHEON!!!” Henry yelled and promptly gave him a hug.

“Samcheon, what are you doing here?”

“I was just simply checking the preparations for the concert in Madison Square garden in a few weeks. What are you and Raphael-ssi doing here?”

“Oh I was simply giving him a tour of the building.”

“Really, so Raphael-ssi what do you think do you like your office.” I quickly bowed to him and answered back.

“Ah, Neh there very nice. Thank you Lee Soo Man-ssi for giving me such a large place to work in and for this opportunity to be working here at SM Entertainment.”

“It no big deal, as long as you continue to do what we hired you there should be no problems. How was the recording last night? I heard that there will be one more tonight.”

“It was great! No problems and it was very entertaining.”

“Good to hear. Anyways, I need to heading back to the office now.”

Henry and I bid good bye to him before we had realized that it was half past 4pm already and we needed to head back to the dorm.   Henry and I headed back to the dorm and by the time we got back to the dorm all of the members were there already. As soon as we arrived we caught the attention of the members. Leeteuk turned around face us and crossed his arms.

“Well you two look friendly now. Care to tell us what happened?”

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Chapter 21: Hooo Leeteuk umma is here !! glad Henry and Raph are now together :D
update soon author-ssi
gatau-- #2
seems interesting
Chapter 20: Omg omg omg omg. I just found this and I'm dying.
Chapter 20: oh my sweet moses, I loved it :D....-happy tears-...^^
Chapter 20: awe, I loved it :D...please update soon!
Chapter 20: Henry got the wrong idea poor babe ... raph should explain X[ <3
Chapter 19: I think raph should have just said what he was thinking and not tell Henry all those harsh words cuz he was the one who made Henli fall for him XDDD , so he ended hurting both of them ... I think donghae is someone you can trust so Raph did the best thing when he opened up to him , I think raph should listen to whatever hae will say cuz ... he knew better ?? don't know X] thanks for the update <3
Chapter 18: NOOOOOOOOORaph ... why ? *sad* juste tell Henry what you really feel .
can't wait for the whole chapter :'(
Chapter 16: Ohh Henli ... did you .. did you just kiss raph and leave ?? that's so cute I really want to read what would happen next , can't wait !!! x)
Chapter 15: Oh my!!!! I can't wait 4 the next update!!!! Ohh who's "Him"?!! And will 'he' make henry jealous?! Kyaa update soon!!